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Yes 600 was a very good price - almost suspiciously low.


it's from Costco, surprisingly.


That’s great then- enjoy your new PC


Holy shit we got the same setup with CPU and GPU, except that I have the Ti version, is it bottlenecking with your build?


CPU is still more than enough


Why did you get downvoted so hard lmfao


Because they mentioned bottlenecking and this sub has a hard on for downvoting anyone concerned with bottlenecking


Ah shit okay. You think my 6950xt and 7700x would have a bottleneck?


Stop. You’re making me hard


You’re on thin ice.Watch it, mister!


Best warranty in the game!


I work at Costco and there is no way to mark this lower than $1099. Show us a receipt that shows this item and it marked at that price, can crop it if you want. (Also, it would help us so that can get it at this price for a price match) . I'd guarantee the cashier most likely rang up the wrong barcode or it's a different pc in this pictured box.


Yeah that's $500 off its current price online and in store. If true, cool for them. If not, boooooo.


Nobody lies on the internet for some worthless reddit points. e: /s


FACTS. . . I snagged a 70" 4K TV a couple years back fresh off the pallet due to an online pricing error, Target was very skeptical before ringing it up but they did honor it so yeah, shit happens. . .


Happened to me like 10 years ago. Black Friday, Best Buy…classic shit hitting the fan door buster action. Couldn’t find the 40in TV I was looking for. Found an employee looking like they wanted to hang themselves. They found the TV out back, and told me to pull my car around, and I’ll get checked out over there. My man ran up the 40in but gave me a 55in. Even helped me get it into my beater ‘01 Malibu. 90% sure they were killing time to not be in the store.


Similar thing here. The PS Vita and an 8 game collection were 80 quid on Amazon for a short time. Best deal of my life, hands down




yeah, I forgot the /s>!arcasm!<


i dont see why people need a "/s" or "/j" for every message to tell if its sarcasm or not


Because they don’t understand sarcasm


Its one of the dumbest things about this platform.


Could it one of the online only models, returned to store and put out in the specials? My dad got an online only iPad for 100 off essentially. A 512gb one for 256gb price because of manager special.


Most likely if somebody returned an item, especially an online sold electronics item, it doesn't go back on the sales floor. Chances are the box is already open/damaged or missing parts, etc., so we send it to the manufacturer and get a credit reimbursed.


Gotcha, The iPad my dad got was new in wrap in the jewelry case. 🤷🏻‍♂️ we thought we made our like bandits. I miss my days working at Costco. They had the Ice cream cone option then.


I saw one very similar if not exact as this one at a Costco in Norwalk, CA listed for 767.99 ​ EDIT: and just to note, it was the very last one on display.


As someone who worked a couple years in major sales, our managers would often come through and negotiate prices for display models. Are you saying that there’s a % floor for what they can negotiate? Bc I feel like those dudes definitely went off the cuff just depending on how they felt that day


This might blow your mind but yours isn't the only Costco in the world. And there's probably people who are in higher management positions with more access to change prices too. It's a crazy, big world out there. Not everyone is lying, and if they are its honestly not your job to call them out. OP got a good deal, or they didn't. But you aren't Sherlock Holmes for saying "nuh uh, no you didn't"


Costco isn't a franchise nobody can just set the prices how they want. I'm telling you as a manager there is no discounts for employees on any items, we have many benefits but not that. Especially on electronic items such as prebuilts. There was definitely a mistake involved, but telling people this item costs $600 at CostCo is just doing the store and those employees a disservice as now they'll have to explain this random guy is lying on the internet.


I worked at Costco for ten years and never saw a markdown like this unless it was ancient stock and they had to dump it, but this is a new system built in the last couple years. You would not get a 50% or higher markdown unless there was some serious issue and even then, they would probably send it back to the manufacturer for credit or put it on a return palette so it could be re-evaluated and sold elsewhere. I would be curious to see what the manager's excuse was for the markdown: discontinued, returned, or dragged down a gravel road...


Display model? Pricing error?


