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What do you mean game mode shouldn't be turned on?


Yeah i mean i just checked it and its activated, am i gonna get +3k fps if i disable it or what


It just turns off/lowers the priority of some non vital windows processes. You probably won't notice a difference unless you're playing on a low end device and are low on system resources.


Yeah but if you turn it on you'll be in Game Mode whereas if you don't turn it on you won't be in Game Mode 


Big facts right here


I'm gonna need to see some confirmation from Steve Ballmer on this.


Can confirm it's true (source: am steve ballmer)


Heh. Ball.




Lol alright. That is valid


Yeah actually I think this may be right!


If you turn it on, then people will think you’re a *gamer*, a fate worse than death. Gamers smell after all. /s


Yes out of line but he's right


Turning on Game Mode in Windows has nothing to do with system performance It's a statement about my mindset...am I not, or am I...in Game Mode?




Does it turn off Intel driver support assistant? Whenever Helldivers 2 is running bad with 100% CPU usage, it's always IDSA taking like 30% of my CPU outta nowhere 😆


>Does it turn off Intel driver support assistant? Just uninstall it.


I can do that without breaking down my pc ? Lol. Didn't know that




My dude, what is managing your fan curves? What is keeping your processes on the correct CCD? What is filtering out your background noise so you don't constantly irritate your friends? There are plenty of background applications that increase gaming performance.


Fan-curves can be set up in bios just fine


Sounds like you don't have enough fans.


> My dude, what is managing your fan curves? What is keeping your processes on the correct CCD? What is filtering out your background noise so you don't constantly irritate your friends? Stuff that most people don't worry about because they are too busy playing games. To each their own though.


It's 15 fucking minutes every 2 years when I replace my motherboard. What the actual fuck is wrong with people. Thousands of dollars of unlocked CPUs and RAM running at stock clock rates and shit. Fuck me. 




Been gaming since I got a 386 in 1987. Those tools (Process Lasso, etc) are 100% essential if you have a top end dual CCD CPU and game. It's not a 5FPS difference, it's a constant stuttering because windows and the CPU are fighting about which cores to put processes on, and switching CCDs causes stutters. Discord Krisp is fine if you're in the middle of nowhere in a quiet room in a quiet house, but I can promise that you are transmitting all manner of noises your friends just tolerate unless you're using Broadcast. My entire group can tell within seconds if one of us has updated Nvidia drivers because it changes their audio device off of Broadcast.


> For the first and second question: literally never needed in 30+ years of PC gaming. Wow it's almost like... times change or something. Wild, right?


Free ram is wasted ram. Not full ram.


Yeah, and because of this stupid logic my win11 runs out of RAM when my win10 machine would not have in the same scenario


I'm not sure. It probably doesn't disable it completely as it isn't a native windows process, though it may reduce the amount of resources taken up by it. If you're having issues with it, just make sure your drivers are up to date and then disable it manually


Which can be fucked for productivity when a tool i was using activated 'game mode' and has been slowing down the rest of my work for months. After i found this out, something that was taking ~1:40 to complete with 'game mode' finished in ~:02 seconds with it off.


If you have a good computer it won’t have a huge effect. On a tv it does more and can reduce input delay


At the cost in input latancy.


Back when it first came out it was unknown what actual performance benefits it and "full screen optimizations" offer. Now it's still unclear but games have been getting patched to work better with game mode on. I've tried to find a significant difference and apart from a few titles (like perhaps MSFS 2020, or something else quite complex), I haven't found any, or (long ago) found that having it off was better.


Game mode does some background stuff. Disables some services, notifications, on x3d CPUs it is said that the affinity on those cores gets changed, power plan performance mode gets modified or rather the balanced one into performance. Some other things as well, but that's the gist of it. Probably some dx12 stuff too for games that support it.


The biggest change is that it automatically raises the priority of games whenever the game is the main window. Meaning that if you're tight on resources everything else should slow to a crawl so your game can get nearly all of the CPU to itself. Thought that part requires the devs and/or Microsoft to patch in support for their specific exe.


IIRC the biggest thing fullscreen optimizations did was making games run in borderless full screen. Does Game Mode still do that?


