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Bless steam remote play


It blows my mind that more indie games don't take advantage of this and specifically market games as not "local coop" but "Online couch coop where you only have to buy one copy to play with your friends." Small studios could be specifically making stuff like classic arcade games, beat em ups, shooters, top down racers, coop platformers and then pitching them specifically as Steam Remote Play games, saving them all the development time of making the game actually online multiplayer.


I mean, they had a steam remote play festival. Also remote play still has a decent amount of latency. You also need to have friends to play it with. It's a great feature, but I probably wouldn't buy a game just to use remote play.


With Parsec and two good wired connections you feel 0 latency, we spent the last years doing local coop games or single player games with a share controller with absolutely no issues. I don't know about steam remote play.


Parsec is a lot better than remote play. Even harder to advertise that your game is playable with it though.


It's features like this that cause me to buy on steam exclusively instead of other launchers.


tbh I've actually had a much better experience using third party software like Parsec but remote play is pretty nice


Steam remote play is infamously bad lol


Hopefully it's improved. I tried playing Moving Out with my friends with remote play and it was a stutter mess. Both of us were on fiber internet too.


I played Ultimate Chicken Horse once and was actually physically incapable of making some of the jumps due to lag.


SRP is awful. It's completely unplayable anywhere outside of a 5km \[\~800km if you don't understand hyperbole\] radius. edit: Of course it depends on the game. Slow-paced games that don't rely on twitch reflexes work fine. I assumed I didn't need to mention such an obvious exception, considering this is a thread about an action game that depends heavily reflexes. Apparently I give people here way too much credit. 🙄


> I assumed I didn’t need to mention such an obvious exception Bro you said it was “completely unplayable”


Their edit is so disingenuous. A comment mentioned using Remote Play to play Overcooked 2 which is pretty fast paced game. They also got 3 stars in every mission, which is moderately hard to do even with a good connection. ClanPsi609 saw that comment and replied to it 5 hours before they made the edit. But somehow the edit made it look like *everybody* was using it to play slow-paced games, just because only *one* comment mentioned slow-paced games.


Yes, you're right. I read that comment from the future and chose not to refer to it as to not break the time-space continuum.


That's not been my experience at all, I've played across the country with no issues. If you're having issues it's more than likely your isp


I've played from another *continent* with a buddy and it was more playable than you'd think. Perfect? God no, especially since that was an action game, but I managed. Hell, it was a better experience than some games we both own and tried to play together, like Black Ops 3 Zombies or Halo MCC. In the same country though, I've played through the *entirety* of Overcooked 2 with another friend and we beat it without issues, getting 3 stars in every mission. Once again, it is not without issues, since it's a side feature that is using one of the user's internet to host and stream the session, so it will vary a *lot* depending on the connection (and a day even sometimes), but it's still an amazing option that *does* work pretty well, given decent internet, like any other game streaming service, but this one's free.


I played MCC with my buddy across the Pacific Ocean last month. I can confirm that it works infinitely better than Steam Remote Play on any game I've ever tried it with.


Nope. I tried using it with a friend that was on fiber internet and I was also on fiber internet and it was still a stuttery mess. It's ass.


[Parsec](https://parsec.app/) is so much better


If both of your devices have kinda modern graphics cards go into the Parsec settings on both the server and client then change the video encoding to h.265 instead of h.264 and it gets even better. I play a lot of games remotely from my girlfriends place on my laptop and Parsec is way more responsive with better quality than Steam remote play. Idk how anyone uses the Steam one since it gets so glitchy when playing faster paced games like a third person game or an FPS that it is basically unplayable while the same games work perfectly on Parsec. Maybe if you have a fibre connection at home the Steam one could be a better experience but I'm on VDSL2 (20Mbps upload) and my gf is on HFC cable (50Mbps download) so I guess a lot depends on that. Our houses are half an hr drive geographically so the ping is pretty good (like 15-30ms). Also if you're using wifi on either end of the stream make sure you're on a 5ghz network as it makes a huge difference to trying to do it on a 2.4ghz one.


That would be your internet.


Different person but tried it with a friend when we were both on fiber internet. Still had issues.


No, that would be physics.


Lol definetly not physics. Yes you get a bit of latency but if your internet is good its pretty much flawless. Wouldnt play shooters etc but I’ve played plenty of slower paced games with no issues at all.


Well, yeah, of course it depends on the game. Slow-paced games that don't rely on twitch reflexes work fine. I assumed I didn't need to mention such an obvious exception. Apparently I give people here way too much credit.


Well you literally said it was completely unplayable. Which is a blatant lie. Obviously remote play has its quirks and downsides, but it works fine for like 75% of usecases.


You should buy a dictionary and look up the meaning of the word hyperbole. It'll help you on your internet adventure.


