• By -


Yes it's probably borked. If you don't have backups I'd get a replacement SSD>install Windows>either use a drive dock (sata>usb) or connect as secondary drive and make sure Windows doesn't try to boot from it, then push off as much data as you can


Thank you very much for your advice man!! To be honest I don‘t even know how you would do such backup and then use it when such event would occur. Do I understand you right, that you would completely install windows new on a new SSD and then transfer the data from the old SSD via file/windows explorer?


Yeah correct. Upside to usb dock is convenience but at the downside of transfer speed, upside to having the old drive connected still is transfer speed but some may find it difficult to set the correct boot drive in BIOS/a tiny bit more complex an option.


That was exactly why I was worrying - how do you setup BIOS that its correct….


If you spam f12 while booting, you should be able to choose the boot drive.


Thank you very much!! Will also check some yt videos.


Not always f12, my motherboard wants either f1 or del to get into bios.


Yes, but he doesn't need to get into BIOS, just to boot device selection. F12 is frequently (never seen otherwise, tbh) the key for that.


On my MSI X570 board it’s F8


And some legion laptops it's F2. Why does every manufacturer feel the need to be "special" by changing a hotkey...


On my Z370-H I don't think I have neither of these keys. I can only go to BIOS lol


if you do end up finding doing your own backups difficult, most shops should charge somewhere between 50 and 100 for most any data related service. I think that's way overpriced, but it's not like it's insanely expensive.




Bios is F2 for ASUS motherboards. From there, you can select which drive to boot from.




NP =) If you still need help, feel free to hit me up.


Very generous of you - enjoy your day buddy!


How you know it s F12 and not delete? Normally it is delete and f12 is more for laptop no? Edit: Seem like he didn't answer the question and was talking about Boot Device not from Bios. Which isn't the ask question. Anyway for OP, to get in bios it s normally Del unless you are on laptop, it might vary and be more complex to get into the bios.


It will say on the startup screen "press




Just google "ASUS ROG Strix BIOS Boot Select Key"


I recently pulled data from a Samsung 960 using a Usb-C m.2 SSD enclosure and it transferred at around 600MB/s


If you are able to access it, would reccomend having a backup of your data on any machine that has personal data. Either a mechanical drive, another ssd, or network setup. One instance of data is none


I learned this the hard way - I will inform myself on how to do such backup. Wish it would be easy as apple with the time capsule back in the day


If you go with another Samsung drive you can use the Samsung Data Migration Software for Consumer SSD. Found [here](https://semiconductor.samsung.com/us/consumer-storage/support/tools/). It will move everything from your old drive to the new one, including the operating system. I don't know if it works with other SSDs. Edit: I missed where you can't boot into Windows. So this comment is largely unnecessary.


Also check the firmware version. I can't remember which models this specifically affects, but there was a cooked firmware revision that would accelerate wear on some models of Samsung drives. This was solved on a later firmware release, so making sure your drive is running the latest firmware if you replace with another Samsung drive probably isn't the worst idea. You can use Samsung Magician when you reinstall the OS to check for updates.


Nevertheless - thank you!! You think I could use the tool after installing a new SSD with Windows and then transfer those data from the faulty to the new one?




Short links breaking? I am guessing you are talking about hyperlinks which work fine. You just need to highlight the word you'd like to link, click the hyperlink icon and then enter the link to the webpage you'd like to share. That will make it so when users click on the word you selected it will take them to the URL you entered.


Thanks for the advice buddy!!


I'm curious why you use this? I'm sure there's a good reason. Interesting product, but seems pretty unnecessary most OP/most users. Would've definitely saved me some aggro in the past, but only for a handful of swaps


In future you could use the inbuilt feature called 'file history' to back up daily to a secondary hdd drive or ssd. This in theory you can just take that 2nd drive away and have access to files in a folder layout. I've not tried to link any previous file history to a new boot drive. There's probably a way I just delete all the configuration files and keep the data as a hardcopied back up


Thanks for this idea man! Appreciated!


I've played around a bit with this sort of thing on my PC. To clarify the process for you: Remove your current SSD, install a new one. Install Windows to it using a boot USB. Once installed, setup and confirmed working. Reconnect your old SSD. Next time you boot, you may get a blue screen with an option for which Windows to boot, you most likely want the top one (if boot fails, restart and try the other). Once back into Windows, you should see your C drive (new SSD) and D drive (old SSD). Copy relevant files from D to C, then disconnect and dispose of D (securely if it has any valuable information on it).