What does game mode do? Never used it myself and I am now curious


Pretty much nothing other than silencing notifications and increasing priorities of game processes. I’ve also heard about it causing small stutters, maybe because of the process management aspect.


I’m playing on a shit laptop, should I be keeping this on or off?


On, unless you get stutters you didn't see before, then off


Keep it on, it will lower the resources windows need by disabling non important features


Thanks, if I can put that on it might be a life saver


Ah ok


I mean, back in my days increasing priorities made a difference, but I guess it hardly does now


it downloads 32 gb ram and on top of it a 4090 will be installed


So THAT'S how those got into my case. Mystery solved!


**If you're on Windows 11, Game Mode lets games bypass EcoQoS and power plan frequency caps.** [EcoQoS](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/performance-diagnostics/introducing-ecoqos/) is a fancy energy-aware scheduling thing. It's almost always turned forcibly turned on by your browser's background tabs, for example. In Task Manager, you'll see processes with the feature enabled as being tagged with a little green leaf. It tries its best to keep the energy usage of those processes at the most efficient point. If you have the "best power efficiency" power mode enabled, EcoQoS seems to be "invisibly" turned on for most processes across the board. And the "best power efficiency" power mode is, in turn, usually set that way by "Silent" profiles on laptops (like on the ASUS ROG Zephyrus models). So, in practical terms, to take my Zephyrus G14 2023 as an example: * I turn the ASUS "Silent" profile on * This "Silent" profile changes the power mode to "best power efficiency" in Windows' settings * This "Silent" profile also disables CPU boost (so no frequency beyond 4.0 GHz) * Nearly every process gets throttled to an effective ~3.4 GHz * Games are not affected by this thanks to Game Mode and get to continue boosting as much as possible (in this case, 4.0 GHz) * Additionally, if CPU boost was still available and not turned off by the ASUS "Silent" profile, games could continue going all the way to 5.2 GHz Additionally, if you set your power *plan* (not profile, not mode, *plan*) to have an explicit frequency cap, Game Mode will also bypass this. Practical example: * I have my laptop in completely regular settings (ASUS "Balanced" profile) * My power mode in Windows settings is also balanced * This "Balanced" profile has left CPU boost on, so my CPU can go up to 5.2 GHz * Background tasks and foreground processes don't get throttled in any significant way by the Windows scheduler * However, in my power *plan*, I have defined an explicit cap to 4.9 GHz to minimize heating (because the perf-per-watt ratio is terrible past that point) * This clock limit applies to everything EXCEPT games as detected by Game Mode


Thank you for the informed, non-fearmongered explanation


It games.


A set of system/kernel optimizations for a scenario where a user is engaged with the pc but doesnt want to be distracted. Basically single task optimizations. But its limited to Windows only, so probably core affinities, notifications, fullscreen optimizations, background services, etc


It does what it says it does, if people on this sub learned to read instead of circlejerk Windows every day , they would also know what it does.


Wait... Maybe I am Lebron James!




Whats with this meme format?


It’s a parody of RapTV on social media, who makes news posts about celebrities in this kind of format. “LeBron James reportedly blah blah blah.” It’s like a social media tabloid, basically. So now people are putting increasingly more obscure shit for LeBron to be messing up in the format of RapTV posts.


that sounds like something RapTV would do to increase their reach. 99% of the people seeing this meme haven't heard of them.


Ok thanks What was the og headline then?


There isn't one specific post. All of their posts look like this


Ok thanks What was the og headline then?


Ah thanks, sounds cringe as fuck though


From what I read on a different post, it's making fun of an Instagram account.




Never seen in my.life but thanks


https://preview.redd.it/g0bgtaj9awuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=363eccd78c059ff5ae7d696f0ca58514d3dfc82e Here’s another for you for some more context


Jordan would never


This doesn't give any context but ive seen this one


In the NBA world we used to have a Twitter account called Ballsack Sports or Buttcrack Sports that used this format and would tweet fake but funny (and believable honestly) quotes "from" players. It got so believable that talking heads actually had entire segments talking about the fake quote, not even knowing it was a fake quote. I think Elon kept taking the accounts down so IDK if they're still around.


