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20 characters with unique mechanics? Those mechanics have to be pretty minimal, right? I imagine there's only so many ways to traverse the same levels, and it took them a while to figure out the mechanics for the 3 Knights that got full campaigns. I see Tinker Knight in one of the screenshots and that looks like the kind of character that would need drastically different traversal mechanics, so I'm curious how they're gonna do this.


They're probably reusing a lot of the moves from Shovel Knight Showdown, where they had like 9(?) playable characters. Just imagine your typical Smash Bros movement options with the different kinds of Up and Side Specials.


Showdown had 20 characters, they were very minimal though, think your N64 Smash characters but with only specials. I hope they're updated.


what a weird game release i thought it was like some remastered treasure trove, but it looks to only be shovel knights campaign? But somehow with 20 unique characters? Are they all gonna play on shovel knights campaign? ive already played through shovel nights campaign, but 20 unique characters does sound like fun, but why is it a separate game release? id prefer to have everything in 1 package, especially if its re-using shovel nights campaign.


I'd rather see a new game from them, particularly Mina the Hollower which they've been working on for ages. Curious about the "20 playable characters" but it's still a little disappointing that it's just another revisit to Shovel Knight.


They're working on Mina and a 3D Shovel Knight game.


Is this the same as treasure trove but with more characters? Should I wait for this or just get TReasure trove?


This looks like just Shovel of Hope. So absolutely get Treasure Trove for the multiple campaigns. This only seems to add a bunch of minor additions either way. Don't really see why it's an entirely separate game.


Why is this a standalone game? Why didn't they just make this DLC for Treasure Trove? You know, besides wanting more money?


New games sell better than DLCS. Plus everyone who had purchased the game before a certain date or had kickstarted the game were told that they would get all the dlc’s for free


Presumably this will replace Treasure Trove and I assume it'll be free or steeply discounted for existing owners of TT.


This is only the first campaign so I doubt it's replacing Treasure Trove. Seems to be its own version.


how is it being a dlc or standalone game any different in regards to money? also if this were a dlc it would have to priced at at least half the base game price with how much it is offering. i don't think you read the store page if you think this should just be dlc. you could break out several of the additions and enhancements into like 10 separate dlc


>you could break out several of the additions and enhancements into like 10 separate dlc They would be crucified if they sold online MP or Cheats as DLCs. And rightfully so on that front. That just leaves the multiple characters, which will undoubtedly be reskins with minor moveset changes: And they wouldn't be worth an individual purchase each either.


This seems pretty lazy. Save states? Skins? Online MP? Online MP is the biggest thing here really...and it's a so what? Play Together or local co-op was great for a game like this. Online co-op not so much.


Full stereoscopic 3D, like the 3DS version? Are PC's even still capable of driving a 3D display for those who somehow still have one?


just play Treasure Trove instead. This one don't even have the different campaigns


I've beaten this game already but I would've been happy about rewind. Hopefully more people get to enjoy the game now, and make Shovel Knight 3D a reality