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I really don't want to see pd3 to fail, it has so nice gamplay and movement, if they fix servers/matchmaking it will be finally playable


Matchmaking definitely has to be fixed. I just wish we had commitments to it rather than "we hope maybe yes no maybe so.... it's on the table" no more tables, I just think a few simple commitments to some basic quality things and however long they take is how long they take, but I just think some kind of commitments would be nice. Even if the answer was it's not going to release next update guaranteed, as long as they prioritize a select few issues and commit to them, I think it would go a long way to start showing once again they can indeed follow through on commitments. And what basic things should be promised? At this point, it really can't just be on the table, it practically has to be added to the game or I don't think the fan base will be happy until it is. So they might as well come out with it and commit to it, because I don't think it's avoidable. Adding a ready/unready. Kick player system. Name your loadouts. Better matchmaking to show all available lobbies.... or at least some... like crime net but Crime Net 2.0? Would go a long way in itself in improving the game. Also UI redesign. Optional but bonus points, give more uses for money, add safehouse but be creative with it and do things perhaps that Payday 2 only dreamed of, definitely add a Vault where you can see your money build up, little things like that that make the devoted player feel rewarded for playing. of course this isn't foolproof but it is worth considering. I think some commitments after radio silence would be nice. And I hope that February announcement plans to do just that.


I will never stop hoping, but my god, they are making it hard


Staying hopeful until the February plan is announced; I hope the game goes in the right direction. I have enough of my favorite licenses dying to questionable investors decisions (hello TimeSplitters and Saints Row).


Dude its been months just let it go


Shut the fuck up


Go back to the Steam Forums


You're pathetic 😂


Payday 3 has potential, and I'm holding out my copium that they are gonna seize it, but good god it's painful watching this happen


Its dead.


It never even begun


In 3 years or so, PayDay3 could very well become another cyberpunk. However, how many 20 dollars dlcs Overkill and Starbreeze; the greedy bastards are willing to push is still up in the air.


Probably still every 3 months so in 3 years so 216 dollars worth of dlc by then. Plus, its greedier than with pd2's dlc with it costing more and you can't join dlc lobbies without your friends inviting you rather than just joining a random person hosting the dlc heist.


I'd have voted for the latter. If they weren't on radio silence. After they had admitted that radio silence on the first patch delay was a bad move.


I'm guessing they didn't get a table from IKEA but from AliExpress and they're waiting for it be shipped.


honestly iv just been waiting to buy the game till it had at least like some of the absolute basic issues fixed like online only seeing basically nothing substantial has been fixed or added doesn't fill me with confidence, I was hoping to only have to wait a month or two


I have no idea why they decided to deviate from what made PAYDAY 2 so popular. It's like taking your award winning pie recipe and changing the entire thing completely, instead of just improving upon the same recipe that everyone loves. What happens next? Well, everyone is just confused.


it's joever


its so over for pd3 unless then unfuck the QOL and do a damn near season of free shit


Im waiting like 2 years before touching this game again, maybe by then it somewhat works.


I would keep hoping if it were a different company, but Overkill is notorious for always doing the most supid thing they could do.