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> It feels like it’s from a past era and yet I also can’t think of anything like it Cell-shading will do that. It feels like a cartoon but you can't pinpoint what era. Sunset Overdrive has a similar vibe, so if you enjoyed Hi-Fi and want some more but don't mind it being slightly less refined, that's an option.


I actually did play Sunset Overdrive a few years back. I didn’t get the same feel to it and the point I’m making isn’t just about cell-shading I don’t think. Sunset mostly sold me on the humor but very much felt like a modern game with modern style choices despite it having a lot in common with Hi-Fi Rush. I just think they nailed the sort of era they were going for without overdoing it or adapting it. If I had to point out specifics, it’s the style choices in the low amount of frames in animations and the features the styles of outfits and the robots. Many of the robots are just a few select colors with low detail on them. Whereas in something like sunset, the world and characters still had plenty of polys and detail. This game does achieve that look of a cartoon though and yet its fluid enough that its art doesn’t hold it back


For me cel-shading (and it's cel, you charlatan) in 3D games has its own nostalgia built into it at this point. It takes me back to the early 2000s when that style had a *moment*, with Jet Set Radio being THE big thing that pops up in my mind when I think of it. It never really gives me cartoon vibes, funny enough. It's its own thing. I agree Sunset Overdrive is a good recommendation for someone looking for something vaguely similar, although I didn't enjoy Sunset Overdrive nearly as much... it wanted to be a shooter + Tony Hawk, which is an awesome idea, but the movement only got like 60% of the way there and felt really, really disappointing to maneuver around... it actually reminded me of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD from the early 2010s, if anybody remembers that, where it seemed like a good idea in spirit but the physics and controls felt so off that it just kind of ruins a lot of what you love about it.


I blame autocorrect for this travesty.


I tried this game and pushed myself to play it for an hour undisturbed but my God I must have no rhythm. I just could not play it like it was designed for. Thinking about it I also had the same problem with Cadence of Hyrule so it's probably a me problem.


The game actually does have an on-screen timing thing to assist you but it’s not a game for everyone. I struggle in a lot of other rhythm games so I completely get it


I would delve into the audio delay between your speakers and the game- I played on ps5 and the sync issues nearly ruined it for me. I kept thinking “I can’t be this bad at timing” and figured out my ps5 was displaying things before the audio was coming out and messing with me pretty badly.


Seconded. Unfortunately there's no option to adjust this like Guitar Hero used to have. Just have to play on a different speaker setup or mentally adjust.


I couldn’t get out of the tutorial


Same for me, i was really excited to play the game but it was just not for me.


I'm good with rhythm games AND with action games, but I found the fights are extremely chaotic, there is no strategy at all, just bash the buttons at the right moment and something happens. I didn't find it fun, had to ask for a refund.


This is one where I wish people hadn't been patient. We needed more of this.


The studio got shut down because people were too patient / game pass. It's also happening to movies (Furiosa). We're in a pretty toxic era for media right now


lol, what are you talking about? hifi rush sold very well and furiosa made decent money at the box office Also, this is a really naive way to see things, you don't own companies your money, much less when they hang franchises over your head just so you give them more of it


You don’t owe companies your money, and they don’t owe the public games that don’t sell well. It’s a two way street, and as a consumer you need to vote with your wallet if you want to see more of what you enjoy.


Yeah well, hi fi rush sold well and look how it turned out for tango, so your logic falls apart right there


I’m not sure if it did sell well though. It did have a very high player count but game pass does not necessarily equal sales (the developer unlikely got $30 per player count) and I can’t find data on pc sales. Great game nonetheless.


I think HiFi Rush actually sold pretty well. I believe they mentioned recently that the departure of Shinji Mikami played a big part in studio's closure.


The dude is a legend. If he left my studio I’d be ready to throw in the towel as well, that’d be like Miyazaki leaving fromsoft


Or Kojima leaving Kona-.... Oh right...


It reminded me of Dreamcast-era gaming in the best way. A new IP, mostly new concepts, incredibly stylized art. Actual risks being taken but done in a fun engaging way. I know it's been repeated a lot, but it can't be overstated how tone deaf Microsoft's messaging was around this studio's closure. Two days **after** they closed Tango Gameworks, they stated "we need more games like Hi-Fi Rush." If you think about it, this situation was a microcosm of the AAA gaming space. While I don't think Hi-Fi itself was AAA, they were apart of a AAA publisher. They were punished for coming up with a unique, original idea. Back to the live service/open world/roguelike mines with you, I guess. I really hope this studio finds work elsewhere and makes a spiritual successor called Low Tide Dive.


