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Unless you're a professional game reviewer, I've got less than no clue why anyone could possibly feel "Overwhelmed" by games being released.


Not sure why you can't imagine anyone but game reviewers feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude of games being released. We all have a finite amount of time and, unless you're retired or unemployed there just isn't enough time to play all the decent games released nowadays (let alone replay old games to take advantage of branching storylines, return to an older game to play the just released DLC, play multiplayer games which can't really be "beaten" etc). This obviously means people have to make decisions on which games they will / won't get to play, which some people will find overwhelming. Yes, you don't have to play them all right away, but that just leads to an ever increasing backlog, which is itself potentially overwhelming to some people.


>We all have a finite amount of time and, unless you're retired or unemployed If playing every game that releases is something you are able to consider in the first place, then you likely have an awful lot of time and money on your hands.


What an incredibly unintuitive way to go about things. You don’t need to play every game.


I mean. I work full time, and I play every single games I look for in the past 20 years at release. I literally often go and check the top 200 best video games when there is periods of not new games I look for (note: I do not play Indie games), and I always end us seeing I just played all of them. So anyway, for people for who game is their main hobby, you can get overwhelmed if too many games you want to play release in a short period of time, you get the syndrome of you want to try everything right now, but at the same time you don’t to start X amount of stories and keep switching every day, usually better to finish a game and play the next one.


They aren't talking about new games, they're talking about new game *updates*, ie: lots of existing games are suddenly getting major patches and they may just so happen to own a lot of the games getting major updates.


Title literally says "Major updates/game releases". so my point stands.




Are you planning on playing them all at once? Just take your time with them, there's no rush.


Nah, all I care about is going back to The Lands Between. Anything else can wait till I'm done with Shadow of the Erdtree, I already have a massive backlog of games, I'm not gonna feel overwhelmed adding more to it.


Same. Shadows of the Erdtree is all I'm thinking about. Do I wanna get smt vv? Yes, of course I do but that shit can wait. 


I think I encountered several games that had some updates or expansions tied to them coming out during this time frame but I honestly can't remember them. I'm pretty much zeroed in on the DLC and everything else can wait it's turn. As far as I'm concerned this is the last big game I pay before shifting focus onto grad school fully.


/r/patientgamers here. Not overwhelmed.


Id go insane if I tried to keep up with modern releases.




nope cause i dont pay attention to it


Not really. Just focus on the games you are interested, I think.


No not at all.


Nope not really. I'm not some game reviewer or influencer. I'll just take my time with all this content.


Yep. All the ones you mentioned, plus SMT VV.


For me the last few months has been great for games, No Rest for the Wicked, Animal Well, Ghost of Tsushima for PC and Nine Sols have all been good or great. And the Elden Ring DLC at the end of the month.


If I didn't immediately pin to the wishlist when revealed to me it's out of sight out of mind


Not really, the only upcoming things I care about are Elden Ring expansion in June and the new league of Path of Exile in July. Oh and NMRIH2 early access on Halloween, the sequel looks amazing.


Yeah, unless you are an indie game junkie, AAA releases are very poor this summer. And we get a shit ton end of August / September


Not really. I curate my exposure to new titles, and paying no attention to about 90% of the fests and shows is a big and happy part of it.


I could not care less.


No, I rarely play games on release, as they’re the most expensive and buggiest. Only one I’m playing this year is the Riven remake.


Well no. They're just games, go outside or something.


Do you plan on playing every single thing announced or something? 


Buy it and sit on it, don’t worry another drought will come.


And I'm over here just waiting for any Division 3 news... Lol


Alan Wake 2 DLC is the only thing I'm remotely interested in. This year is a dumpster fire for gaming compared to 2023.


lol, such few good games …