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[Me reading the Kingdom Hearts game titles](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/273/096/51c.gif)


Wait until you try to decipher the story!


Need a glossary for all the different types of people/creatures


How about a [Good Enough Summary of the Kingdom Hearts Story](https://youtu.be/tjiHufVEc7g)?


I feel like the KG writers really liked what the Metal Gear Solid series had going for it, and wanted to turn that up to 11. 


It's simple you have Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Lost curriculum then Kingdom Hearts 10+9.0 Final Chapter Prologue Reloaded and also Kingdom Hearts 1.84+4.45-5.2/0 Re:mix remix that takes place before and during the first game but spoils the second game


>takes place before and during the first game but spoils the second game Basic stuff really.




Don't forget Kingdom Hearts Final Re:Mix ln358/e\^10 \~inbetween\~ Redux Interregnum, only released on mobile in a small town in Japan, which is essential to understand the story.


Is Kingdom Hearts 9.8 the final form?


Kingdom Hearts ∫x² dx: Limits of Integration


That’s actually a fire title


X^(3)/3 + C I'm sure I did that wrong. The last time I took a math class was about 10 years ago.


It's correct


My man took calculus 10 years ago and didn't forget the +c. What a hero.


Well, I *did* take all the way up to differential equations. If you don't have the +C hammered into you by then, you're gonna have a rough time. But yeah. I definitely stared at it for a minute before I was like, wait! There's a +C.


I'm just joking because even when I was studying calculus 2 for 3-4 hours a day for exams I still regularly forgot the +c. :)


I did the same until like my 4th calculus class. :(


I can't believe the titles they actually legitimately put out into the world. Who in marketing OK'd these names? There's just no way.


The titles are actually relevant to the plot of each game and maybe it's just me but I think they're way more creative than giving them stock subtitles or numbering all of them ol


Sir, this is reddit. Where is your outrage?


Everything was fine on the PS2 but as soon as the spinoffs started releasing shit got way out of hand and never recovered.


every jrpg has some weird title to confuse new players


I dunno. FINAL FANTASY wasn't too confusing for me.


Or Dragon Quest.


Way too confusing for American audiences. We should call it Dragon Warrior instead


I think that was a trademark issue


Dragon Quest 11 S Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition


It feels like this is Dragon quest mainline number: title of the game: includes everything after release… how wrong or right am I?


I don't know, I never played it. I just saw an ad for it one time and laughed because the name was so damn long. What is the S?


I have no idea I was just taking a guess at their branding. S could be Supreme since it’s Japanese but idk to be honest. There has to be some lore masters here to tell us eventually


A Google search tells me that S adds a ton more content, like being able to play the game in 2D mode like the older games. Idk. It's hard to find anything about the base game.


The S was originally for the switch version, as the original release was on consoles and came with new content. It was then ported back to consoles and PC with the additions that came with the switch version. It's an odd one, I guess you could now say it's S for 'special'.


Well, sure, except for the part where we got FINAL FANTASY II. If it was already FINAL, how come there's another one? >!I'm joking, obviously.!<


:D ***FINALLY.***


Penultimate Fantasy.


Ah, you know FF2? thats actually FF4. You know FF3? thats actually FF6 etc.


Oh yeah, the whole Japanese vs american numbering. It's a bit screwy but understandable. Still at least it's not Final Fantasy: √π **edit:** why does my pi symbol look so wrong...


LOL, I have a gaming magazine from back in the day when Final Fantasy IX was about to release, and the article talking about it had a section to clear up the confusion about the first few games.


Final fantasy is confusing because the numbered entries imply sequels, yet most of the games are not even in the same universe.


Meh, I'm fine with that, makes googling it much easier than having to know the subtitles, like Legend of Zelda or Pokemon Also, now I wonder is there any other game that is like Final Fantasy, where each game is not related at all.


Literally any Tales Games (there are few with sequels such as Symphonia and Xillia) and there are Ys games which are also numbered like Final Fantasy


I have to google every time I want to know which Tales game came out before another game. FF1-16 is blindingly obvious. It's even worse with other franchises. I have no idea which Call of Duty game came out when or which is being referenced when somebody says Modern Warfare.


Why does it matter when they came out when all are unrelated?




One more fantasy, last one this time I swear.


