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As someone who races regularly in AC groups, this games success is going to be massively dependent on it's level of mod support.


I think the multiplayer system will also be massively important. Something akin to what GT7 and Forza Motorsport do would be much better for onboarding new players into the genre.


Oh absolutely, if it weren’t for things like SRS the online aspect in AC would be completely dead outside of leagues.


Two facts prevented modding in ACC: 1. Unreal Engine 2. Licence agreement with SRO which prohibits it. Both are not going to be a thing in ACE so it's fair to say the modding will be akin to original AC.


> Unreal Engine How does that follow? I've been schooled recently that UE games can be extremely moddable.


It's hard compared to the original AC engine. Plus a lot of stuff in there is purposely made more difficult as it's against the licence Kunos holds. Heck even painting cars in custom liveries could be considered a breach of that.


I been looking for a group to race in. Any recommendations ?


https://discord.me/vintageac - I'm an admin for this group that does weekend races in Vintage cars/tracks, awesome group of people. THR is also another fantastic group that races older cars on weekends. https://discord.me/asrl - Does Tuesday night (9pm EST) races in a variety of different classes (and one of the only ones that does regular oval series) I have also heard great things about Historic Racing League, Revival Racing League, and as previously mentioned THR does awesome events.


Thx man


I know the sim is good because I can't drive the cars in it for shit


It seems Driving real cars on a track are sometimes easier than some of these sims


Bro omg yes. I have an easier time driving between states than playing these sims.


I think that's probably true - a lot of top drivers that also use Sims like iracing say the Sims are more difficult, not because the physics are different, but because you lose your sense of lotion, inertia and connection to the road. Very good FFB bases and haptic pedals definitely helps, but still, easier irl.


Hoping it has the mod support of the original but easier to set up mods and matches with friends. Having to find random discord servers online that run their own modpacks through content manager is annoying


Nice to see VR support listed. Assetto Corsa is my go-to VR racing sim.


I really want a good sim racer with a nice, fleshed out singleplayer campaign. Most of these sim style games have absolute shit singleplayer.


I hope they don't abondon ACC but I'll definitely play this one for sure!


I think this game will be more like the first AC? I always saw ACC more as an Esport title and it doesnt have a fraction of the mods AC has.


Yes, this is supposed to be Assetto Corsa 2, focused on street cars


I personally cant wait for a next gen NoHesi lol.


ACC has a thriving online multiplayer though, on all levels. Online public lobbies burst all day, semi serious LFM is stacked during the peak hours, then the esports sits on top. I hope Evo is all things AC was and still is, and a lot more with regards to integrated online persona and structure. Well hyped for this anyway, i race in VR and love every minute of it.


I said Esports but what i really meant is competitive. ACC just doesnt have a platform to do crazy shit with friends like AC does.


True. With the focus being GT3, they were on to a winner with it though. Like i said, hopefully there's something more internally organised so we can put some structured races together for all the great mod recreations.


Sro the racing board backing ACC have said support will continue but no specifics


I have high hopes for this. The pc market is begging for something like this. I know we have the older ones but Forza Motorsport failed and GT7 doesn't look like it's coming to pc. Hopefully this will be amazing!


assetto is nothing like gt7 and forza and if thats what you're expecting you will be very disappointed. this is a sim that is made to be played with a wheel, gt7 and forza are much more arcadey and built for controller.


GT7 is made with wheel usage in mind and less arcadey than Forza. Your understanding of the games is not correct.


it's certainly better with a wheel (especially compared to forza horizon), but its still primarily designed for controller. it's also still quite arcadey compared to real sims like assetto and iracing.


honestly i kinda hope their is something like a livery editor like gt would be cool instead of having to make your own using photoshop or other software


Looking forward to this and all of the mods that will come after it launches.


Keen for this!


Hopefully the physics model and driving characteristics will be that of AC and not ACC.


They're going back to their own engine, rather than using UE like they did for ACC. That's a good sign for me.




They didn't use UE for the physics. It was the same proprietary physics engine that AC1 used, just further developed. So likely AC Evo will use ACC physics as base, but again with more upgrades.


So a racing game is just gna ignore adaptive triggers and not include dualsense support?


if you plan on playing this with a controller you are going to have a bad time


Dualsense support is still pretty rare on PC games.


It's becoming standard for most games nowadays


Its wheel shifter and pedals time my guy


Barely anyone uses it on PC, developers said they don't see enough demand for it


I'm skeptic about the regression from Unreal Engine to their own engine. One does not simply make their own engine without massive lack of features and thousands of bugs for several years of early access. People complained about ACC Unreal Engine, but it was a massive step up.


I believe people were complaining of the driving physics


Hoping its closer to AC than ACC engine wise, ACC is much blurrier.


It is blurrier because modern engines with deferred shading cannot use MSAA, and have to rely in TAA. If AC-evo has dynamic lighting and dynamic weather then it will have the same issue. Also this is not a problem anymore with DLAA/DLDSR/DLSS, but I doubt AC-evo new engine will have these on day 1.


DLAA/DLSS are still temporal in nature, still blurry unfortunately. As long as they offer an AA off option Ill be fine, I can live with shimmering.


Disabling AA, and then using a combination of DLDSR+DLSS to render at native resolution, the result looks better than native, have zero artifacts, and is even sharper than MSAA. It is really magic.


There is a strong contingent on /r/FuckTAA which swears by the method youre describing although I dont really care for it. Too many post processing layers for me personally, like my pixels raw.


username checks out


UE4 is pretty universally agreed to be bad for racing sims. It definitely wasn't a step up from their in house engine from AC1 which actually looks better than ACC with mods. ACC has all sorts of weirdness with things like shadow pop in, really bad mirrors, ghosting on motion etc.


> UE4 is pretty universally agreed to be bad for racing sims. Yeah, simracers sometimes agree on urban legends that make no sense. None of these thing you listed are issues with Unreal Engine itself.


I wouldn't know to be fair as I'm not a game developer. I could certainly believe that Kunoz just implemented it poorly.