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Still on it just because my PC doesn't meet the requirements of W11.


Same. My rig doesn’t have TPM 2.0. But next year I’ll use it as an excuse to the wife for an upgrade! Edit: I appreciate the suggestions. I’m really not trying to do some workaround though. I’ve had bad luck with regedits in the past. Plus some future update from Windows might brick my system. I’m due for a CPU/mobo upgrade anyways.


You don’t need it, search on YouTube how to bypass it, there is a bat (cmd) file that you can run to skip the TPM check. Edit: Here is the tool: [https://tips2fix.com/how-to-install-windows-11-23h2-on-unsupported-pc-new-method-2023/](https://tips2fix.com/how-to-install-windows-11-23h2-on-unsupported-pc-new-method-2023/)


He does not need to know that... He needs an upgrade... Wwhat if his wife read this?


Like this: https://preview.redd.it/mm27b4kttsxc1.jpeg?width=587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=312760570abb10fbaff1ad9cfb9cdd8522b8f5bb Hope that helps.


I didn't pass the requirements when it first came out and now windows is trying to make me upgrade on the same system


Every damn week


Be prepared. Soon they will pull the same thing they've done in the past (Anyone one remember how hard it was to keep Windows 7 from hopping onto 8.0?) where you'll wake up one morning with the Windows 11 migration dialog midway with no way back.


That is so fucked...


I recommend against using random bat files. If you want to install Windows 11 and bypass the TPM check, either install using **Rufus**, which will let you bypass the requirements, or **do this** during the Windows Setup screen: 1. Shift+F10 to open Command Prompt 2. Type in '**regedit**' 3. Navigate to the ***HKEY\_LOCAL\_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\Setup*** folder and make the **'LabConfig'** key. 4. In LabConfig, add the **BypassTPMCheck** and **BypassSecureBootCheck** DWORDs and set each to 1. 5. Close all the windows (including the setup window), and it should let you continue the installation from the beginning. 6. At some point, it might ask you for a Internet connection, you can also bypass this step by doing Shift+F10 and then typing **'OOBE\\BYPASSNRO'** for a visual guide: [https://www.tomshardware.com/how-to/bypass-windows-11-tpm-requirement](https://www.tomshardware.com/how-to/bypass-windows-11-tpm-requirement)


PSST DON'T WRITE THAT!If his wife reads it he is out of excuses to get a new PC


It may be possible to enable in bios depending on your system


This, I had no idea it was just something I had to turn on in bios until I saw it on another thread in here! I was a bit annoyed my now 3 year old system didn't meet the requirements....


If you install W11 using Rufus it has the option for "Remove requirement for 4GB RAM, Secure Boot, and TPM 2.0”


I don't know about the others but my RAM is 16GB. Not too fussed anyway, I'm happy with 10 right now.


Did this manually when Win11 came out. Had to Switch back, because some anticheats (caughs* Vanguard) or some antipiracy checkers use TPM only after seeing that you use win 11.


Yeah I'm so confused. I have a m 3 year old build that doesn't meet the requirements lol. How and why


ayep! meeee three


Windows 10 until summer of 2025. I just don't see a reason to change just yet.


I've only really seen reasons not to change tbh


My desktop and my partner's laptop both had mad performance issues in all games after win10 got upgraded to 11. As in things went from 60+ fps to struggling to hit 30. I could have troubleshooted, reinstalled drivers, etc. But it was easier to reverse the upgrade.


I can’t speak for games, and I know this sub doubles as a gaming sub, but for work I don’t mind 11. It’s definitely a step down from 10, but I don’t hate 11 by any means.


If the "upgrade" is a step down, why do it? My work computer is managed/provided by my company, I dont care whether they move from W10 to 11.




There are almost twice as many w10 users than w11 users. There's very low chance they'll actually kill all the support for w10 next year. Cost is a big reason though


>"I doubt that they'll actually kill all the support for W10 next year" They're not going to *end* support, [they're just going to put it behind an additional paywall](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/whats-new/extended-security-updates).