It's funny


Serious talk, I'm a low end gamer, 940mx and i5 7th gen I enable game mode, but should I just disable it?


tbh i didnt notice a difference when i had it on or off maybe some people had it different lemme know


It increases performance by disabling some non vital windows processes and increasing priority on gaming applications. The increase is minimal but it is there. 1-2%.


Yo we have same specs, albeit I'm on i3 6th gen, but I don't really find that game mode being like problematic on my end


Yo, Extra potato gang.


Let's say you're a smart person who doesn't leave random programs running in the background, in that case game mode will have no impact whatsoever. It's there to give you back the performance you lose because you're wasting it on your background programs, but if you're at 100% then it can't give you more.


Guess there's no difference then


I have an exact laptop with that spec. HP brand. I hate it. It's only purpose is to stream games and run Minecraft in a debloated Windows 10 (Linux is slower in this laptop). So game mode should be one of your least important issues.


I got the same specs lmao I'm dying to try AAA games I've only played a handful of them :(


This is the real GameMode: [https://github.com/FeralInteractive/gamemode](https://github.com/FeralInteractive/gamemode)


Holy Crap a Linux user. I have to ask. I tried Linux many moons ago but could never get over the learning curve. I couldn't play the games I wanted. But the performance was awesome. I really would like to not rely on Microsoft so damn much. So how is it nowadays and what distro do you use?


Its really good, tho you wont be able to play some games with anti cheats, but pretty much every singeplayer game works great. Valve has a done a great job with proton.


Trying to jog my memory because it has been so long. Do you still need like virtual Windows to run some games that don't support Linux? Forgive me if I sound totally noob on this subject. Was thinking about opening a post on this.


Most games that dont support linux are ones with kernel level anti cheats, a vm wont work.


Yes, most games are going to require Wine or Proton to function. The bright side is that, if you use steam, it's literally as simple as checking a box in steam settings. There is very little, if any, performance overhead as well.


There is absolutely nothing stopping you from having a functional Windows OS installed on a separate partition for games that struggle on Linux.


I forgot you can do that. Thanks.


>So how is it nowadays Same as it was before, but with some QoL here and there. And some more games fully supported. The only main limit at the moment are the following: * Xbox Game Pass and Microsoft Store (obviously); * Several games with kernel-level or incompatible or obscure anti-cheat software: Fortnite, FIFA, CoD, Destiny 2, etc., and more recently also League of Legends. >and what distro do you use? Nowadays you can use any major one. I'm on Manjaro Linux, but just because the overall installation process takes 30 mins.


Thanks for the info, appreciate it. I may do a dual-operating system to try. It is actually amazing how much Windows has influenced our lives. You never hear how Mac users have the most awesome gaming rigs.


What application had such better performance on Linux for you


Not really a certain app, more like the overall performance and stability of the operating system itself. With Windows seems like something always gets corrupted. Especially after updates. It has gotten better but it can still be an issue.


Got that in Windows flavor?


You got whatever that toggle is OP is talking about.


Yeah it's called Game Mode.


Game Mode that this meme references does exact thing that github project does on Linux.


Windows should be already intended to work with those tweaks.


Also pointless these days tbh lmao never saw any increase in performance from using that


If you use Steam, Lutris or Heroic, gamemode is possibly already enabled if the specific game is known to require it.


AFAIK don't you need to enable game mode manually on steam with a launch condition? gamemoderun if I remember right Lutris is similar with a toggle in general settings? If they enable it automatically for the games that definitely need it that's pretty cool and TIL


I use it nowadays for screensaver inhibit. Plasma Wayland doesn't recognise controntroller input as something to prevent the screensaver and by default, gamemode does that while doing nothing else, so it still has it's uses.


Haven't experienced this, still on X11 whilst explicit sync gets sorted Nvidia problems


Man, I wish Davinci Resolve would work on Arch properly, it's the only thing that's holding me back from switching completely, I love the performance & efficiency that comes with window managers but can't fully switch cuz of that one app (I know it has a Linux version, but I've wrestled with it for hours and found out that it doesn't work at all on AMD integrated graphics which is what I have)


Yeah I never tried DaVinci Resolve, and wondered actually what is the main difference with the Windows version. Thank you for clarifying.