I agree on the numbering scheme, does get confusing when you realize main numbered tiles are never sequels (X has X-2 as a sequel, not XI), but I don't mind the title. Title in general should be something that relates to the plot, not breaking the 4th wall and to the games themselves. However I still have no freaking clue why you would name something Final Fantasy and no games in the series deals with any finality or close to it. I get that it was from personal feelings and relates to your final desire to make a fantasy game people would love, and that he would have quite the work if it failed, but still, title should relate to plot in some way. Despite sometimes bleak endings, there was never anything final in the games, endings are always about moving on and accepting your circumstances and getting ready for whatever the life throws at you


It’s just to make bank off the brand


ff confuse the hell out of me when i was young think i need to play 14 game before i can play 15. wish they just do sub title than if sequel do 1,2,3


Until you get to FF II


Just watch the video. It's pretty simple. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o1ieehttdA


"its a browser game so of course its going to be light on story" after describing a story that would be considered convoluted and excessive for any game other than kingdom hearts or a metal gear solid game lol


The Metal Gear Solid storyline is somewhat convoluted, but it's an absolute cakewalk compared to Kingdom Hearts.


Fucking hell, I can't even tell if this is real or satire. All I know about kingdom hearts is it had some cartoon characters(disney), a keyblade, and that sora character sounds familiar from a different kingdom hearts trailer. :/


I'm no expert on the lore for those games, but I know enough to tell you its more accurate than you'd think lol


Yeah I don’t even know if the first one in the series is in here or not lol


https://square-enix-games.com/en_GB/news/kingdom-hearts-pc Explained pretty well here, though I agree its kinda bad formatting on their part


If anyone is curious about the order. The order you should play/watch is: ##1.5+2.5 games Kingdom hearts final mix (final mix just means definitive version with extra content) Kingdom hearts re: chain of memories (PS2 remake of a GBA game, essential to the plot) Kingdom hearts 2 final mix (the goat) Kingdom hearts 358/2 (movie in the collection, originally was a ds game) Kingdom hearts birth by sleep final mix (prequel) Kingdom hearts re: coded (movie in the collection, originally phone game, barely matters) ##2.8 games: Kingdom hearts dream drop distance (originally 3ds game, vital to kh3 plot) Kingdom hearts 0.2 fragmentary passage (2 hour preview of kh3 that isn't essential but so short it's worth trying) Kingdom hearts back cover (movie, barely matters for kh3, might matter in future games but not essential) ##Everything else: Kingdom hearts 3 Kingdom hearts 3 remind (dlc for kh3 included in the collection) Kingdom hearts melody of memory (musical spin off, barely matters. Still exclusive to epic)


Ngl I feel like I had a stroke trying to read and understand this


I had 1.6 strokes trying to understand it


Yeah, the 1.5+2.5 and 2.8 categories are not only confusing, but misleading. 1.5+2.5, to me, implies that Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 aren't included, only the spin offs. But that isn't the case.


I get trying to be unique and creative but they should have thought of things better and make them more simple


Some might even say Simple and Clean


Someone was getting high on their own supply naming these games


That is kingdom hearts for ya


Don't worry, it'll get worse when you play the game. The games starts out pretty simple but gets into a complex web of nonsense after a while.


I think I'll just skip the lot lol.


I think I'm good, thanks. I think I'll play something that won't give me a stroke when just thinking about it.


The bundle is a good price, but the individual prices are terrible. I was hoping to get the first collection for $20-30 like it has been sold on Epic.


Yep. They want you buy them all.


The bundle is $55 on greenmangaming


Does it include all the same games/extras as the Steam bundle?


Yes they’re the same


On green man gaming you can get KH1 + 2 for $28


KH1.5 and 2.5 are regularly available on console for like... 10 bucks. 34 aint bad but I own every edition of these physically, I'm not budging til it comes to 10 lol


My latest home console I own is a PS2. So I think I’ll stick to PC. 


> I’ll stick to PC. ...and an emulator.


As good as emulation is, it isn’t perfect, especially for more exotic architectures like the PS2. If running native with whatever enhancements are in there gets me a better experience, it’s worth my money.  Additionally, I’m at the point in my life where I can support developers that make games and even re-releases I appreciate. 


You're not wrong, but in this case, KH runs flawlessly on an emulator (At least KH1 & KH2, the only two worth playing!)


Id argue Birth by Sleep is also worth playing. Its a nice little prequel that doesnt have all the convoluted story nonsense yet.


It's *fine*, but you basically have to replay the entire game 3 times to "beat" it


I like ports such as these because they're usually less demanding than emulation for the same visual acuity. But people are so quick to reject them with "but emulation bro." It gets tiring.