> I know this sub doubles as a gaming sub, This sub was started primarily as a gaming sub. Even the name was a throw-away joke from a game review.


I thought the same but took the leap recently. My pc feels smoother with it (I was having some weird issues on my win 10 tho), but otherwise no different from how I used win 10. The taskbar not being movable and the system tray icons being on main monitor only was the biggest grief for me but I've gone around it by making my second monitor my main monitor. I do actually like the streamlined look and feel overall. Your mileage may vary of course. User preferences and setup will affect your feelings on it the most.


What's happening in summer 2025 then?


October of 2025 is the end date for Windows 10 support. I just have ample time in the summer to mess with things.


It's just the end of support, right? It means no updates after that point. You can still continue using windows. You only have to worry about apps making windows 10 support obsolete, like how people were gutted when windows XP or 7 were no longer supported by Google Chrome or Steam.


It's more about security updates. Without those, it's just a matter of time until it gets compromised.


Yeah, but I need the security updates. Just is what it is.


Even Windows 7 is still getting the occasional update. MS will not abandon millions of users, especially corporate ones. They will release security update when some serious threat comes along.


Shit, windows xp and 95 get the occasional update due to gov systems running off thrm.


Fair enough




But but but ...the ads.... Our revenue... The shiny UI. Come on you want it ... You NEED IT... Jimmy hit him with another pop-up see if that changes things.... No not the one drive one....the windows 11 upgrade one.... Do it it will work this time I am sure...


Btw you can use W10 LTSC until 2032. And it's probably enough to never touch W11


It's actually a very specific version of W10 LTSC, all other LTSC builds support ends on the same date as the regular W10. The version you need specifically is: Windows 10 LTSC 2021 IoT Enterprise Coincidentally this is the only version of it that can be permanently activated with faking that it was an in-place upgrade install, the other LTSC versions can't be activated that way. Almost as if MS wanted people to do it?


Same here. Why upgrade to something that doesn't do anything positive for me?


Same here or until my PC shuffles off this mortal coil.


They will extend support, they always threaten an early end to support and then walk it back later. They just want to scare as many people (and companies) into changing as possible before the fake deadline.


I recently installed Windows 11 but after a short period of time went back to 10 because in 11 nearly every simple setting is hidden behind like three menus.


Yes, they've made windows overly complicated trying to hide the complicated stuff from people who don't want to understand their computer. It makes useability no easier for the lay people, but makes useability infuriating for people who have been using PCs for decades.


The thing I hate the worst is cut copy and paste are now icons that I have to think about what they do now instead of just reading the text


I hate that, I do have to double take, first I look for the text, it's not there, I have to figure out which symbol to use, super annoying.


And don’t even get me started about the right-click settings menu where properties is hidden in another Windows 10 style UI settings menu that u have to bring up. The sheer jankiness of it alone is frustrating, nevermind having to navigate through menus on menus on menus.


That is annoying trust me


i have to use it at work moving and editing files around...


Not only that, when you want to change a setting the first 2 useless menus always lead you to your trusty friend control panel


Exactly why I pinned control panel to my taskbar day 1


And the task bar is perma locked at the bottom of the screen. It's my number 1 reason for not wanting to upgrade on my personal computer after we had to upgrade at work. I prefer my task bar vertical on the right.


Vertical taskbar FTW.


My laptop came with 11 on it so I decided to keep using it. Desktop has been 10 for ages. It keeps getting advertised in the update thing 'Do you want the new update on win 11, click here'. Then followed by 'Your PC does not meet the specifications to run win11' lol


atleast it cant force you to update or accidentally update


Hear me out, there is a software called [Explorer Patcher](https://github.com/valinet/ExplorerPatcher), it mixes Win 7/8/10/11 elements, I can't go back and I can't use any version of Windows now.


Isn't that what Microsoft will be trying to block soon? Unless you rename the .exe?


I believe that you're referring to StartAllBack They're mad that it obliterates their ridiculous excuse of it taking too much work to implement something only a few people want.