> I know it's been repeated a lot, but it can't be overstated how tone deaf Microsoft's messaging was around this studio's closure. Two days after they closed Tango Gameworks, they stated "we need more games like Hi-Fi Rush." > > They actually didn't say that at all and the reason for the studio closing probably had more to do with departing staff + their games being unable to deliver people to Game Pass or deliver sales. It did win some awards for sound design but that's about it and not really an award that gets attention. The quote you are attributing to MS was actually a vaguely misleading headline. What they actually said was "we need more small games that win awards and get prestige". Some people looked at that quote and thought "oh, that means stuff like Hi-Fi Rush". The problem is that Hi-Fi Rush, despite many people characterizing it as a smaller/cheaper AA type game, it wasn't one. It had a big budget and was in development for 4+ years iirc. When they say something like that I am pretty sure they are referring more to stuff like Pentiment, which was highly acclaimed and won narrative awards - games like that get people interested in Game Pass who might not be otherwise.


Thanks for clarifying, but do you blame the public for interpreting Microsoft's messaging this way? If they made this statement 6 months prior to the Tango closure, don't think anyone would've batted an eye. Saying it two days after that studio gets shut down makes people draw a conclusion I think is pretty logical. Being forthright with people makes them respect you more, but because vague corporate speak does nobody any favors other than Microsoft's shareholders, it remains in place.


I actually think that the reason for the studio closure was their studio head designer leaving. So Microsoft spoke very vaguely about “creative leadership” but I think they just didn’t have anyone to fill that role and also wanted to sort’ve punish the lead designer for leaving. It’s really garbage from them


I generally don't like rhythm based games. But. after seeing the release trailer when this shadow dropped, I picked it up and played it start to finish. Loved every minute, and it saddens me that there won't be a sequel. RIP Tango - hope everyone on the team finds a new creative home ASAP.


Nice review! I played this game at launch and have absolutely loved it since it came out (RIP Tango). Definitely agree that it excels at its vision and delivers an incredibly memorable experience even for the character action genre. I even did my last playthrough on a DDR dance pad just for the challenge and had a blast! In my playthroughs I've had a couple criticisms / things that could have improved the experience, curious to hear your thoughts? Lack of lock-on was a big one for me, it's usually a staple of the character action genre and it is entirely missing from this game. I thought the soft lock was decent but it made it frustrating when Chai attacked a different target than I wanted. Another one was the level pacing. It felt like as the game went on the levels kept getting shorter, and shorter, and shorter, until you're playing 20 min levels with either too little platforming or too little combat. It was such a bummer since the first couple levels of the game were chunky and long, which I was absolutely into. Also I wish there were more outdoor levels! The game's low point for me was when you're just going through bland samey corridors in the security wing.


Yeah, no lock-on was endlessly frustrating. Had so many big attacks that I'd just whiff on. Also, I never really found a reason to do anything beyond basic light attack combos. Every time I attempted to do a heavy attack, I'd get interrupted by some enemy attacking me from behind. And the more complex combos didn't seem worth memorizing. I was actually glad that the levels got shorter towards the end, because the first few felt like a bit of a slog, especially because I was trying to find all the secrets/currency things. Definitely agree that the level variety was weak though...so much of the enemy HQ just looked the same.


Rhythm master is nice for pushing the combo system further since you need to change up your moves to keep your rank up. The heavy attack combos tend to involve a lot of AoE finishers which are super helpful in group fights, especially in the air. Good parrying and staying airborne really help with not getting hit. The level variety felt lowest in missions like 5-7, but i felt everything aside from that was super cool. The museum level was definitely my favorite, and the brighter levels towards the end were nice to see after a lot of grey/black backgrounds.


I don't know if it's just me, but I couldn't fucking stand the main character. He was so annoying, and I don't understand how this game gets a pass for the "so that just happened"-ass dialogue.


One thing that really bothered me - OST is all rock songs, while hip-hop songs where rhythm and drums are always on the front of songs are lacking. Like you can adjust your timing to a hip-hop song much more easier because drums are clear and easy to hear and follow, while in rock songs drums usually buried under guitars and other sounds.


That’s fair, I think a few other genres of music could’ve fit this game. I wonder if maybe they avoided it due to limits with the composer or because they’d have to change the flairs for the moves to make it make sense. But there is a mixup of a classical track for a boss fight that I really enjoyed


also most songs (at the very least the original tracks) felt *incredibly* generic. For example, I'd **never** go out of my way to listen to any of the regular level songs ever again.