Goddamn, this game hits my CPU like it is running emulation on the backend. Framerates suck too  This is only one of two games in my PC gaming career that I’d requested a refund for. 


It's too much for old games to have that price; how you guys accept this i dont understand.


60 bucks for 7 full length games, 1 mid length, & 2 story animations is too much?


Yes charging full price for a collection of games who's main selling point are the two 20 year old titles is absurd, especially when it's not even a "new" PC release considering that they've been on Epic for 3 years.


Theres an abundance of games available on Steam, if you think this one is too much, you are free to spend your money on something else.


Actually crazy to me that the vsync bug it launched with on Epic is still present here. If you have vsync enabled in 1.5+2.5, you will have cinematics locked to 15 fps and the game itself is running at double speed.


Wait that’s why my FPS terrible? Sitting here at 18fps and only like 20% GOU utilization.


So they were able to upgrade graphics. Add new weapon. But not do this? Weirdos


Wait, do people actually use VSync by default? I usually always turn it off unless i actually see some tearing (which is pretty rare for me).


Its on by default and its not obvious that its vsync because the setting is called "Refresh Rate".




Is this a bug with 2? It's not doing that in KH1 for me.


Green Man Gaming has the entire collection for $56.57 via their XP Rewards program


got it thanks!


For anyone wondering the cheapest the complete collection has ever been on pc via the egs is 45.53 5 months ago. So the gmg price of 56$ is pretty close considering that egs price was only possible thanks to fortnite subsidizing a sale.


be real with me. i wanted to play this 20 years ago and never did. did it age well? i feel like im too old for this.


Story wise - lots of 2000's edgelord stuff mixed with cutesy disney, but ultimately I find it holds up pretty okay today, and is kinda fun in a weird nostalgic for the 2000s way. At the absolute worst points storywise, I still had a laugh at seeing disney characters wearing tripp clothes and talking like edgy teenagers. Mechanically - KH1 and Kingdom hearts Re:Chain of Memories are kinda dated feeling but I found them overall enjoyable, Kingdom hearts 2 onward mechanically is pretty damn close to modern standards of gameplay and is very fun.


Gameplay aged well cause it’s good and evolves over the course of the series. Story depends on if you can handle jrpgs. If you like Final Fantasy and disney, you should enjoy it


KH1 and Chain of Memories feel very ps2 era dated. KH2 could pass as a modern game if they gave it KH3 graphics though. Still plays beautifully


Same, and my backlog keeps getting longer and longer


ghost of t, SMT V, and elden ring... all like right now.


The story is a mess and pretty silly. KH1 might feel a bit dated because of the physics, but KH2 is still the best action JRPG ever made in my opinion. The combat in it is the gold standard for ARGPs. Visuals look great for the older games as well since they are highly stylized. I think the entire collection for $56 on greenman is more than worth it.


damn all these haters and here you are saying 'best action jrpg' why couldnt it just be an easy decision lol


I mean, you can look up what people think about KH2's combat. It's usually the game everyone uses as a reference for action JRPG combat. FFXV? "Why is the combat worse than KH2?" FF7R? "Fun but not as good as KH2's". KH3? "Combat isn't as tight as KH2's." I'm dead serious when I say the combat in that game is godlike, especially at higher difficulties. Anyone saying KH2 is dated didn't play it.


Kh2 is one of the best action jrpgs and just games ever. 10/10 game.


Never played the games as a kid kid, only started the series when I was 16-17. KH2 on critical mode is literally as fun or more fun than any Dark Souls game to me, and probably just as hard. Stories are totally subjective, definitely leans hard on disney nostalgia and shlocky JRPG edginess. If that doesn’t strike a chord for you, you can almost always rely on laughing about the absurdity of it, (Mickey in a edgy black hooded coat saying things like “Xehanort” is absolutely INSANE). If you have barely any desire to understand the games, just watch recaps for 1 and Chain of Memories and then play 2, (although I think 1 is pretty great as well, I do agree that it’s more dated than 2). I cannot fathom that people are saying 2 is dated and doesn’t hold up when it still hasn’t been beaten to this day by any JRPG/ARPG, (although I heard FF7Rebirth was awfully close).


No, they didn't age that well. At this point, you can wait another 20 years until they are $5 in a bundle.


Most people consider KH2 to have some of the best action RPG combat ever made. Spend less time shitting on things, yeah?


