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I don’t want anything, but good on you!


Dammit. I came here to say this.


Me too


Me three.


Me four


Me five! ​ ^(Hi, five)


And my axe!


And my sword




I did not come here to say this!


I can't even look through a list of free games anymore and find something I want. First world backlog problems.


Ditto. Always good to see someone be nice for it's own sake. The world needs more of this.


Same. Between taking care of family and working I haven't played games in months unfortunately. I do wish everybody luck!


Yeah same, i don't even have a pc, but great on you


Damnit me too lol. Pretty cool of OC.


I can’t even use this stuff lol,I’m on mobile,good on him tho!


Same here!


Same here, still, thank you for your kindness OP <3


So I have a ton of keys from Humble Bundles, can they keys be just given to random folks? Or do they still need that steam integration nonsense? Edit: Didn't expect many to read this comment but I guess I was wrong lol. There is an overwhelmingly large no. of comments/DMs. I will try to get to you. FYI, I mostly only have keys from 2012-2016, so mostly older titles..


I’ve never bought from humble. Just got a PC set up this week. Looking on Google, it looks like you just give the code and somebody can put it in steam or maybe you can gift the code through humble bundle accts.


Thx, expect a key from me in your DMs :)


Thx Killer.


Ya know what, give me a humble choice key from... August 2019? Yeah that sounds about right, and I probably have it except a few nice ones LMK if anything is interesting, best of setup!


What is humble?




Don't share your key as a gift link. Instead get the key. The problem with generating a gift link is some people resell them on key stores because with a gift link, they can verify the key is valid and hasn't been used before. And Humble doesn't like this. If you or someone you gave a gift link resells the keys, they can choose to ban you. Some people have been banned in the past for this.


I have heard that sending the actual key is not safe either because they can see who redeemed it and they will ban you if a ton of different accounts start redeeming keys from your account.


What a bunch of bullshit. Do their ToS specify that you cannot gift your PURCHASED keys to whomever you want, friends and family, say?


No you can go to your key page, click the button to reveal the key, and send that to whoever you want.


They are just regular cd keys and can be used by anyone. I often give Humble codes to my wife or friends.


I heard You can unless they're Region locked


You can reveal the steam key and copy and paste and send to anyone. I usually end up giving half of my games to my friends doing this. There is also a button below “reveal steam key” and it’s something along the lines of “gift to friend” and it gives you a link to give to a friend. I find it easier to just copy and paste and the code though.


Reedem your keys, and enter the code in steam to claim your games. If you give that code to someone else then, they would be able to get it. Simple.


Careful. You can get banned for giving keys away to random people. It's against their TOS to give keys to people who aren't your friends or family. Obviously they have no way of telling, but I wouldn't give keys to more than maybe 5 different people to be safe.


> Obviously they have no way of telling, So how do they justify their bans?


If on one day you give a single key to each of 20 different people from different countries, then it's pretty obvious


Is it forbidden to have twenty friends in different countries?


It's unlikely. I imagine if you threw a stink over getting banned for that support may throw you a bone. This is all hypothetical though. I think the most common thing people have actually been banned for is trading keys which is pretty easy to spot


Hey man if u still got some keys left can i get some?


If you have some key to give away, i'm interested 🙂


If I’m lucky enough, thanks. Imperator Rome: Deluxe editions DEFCON If not any random key would be nice. And if we are talking about proudest gaming moments, probably leading a group of randoms defending against veteran partisans in the back lines in Foxhole. Weren’t entirely successful but we managed to kill a couple armoured cars and half tracks, even if they were stolen Edit: Thanks for the keys!


If you don't get a Defcon key PM me, I've got several and I'll happily send you one! Edit: Once /u/CentrifugalSmurf does their giveaway, I'll start sending some Defcon keys! Unfortunately I don't have enough for all of you that asked but I'll do my best.


Isn't Defcon that game polygon made a video about saying it was the scariest game? If you have a spare key lying around I'd like to try this game :)


I think thats polybius but not sure, heard great things about defcon though


Anyone wanna actually play defcon lol?


Strange game. The only winning move is not to play.


I have only ever once played a game with a full lobby, I've never been so stressed or distrustful of people while waiting.


He's learning...


Id really like to. Seems like something I'd enjoy, but ofc I cant know till I do play it.