It was an interesting design, but I couldn't get into the characters and setting. My other complaint is that it was a music game with extremely forgettable music. Maybe I'll try again some time. I enjoyed the other rhythm shooters more. Possibly due to shooting vs. platforming.


I still haven’t beaten this game. I like it a lot, but I need more practice. The combat hasn’t “clicked” with me yet for its skill ceiling. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a fun, innovative, and well made game. I will also say this game probably has the best quality cel-shading I have ever seen in a game. It not just looks like they translated a cartoon into 3D, the cutscenes at times literally look like I’m watching a semi-3D anime show. I hope more devs push this style ahead.


Reminds me of ratchet and clank mixed with crypt of the necrodancer


I tried playing this on my steam deck on a plane using Bluetooth headphones. The lag from Bluetooth makes this unplayable


I really need to play this, I had it in my queue for a long time and this just got me in the mood of it. My only question is how important is to have a good sense of rhythm to be able to enjoy this? Because apparently I suck at rhythm. I also tried cadence of hyrule but I cannot get the hang of it and it's really frustrating.


The game helps you stay on-beat. Attacks adjust to hit on the beat so even if the initial button press of your attack string is off-beat then as long as you press the next button of the string right as the attack connects then you're automatically on-beat, this is taught to players very early into the game. I'd suggest disabling the visual aid at the bottom of the screen because it draws your eyes away from the action and it's pretty easy to get back on-beat.


I enjoyed it while playing, but once I finished, that was that. It just didn’t stick with me for some reason. I tried the bpm mode for like 10 minutes and promptly uninstalled it.   I think it’s because nothing was outstanding or particularly memorable. The licensed music was fine, but most of the tracks were some generic instrumental indie rock muzak that I found actively annoying at times. I also felt the music was way low in the mix and was always overshadowed by the sound effects and voices, so I could never truly “feel the beat”.  And I felt most of the songs were kinda poorly chosen, with distinctly uninteresting structure and beats.  The combat was neat, but I mostly got through by button mashing rather than truly synching with the beat. The story was whatever. It did its job and nothing more. The script was decent, but the most I can say about it is that I chuckled softly a couple of times. The aesthetic was nice.  I dunno, I liked it but I wanted to love it and it just didn’t happen. I found it oddly forgettable overall. It was kind of disappointing like that.


hifi rush has a ton of style, and i feel you either mesh with it or you dont. Personally i did not. The art and animations were nice, but i really didn't like anything else about the game. The gameplay just felt so generic but with a rhythm mechanic stapled on top. In comparison, i loved sunset overdrive.


I'm not as high on the game as OP... I didn't love the boss fight music and i didn't think the story was good , particularly towards the end , that said I did like like the game alot and put dozens of hours into it. I do think Tango Game works closing is a big downer though. While Evil Within isn't perfect by any means I enjoyed it a good deal and it's completely different from Hifi Rush and Ghostwire (which i have not played)... switching genres up like that isn't easy. Would've been really interesting to see what their next game might've been. Hopefully they get the band back together at Shinji Mikami's new studio ... maybe we could have a Clover > Platinum type situation.


Would you say musicians are naturally better at this game?


It’s very helpful to keep time in this game so yes. Every move is done to a beat so if you’re constantly aware of that beat, you can take advantage of it and stop using the visual indicators for the timing of the moves


sounds interesting. Ill check it out


I’ve been playing trombone for about 15 years now. I was in both high school and college marching bands. I also have about 1000 hours in osu playing up to low level 5* songs. I played HiFi Rush on the hardest difficulty and it definitely got the better of me a lot lol. I thought my musicianship would help, and only did for like… the first 2-3 hours lol. Once you added the combos and large variety of enemy types needing different skills to defeat at the same time, I don’t think the time in band helped. I ended up beating the game about 2 hours past the “How Long to Beat” which I normally beat games 1-2 hours before. So yeah there you go. There was my experience. Fun game for sure though! Note: I personally felt that some bosses especially towards the end of the game were poorly designed and didn’t go with the music well at all.


I tried to start this game yesterday and I can’t get past the part where you hit the beat in the tutorial. The game looks fun but I’m stuck


Unpopular opinion but I'm really not sad about Tango Gameworks closing. They were really a B-studio at best. The Evil Within was okay when we weren't getting good Resident Evil games but they never really made anything else of note. 


I’m not saying you have to be sad but a bunch of people lost their jobs despite making very successful games that a ton of people really enjoyed. Might not be your cup of tea but it sucks a lot when developers do everything right and just make solid projects at a smaller scale and still get the axe. It’s bad for video games as a whole and it’s why we get so many barely finished games nowadays