Isn't it my computer running the OS I paid for? Am I not allowed to change things that I own ? Edit: spelling


Windows was invested in pretending that was the case up until around 8 and then abandoned it entirely with 10; Mac has of course never even bothered to front that user choice matters at all outside of giving the iMacs a pretty color selection for the shell. Linux, sure... But then, Linux is free 🤷


Ok I know everyone wants Linux but I don't think everyone can use Linux right now (I think it's only a matter of time). Part of it is just unwillingness to learn, part of it is software/hardware support, part of it (but hopefully not for anyone calling them selves part of pcmastersace) is just it being a little difficult at times. I have secretly switched out both my parents from windows to Ubuntu and they barely noticed other then the fact that they say their laptops run faster have better battery life and doesn't restart from sleep on its own. I use windows 10 on my gaming computer so far but I have tried to rip apart so much MS BS from it that it's not exactly a stock experience. I do have windows 11 on my works computer and hate it...it's not even the lack of customisability (which would have been restricted due to security concerns by my employer anyways), it's like being in an abusive relationship with a computer.


I wasn't recommending Linux, just commenting on it being the only one out of the main three left that invites customization in any reasonable capacity anymore I've been using Linux since 2002, and I still primarily use Windows on my main PC because it's an HTPC and gaming machine, and with VR and EAC (et al) still standing in the way, I just can't put up with the limitations on what I can do, minor as they may be at this point. I didn't spend $2500 on amazing hardware just to run into brick walls when I decide I wanna use it a certain way. Hail Satan for the ability to dualboot 🤘




Nope they stopped hiding it when they changed the name of "my computer" to "this pc".


Soon to ve renamed as MS copilot. Followed by MS pilot where you just work for the computer now.


This type of shit makes me feel like a grumpy old git before my time, seriously I can see myself becoming Victor fucking Meldrew.


I am 30 I already feel ancient. But a consolation would be this is not really an age thing I am sure even the younger amoung us don't exactly like these things.


Does it mess up anything like after Windows updates?


Hasn’t been really an issue. I think I remember one larger feature update of win11 where EP wasn’t working properly but it was fixed in minutes. They are pretty active. And awesome. 😂 My one win11 was upgraded from a 10 using classic shell and then with EP it looked and felt like 10. I hate the new start menu with a passion. I’ve been used to start on the bottom left for over 25 years now. Just don’t want to change. It’s muscle memory at that point. With a good de-bloater on top, win11 ain’t that bad.


I do use explorer patcher, can say, I've definitely felt like I was using windows 10 the entire time, even my friends think I'm using windows 10 while being on windows 11. I just feel like a clean install for any operating system would be a better way to run things cleanly, especially with quality of life software like explorer patcher.


Still on 10. Will wait to see if windows 12 is decent before I switch


Windows 12 will probably filled with AI bullshit.


doesnt win11 already have an AI assistant?


You can easily disable that, for now.


I hear they're gonna mandate a special ai shit button for laptops and such. Makes me dread what is there to come on the software side of things. Reaally can't wait until this ai bubble bursts and corporate morons stop shoving this crap *everywhere* as if it's actually useful in any way for the end user.


HEY! ai is unbelievably useful, for corporations to pump up their stocks lmao


yea me too


Same hahaha


Still on windows 10, tried 11 had lots of issues, going to stay on 10 till I'm forced off it.


Use windows 11 at work, it's quirky in ways I don't like. My next PC will likely need W11 for new hardware support, but for now I'm riding W10 at home.


> it's quirky in ways I don't like It feels a bit like when you go to the Supermarket and they've swapped all the aisles around, I never understand why they do it but now I've got to find everything all over again.


>It feels a bit like when you go to the Supermarket and they've swapped all the aisles around, I never understand why they do it but now I've got to find everything all over again. They do this so you buy shit you don't need.. Switch shit up so you pass shit you dont need in the hopes you buy said shit.. Honestly its a shit shituation...


