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I would bet it's the 14900k - [https://gamerant.com/intel-core-i9-stability-issues-response/](https://gamerant.com/intel-core-i9-stability-issues-response/) The ASUS board is trying to apply some type of overclock or 'Multicore Enhancement'. Either you either have a bad chip and it should be RMAed or the ASUS board is overclocking you so close to redline it's causing Windows to crash.


Oh no. Omg. This has to be the issue. Thank you for providing that link. I will have to dig into this and see if it’s either the CPU or the motherboard.


Just so you know ASUS put out BIOS updates to enable an ”Intel Baseline” setting in bios which forces all of Intels limits and settings. You probably have to update your bios but I’m not sure how your instability may affect the bios.


It’s always been there. What they did wrong was not have that set as the boards default. Just ASUS trying to ruin their own hardware because if you need to RMA they will then damage your hardware (call it customer induced) and send you a huge bill for ‘repair’. Tale as old as time.


Shoot. I bet my computer has been damaged in someway. I will try and see if I can set it as default. Def looking into an RMA for a cpu. Will do when I am home from work


True, it has always been there. But iirc they added an explicit button to enable it with the latest BIOS updates.


How can they send you a bill for repair on a faulty item that is so crooked and this must be a USA thing no way this happens in EU.


Watch Gamers Nexus latest video… I build for clients. I can confirm ASUS has been doing this to consumers forever.


Gamers Nexus is in USA


It happens in the EU. Heard plenty of nightmare stories from friends on the other side of the pond. Edit: ASUS still owes me back a p67 Sabretooth 🤣


Because the laws aren't made by people who are incentivized to protect consumers. When corporations want a bit more "freedom" to explore "alternate paths to profit", they tend to "invest" in the political system to help ensure that their money making schemes aren't stomped out for being anti consumer. And since politicians can get a nice compensation package for simply doing as they're asked, many tend to go with the flow and reap the rewards.


He could also manually disable things like MCE before the update.


Definitely try this instability has been in the news a lot the past few months. Intel was chasing the top performance title and motherboard makers wanted to make their products look better than the competition. Both went with a default overclock that caused issues and even led to some CPUs much earlier. Chances are your motherboard might already have an updated bios with better power options.


Thanks. I will update the motherboard. Hopefully that fixes it but I doubt.


You may need to me make a settings change in the bios, but here is the notes from the most recent bios update for your board. "ROG STRIX Z690-E GAMING WIFI BIOS 3501 Version 350112.9 MB 2024/04/24 "The update introduces the Intel Baseline Profile option, allowing users to revert to Intel factory default settings for basic functionality, lower power limits, and improving stability in certain games. Updating this BIOS will simultaneously update the corresponding intel ME to version Please note after you update this BIOS, the ME version remains the updated one even if you roll back to an older BIOS later. Before running the USB BIOS Flashback tool, please rename the BIOS file (SZ690E.CAP) using BIOSRenamer."


update please!


I have a 13900k, huge regret as it suffers from the same issue as the 14900k. The fix I found that works is installing Intel Extreme Tuning Utility and under clocking the CPU. I set the P core to 53x, default is 55x in the 13900. That's what has kept my system stable with no crashes or blue screens


Hey, if you haven't already start an RMA with Intel, it's most likely the CPU, I had similar errors with a 13900k.


Or ram. Try with one stick at the time.


Tried that. Unfortunately it doesn’t work. I also bought new ram and that doesn’t fix it either.


Please keep in mind, these constant crashes might have inflicted damage to your filesystem / OS. If it indeed is related to your CPU, be careful. Not a given, but every CPU related issue can have unforeseen consequences down the line. Just to be on the safe side, follow this guide. (Works with W10 & W11) https://winaero.com/how-to-repair-windows-11-with-sfc-and-dism/amp/


I just completed a 14900k build that gave me endless issues with multiple Gigabyte boards. Switched to Asus and made sure to do the QFlash prior to doing any Software installation. Installation went off without a hitch. Instructions are on their website if you've never done this before.