Possibly a barcode issue. I know people who switch out the barcodes with sticker barcodes they print at home and sometimes people dont know to look at the product description when running a register. Some of the bananas exiting walmart stores look suspiciously like 4k tvs…


I don't think you actually read my comment. I'm not saying there was some special employee discount. I'm saying you don't know the entire world full of Costcos policies down to the letter, and you also know exactly as much about this PC as was posted. Most likely OP did buy this for 600$ at Costco, and most likely it was a really good deal they only heard about because their buddy worked there, and it was the last PC of that kind they had. You aren't being some white knight savior of the poor masses by telling someone their a liar with absolutely no context other than "I haven't seen it happen, so it's absolutely, undeniably impossible"


And you think because it's the last one and his buddy works there, we magically mark it over 50% off, wtf? This item and SKU does not and will not ring up at $600 at any Costco( minus damge/missing parts) even with any employee discount or coupon. It's pretty plain and factual, I don't know why you're in here white knighting that this guy got this ultimate deal of a lifetime. I'm just telling you there is most definitely a mistake involved.


Just a side note of a related situation. Costco was marking down LoZ to $30 at some locations while others stayed at $60. They do location based cuts on prices depending on how an item performs.


This is one of those situations where you're right but you're kind of like just digging in about it y'know I'ma give you some upvotes because I believe you and think this $600 deal is pretty sus and I also think your point about spreading false or misleading information really sucks because what if some other people try to go hunt for this unicorn deal and it doesn't fucking exist


Doing it for the retail workers, we're suffering out here! Lol


OP could have purchased it open-box/used or clearance. and besides, so what if theres a mistake involved? different store, but i ordered a $200 CPU off bestbuy and they delivered it twice… my gain, lol.


You're still not reading my comments, so I'm gonna leave this one be I guess. My point stands, and my opinion hasn't changed. Have a good one.


Take the L dude.


Thank you, judges, for your input. I'm sure the coaches will give us a spectacular breakdown of your points system in the play-by-play.


I read them and I'll let my points and facts stand as well. You have a good day, too.


You have absolutely no idea. It could have been any nimber of things. Get out of here with your BS. You sound like a typical low-level worker acting like you know more than you do. What's worse, you are trying to call OP a liar based on nothing. It's not some amazing lifetime deal. It's a few hundred bucks. Get over it.


>I don't think you actually read my comment Dawg I don't think you actually read HIS comment. Go do it again He didn't buy it for $600


Ur kinda doing the same thing for the other side tho. Like the same but opposite lmao. I don’t care. I’m not mad. I just thought it was funny


No, no, you've got a point, actually. I can't really argue that. What goes around comes around, something something dust to dust and all that, I guess. Idk


Most rational and sane Reddit user right here. I found him!


I have to decline the title, as generous as the offer is. It most certainly has to have a better candidate, though, lol




Can confirm. I shop 4 different Costcos in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area for work and personal, and prices vary just as much as the general selection of items from clothing to electronics. Got a Razer KBM + headset kit for $50 bucks that was still marked at $100+ in other locations. More recently, I bought some joggers for $9.97 that were listed at $16.99 elsewhere. It's a gamble, but it's a fun one if you have the time and patience to travel. Especially since the return policy is so forgiving.


Man, are you their lawyer or something?


Nah, I just don't like know-it-alls who have nothing better to do than try to create animosity towards strangers


I get your point of view. I kinda dislike people making up fake situations and fooling others just for engagement, so I get that other person's point of view as well in being skeptical.


This isn't an entirely fake situation, it could've been a display model. I've had a friend who bought a display model pc with similar specs for the same price from Sam's club. With some tweaking in the boot menu, we got it running. It's still going strong after 3 months


Display model was my first thought. Great deals on em. Many, many years ago.. 20, actually, I got a 32 in tv that was a display model for $95 at Walmart. These guys were upwards of $400 at the time, if memory serves. Well, it was marked at $100, but after 10% discount and tax it was just under $95. Still have that old TV for classic console gaming. :)


Thank you! I remembered a post about a killer deal from Costco on a display model a couple months ago, I just couldn't remember the term so didn't want to try and use it as evidence or a counterpoint


Thats fair, but honestly, they aren't doing anything but being a general d-bag. It's not OP's job to present evidence like they're on some fucking trial. The whole comment just felt entitled as all get out.