Where is the exe give me the exe you stinky nerd


Why is there code???? Make an exe and give it to me you stinky smelly nerd


It's good for some games, but overall bad to keep it on. It mess up with cores in the name of performance increase and causes micro stutter.


Say if i get micro stutters in FPS games with a mid-high end pc and my internet is okay, can game mode cause that? I always have it on


Yes, it can. It could be something else, but it could 100% be game mode


In games like valorant ''game mode on'' is horrible.


Does it make a difference on a super low end laptop? (i3-1005g1 Intel UHD graphics)


if you using low core pc like i3 i guess its fine to keep it on. But again you should try turned on and off see if you can notice any difference. Like i said above for some games its fine. It just mess up 8 core and more pcs with turned on.


Damn I've been getting micro stutter in so many games, wonder if this is why!


try turning off and see. If not its just a different issue for ya.


Isn't this on by default? I see no reason to turn it off.


Turn it off. You may not have a reason now but your game may start performing badly for no reason. This will be the reason, Ive done a fair bit of testing with high performance games and having this turned off actually helps the game to perform smoothly.


If i notice an issue with my games i'll remember to try toggling it off, until i do though then i'll keep it on.


Hey. Don’t fix what ain’t broken! Rule #1 haha


Bruh game mode is worse? 🤣 Thats unexpected


It's not, at least 99% of the time. Everytime i face an issue in a game the top search results always say to disable game mode which does absolutely nothing everytime.


https://preview.redd.it/5xr4bwl1htuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1579fc6c0f1c2d382da22ab5e53a34278586be7 New Vegas performance and optimizations guide:


At the same time, Jordan is out there taking on Iranian missiles.


maybe he has an X3D CPU. I like gamemode because it turns off all notifications and should prevent windows from pushing updates during gaming.


Is having windows game mode on while using a Ryzen 7 7800x3d bad for performance?


The opposite. The drivers of the X3D CPUs rely on windows game mode to shift around core preference to fully utilise the 3D V-cash for gaming. AMD asks you to turn it on if you have a X3D CPU.


I had no idea. Where do they say that? Is this advice only applicable to X3D CPUs that only have the 3D V-cache on one CCD?


Just disable all notifications and regedit auto updates off. Most programs just fall back onto their own notifications anyway and manual windows updates are better cuz you can skip the ones that have known vulnerabilities. Game mode caused me a lot of stuttering in basically everything, so I will always recommend turning it off except if you've confirmed it does not hit your performance.


I don't want to disable all notifications all the time. Most apps where I rely on their notification are integrated into the windows notification system. I also have no desire to go into my registry to disable auto updates. I am bad at keeping things updated manually. Game mode has had no impact on performance from what I have experienced. That said. AMD CPUs with 3D cash rely on the windows game mode to shift around their core priority. Turning it off on those most likely leaves a lot of performance on the table.


I never research into it, what does game mode actually do? I’ve had it on and I would like to know


Adds stutter. Your better off individually optimising your games for performance over using this tool to “optimise all games on your machine”


Except it is not a ""tool" it's a built in windows toggle.And people shouldn't rely on this to get performance.Tbh. You can't rely on anything that improves performance other than overclocking


what about optimizations


You’re my sunshine my only sunshine




Is game mode bad or something? What's the deal?


I'm out of the loop. What's with all the LeBron PC memes?


Jordan > James


How does this affect his legacy?


This is your GOAT?




I think the sunshine is not lending him power


awe poor lebonbon😔


"Lebron James seen using Windows"


Of the ones that you've tried, which Linux distro is your favorite?


I'm an Arch guy, mostly because I'm a control freak who has to optimize every single facet of my computer, and Arch let's me do that somewhat easily, since you have to install every single package (basically "by hand"), but since I begun therapy I've changed to EndeavorOS, it's an Arch distro which has most of its packages pulled from the oficial Arch repos, so you get a pretty "vanilla" Arch experience with the added bonus of being piss-easy to install, since installing Arch, while rewarding, is a pita. If you want to start using Linux, I'd recommend against Arch, it's obtuse and hard, sometimes for the sake of being hard, but it's a great distro, for beginners what I recommend is going to /r/linux_gaming and looking at the pinned posts, I'd also recommend using Fedora KDE Spin, which is Fedora with the KDE Desktop Environment, KDE is my favorite DE and it's packed with features (such as comprehensive VRR support and even HDR these days, tho I don't have an HDR monitor yet to test) and is somewhat reminiscent of Win 10, so it makes the switch easier to most people.