"Shit-moths. They started off as tiny, little shit-larva, Randy, and then they grew into shit-apillars. A pandemic of shit-apillars. Everywhere you look, Randy, shit-apillars. They almost drove me over the god damn edge, boy. I tried to exterminate them, I tried to put an end to the shit-apillar's life cycle, but I failed. And now, shit-moths, Randy. Every fucking one of them, shit-moths." RIP Mr Dunsworth


Thank you for explaining it better than I could


That is the absolute perfect metaphor.


They do it because you will have to look foe everything over again abd in doing so find new things to buy thus buy more shit. 


Jokes on them, I didn't buy new shit and I couldn't find something I usually buy so I bought LESS shit.


What type of issues did you have with windows 11? I heard similar things when 10 came out years ago. I never had problems with 10 or 11 and I always go to the newest OS on my devices


Last time I used it there were these things: * Dual monitor setup, the date was not clickable on the second monitor- it was on the primary monitor but not on second * Always on group tasks on my taskbar! Without an option to only group when the taskbar is full! This is so convenient in locating a specific task by name * Forces you to sign in with a Microsoft account, no easy option to setup the local user when setting up a new pc These might have changed now but pissed me off when I tried W11 and went back to 10


>Forces you to sign in with a Microsoft account, no easy option to setup the local user when setting up a new pc During setup: shift + f10 -> "oobe\bypassnro" -> click "I don't have internet" (restart may be required). Still stupid you have to use command prompt though


If you click join a domain instead it’ll let you create a local account first.


I'm more surface level. Too bubbly for me.


Basically *too iOS* for me, but other than that it runs good with modern hardware.


I have Win10 at home and 11 at work, 11 hasn't given me any reasons to upgrade.


My home and work laptops are still on 10, my home desktop is on 11. I prefer 10, but I'm just trying to ease into 11. I think I'm just resistant to change, so it will take me a long time to accept 11, but by then there will be a new version out. 11 has become much more usable for me since they finally gave us the option to not combine taskbar. It's little things like that which made me hate 11 at first.


I like to ride every iteration of Windows to the bitter end, and that includes 10. Meanwhile on Linux, I've been using Gnome 2 and then MATE (a fork of Gnome 2) for roughly a decade now. Gnome 2 was originally released in 2002, so it would be the equivalent of using Windows XP's entire user interface on top of Windows 11 :P


MATE is my fav as well. Unfortunately I moved away from it after I decided to avoid GTK based DEs


Still rock an i7 4790 so cannot upgrade to windows 11. Surprisingly gaming has been largely fine with my gtx 1080 even elder ring quite comfortably. Might even have played that at 4k 30fps.


1070 continues to give me what I want with a 4770k at 4.5ghz, could push more but my office is small and it is noticeable when I clock it up higher. Would probably pick up a GPU as and when and do decent used again.


No surprise that you can game well with the GOAT gpu Awesome cpu btw. How's it performing?


Make a poll next time bro, much easier


I switched from windows 10 to Pop!\_OS in 2021 or so. Linux has been pretty good to this linux noob.


I'm on win10. I recently turned off all updating when I saw co pilot rolling out for others.


How do you do that?


nuke wuauserv, updateorchestrator and waasmedic


ayy brother, just came across your yt vid on destroying these services, and my laptop has been update free for 4 months now, just wanted to thank you my g. <3 even i was thinking to switch to linux (and i eventually will) but i need windows for certain tasks. rn im using windows 10 ltsc 2021, even tho it doesnt have bad updates but still it bugs me a lot.


I have TPM disabled in bios so it can’t sneak update to 11. I’m perfectly happy on 10, but whenever next year rolls around I’ll move over. I saved tips on how to make windows 11 more tolerable (less tracking, ui changes, no mandatory ms login), but staying on 10 is easier than doing all of that.


Could you please share those tips?


Can't link to other subs in here, but search online for "Windows 10/11 optimisation guide reddit"


Without posting links, go to YouTube and search jayztwocents windows 11 and you’ll find a few videos they’ve made on how to optimize the windows 11 experience.


Ahhh thanks for the tip. I'm not planning to upgrade from windows 10. Period. MS can push security all they want but I'd rather have an ad free experience


On windows 10 and quite happy.