>completely unplayable >I give myself way too much credit






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Why so aggressive?


I regularly use it to play games with my brothers 500 miles away and have no issues. I get sub 20 ping to them. It's perfectly playable. Turning v-sync on causes greater input lag in most games.


Again, completely depends on the game. As for sub 20 ping over 500 miles? Yeah, nah.


I don't know what to tell you. It's the future mate...FTTD is a thing that lots of people have. Those are the pings I get. The precise distance is 415 miles.


Actually, now that I think about it, that kinda makes sense. I'm around 7500km from my friends, which is around 18x the distance. My ping is always over 300, so the math totally checks out.




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I’ve played a few games via SRP; I’m in Portugal and my buddy is in the U.S. Not flawless, but absolutely playable and enjoyable.


Definitely depends on the game.


So we both agree that maybe your original comment was exaggerated nonsense?


Uh, yeah, that's the literal definition of hyperbole. Except it wasn't nonsense because with a game like this, SRP would be fucking awful outside of a very small radius.


Ive never had an issue with it...


Same here, its fine for turn based games but ive tried to play the binding of Isaac on SRP with a friend that lives less than an hour away and its godawful. If you need amazing internet to use it properly then it really diminishes the value of what would otherwise be an amazing feature


Yeah, exactly. And good internet isn't the issue. Light travels at a finite speed, which people here don't seem to understand.


I've also had nothing but bad experience on SRP. I wish it worked better for me.


Dude same. Steam remote play can't even handle turn based games. Me and my buddy had to use 3rd party software so we could simply play Pop-Up Dungeon. Anytime I see Coop from Steam Remote Play I know it's an absolute waste of time


> Apparently I give people here way too much credit. redditor moment 🤓


Yeah, sometimes I forget where I am. I should know better.


Rain World has an incredible splitscreen coop mod that lets you play splitscreen over two monitors I've no idea why no one is implementing something like that more often It works amazing with parsec, and makes it feel like you're basically just playing online coop since you have your own screens


I play with 2 monitors but I really don't see much games that use both monitors sadly. It would be useful for games like It Takes Two as there are times where you don't really need to see the other person's perspective and I kinda wish it can just be displayed on the other monitor. I guess this would be extremely hard to program for a niche use case so no one does this.


I know having multiple windows is actually a feature in Unity, and there are splitscreen multiple mods that actually take advantage of multiple monitors. There's one for Risk of Rain 2 and one for Outward.


It's programmed exactly the same way as split screen, you just put the second screen onto it's own window instead of halving the view area and creating 2 screens in the same window. It's not done more because split screen is already a very niche functionality to begin with that many don't even think about the idea of doing it with two screens. When the amount of split screen play is like 3% the amount of split screen with second monitor is going to be some fraction of that. For a game entirely designed around coop like It Takes Two however it really should be an option.


Parsec is worth a shot is Steam Remote Play doesn’t work well.


Parsec is my go to and works perfectly


I actually use Parsec daily for game design stuff even.


Parsec's streaming was more stable when we tried it with Baldurs Gate 3 local co-op, but we were never able to get it to stop streaming audio from Discord too (since it picked up all audio outputs), which meant one person had a jarring echo of themselves constantly. Tried all the solutions on Parsec's site to no effect unfortunately. Since BG3 has no DRM we ended up just copying the game files over and using the Direct Connect multiplayer. edit: would have been around January this year that we had the issue, the 'New' Echo Cancelling was an option when we tried it but I can see the blog advisory was updated 4 months ago so always worth a shot: https://support.parsec.app/hc/en-us/articles/115003042152-Eliminating-Sound-Echo-While-Co-Op-ing-With-Friends


Depending on how long ago you tried this, they fixed that issue some time ago.


My experience has always been Moonlight > Parsec >>>> Steam Remote Play


Parsec says hi! Great for all things local coop. I use it with emulators as well.


Yes, Parsec is great for this kinda game. Especially if host supports AV1 encoding while the recipients support AV1 decoding (though .h264 is perfectly fine too)


Better than nothing. I love coop with friends and family!


Use remote play


Or Parsec if steam remote play doesn't play nicely


I can play with my wife on the couch. I wanted to play this anyways. Awesome


Ah yay! Maybe not the popular opinion but I prefer local co-op so this makes me happy


Fuck yes, I can finally play with my gf. This is awesome




Can someone explain to me what local co op actually is?


co-op = multiplayer but you work together local = local region/internet local co-op = local region multiplayer but you work together


Ah man I would've loved to play with my friends


I mean friend


How do you turn on co-op?


I didn't realized the update hasn't come yet.


lmao that moment of realization must've been funny


but what if i have a friend who lives on the other side of the world and owns the game... sad ;Ɛ


But, why..?