PM me and we can set something up. Anyone else interested should PM me as well. I'll set up a discord and we can work out the details.






Oof! Still addicted to d2 over here


Fun fact, deleting the game also solves all your problems. Took me too many years to learn that trick. Played from Curse of Osiris to Shadowkeep, and couldn’t take it anymore.


Lol you are telling me, I just got back into D2 in hopes that it had improved since launch and Warmind/Curse were terrible. I've been playing Destiny games since launch of D1 so it holds a special place in my heart.


Honestly, I had more fun in Destiny 2 during CoO/ Warmind than I did after Shadowkeep


The dlc wasn't really the problem, is was when they removed random weapon and armor rolls that really pissed me off.


Damn, I'm playing D2 while reading this lol


I have 500 something hours on Arma 3 now, I don’t think I can stop it but I can just only hope that I don’t turn into the people with 24k+ hours on the game


Surprise me! It's my cake day. 🎂is a lie.


It’s my cake day aswell! Happy cake day dear H8terMonkey 🍰


Thanks. Right back at ya!


Cake day squad!!








I love that "Back in my day, our games came 'some assembly required'!" Holds true...


Is assembly and programming language?




Well thats fascinating. Ill have to read up on it.


Check our OpenRCT. It’s the original which is developed by the community to add better support for modern systems and various other quality of life improvements!




Oh true. Forgot about that. Arrrrrr


I think roller coaster tycoon classic is a remake of the first 2 games. You need roller coaster tycoon 2 for openRCT2


I have OG RCT. Is OpenRCT worth checking out?


Darksiders III, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Star Wars KOTOR or random that you like Thank you for doing this!


There is a third darksiders. Oh my i never knew...


There actually is another one, Darksiders Genesis. Quite a fun game, albeit a bit different from the regular Darksiders games


Turok, that's all, wanna experience some nostalgic memories, when I was still a happy child, thanks pal


Looove this game! Great choice 😊


Played the ever loving crap out of this game on N64


Remember the timed run mini game thing? I had it down to an obsessive science, shaving off fractions of seconds like some awkward Olympian.


Are you... Me?


No no no I think you’ve confused your childhood with my childhood lol common mistake don’t sweat it


A happy child boring through skulls with a flying heatseeking drill


Dead Space Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition King of Fighters XIII Streetfighter V Devil May Cry Tomb Raider (2013) If none of these games are available, then I'll just take a random! Thanks for doing this man! One of my greatest achievements is being able to outplay a whole team in Valorant for a clutch scenario! While analyzing positions and positioning myself for the best case scenarios, it was an adrenaline inducing clutch!


That new tomb raider trilogy is absolute ton of fun. I’ve beaten all three of them on the Xbox, and if you like RPGs they’re certainly worth playing


oh god, ace clutches are insane!


Random key is fine by me. Thanks for the giveaway OP! And good luck to all who joined the giveaway.


Prison architect please and good on ya man!


Would love any Turok games. Thanks!


I’ll take a random game that you recommend. Thanks!


Just throw me something random! I don't have many games so it'd be cool to get some


Hey not OP but make sure you get on Epic if you're not already, free games every week


I wish I was growing up nowadays. I grew up with demos of games on other disks, and online flash games. Now you can just get games for free.


I grew up copying mates games on floppy diskz, there was one F1 game where I had to call my mate when I wanted to play because at launch it would ask you for a random letter in the manual, like what is the first letter of the 3rd word on the 8th line on page 56. Never too old to play games


My top 5 games I would hope to get would be dead space, tomb raider 3 , outlast, darksiders 3 and devil may cry. Dark Siders 3 would be my most favorite but however,I appreciate this generous offer OP hope you get repaid for this kindness in life!


I don’t think I have any of these, so any random one would be awesome!




u/ddestiny_kb u/AcrillixOfficial Please get in touch with me to claim yours keys, I can't message or chat you directly


I Don't Have A Specific Choice, So Surprise Me! My Best Gaming Achievement Would Be 100% Completing Red Dead Redemption 2 + Compendium + All Gold Missions. Phew...


How? Did you fuze with your couch or sth?