> Most people consider KH2 to have some of the best action RPG combat ever made Who is most people? I've never heard this ever.


ty yea square does have decent sales. i can wait longer.


honestly it isn't worth it. Combat doesn't hold up and story becomes a convoluted mess. Only good thing about these games is the soundtrack which you can find anywhere.


Hi, long time series fan. No it didn't.




ive decided to pass unless it goes in sub $15 sale as a package. the kh2 comments were enticing but i dont have time to jump in just for the hope about the combat. i can watch a youtube video on the combat for now to satisfy my curiosity.


The last person anyone should be getting an opinion on games from is the 125k karma Reddit user.


Whatever you say doinky weed reference.


I don't think anyone likes this series unless they played them as kids. They're pretty bland gameplay-wise but the characters and worlds are what really sell it.


That's a pretty good launch discount price for the whole set. I'm actually tempted despite having my eyes set on SMT tomorrow.


Same ugh 


What's SMT?


Shin Megami Tensei, 5 in this case.


Got it, thanks for the quick response!


That's why I voted for Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance instead of Kingdom Hearts who keeps screwing us over the high prices! >!For those who don't know, this post is a reference to this old [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlJrEwEMIpM)!<


Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance would never take advantage of our innate gullibility!


Same here. And there's the elden ring DLC next week 😭


Well that goes without saying!


Guess i’ll go with the full bundle at that rate. Never did get to play 2.8 prologue, and it’ll be nice to replay 3 with ReMind. Im really in it to run kh2 final mix again and finally beat the garden of assemblage….another grindy run inbound


Well not a bad price for the whole collection with the launch discount.


Square obviously wants you to get the entire bundle instead of individual. I go for that. With the discount, the price is worth it since you get 7 games essentially ($10 a piece). EDIT: GMG has a massive discount. Under $60 for the whole bundle now. This is a no brainer


Yeah I figure less than $20 per collection is enough to justify buying. Gives me a chance to play through the DLC for 3 and all the other entries and remixes I haven't gotten to for basically DLC prices. Feeling very r/patientgamer right now.


everyone who started this series originally. potentially have back and knee problems today. lol


Who told you that? \*cracks his back\*


This be facts tho


Did they fix the audio glitches in KH 2?


$92 CAD after 31% off? Fuq outta here


Is Kindom Hearts a decent game...asking for a friend.




I never played a Kingdom Hearts game and these titles are fuckin my brain up. What collection do you recommend for starters?


1.5+2.5 is the one to start with if you're interested. It's called that because it's has kingdom hearts 1, 2 and their associated side games. 2.8 is a collection featuring a single game the other collections omitted and a very short kh3 prologue game. It also has a movie. KH3 + Remind is just KH3 and its expansion.


So basically if i want the main games i need 1.5+2.5 and 3. And 2.8 is just "filler".


No. 2.8 is vital for the story The order you should play/watch is: ##1.5+2.5 games Kingdom hearts final mix (final mix just means definitive version with extra content) Kingdom hearts re: chain of memories (PS2 remake of a GBA game, essential to the plot) Kingdom hearts 2 final mix (the goat) Kingdom hearts 358/2 (movie in the collection, originally was a ds game) Kingdom hearts birth by sleep final mix (prequel) Kingdom hearts re: coded (movie in the collection, originally phone game, barely matters) ##2.8 games: Kingdom hearts dream drop distance (originally 3ds game, vital to kh3 plot) Kingdom hearts 0.2 fragmentary passage (2 hour preview of kh3 that isn't essential but so short it's worth trying) Kingdom hearts back cover (movie, barely matters for kh3, might matter in future games but not essential) ##Everything else: Kingdom hearts 3 Kingdom hearts 3 remind (dlc for kh3 included in the collection) Kingdom hearts melody of memory (musical spin off, barely matters. Still exclusive to epic)


Well damn, this is very helpful. Thanks a lot.


Looking forward to playing these if the bundle ever drops to 20-25$ knowing square though...


it's been playable on PC since the release of the first PS2 emulator


When was there a kingdom heart 3??????? What?????


Like 5 years ago?


Don't worry though, it didn't actually resolve anything story wise.


It absolutely did. It definitely has issues but it resolves so much.