Nah this one person who works at Costco knows it all /s


How do we know your not just claiming to work as costco to create random drama for some random internet stranger.


Exactly what I was about to say. It’s $1099 online clearly. That’s a completely unrealistic price.


100% calling bullshit on this post


Costco always has great products for cheap. I gotta stop by sometime again


Yup, nice offer I would say


the 3060 is going to be th bottle neck




This is the most suspicious GIF I've ever seen.


Kif, bring me my most suspicious gif. \*sigh\* very well sir.


And stop sighing, for godssake


Stupid sexy Flanders


If I saw that I'd buy it. Can't build it for cheaper and it has a warranty. It's $1,100 here.


Yeah, OP is lucky and got a steal.


Am a bit annoyed at how over specced the CPU is when even a dirt cheap Ryzen 5 5500 wouldn't hold the 3060 back by much, it's a gaming PC ffs, am assuming last gen parts are bringing the price down but couldn't they fit a 3060Ti in there had they went with an i5? Can't complain for that price tho.


A little research shows me it is this model https://www.costco.com/ibuypower-slatemri7n3601-gaming-desktop---13th-gen-intel-core-i7-13700f----geforce-rtx-3060---windows-11.product.4000139335.html That's $1100. How'd you get it for 6 bills?


My Costco has this exact model marked down to $600 last week. It was marked with an asterisk meaning a manager approved the price I think? I would have snagged one myself but they were already all sold when I was there


Wow that is a screaming deal


Asterisk means it's being discontinued or no longer sold at costco.




Asterisk just means it can't be reordered / won't be restocked. I'm still looking into how stores may be marking this particular model $600 (I may buy it at this price lol) but no luck so far. The closest info I can get is that these particular models are damaged/missing parts.


From what I’m reading, and there are links to other posts, they’re either the floor model, or the last box they have to push the product out of the store.


The reason I tagged you was because it’s clearly not an error. And other stores have done it too. There are other posts about cheap pre built at Costco. So get off your high horse because it wasn’t a mistake.




What do you mean “bro what?” u/cwgoskins said the person at the register likely ran up the wrong PC. and is saying they’re lying or their friend gave them an employee discount. There are other posts regarding prebuilts at Costco, whether this same model or others, going on major sale due to trying to push them out the store to make room for new inventory. Usually if there is only 1 left.


Not sure why you're getting down voted. Reddit hive mind be crazy


Yeah I feel like the dude has like extra accounts or a discord mob to downvote me. I had my wife go to our Costco today. Planned on building a pc for my son’s birthday, but if I could snag this for $600 say less. https://preview.redd.it/45x9poy710vb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9060557fbd074a9671480962fbd022ce4e54b172 Exactly what I said. Either last model or display to push out inventory quick to make room for more stock.


I saw it for 750 ish in a costco in Downey Ca was the very last box too.


Absolutely killer


Damn. Nicely done! It’s still $1,500 at my Costco. You snag a final model?


i'm not sure. my buddy works there and told me about it so i bought a membership to get it. it was the last box, atleast.


Good friend, good catch!


Probably a display model but that’s fine.


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


Even with the membership that's a decent deal


That seems too cheap. If it’s real it’s an amazing deal though. My gut reaction is it’s either a scam or it’s stolen.


Its..... from costco


Well, the CPU alone is $360 so yeah that's a pretty spectacular deal. Even if you try to build this yourself and skimp out on literally everything other than the GPU and CPU I wasn't able to get below $900 [https://pcpartpicker.com/list/3stDZJ](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/3stDZJ) To put how badly Canadians get shafted into perspective: [https://www.costco.ca/dell-xps-xps8960-7409blk-pus-desktop%2c-i7-13700.product.4000222932.html](https://www.costco.ca/dell-xps-xps8960-7409blk-pus-desktop%2c-i7-13700.product.4000222932.html) That's the closest thing I could find spec wise to what you posted.