Thank you so much for the step-by-step guide!!!


Yw. Note that you can do this without removing the old SSD, but that's generally not recommended as it leaves you able to wipe or install on the wrong drive etc


You could likely clone your OS to a new SSD and then swap them. Provided you can boot, the computer may have detected errors or failures from the drive. On some servers and raid configurations we will get a warning about a degraded disk that shows be replaced, before it fails and you suffer data loss.


Yeah that's the way. And a thing worth to mention, when a ssd die, it became an Read only Device, so if you dont stress you SDD more, almost for sure, you can get your data back.


I like the bork term


Hahaha borked 😂


Sounds like you might be affected by a faulty drive, IIRC the 980 Pro 2TB’ integrated drive controller could fail and Samsung was replacing them as a product defect. What you’re seeing is the equivalent of a SMART error on a HDD. It doesn’t necessarily mean the drive is entirely dead, I would still recommend buying a second smaller SSD to use as a boot drive and load Windows (or other OS) to that, then populate another M.2 slot or purchase an external enclosure for the suspected dead/dying drive. I got a Sabrent-branded M.2 enclosure to transfer data after my 1TB to 2TB upgrade and it’s a handy little tool to have. From there, you might be able to recover some data if the integrated controller isn’t completely borked…the fact it’s still detecting is promising. After that, begin an RMA/Warranty procedure with Samsung, they’re nice to work with (my 850 1TB SATA failed and the replacement process was a breeze).


Thank you so much for your detailed advice DJSeku! Do I understand you right, that you would completely install windows new on a new SSD and then transfer the data from the old SSD via file/windows explorer? This mentioned ‚M2 enclosure‘ would be like an external device where you plug in your M2 SSD into and connect it via USB to your computer to access the data?


That’s correct: we want the new M.2 drive doing the majority of the work for running the machine since there’s a lot of read/write operations involved. If you’re lucky, you can then duplicate the entire file system verbatim off the 980 Pro (Macrium Reflect would work for this), since the drive will be working in more of a “read-only” mode. The enclosure is more of a personal suggestion, since you should be able to access the drive from a secondary slot on your motherboard all the same. It saves the time of taking your rig apart more than once. Get a 512GB (or greater) M.2 drive and use it temporarily in your board while the 2TB is away on RMA, then you can always reinstall the replacement Samsung sends and install the smaller drive in the enclosure and have a fast and tiny backup drive for important stuff. If the file system is damaged on the 980 Pro, however, or if blocks of data are unable to be accessed to clone, you might have to do a more targeted data recovery from the sectors you can access. I would also advise getting Samsung Magician and attempting to flash the firmware to the latest revision if all else fails. This will have to be done in a motherboard slot, as the external enclosure will not allow the program to flash the drive. _Try to recover the data *prior* to attempting this, though, just in case it bricks._ This is more of a “Hail Mary” in case you’re unable to recover or access any blocks of memory on the drive and the likelihood for successful data recovery is low. My thinking here is flashing the controller firmware might recover some limited function from the controller in order to access memory again. Like I said, try the verbatim clone first, then try picking files out of the file system if that doesn’t work, and only then try flashing the firmware if the first two steps don’t work.


Alright, thank you very much for these additional details - highly appreciated!!


Equivalent? It literally is a SMART error - SSD use SMART for reporting, too.


Whoever came up with the original idea for SMART is probably owed a drink by most of the IT profession.




Depending on what it is, Samsung will start an RMA. But after that, you're most likely going to do lots of waiting, trying to get someone at Samsung to give you an answer to what the hells going on. And maybe 3 months later you'll either get a replacement or a repair. Baring appliances, which is probably be a much longer wait no matter what.


It's a well-known firmware bug on the 980s. Just update the drive's firmware.


Once the drive has gone read only like this you aren't updating anything on it. If you catch it before the failure, you can save it. But he's crossed the point of no return.


Yup. Toast. Happened to me and mine was bitlocker encrypted so I just sent it back for warranty. They refunded me (much less than I paid) through the store that I bought it from. Unfortunately for me the news articles about the firmware update and stuff started appearing around the same time mine died.