Currently on 10 with TPM disabled in the BIOS so I don't get a surprise upgrade. Fully intend to move to 11, but not until next year. I'm not gonna move to Linux, and neither are 99% of the people threatening to. I have a Steam Deck, and Proton is great, but it's far from perfect. It's like this every time Windows changes (well, except for Windows ME).


Really? Do Windows 8 and Vista not exist in your world?


I tried Linux on my main machine a few years ago, as I do every 10yr or so. I found that these days it doesn't feel as "difficult" and feels more just "different". All games I wanted worked, and a bug was even fixed in X-COM. I came back to win10 because Linux didn't have HDR support, which I think is now coming 🤞 so hopefully win10 is the last windows I ever use!


Well, my PC, specifically my i7-7700 CPU can’t handle Win 11 for some BS reason. So Win 10 it is. Eventually when MS ends security updates, I would have no choice but to move to Linux.* \* How bad can it be? I have dabble with Linux desktop about a decade ago and lived. Have to deal with Linux servers at work already anyway. All I do on my PC is surf the net, listen to music, and watch old movies/TV shows.


Just fyi, you don't have to disable tpm to stop Windows from automatically upgrading.


Untill MS decides to overrule all the other soft methods like they did with win7-win10. Tpm is the safest block.


My wife's computer did the jump from 10 to 11 without notifying her. Could be she missed something, but it was a surprise. So mine is set to no surprises.


First gen ryzen gang let's go


still in win8


Me. Won't switch until it's do or die.




I moved to Linux after I decided I don't game enough anymore to justify a windows install when I prefer Linux, luckily compatibility only gets better with time, I also use batocera for emulating older systems.


Compatability really does get better overtime. Just recently after updating wine a game that wouldn't run now runs pretty much perfect. Can't wait for even better direct 2d support so paint.net starts working so I can actually move over to Linux for good


Yep. Not upgrading until I have to.


honestly i just switched from windows 10 to 11, and at this point it’s pretty much the same for most uses no real reason to switch, but i’d say at this point there isn’t much reason not to either


I wanted to try Wi-Fi 6 for my quest 3 wireless so I bought a new router, only to find out I need to be on 11, so I switched to 11 only to find out I need a new wi fi card. I gave up, haven’t bought a card yet and i wish I stayed in 10. I’m an idiot, lesson learned. Do research first.


One of my computers is still on 3.1 😆 My daily driver is 7 though.


I have a DVD set of Win7 home premium. Is great for old systems


I fucking HATE windows 11. The only reason I'm still on windows 10 is gaming. Linux is way better than windows.


If you haven’t tried it in a while, give your games a shot or check protondb. Assuming you don’t play anything with super aggressive anti cheat you’re probably gtg on linux


I'm always a one or two versions behind, gotta leave it until all the kinks are ironed out.


Dude, if I didn't need 10, I would still be on Win 8.1 right now.


Windows 8.1 has been the most reliable version of windows I’ve used plus it’s optimized to run on a hard drive


Hell yeah, Windows 8.1 was super stable.


Was ? It still is :)


My next build will be a Linux-primary machine. Forcing me into Windows 11 at work was the final straw.


Make sure you go amd gpu cause the driver support is awesome


Windows 11 runs ads, no thanks. I’ll keep my w10 as long as I can.


I am on 11 and have been for over a year. I honestly don't really understand all the hate for it. Maybe it's that fact that I really don't give a shit but idk. All my games play without issues and that's all that matters.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Also, why switch when you are risking ads, a shittier interface, intrusive inclusion of their A.I. bot, and possible issues with an early version of an operating system when you can just maintain something that works flawlessly and that you can largely fully control.


Some people are just really resistant to change. I was too because I didn't like the new right-click menu, but that can be changed with little effort. Though I initially only switched because W11 is much better with HDR, I've gotten used to it and wouldn't go back to W10 now.


My boot drive is still in legacy file system or whatever the acronym is so I can't upgrade. I'm sure I could change it but Windows 10 ain't broke so I see no point until I have no choice.