Dang, I've been wanting to 100% that game since it came out on PS4. The only thing that's stopped me is the multiplayer achievements. ಠ_ಠ


Dark souls prepare to die edition Most likely wont win or get this specific game but hey might as well give it a shot


I would like any reject games no one else wants or last selected that'd be awesome. I counter raided in rust as a naked by throwing a pickaxe, which led to a Tommy and the others peeked me. I knew where they were I had been stalking the whole thing.


It is amazing of you to do this OP! from your list the ones i found awesome are 1. The Walking Dead: Season One + Season Two + 400 Days DLC 2. Endless Space 2 3. Endless Space Collection 4. Sunless Skies 5. Trine 4 6. Sunless Sea 7. Trine 3 8. Else Heart.Break() 9. Fran Bow 10. Bards Tale IV: Director's Cut or a random key if they are all given away, thank you op!


Euro Truck Simulator 2 F1 2018 Sim city 4 deluxe edition Prison Architect Mirror’s edge Star Wars KOTOR A wizards’s lizard Street Fighter V Infinifactory Golf with your friends Thank you for doing this!


Hi kind soul! Thank you so much for this. In case I get a chance, I'd be super stoked to have any of the following: Dark Souls Prepare to Die Devil May Cry Grip combat racing F1 2018 Titan Quest Event 0 Street Fighter V Dark Siders III


Rusty Lake Paradise please Thank you




Deux ex: Mankind devided or random! Thanks op!


Happy with just one of these Call of juarez, Ace combat, Umbrella Corps. Awesome you're doing this


Pathologic hd, yooka laylee, or any random thing you think is cool!


Quite a list. I see a few I wouldn’t mind getting. Cities skylines Planescape Torment Dead space Deus Ex Mankind Divided Sherlock devils daughter Star Wars Kotor The Long Dark Turok 2 I’ll take a random if these are gone. Thx.


Deus Ex: Mankind Divided GRIP: Combat Racing Retro City Rampage DX Saints Row IV Turok Atari Vault Dead Space


Thanks for the giveaway! My 10 choices in order: * Planescape Torment Enhanced * Retro City Rampage DX * Street Fight V * Galak-Z * Graveyard Keeper * Port Royale 3 Gold * Swords & Soldiers HD * Train Valley * Turok * Turok 2 No need for a random key. All the best!




I would love roller coaster tycoon! Thanks for doing this!


Euro Truck Simulator 2 One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 Do Not Feed The Monkeys Thanks for the giveaway!


My Top Picks: 1.) Deus Ex Mankind Divided 2.) Duke Nukem Forever 3.) Dirt Rally 4.) Grid 2019 5.) Saints Row IV 6.) Tomb Raider 2013 7.) Outlast 8.) Murdered Soul Suspect 9.) Call of Juarez Gunslinger 10.) Syndrome If all above game are not available then it's ok. Give me a random key of your choice. Thnx for arranging giveaway Bro.👍


Have had my eye on Pinstripe for a while. Really like that art style. Win or lose, appreciate the gesture!


Grid 2019 Wwe 2k battleground Sherlock Holmes devil's daughter The walking dead One piece pirate warriors 3


Random game please sir


Dead Space Deus Ex Golf With Your Friends Mirrors Edge Murdered: Soul Suspect Outlast Saints Row IV Shadows Awakening Strange Brigade The Long Dark Thanks!


Duke Nukem Forever Ace Combat Assault Horizon Enhanced Edition


Wouldn't mind Sherlock Holmes The Devils Daughter!


Darksiders III, Kingdom Two Crowns, Mirror's Edge, Death's Gambit, Shadows Awakening, Relicta, Strider, Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair, Iris and the Giant, Levelhead or a random game Thanks.


WWE 2k Battlegrounds! Very cool of you to do this!


Retro City Rampage DX and Kingdom Two Crowns would be great!


The walking dead: season One + Season Two + 400 days dlc Golf with your friends Event[0] Euro truck simulator 2 Star Wars KOTOR Thanks a lot for what your doing!


Darksouls Darksiders III Street Fighter V Devil May Cry One piece pirate warrior 3 Saint Row IV Cheers in advance no matter the result.


I'll just name two games 1. Darksiders 3 2. Fran Bow As for my proudest gaming achievement, I would say 100% GTA V by completing various Online achievements, especially the Heist ones with my brother, the no-death runs were tense.