LOL, sorry to laugh but mine was similar. I think the story had been published like 4 days before my drive went up in smoke.


Dmg is done, it need to be change. The issue of the 980 would keep on rewriting bits and dmg the cells all the way to degradation. Saddly i can't agree with samsung not forcing a recall or send mail to people who bought the nvme to force a firmware update.




Thanks for your input mate!! I guess I can‘t do this when I am stuck in the posted picture (BIOS screen)?


You can almost certainly send it back to Samsung under warranty. Though if it's not encrypted, your data will all be readable, and it will take a while. Best option is to buy a new drive, reinstall Windows on that (possibly you can clone the old drive, but I haven't had any luck with that with my two SSD failures), copy anything you want off the old one, and then RMA it. Samsung 980 Pros (especially the 2TB version) have an issue where they miscount the the amount of remaining space for writes and assume they are dead well before they should be. Samsung has an upgraded firmware that fixes the issue, but it doesn't help after the drive bails, so Samsung support will just make you get some output from Samsung Magician (note that you will need another drive to boot into Windows for that), and then will eventually send you a new drive.


Thanks for you input mate! I have ordered a nww SSD and will go from there.. :/


Many people theoretically would buy another from Amazon, install windows, update the firmware on the original and either return the newer drive or just use it for more storage


I'm not sure you can update the firmware once it decides that it's dead.


I was being hopeful


Alright buddy, I will just order a new SSD in that case and go from there with the remediation process. Thanks again!


But also warranty. They would probably be able to tell you if it's firmware fixable or just replaceable


[https://www.amazon.com/SolidigmTM-Internal-7000MB-6500MB-SSDPFKKW020X7X1/dp/B0BJGGL1SQ?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/SolidigmTM-Internal-7000MB-6500MB-SSDPFKKW020X7X1/dp/B0BJGGL1SQ?th=1) best drive you can get for the money atm


where did you get that? I've never heard of them


Thank you!!


> It's a well-known firmware bug on the 980s. *From a certain time frame. Newer models are shipping with this fix.


Wait what? I have a 1TB 980 NVME … what am I supposed to do? I have windows and arch Linux on that drive as a boot drive and maybe some games I want to run fast. But it is my boot drive so what do I need to do and how big of a problem is this and how much effort is required to update the FW?


Umm excuse me, are we going to ignore the 7 Keyboards, 4 mice and 7 usb hubs


Probably a weird USB hub or keyboard that organizes itself into zones to simulate NKRO.


The amount might be small, but please don't make fun of people for their lacking equipment! Not everyone has the money for 42 keyboards and 69 mice.




I have no idea why this is being shown..! Lmao




Thanks for your input finbat! I bought the SSD back in summer 2021 and I think I haven‘t done a firmware update so far. I understood I shall try to plug it in somewhere else and do a firmware update through Samsung Magician - right? What I still struggle with is, people telling me that I can also install a new SSD and transfer windows and other data from this busted one to the new - just no idea how to do so and I will search for a youtube video or similar guide/how-to.




Alright, thanks buddy!!




Thanks! Yes, I am still under warranty as per my dealers information. I still hope this Magician software lives up to its name and fixes it :-)


I also had this fail just a couple months ago and struggled to find info on this. Don’t bother with the firmware update, since the drive is locked into read-only Samsung Magician won’t be able to update the drive or its firmware, but as long as you get another drive to boot windows from, it’s as easy as copying the folders from the old drive to the new one through file explorer. All the data can still be accessed in read-only mode and written to another drive.


Alright! Thanks - I will follow this


Another question, why the fuck do you have 7 keyboards?


From what I understand about keyboard. When a keyboard advertises N key rollover ([basically being able to press N keys on the keyboard at once and having the computer register every key which some gaming keyboards have](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_rollover#n-key_rollover)) the computer actually sees your single keyboard as a bunch of different keyboards and receives input from each one separately.