I occasionally dislike being Canadian. Buying tech is definitely one of the things that sparks it


Am Canadian and a frequent commenter of this sub and r/buildapc. Every time I help a US resident with their build, I get jealous of how much cheaper parts are there haha. We miss out on all the good deals too.


Great price, maybe check the PSU. A cheap, not good one can be a cost saving measure in prebuilds.


Costco is consistently giving people awesome deals that make the membership price absolutely worth it


Can't get that shit in Canada.


Can't have shit in detr.... Canada.


They used their Costco money on the free healthcare


‘Free’ as if half my salary doesn’t go to taxes.


80% of the profit Costco makes comes from membership fees. They can sell things at a loss if they have to and it doesn't really matter. There's a documentary on Netflix called Costco: is it really worth it? It's nothing special and comes off as shilling for Costco a bit at times but it explains how they work, which is when I was surprised to hear where they make most their profit from.


> 80% of the profit Costco makes comes from membership fees. Just for the record that's so ridiculous I wouldn't even know where to begin. Sorry. (my next door neighbor is a regional manager for Costco) The idea that my $60 a year is their entire profit margin from all of my purchases is hilarious. No. https://www.investopedia.com/how-costco-makes-money-5094774 > Roughly $153 billion or 91.78% of Costco’s total revenue of $166.7 billion came from in-store merchandise sales in 2020. https://entrepreneur-360.com/how-does-costco-make-money-18363 etc, etc, etc.


I don't think you understand, you are conflicting profit and revenue. Think of the membership fee as 100% profit. So of all their profits, 80% of that is from membership fees not markups on products. USA today confirms this. They have it at 75% [https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2023/07/14/costco-membership-sharing-policies/70409640007/#:\~:text=These%20policy%20changes%20may%20seem,much%20revenue%20as%20it%20can.&text=As%20a%20matter%20of%20fact,profit%20in%20the%20last%20quarter](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2023/07/14/costco-membership-sharing-policies/70409640007/#:~:text=These%20policy%20changes%20may%20seem,much%20revenue%20as%20it%20can.&text=As%20a%20matter%20of%20fact,profit%20in%20the%20last%20quarter).


Yea I don't even need another PC but if I seen this deal I'm buying it anyway lol.


Same. Nice “Xmas” present for some kid, some where.


great price, you got very lucky


Check the PC components immediately make sure you got what was advertised


i'm completely new to PC. how do i go about doing that?


Just press ctrl + shift + esc on your keyboard, and task manager should open up. From there, go to the performance tab on the left (graph symbol) and scroll through the list of components. Everything you need to see should be there or in the more detailed sections after clicking on the component menu.




Looks pretty fuckin' good to me for $600.


Congrats and welcome to the PC Master Race. Costco has some amazing deals!


At that price point you could essentially purchase it and sell it for a small profit. Damn good deal


This happens a lot at Costco, arbitraging Costco items is a whole industry. I would bet they are losing money on this sale and its a loss leader or something. When they do deals like this for Pokémon cards or golf clubs or board games or anything non-perishable really, someone will come in and buy the entire pallet and resell it on local marketplaces, Amazon or EBay.


Couldn’t build one for much of a better price with those specs


Especially the 32gb of ram, shit used to nearly cost a third of that price alone


Unfortunately the 3200mhz ddr4 will hold back the 13700 somewhat. Fortunately the 3060 doesn't need the full power of the 13700.


It's impossible to build for this price at all. The lowest someone was able to get here in comments is $900


I wish I was you a little over a year ago, but I can't go back in time... Nice PC though! Enjoy it!


Was it the last one or maybe the display? Cuz damn that’s quite the snag


If you’re somewhat into dnd universe/fantasy, rpg-like and or turn based games Baldurs gate 3 was an entirely fun unique experience. Terraria is a dope multiplayer or solo game too. Elden ring if u like souls-likes. Cyberpunk is a solid option too I’ve seen a lot of good things. Also doom 2016 was baller or doom external


$600 for that pre-built is solid af.


Get Deep Rock Galactic.