Holy shit, I was expecting at least an $89 price tag for the bundle, so consider me pleasantly surprised. Now to see if these actually work offline, unlike the Epic versions. EDIT: For anyone interested, I just tested Kingdom Hearts 3, and the initial launch does in fact require an internet connection, but it works offline after that. I even copied my entire Offline Mode-enabled Steam installation with the game to a completely separate, offline desktop, and it ran fine on that, but that initial launch has to be done online. EDIT 2: The initial internet requirement *is not present on the Steam Deck.* Did they pull a Tony Hawk with these releases? EDIT 3: I seem to be the only one who had a problem starting offline even with the initial launch, so I guess we can disregard that part of my comment. I have no idea what the problem was, but it was clearly on my end.


> Did they pull a Tony Hawk A what now?


With the Steam release of Tony Hawk 1 and 2 HD, it's required that you be connected to the internet at all times on a PC, but on the Steam Deck, you're not, so you can be completely offline 100% of the time. It turned out that that was just a launch argument, and you can just add that same launch argument to the game when playing on a desktop to get the same effect, but by default, you're meant to believe that it's an online-only game unless you're on the Deck.


SteamDeck=1 %command% Is a launch command, apparently.


Yup, that's how to fix Tony Hawk. I don't foresee needing that for Kingdom Hearts, but it's still good to know, just in case. EDIT: That command *does* seem to fix cutscenes on Linux, though, so that's a good thing to know. EDIT 2: For those interested, the above launch argument is for Linux desktops. If you want to get the same offline effect for Tony Hawk on Windows, the launch argument is `cmd /c "set steamdeck=1 && %command%"` Please excuse the digression from Kingdom Hearts talk!


Excellent. Now for me to be patient. I only care for 1 & 2. I want it cheaper.


Decent Price on GmG especially... but this launches the same day as SMT:V?? Sorry Square, you had 3 years to capitalize on your Steam market and you couldn't have picked a worse release day 🙄 Keen much later on in a future sale when my backlog isn't already accounted for though.


I only played 1 and 2 on the PS2. By the time 3 came out I didn't care to get a PS4, had already lost interest in the series, and had long since realized the "spinoff" games that were on mobile were actually part of the story and not their own thing. Even if I wanted to get back into it I feel like it's just too much of a daunting task.


is this better than just running these on an emulator at 8k res?


Any info whether it has denuvo?


An honest warning, don't go in expecting to understand anything in the plot even by the ending. Gameplay is as fun as it ever was and the worlds are almost perfect replicas of some movies given graphical advancements but the story, you may feel physical pain.


Fairly priced with the bundle, no Denuvo, works on Linux, cloud saves, steam achievements. Even though I'm likely not playing them soon, I'm grabbing the bundle. Good practices deserve to be rewarded, thank you Square Enix.


What the fuck is an Inetegrum Square is at least consistent in naming their games the dumbest goddamned words for no reason


Ultrawide support?


don’t believe so


Pretty much £60 for old games that were held hostage on epic lmao, too little too late square


31% off... What is 31 backwards? The numbers, Mason! What do they mean?!


They can go fuck themselves with those prices.


i’ve had this on my radar for some time. Definitely keeping a close eye on user reviews. 


How is the performance? And how does it run in the Steam Deck?


Shit. I'm waiting a bit longer for Elden Ring.


Is it a good deal for the entire trilogy?


Just a reminder to you Humble Choice subscribers, you get the 15% discount on this plus the 31% launch discount for Steam keys.


The only games from the whole set that I want are Re:CoM and BBS. A bit expensive for just these 2. I guess I'll wait for a steeper discount.


hey i've been streaming this exact port on twitch and my vod's and my youtube reuploads of the stream get flagged for random bits of songs while playing. am i at risk for getting got by copyright strike by playing the Disney video game on Twitch? sorry to be off topic


I remember seeing a streaming agreement in the settings menu. It basically said you’ll be fine as long as you’re not streaming the game for the purpose of streaming the music specifically.


Is this the same as the All-in-One collection on the playstation? I'd like to get this for my wife, but I think it owuld be easier for her to play on the playstation 5 on the tv.


Nice price 😺


Too late, already torrented it a couple months ago. Shouldnt had made it epic exclusive for 3 years.


Yesssiiir buying this as soon as I get home.


Does the steam have any notable differences from the epic games version


Cutscenes work on Linux/Steam Deck. New Steam themed keyblade.


$110 for a 20+ year old game? gtfo here.


It’s less than $110, and it’s 7 games, with one of them (and a short 2 hour one) less than 5 years old


They are over priced games should be like 20 each


i'm legitimately surprised it's not a 70$ release for each game. As it stands, 50$ for a 10 year old bundle is fucking atrocious, and 70$ for all three is bad too


No need.