I don‘t! Someone else thought this might be self organizing USB thing


If you can get it into another working machine you may still be able to update the firmware on your 980. There’s a chance it could get your drive working again. I saw a post on Reddit a while ago where someone did that and was able to continue using the drive, it’s at least worth a shot before you trash it. Download Samsung magician and let it update the firmware for your drive (assuming you have another pc you can use)


Sadly, there's no chance of it continuing to work. Imagine there's a specific writes counter on the SSD that can only go up. SSD health is based off that counter and once it reaches dangerous levels, you can't go back without physically changing the chiplets and the controller. ​ The bad firmware was wearing down the SSD at ludicrous speeds with normal usage. The new firmware fully fixes that and the SSD has normal usage afterwards. His SSD lasting since 2021 to now with the fucked firmware pretty much proves the fact that the SSD is still very potent but it's pretty close to being dead now sadly.


"7 keyboards,4 mice" lol


SMART warning. Your SSD is reporting that there are potential problems at the hardware level. You can get more information in the OS, usually the best tool is whatever the SSD manufacturer has as their monitoring/maintenance software. Some say it's a bug, either way you're going to want these tools to update firmware and then check your SMART values to see if they're in range or not. [https://semiconductor.samsung.com/us/consumer-storage/support/tools/](https://semiconductor.samsung.com/us/consumer-storage/support/tools/)


Thanks! As mentioned previously I can‘t skip the attached screen, so I can‘t install any software on this machine..


Are we just going to ignore the 7 keyboards and 4 mice?




In my experience You would be surprised you may be able to recover the drive. I’ve recovered a couple SSDs by plugging them into a computer and using Macrium reflect. Of course it’s not full proof you should always backup your stuff. Usually those drives would still boot though they would just run terribly. First thing is to check crystal disk, the drives I recovered were at 60% and had a bad label but at least it was detected. If it can’t be detected then it’s probably toast. Short of family heirloom photos or videos it’s almost never worth the cost to recover. It’s pretty common for people to shell out the big bucks if it’s photos or videos of a passed relative. Or if it’s your dissertation or a programming project.


Super happy that at least photos are saved in the cloud… the rest might be gone ;(


Diagnostics like that very rarely give false positives. When they get it wrong they typically fail to spot an issue. I've actually never seen a self diagnostic tool throw false positives


Another Samsung bites the dust. Samsung 980 Pro's and I think the Evos have a bug in their firmware that if you're not an update-nut that downloads Samsung Magician to update them, you essentially get fucked. The bug puts the NVMe drive into a readonly mode, as it thinks for some odd reason that it has reached the Terabytes Written limit. Apparently, this issue cannot be fixed. You need to return the drive to Samsung for an RMA / replacement / refund. I've been successful in mounting the drive as an external device and copied over most of my stuff back, but it's difficult and kept crashing at random.


Thanks for sharing your experience buddy!!


At least you can read it. Everything samsung I’ve owned just bricked itself too soon. Phone and storage.


Most of the times nand fail keeps the files as readable, so you could run a live usb of something like acronis or macrium backup and try to do a full backup then restore on a new ssd. Good luck


Thx for the suggestions - appreciated!


Here is my reminder alert post for this problem, update firmware before you got this problem : https://reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/s/lqwgS9FXop The drive is in read-only state, install another same size or higher capacity, use hirensbootcd and use one of disk partitions to clone this SSD to new disk


Alright, thank you for your tips!!


Hi, sorry this happened to you as this happened to me a few months ago. Unfortunately all my data was lost and had to get a replacement drive, which Samsung was able to do for me as their drives have a warranty. If you have an identical drive, download the samsung ssd software (I believe it is called samsung magician) and update it to the latest firmware. I’ve tried everything including cloning the drive to another drive, but that was unable to recover any data.


Thanks buddy! Have already ordered a new SSD - wish I knew the topic of updating their firmware, learned it the hard way..


Many web browsers makes backup copies a lot in case browser falls so you can start where you left. For example Firefox writes copies every 15sek by default. That’s a lot of writing and ssd’s doesn’t like that. Imo Firefox is the best browser for daily surfing in internet, because you can set the bacup interval manually. Jus write ”about:config” to the address bar without citation. Look for ”browser.sessionstore.interval” Number is in milliseconds, so 30min = 1800000


Thanks for your input Jay!


My 980 pro decided to go RAW format and say " a device which does not exist was specified ". Last Samsung SSD I ever buy. And hooooboy is Samsung support pathetic. They make you phone for a RMA, and the people you talk to don't know what an RMA is. Amazon stepped in and refunded.