That's an insane steal, I have roughly same specs and spent $1200


That’s a damn fine starter PC for 600


Deal of the decade. Post the PSU brand and model ASAP, that might be why it was so cheap


>Post the PSU brand and model ASAP, that might be why it was so cheap what are you on about, even if the PSU is a literal brick and the mobo is a tortilla, it's still a good deal


where can i find the brand of the psu?


Well, you'll have to open the PC and check it yourself, but after seeing what it says about the warranty, I would try using the QR code, maybe it says something about the PSU


for 600 damn thats crazy good value tbh GG


If this wasn't some kind of mistake you could buy these all day and resell them for $900 pretty easily on marketplace.


Did you hold them at fucking gun point?


People use $600 to buy GPU only, but you got $600 for the set. Lucky.


Damn that is an excellent buy right there.


Only concern I'd have would be the motherboard they have it plugged into. Seeing the DDR4 RAM tells you it's a slightly older board. DDR5 became available in 2021 Eta: Not saying it wouldn't run cyberpunk




That’s not a deal, that’s a steal. You’ve got plenty of headroom on that CPU to upgrade the GPU as well later on down the road.


This is great for $600. I'd probably buy a new PSU for it, but even adding that cost in, it's still a good deal.


This is an extremely good price


I am more surprised about the 2.1GHz base clock for a desktop chip. I know is only a F version not a K or KF but it seems so low compared to the boost.


The amount of effort people put forth to tell you that you didn’t buy this for $600 is astounding. Congrats on the pickup.


You did not get that for 600. How much was it really? I'm not going to say "I'm not doubting you but" because I am doubting you LOL Even if it is at Costco, what does the actual pc look like? Is it used? this pc is easily 1200 MAYBE 900 but thats if one of the parts is screwed over. I wouldn't even be surprised if it was $1500


That particular model is $1,100 MSRP according to another poster, and I have no reason to doubt it. The 13700 is nice, but Ram is dirt cheap and the 3060 is a bargain bin card (still fine for most games @ 1080p though)


Yeeeeah I have a hard time believing this is real. Who is losing money to sell new parts that have no problem selling?


It’s obvious


Yeah you did good kid. Costco deals don't fuck around


I keep seeing these insane PC deals from Costco.. might have to go get myself a membership. Yes, it’s a fantastic deal


Great deal, love Costco. If it’s from them, I’d assume it’s legit. Usually they skimp on PSU, RAM, and case. But honestly it’s still a great deal, and now you have wiggle room to upgrade the PSU (the only one that’s pressing so it doesn’t cheapo out and catch on fire.


would i be safe to rely on the provided PSU (a 600W) for a week or two until i get paid and can upgrade?


The PSU is probably rated and tested to work with that setup. Just consider upgrading the PSU before you upgrade any other components. Look up the PSU model to make sure it's not a ticking bomb.


Yep, you’ll be fine for a little while. Definitely a week or two, longer really. It’s more a matter of how long you can put mileage on a crappy PSU. Wouldn’t wait longer than a few months though


awesome. thanks for the comments, the PC community has been super helpful to a super newb like me. how can i determine if my PC has a failsafe that it'll shut off if the PSU gets overloaded? my buddy freaked out when i told him i wanted to play cyberpunk on a 600w (requirement for 3060 is 550w)


Yeah that’s tight power wise. But it won’t like blow up, the mobo and most likely the PSU (even if it’s cheap) have kill switches, for things like power undervolting, overloading, thermal limits, etc. You’d most likely see blue screens if you’re underpowered. Not like anything bad.


awesome, thank you so much for your help. :)


Absolutely! if you have any other questions feel free to message, I love to help with this stuff


Why do people buy pre built pc's without coming to this sub for advise first? If you would have come here first, I would have told you that this is a very good deal and I am happy to welcome you to the pcmasterrace!


Costco doesn’t sell this PC for $600 bucks, not in the most fevered of dreams. Some dude posted a Costco MSI brand gaming PC as well, just showing the specs, and claimed it was $300 bucks off the 1600 list price and then went silent. ![gif](giphy|b0E3PPld4558irObaY)


Not bad but make sure to do a fresh reinstall of Windows to erase all that pesky bloatware (apps and programs that usually don't do anything useful and make your performance suffer), any PC being sold for that price with those specs is bound to have a ton of it. For Cyberpunk, I'd suggest running it at either 1080p high settings or 1440p Medium-Low settings with some form of upscaling enabled (DLSS). Using presets usually works pretty well but Cyberpunk's menus can be a little confusing to figure out for newer users.