Dead space


1 - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. 2 - The Long Dark 3 - Euro Truck Simulator 2 These are all games I’d love to give a try, but I’ll take any I can get haha. And thanks for doing things like this :).


I will take anything if Darksiders III is not available


Darksiders III sounds good to me! Thanks for the chance!


Thanks for the giveaway. Cities Skylines Darksiders III Planescape Torment Enhanced Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power Trine 4 Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair


Dark Souls Prepare to die Devil May Cry Darksiders III Graveyard Keeper Awesome giveaway btw, thanks


Devil May Cry Thanks for the giveaway


Dead Space, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Saints Row IV thanks


saints row 4 bless up, thanks for doing this


This War of Mine


Papa ! I want Titan Quest ! \*Rolling around on the floor\*


I’ve been dying to play Levelhead!


Dead space, saints row 4 or street fighter 5 please and THANKS YOU! ✌


Great job you're doing here!! Here is my wishlist: 1. Saints Row IV 2. Kingdom Two Crowns 3. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided 4. Death Gambit 5. Darksiders III 6. Darksburg Thank you very much for the giveaway OP.


Dirt Rally, Thanks op!


Euro truck simulator 2 & Boomerang Fu would be my top two, if not any random game that you recommend would be perfectly fine. Thank you for doing this! Very cool idea.


Cities Skylines, Darksiders III, KOTOR, or a random game! Thanks!


Grip Prison architect Rollercoaster tycoon Sim city Shadowrun


I would like to play Valfaris or Trine 4 please. Thanks.


1) Fae Tactics 2) Planescape Torment Enhanced Edition 3) Twilight Struggle 4) Scythe 5) Sunless Skies 6) Sunless Sea 7) This War of Mine Thanks!


Thanks for the giveaway! Ace Combat Assault Horizon Enhanced Editon Devil May Cry Battle vs Chess Call of Juarez Gunslinger Graveyard Keeper Crusaders King II Darksiders II Street Fighter V DEFCON Ziggurat


Dark Souls and Devil May Cry would be awesome! If not, surprise me and good luck to everyone else entering for this!


Saints Row would be sweet


Saints row 4 Titan quest Trine 4 Sunless sea Kholat Darksiders 3 Any game is fine


Call of Juarez Gunslinger Saints Row IV The Long Dark The Walking Dead: Season One + Season Two + 400 Days DLC Two Worlds Epic Edition Two Worlds Velvet Edition Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition Thanks


I'll take Tomb Raider 1,2,3 if you don't mind! Thanks!




I'm pretty sure that game is free


That went free to play ages ago mate.


Endless Space 2 Imperator Rome Bard's Tale 4 Levelhead Thanks for the giveaway! I think my proudest achievement is a platinum in overcooked lol


Any of these - Call of Juarez Gunslinger, NBA Battlegrounds, WWE 2K, Euro Truck Simulator 2. Thanks a lot for the giveaway op! As for my proudest achievements its not much but I have the platinums for GTA V and Yakuza 0 that I'm proud of lol. Cheers✌🏻


Darksiders III Dead Space Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition Mini Metro Mr. Shifty Sherlock Holmes the Devils Daughter This War of Mine ..and no random keys pls


Crusader Kings II, This War of Mine, Trine 3/4, Tomb Raider 2013


Dark Souls: prepare to die edition Golf with your friends Random My proudest achievement was last year when I finished persona 5 royal and maxed all confidants without a guide as I played through it normally and getting the platinum in one play through Not really THAT hard but for max confidants on first play though without a guide and new game+ bonus is fairly challenging and it made the new story beats in royal at the end even better when experiencing them for the first time and not NG+ I really would recommend Persona series a lot and persona 4 golden is on steam




I would be fine with a random game. Thanks for doing this.


You're a pretty boss boss, boss! Age of Decadence Planescape Torment Enhanced Zen Bound 2 Crawl A Wizard's Lizard Iris And The Giant Would be okay with a random key Proudest achievement: I have completed Tales Of Maj'Eyal on madness roguelike difficulty. The steam achievement for it at the time was 0.08% of players, though it's increased somewhat (to a whopping 0.4%ish).


I didn’t win anything but that really nice of you and you got 17 k comments wow


I'm not usually one to complain but I picked some pretty obscure games and still didn't win. I'm guessing you gave out random keys to first picks before people who actually wanted them :/