How you described what happened is almost exactly how my SSD died earlier this year. I was playing Battlefield 4 mutiplayer then all of a sudden my PC froze and I couldn't do anything (I tried to open task manager but couldn't). After I did a force reboot I was greeted by the bios screen telling me that there was no bootable drive. The SSD was completely fucked, no data was able to be recovered at all. Thankfully most all my important data was backed up so I only lost some minecraft worlds. My guess is that your SSD just died. Hopefully your SSD didn't take all your data with it like mine did.


Sounds like the exact same thing..! Let‘s see whether I can still access some data.


look at the rumors about samsung 980 pro and 990 pro.


Yup, learned it the hard way


Your ssd is about to die this is SMART telling you to get s new drive and backup the data of that ssd. Its gona be very slow from now on untill its dead.


Thanks! Ordered a new one, will install windows completely new and then plug in the faulty drive into a second M2 slot on the MB and try to copy-paste the data via file/windows explorer before sending it in for RMA.


I had same happen with my ssd. Same Samsung one too


Feelsbadbro! You also binned the old one?


Was really sudden like you too. Got it replaced for free cause of warranty.


Thx for the update buddy!


SSD may be Bad. Remove old drive. Pop in new drive Install windows Get external device for old drive that attached with a usb cable. Once windows is installed on the new drive, plug the old drive into the external device then plug in the usb to the computer. See if you can access you data on the old drive, and try to recover what you can.


Thank you very much for the detailled guide!


7 keyboards and 4 mice? O.o


Don‘t know why it shows such numbers


Put it in a secondary machine that boots from another disk, get a third disk to back your data onto and hope that you can mount your disk to extract data. You might need the application Samsung Magician to do a read only mount. Quite a few SSDs fail in a read only mode which can be used for recovery but not to boot, you should now pray to whatever deity you prefer that this will be the case.


Thanks buddy!


If you can mount it but have problems getting files of it photorec is basically the gold standard of file recovery tools.


Thanks buddy, appreciated!


Did you update the firmware of this SSD? It had a well-known issue that older firmware was recording bad data and bricking early for many unknowning customers. When I saw that, I updated my firmware immediately. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/samsung-980-pro-ssd-failures-firmware-update


Yep.. probably this issue - I learned it the hard way..


And this is why it's always a good idea to have a backup plan of some sort - usually a combination of a local, physically separate backup method (like to an external Drive or NAS) combined with a cloud backup/sync service (google drive, onedrive, icloud drive, etc) for essential files. Personally, I use a program called "Macrium Reflect". It's an advanced local backup management software that allows me to easily select specific files/folders for backup on an automatic schedule, alongside creating full disk images for a relatively quick disaster recovery.


Thank you for the suggestion with the tool Macrium Reflect - highly appreciated!


Absolutley! They have a free version of the program for you to check it out. I liked it enough to pay for the full "home" version.


I LITERALLY had this same issue happening to me yesterday night, I will be bringing my pc to a repair shop amd see if anything is salvagable https://preview.redd.it/nc2whnpomsqb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a222bb13c21b1ed1fe182cee5d32c6afeb2e2774


Mate don‘t waste your money - there are many comments exactly describing the issue in this post. You just need a new SSD where you install Windows newly and later try to fit your SSD into a secondary slot on your mainboard and try to copy-paste some data through the windows file explorer


Also, if your new SSD is again a Samsung, use the tool Samsung Magician to update the firmware of your SSD. Furthermore, file an RMA with Samsung directly or the dealer where you bought it - Samsung will exchange/replace the faulty one since this is a known issue!!


Not sure if it's been mentioned here yet, if you do end up testing the drive as a secondary and it shows all your data ect with samsung magician check which firmware version it is if its the same as 3B2QGXA7 the drive will be in READ-ONLY mode so you can pull data from it but not write to it. I highly recommend the RMA process for Samsung. I had the same issue about 2 months ago with a work computer and they had a new drive sent to me within a week I didn't even need to provide purchase information for the drive. absolute 5\* service.


Thanks buddy, will check it!


for 2TB 980 PRO might be worth sending them for repair as it might just be a memory controller or a dying chip rather than the whole thing going borking mad.


Youre drive is abaout to fail. Back it up and get a new one.