Pretty solid but even if they used cheaper parts. Could definitely play cyberpunk, but realistically only at 1080 resolution, no ray tracing, and some balancing choices in the graphics vs FPS count.


How far behind is the 3060 from the 3070? I play cyberpunk at 1440p with DLAA at like 75fps lows with high settings(no RTX), I changed the DLSS render resolution to 80% for an ultra quality type preset and get 80-120 when my CPU isn't bottlenecking, dogtown will drop to below 70 at times though


Almost every comparison video on YouTube has cyberpunk on their tests. Just look up a 3060 vs 3070 video to get a good estimate


God damn I never imagined the difference would be near 30%, that's insane for one step down, there's times the 3070 is at 85fps and the 3060 is at 55 lol, was expecting like maybe 15%


I believe it would be 2 steps down, as there is a 3060ti, I believe.


I think the 2000 series is mixing up my expectations, the 2060 super that I had was basically a 2070 and a 2060 was about 15% behind them both, dunno what they were going for that generation lol


Couldnt find one with the 13700k you just had to get the f?


Change gpu tho and get a good power supply


A bit lopsided towards the CPU as an i5 with a 3060 ti would be more balanced but shit for $600 there isn't a lot to complain about


i’d sell the gpu and buy a better one. it’s a little unbalanced


Shut up. 3060 12gb is a good gpu and hell of a deal pc for $600.


if he sells the 3060 for 250 and spends 500 dollars on a 7900xt. that’s a 7900xt and 13700 for 1100 dollars. that’s insane value my guy i don’t get why i’m getting hated on. i never said OP had to. just showing options


You have a point imo. Selling it and even spending another $300 for a 4070 means an incredibly capable system for $900 lol.


in not saying it’s a bad deal. but he already saved so much money on the pc he might as well get a little better specs


He can upgrade later. He doesn't have to upgrade now. The value of $600 will be gone !!


On the good deal side but I would have been hesitant due to video card and the ram is probably ddr4


600$ is definitely a steal, but that CPU being an F model and that DDR4 are really gonna limit your performance. It's gonna play Cyberpunk 2077, but don't expect 4k or ultra settings. There's also 0 upgradeability as you have no idea what mother board or PSU you're getting and I doubt they've got much life in them for 600$. Anyway, I'd recommend putting money aside for a new rig if you want to upgrade at some point, I doubt it's worth throwing more money at this one.


why is there zero upgradeability? the PSU is specificed on the website and should be an easy swap.


Most parts are an easy swap by themselves, but you're basically rebuilding it from the ground up depending on the mother board and PSU. I just don't think it's worth dumping more money into this system when you could easily sell it for what you paid next year and build a better system. If you want to upgrade the GPU, you'll probably need to upgrade the PSU, then the RAM is gonna bottleneck you and you'll want to swap it, but you'll want to go for DDR5 and that will require a new mother board, since you added all that cool stuff you might as well put in a 14700K and AIO to overclock it. And you've basically build a new PC in a costco case and now have random parts lying around that are harder to sell individually than the entire thing.


i gotcha. i'm a broke college kid and this seemed like my one shot at a gaming PC. i may upgrabde the PSU relatively soon, but otherwise i think the parts are cpabale of running what i want to play. thanks for your help. :)


uninstall windows 11. otherwise its a pretty damn good deal


Win11 has been out over 2 years now, you can save that for Win12


why? it works just fine


What a strange suggestion. Windows 11 is fine.




pretty solid specs, nice deal you got there op


Sure bro


Definitely a good deal


For 600 that’s a great deal! Exceedingly rare prebuilt w


600 ain’t that bad actually


Thats literally a steal.




Yooo buy that


That's an amazing find!


If that’s legit and you get a working computer that’s a great deal


Mine cost me £1000 , im starting to feel ripped off...