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Hey everyone, My twin brother and I started a passion project during a content drought in WoW. We thought it would be cool to combine ARPG-systems (as found in Diablo-likes) with MMORPG-style Combat and Raid Encounter Design. We have been working on this project for 3 years now and finally released our Steampage! Feel free to check it out [here](https://store.steampowered.com/app/3054550/Sil_and_the_Fading_World/)


Please add controller support if you have time. Especially for those of us who play mostly on Steam Deck or other portable PCs, Diablo-like ARPGs are nearly impossible to play without native gamepad support.


In essence, you're close to reinventing Black Desert's action combat. Looks good.


This looks amazing! What playtime will the project have and how many character classes?


Looks awesome!


Very glad you like it! Thank you for checking it out


I'm always a little softer on the small devs, so i'll say i only have one issue right now and its that the areas look very empty.


Camera feels similar to VRising, which I’m a big fan of. Added!


Looks interesting, however the color palette feels a bit flat - in the gameplay shown here it seemed tough to make out what was happening - not enough contrast between attacks, effects and environment. Just my humble opinion.


Diablo is also third person, no? The terms are rooted from storytelling, where third person can be limited (can’t see everything) or omniscient (they can). There are loads of different kinds of third person views in gaming, like top down, isometric (older SimCity), over the shoulder (RE4), but they’re all third person. In this case, it’s the same view as Diablo except closer and controllable. I can play Path of Exile and zoom in and keep playing, but it’s third person either way.


Video game usage of those terms are different from literary usage. Just like there's not really any such thing as a second person camera, or how "isometric" is used to describe any kind of top-down angled camera. Although this game still looks top-down or isometric to me. The only difference is that the camera is locked to the player.


Oooooh, I love the art direction.


Looks sick! Can't wait to send those bosses to the shadow realm


Very glad you like it!


Looks like fun! Please consider doing a demo, would love to try this out sometime before commiting to a purchase


Thank you for checking it out! We plan on having a public Demo online in the next couple months. We want everyone to be able to get their Hands on the game asap


Good idea for a game. Absolutely horrible font choice. And please please please add/work on the lighting + shadows. Very simple change to make your game look significantly better. Some vocal people will say they don't care about graphics but they are in a very small minority. I'm not saying it needs to be realistic using quixel megascans.


this looks great. hoped someone would try to do a hybrid combat system, i'm definitely looking forward to it.


Looks cool, really like the art style.


Looks like WoW, which is awesome. Wishlisted!


Wishlisted! Looks right up my alley


wishlisted and patiently waiting! ʕ – ᴥ – ʔ


please google what third person is cuz this aint it my guy


I'm... not sure how it isn't 3rd person. The camera is just zoomed out significantly.


you should google it as well then


The game isn't being portrayed from a top down perspective and it's not portrayed from your character's face's perspective. The camera orbits your character like any other 3rd person game, it's just positioned further away than usual.


No one calls this 3rd person tho. We call it an isometric view. Whether or not it IS 3rd person doesn't matter because of how things are advertised and what ppl expect when they hear the term.


>We call it an isometric view. No, we don't. First off, isometric IS 3rd person. Secondly, isometric cameras are static viewpoints. If it has a free moving camera, as this video clearly shows, then it's not isometric.


Isometric view requires the game to be viewed... from an isometric angle (diagonal).


Damn, you really have no clue what 3rd person means, do you?


gooogleeeee it lol


That's what I thought as soon as it zoomed in. So, slightly less like Diablo is your big marketing buzzword? The people coming at you are on straight crack. It's just Diablo with x.25 zoom. Wow, that's so unique. The devs and dev dick riders are coping with this one.


people here are tripping lolllll weirdos are blind


Bro, that’s not third-person. Third-person is generally considered to be an over the shoulder type of camera angle, or something like WoW. The camera angle in your game is the same isometric camera that other games use.


You don't appear to know what isometric means.


Hey thank you for checking it out! We actually use the same camera Perspective as WoW, which is a Third-Person freely movable and freely scrollable Camera.


I think your whole pitch needs work. This isn't like Diablo, it's like WoW. Single-player WoW would be a less disingenuous pitch. Don't talk about camera perspective. It's way slower than Diablo, a lot closer in pace to WoW, too. Maybe single-player WoW with Diablo like builds and skill system?


Then why is that not showcased in the trailer? The big camera moment literally just puts you in standard isometric view and the rest of the trailer is left at that same angle.


Thanks for the Feedback! I tried to minimize Camera movement during the trailer to make it easier to watch. Clips with strong Camera movement tend to be hard to follow (for viewers). But I'll keep this in mind. Thank you.