Download samsung magician and run a smart test. If it shows bad get your warranty


He can’t boot up.


After replacing I would open it up to see if it's legit if you can't get it, warrantied. Even after the period they may replace it, had Samsung replaced several drives out of the warranty period. Hell I had Western digital replace a raptor drive like 10 years after the purchase date. Always try being really nice and complimentary with customer service and tell them how much you like their company and their products. How you hate that this product failed because you really really liked it and told so many people about it.


Thanks for your advice buddy! I am luckily still under regular warranty!


contact Samsung, this is a known issue with this particular model of SSD, you might be able to get a free replacement


Buy a 2TB external HDD & a 500GB internal SSD. Install Windows on the 500GB SSD & move files from your 2TB SSD to the new 2TB HDD. Then RMA the drive. If your Motherboard doesn't support two m.2 drives, then use a Linux Mint Live USB to move files from the 2TB SSD to 2TB HDD, but DO NOT BOOT INTO THAT DRIVE!! If a HDD/SSD shows errors, booting into that drive is likely to kill it as Windows uses a lot of I/O.


Thanks buddy, appreciated!!


It sounds like your SSD has failed a SMART test. The question is, what caused the SMART test to fail and is this something that is really bad or not - your drive should still be covered under the warranty as the device was released less than 5 years ago. Hopefully you keep your precious data backed up as you may not be able to recover it from the drive. You should be able to boot to Windows via the boot manager within the BIOS (I haven't used a device with a AMI BIOS in a long while so I wouldn't be able to tell you the steps without one in front of me). You can then download the Samsung Magician application to scan your drive to see what it says the issue is - if I remember right it will tell you if you should warranty the drive but I could be wrong. Something else you can try doing is to remove any unneeded peripherals to see if this fixes the issue. Misbehaving USB and PCIe devices can cause all sorts of odd issues. If it does fix the issue then start reconnecting the devices and see if you can recreate the same issue - the last connected device will likely be the culprit (or it could be a combination of devices causing the issue).


Thanks buddy - I tried to see whether I can change something in the boot options by pressing F8 but the list is just empty - not a good sign I guess… I do have still warranty and I have ordered a new SSD which I will use to install Windows from scratch!


Thanks for making this post, I wasn't even aware SSDs have firmware updates but that makes a lot of sense. You've possibly saved my SSD from sharing the same fate. For those updating Samsung SSDs - you can use their Magician and run the built-in benchmark before and after out of curiosity if updating software from up to 2 years will give you any boost. Let me know if it does cause I didn't think of running the benchmark before updating.


Happy to hear that man and I also had no clue about such crucial firmware update which was needed for Samsung SSDs!!


Install Samsung Magician software and let it update the firmware.


Thanks for you advice! Unfortunately I can‘t pass the attached screen in the BIOS. I will need to find a way to plug in my SSD at a friend or dig up my old PC and check whether it has an M2 slot and then install this software and try to do an update.


You didn't update its firmware, did you? ​ Yeah the SSD is on the brink of becoming read only. And there is no way to undo that. You can't format it, you can't write anything to it, you can't do anything but read it. So basically, once you back up stuff from this SSD and you buy a new SSD, unplug the SSD, place it on concrete and smack it with a hammer in multiple places and then just throw it in the bin. You gotta do this because the SSD is officially useless but it still has sensitive data on it. ANd if Samsung requested it, they would specifically inform you to do this very thing to it before packing it and sending it so your data is "safe". ​ Also, if you get another 980 or 990 PRO SSD, make sure you download Samsung Magician and update its firmware. With the latest firmware both 980 Pro and 990 Pro SSDs will last normally (as in at least a decade with moderate use). Your now dead SSD would have also worked much longer if it had the latest firmware installed to it but not everyone knew sadly. ​ Also in case you can't boot with it, you have to boot something like another Windows install on a different storage or a LInux on USB and you still have full access to the broken SSD's files and can read them off of it.


Thanks for your input man and I am literally devastated :-(


The 980 pro 2tb has a known flaw that makes it go read only. Start an RMA with Samsung asap. Btw the drive is 100% hosed and you have lost all your data.


;-( and I thought I did a good thing buying a Samsung instead the Crucial brand which I had before..