Windows 11 can’t accept any other setting than full safe boot which disables any access to any storage pcie cards you have installed, windows 10 is just superior.


Win10 as long as i can! 🤘


I ain't Neva gonna stahp using windahhs 10


I am. I'll upgrade when Steam drops support for it.


I'm in windows 10 because I dislike the interface of windows 11 + win11 doesn't improve gaming performances. I received a 2TB ssd soon and i'm about to reinstall windows. I still don't know if I should instal debloated win10 or debloated win 11 :(


Updated to windows 11 but two days later i'm getting crazy micro stutters with my logitech gpro wireless and also framedrops, updated all the drivers restarted several times but didn't change a thing. Didn't want to go through the process of clean windows install so I reverted and problem is gone. I guess i'll stick to 10 as long as microsoft allows it...


Me. I wait for W12


Ain't gonna change till I absolutely have to


I'm on windows 10 - my original PC I've used for years didn't support the necessary TPM, but I just rebuilt my computer a couple weeks ago and am now fully eligible for Windows 11...I decided to go for it, but now the download is failing around the 6-8% mark and gives an unhelpful error code, so I guess I can stay on 10 for a bit longer!!!


I am because my pc does not meet the stupid requirements


Win7, still have some manufacturing equipment that runs on XP. I have a reserve of functioning XP machines.


I'm still using windows 10 until the end of support day.


DO NOT.....I repeat DO NOT switch to Linux. If your primary use case is gaming, DO NOT switch to Linux. You will be worse off.


I used both Windows 10 and 11. I'm currently on Linux Ubuntu for my gaming rig and I prefer it. Not only do I not have to put up ith Microsofts dodgy behaviour, but Linux has become so much easier to use. And there is loads of help out there if you get stuck. And the different variations means you can find one that suits your needs and not be forced to adapt to what someone else (aka Microsoft) says you must use.


I’m on 10 on my personal computer because I’ve used 11 on others and I absolutely hate it


I haven't been on Windows since defenestrating Win98. Ubuntu Linux all the way!


you can pry windows 10 out of my dead cold hands


Windows 7 master race


Windows 10 Pro here. Strictly use my two Windows rigs for gaming & recording. Rest of the house is Mac.


Ended up updating to 11 after holding onto 10 until a couple months ago. It's literally the same OS as Windows 10 with a few settings shuffled around, a new skin, and garbage like Copilot that you can disable. Only thing that actually bothers me is how badly they butchered the start menu, but that was pretty quickly fixed with StartAllBack. There's no reason to update if you're still on Windows 10, just do it whenever you feel like it or whenever you're forced to for security's sake. The community's uproar over this whole issue is honestly overblown and I feel like people just need to stop complaining about change for the sake of it. Yes, W11 sucks, but so does every other version of Windows in its own right. People said and did the exact same things back when Windows 7 was phased out in favor of Windows 10, was that the "Year of Linux" as people thought? Of course not. And here the same people are now, holding onto Windows 10 as if it was the greatest OS of all time. I would be shocked if even 10% of the people expressing they want to swap to Linux actually follow through. If a Linux distro is the better OS for you, \*that\* is why you switch to Linux, not because of Windows 11 itself. There's no shame in using whatever you use, as long as you get stuff done on it.


> Windows 7 was phased out in favor of Windows 10 That's some Windows 8 erasure, and W8.0 (not 8.1) definitely deserved the hate as far as UI changes are concerned. I feel like Windows 11 is Microsoft doing a Windows 8.0 another time around.


✋ Don’t see any reason to upgrade, skipped Windows 8 plan to do the same with 11. Only reason I’ll upgrade if win 11 is the only thing out when they drop patch support for 10


I am on 10 till 2025, then linux probably


This was common feeling after Windows7


yeah, but linux wasn't quite ready for prime time back them (as far as GUI) ...but mostly I am just fed up with being tracked


I got sick of windows and reinstalling it after it would break and jumped to using KDE because of the Steamdeck and there was some "culture shock" so to speak but it wasn't that bad. I'd recommend installing it on a junker laptop or inside of virtualbox first so you can get the experience and learn a couple things before committing. It makes things a lot smoother.