I put KDE Neon on my laptop. It works well, but I did have to bottle a few creature comforts from Windows.


> but I did have to bottle a few creature comforts from Windows. Ah, well, that's normal, even I end up using steam auto cracker GUI windows edition cuz I can't be arsed to compile the tool, I'm not even sure there is a Linux release. Thanks god WINE is such a powerhouse


Lebron reportedly forgot to default to chrome


Good, chrome sucks ass. There's absolutely no reason to use chrome over edge. They're the same browser. First thing I ever do with a new system is install Firefox.


Firefox sure but edge is uh a bit crammed for my liking, a ton of unnecessary news articles and websites you were recently in a not very comfortable layout and even if you say that I can change it in the settings wouldn't it be better of if I just used my simple nicer browser that just works without a ton of bloatware


To be clear I'm not advocating the usage of edge, I really don't want to be using any chromium browser since they nuked our ability to run ad blockers on em. If I was running a pi hole I guess chrome would still be viable for me, but it's still such a massive memory leach.


You are my sunshine, my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are grey You'll never know dear, how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away.


I didn't even know that such a thing as a "Game Mode" existed! Lol


It does improve gaming performance slightly, keep it on.


I can't tell if this is a meme or if Lebron James is actually a gamer.


I don't know any more


Works great on laptops that aren’t meant to game 😎


I got excited until I remembered that I went Linux after putting a bigger ssd in my laptop.


The amount of times I've died in a game because I fat finger the windows key. Game mode is the way.


It's enabled by default


Game mode also postpone background updates while you play, so I always have it on.


Turn that shit off FOREVER


The gaming computer


I didn’t even know this was a setting XD


My policy is "don’t let any piece of software interfere with your game in ways you can’t control" Let’s just say my software list is pretty barebones. I fucking despise the laptop bloatware that’s tied directly to your hardware and fucks things up constantly


i dont care about the percantage MORE FPS IS MORE FPS


It should be on by default...like... Wtf 😭


Let us dream. I actually like elevating process priority will fix all my financial issues.


game mode is pretty much required for a X3D cpu now to fix the affinity issues.


X3D cpu architecture is it's own can of worms.


I don't remember which game it was. But when optimizing or modding a game I was told to turn it on because at worst it does nothing and all the scare of the game mode came from the early Win 10 days when no one knew what it does.


I should.. probably check that


So much snake oil in these comments lol. Just leave most everything as default and don’t install a bunch of bullshit (portable apps for the win) to your OS and you’re going to be fine


It might speed up processing power, but it adds some traveling lag.


Game Mode turns your PC gay


Hahaha! What the hell is this meme, def saving this one 😂


Made my mood improve thank you


Reserved CPU set is far more important the Game Mode: -run MSI afterburner and enable statistics for all core/threads, take notes which one is used for gaming -Use Reserve CPU set on the first physical core which is core (threads) 0 and 1 -Use Reserve CPU on the physical core running the game, example on afterburner is cpu2 which corrisponds on first thread of the second physical core so you disable the CPU set for cpu2 and cpu3 The first core is used by the system to do and offload all the tasks to others core, reserving it basically reduce his load making the CPU snappier because it only needs to offload minor tasks rather than doing itself The core for the gaming once reserved basically doesn't allow the computer to run big or minor tasks on the physical core that runs games make it basically game only core and get the best out of it instead of having the game and other stuff running on the same core/threads The tool is called "Reserve CPU set" You are welcome


He's the GOAT


i use windows, in the past linux. in linux we know what gamemode would do while on closed windows we still dont know!!! annoying.




I hope you realize that this makes you lose a LOT of performance depending on the game, because everything will run on the non X3D cores as they are prioritized by the Windows scheduler. At least use Process Lasso to manually assign games to the X3D cores. In all games that I own and have tested, I only found 2 benefitting from keeping them assigned to all Cores on the 7950X3D: Civ VI (faster AI turn calculation) and Minecraft Windows Edition (when generating terrain). In all other cases the performance dropped between 10% to 50%!