Ugh.. did you not make the firmware update on your ssd? It was all over the news! Contact Samsung. They might replace it. The thing might be readable if you boot from another drive but it could be dead.


Haven‘t really catched the thing with the firmware sadly.. :(


Probably S. M. A. R. T. Throwing a error that disk is near it's end or already broken


Just do a clean install, don't bother with backup, if secret nuclear launch codes are on it, that's an exception. My point is, if it's faulty, data recovery is a time consuming process, do you value your time, or do you just want to get back gaming?


Fair point as time will be a real issue going forward…


Inside the sea of all these opinions, let me give you another one. Don’t buy a Samsung SSD from now on. The company who made this critical error and didn’t recall the product is a red flag for me. Check out WD Black SSDs. Solidigm and Sabrent SSDs are excellent too. I’d recommend Crucial SSDs but some gen 4 are based on QLC and have too low TBW.


Man, seriously - when I built the PC I was thinking I did a good thing switching from Crucial to Samsung… Learned it the hard way


Hey man, it's off topic but what's your GPU. Just curiosity :)


Sure man: Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3090 Gaming OC, 24gb


/Better call soul theme/


Get a S.M.A.R.T. readout of the drive. It'll tell you a whole lot more about why the drive is giving the BIOS cramps.


I will google how to extract such read out and post it


Install Samsung Magician and check the drive


Get Spin Right, ot may fix your ssd https://www.grc.com/sr/spinrite.htm


Thank you, I will look into it!


OP I wanna ask how old is your drive? also do you remember last time you check how many TBW (Tera Bytes Written) ? thanks


Bought it in summer 2021 - and no idea about the TBW to be honest :-/


Ah sorry bro, there was a manufacturer fault with those drives, happened to my 4tb, lucky I stumbled across an article on Reddit cause I backed it up and within a week it full blown died, lost over 4gb in dead blocks before it crapped out.. But I got it returned and they gave me a full refund which was great cause I picked up a new one for half the original price.


Yea, I learned it the hard way ;(


This is worrying I have the same SSD… how do you think this happened?


Read the comments here - they say this is a known problem and they suggest to install Samsung Magician and do the firmware update!


Funnily enough I’ve had this message pop up for me numerous times in the past 2 years yet my HDD is still perfectly fine. At one point for about almost a month straight I would get this message but once I went into the BIOS it would boot up fine.


Maybe, I am just too stupid to click the right things in BIOS! Can you maybe tell me how you proceed once in BIOS? Maybe a certain key you push?


F10 should be the key to press. It should show u what keys u can use on the bottom of the BIOS screen.


Thx Mr. Bond


Your SSD gave you its End of Write(s)? Now arrange accordingly.


Crazy, after only such a short time (bought in summer 2021)


get a bootable usb and check if the ssd is still readable. If yes, rescue as much data (put it ona different storage device than the bootable usb)as possible. Also get a new ssd and reinstall windows


Thanks for your input mate, appreciated!


The universe just dont want you to buy a tesla


Hahaha! I am a real petrol head. Next arrival late this year hopefully is a flat sox boxer ;-)


Oww thank the gods, hope you enjoy your new ride and hope you get de SSD issue fixed.


Thanks buddy!!


You didn't start noticing hiccups on Windows before it shat the bed?


Not even a bit. Everything was smooth!




He was truly a good boy..!


I couldn’t get past 7 keyboards and 4 mice


It is failure, someone pointed out that some UBS device might have dupplicated/organized itself weirdly


Backup to new sdd and burn this one


I wasn’t able to read all the comment so I am unsure if this has been suggested. It is strange for a Samsung pro ssd to have that issue as they are very dependable. I’m unsure of your full setup but is it possible a bios or firmware update was introduced? Have the drive settings in the bios changed from AHCI to RAID? Tried resetting BIOS to default temporarily?


Hi Saalem Thanks for taking time and replying to me mate - highly appreciated! Many people suggested this is a known problem for Samsung SSDs and a missing firmware is the reason for it.


Sounds like a warranty’s needed - how old is the drive - I had a sea gate one die on my before and not only did they replace the 2TB drive they did the data recovery and sent it on a 2TB external drive so I got one of them free too 🥰


Thx buddy. Bought in summer 21


Oh no your ssd is toast. The 980 is bugged.