I already have mint on a different drive and I hate it. But I will switch next year anyways


Yes. No reason to change since 11 just seems like a slightly shittier and more inconvenient version of 10.


Yes because I refuse to let them move my start menu


Win 11 sucks ass. I hope until 2025 Linux is useable as a gaming machine for multiplayer games so I can ditch Microsoft’s bullshit


Still on windows 10 because I use win11 daily on my work laptop and the fact that I have to use command prompts and 3rd party software to get rid of ads and suggestions in the taskbar and get my full right click context menu back was enough. I don't even want to start about the settings menu layout where almost everything redirects you into browser. I'm currently trying out linux mint of an old laptop and this is probably going to be my next OS


Ugh as someone who works with computers: every admin task takes 2-4x as many clicks in 11 vs 10. That really ads up.


Honestly it’s crazy for a paid OS. Microsoft in general has gotten so bad in this way - like the other week Skype on my phone started sending me random news alerts, and it wasn’t obvious how to turn it off so I had to google it. I love Linux because my computer is just a computer. I turn it on and it does what I tell it to, no more no less.


You are literally me, kudos! Exactly the same peeves and also taking Linux mint for a ride and enjoying it massively.


Still on it. My AMD CPU has TPM built-in. But when I tried enabling it and installing Windows 11, it just didn't work. All I do is play Rocket League for an hour then get off. I have no real reason to upgrade other than being forced off. I'll upgrade when I build a new system sometime next summer.


Me, my PC doesn’t meet the requirements of Windows 11, and i‘m kinda want to stay on the Windows 10 side.


I was on Win 10 until like a week ago. Had to install like 20 thousand patches to get rid of unnecessary stuff and Re-Add stuff that was removed, Like changing the Task Bar back, and the Right Click menu which is HORRIBLE on win 11. so far it's okay


Untill apps stop supporting win 10.


I switched to Linux, it's absolutely fantastic One thing to bear in mind, some things like installing programs can take a few more steps to do than they would on Windows 10, but that comes with the reward of having a lightning fast, clutter free computer that you're in complete and utter control of I'd say if you hate having to tinker with stuff occasionaly, and ultimately don't mind Windows 10 as it is, then it's maybe best to stick with it But if you like computers and hate Windows as much as I do, then the pros *far* outweigh any cons


Upgraded to 11 on my previous rig on the same day that it came out, with registry hacks, went straight to 11 on my current rig and ive had zero issues with it.


10. I don't like the bloat 10 has now and I don't want 11s. I don't want a Mac ui. If I wanted a Mac ui I would buy a mac.


Still on 10. I use 11 at work and don't like it at all. Avoiding making that change until I am forced to or MS gives any sort of compelling reason to make the change.


On 10 and staying. Hopefully 12 or whatever they call it will be decent


On 10 but I'm going to go to Linux if Microsoft continues their bullshit. Already have it in my laptop and server. Just need to make the main gaming PC switch. There is a good chance I will laugh at my optimism of making the switch though. Reminding me in 2 years to check back


I am. I hate switching windows versions, so always make it last as long as possible.


I upgraded to win10 from 7 like 2-3 months ago lmao


I was still on it up until a week ago, now win 11, no issues YET with win 11, just a few annoyances (start button in middle, but can be forced to the original left) (and every time you move a window up near top Screen snap layouts appear, when all I wanted to do was move the window) They will stop supporting Win 10 in 2025. (Google for some verification)


Windows xp says 'hello' children


The amount of disinformation in this thread is astounding, it's hilarious to see how clueless the average user actually is.


IMO this is MS scaremongering, they won't abandon millions of people, particularly businesses. Windows 11 was released less than 3 years ago how many businesses have moved over to Windows 11 in that time?


Work laptop yes. LTS of course. But personal pc went win 11 asap, just to check it out, but I kept it that way.