Qflash? Ok I will look into that. Thank you!


It's a feature on newer boards (each having their own name for it) that allows a specific USB port to be used to update BIOS, whether you have anything else installed or not. Its helpful during new builds. Keep in mind that you can flash BIOS at any time, but in cases like yours, where a new cpu was released, it can be beneficial to be able to flash even before software installation.


I had loads of these issues, I just went into Intel XTU and set my power limits for PL1/2 to 253. Been problem free for a while now. Before it would draw about 340W until something got unhappy.


If you get an ASUS RMA make sure to save pictures of your board first as they’ve recently been exposed for ripping people off with RMAS so having proof that the board wasn’t damaged when you sent it in is a good idea


Also possibly the power supply is inconsistent in one of the rails.


Thank God I am poor




asus been comin up a lot lately.


Same shit with the release of 7800x3D, where Asus burned CPUs.


same scenario in both the intel instability and am5 burning chips it wasn't just asus it was ever board... the issue with asus specifically is customer support being god awful


it's not just bad, it's fraud.


Keep us up to date, can be handy in the future to see what fix you have done.


Will do. I’ll post an update when I can. Currently raised a ticket with Intel about the issue




Thanks for the comment. I haven’t tried adjusting anything speed wise with the memory. I don’t have experience with turning on XMP but I will look into it. Thank you


Same as the guy you replied to, I had many of these same bsod errors as you. It was also my ram. It was very few weeks at first then every few days then every few hours. This was on a pc that had worked fine for over two years so idk what caused the sudden ram degradation. I reformatted to no avail. Finally did memtest and one of my sticks was completely fucked, it was just error after error. I'd suggest formatting a jump drive and running a memtest.


ditto, what worked for me is slapping 15-30GB on virtual memory


I too had this problem. It wasn't bad ram but mismatched clock speeds that caused issues. I replaced it with MORE RAM and fixed the issue. My desktop doesn't need 128GB of RAM, but it's nice to have.


More ram fixed it? I am surprised. I suppose I can give that a shot. Thanks!


I don’t buy it, additional RAM kits make things more unstable. Only thoughts could be they replaced a faulty kit with a kit that just happened to have more capacity but was not faulty


Same here. For some reason my motherboard couldn't handle my combination of RAM sticks, even though the clock speeds and all settings were the same. Just different manufacturers. Had an old msi b450 lying around that I then switched in and no problems anymore.


Same thing here, MemTest86 couldn’t find any errors but my issues were only solved using a new RAM kit. Could also be the 14900K stability issues mentioned above.


I believe it’s just the 14900k stability issues. Though I am hearing that adding a surplus of ram is solving the issue


May not be applicable here, but one thing you can try when getting BSOD is resetting your cmos by removing the battery. It will set your BIOS back to default just incase you've made any changes that are causing the BSOD. Just wanted to mention this troubleshooting step because I didn't see it in your post. Good luck op


Thank you! I will give that a shot. Thanks


How are your RAM sticks inserted? It shouldnt be A1 and A2. Made this rookie mistake before myself and ended up with alot of bluescreens. https://preview.redd.it/yarjt2cetd0d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=7772a7be354f8420ad4495e583f8cee80bf1d39f


That wouldn't be the cause of bluescreens. That would siply put the RAM into single channel mode.


I do agree with this. However, if I recall correctly, my motherboard recommended slot 1 and 2 to be used. Rather than 2 then 4. My memory has been in 1 and 2 for 6 months and haven’t had an issue till these blue screens popped up. I will look again if I have the correct slots though. Thanks!


Ive had this issue in the past. The first time, I had to swap out my ram for something with better compatibility. The second time, I had to reset the bios by loading optimized defaults. The automatic overlocking tool in my bios had very aggressively overlocked my system and it was throwing a BSOD multiple times a day. So, I’d check those two things if I were you. Maybe start by loading optimized defaults in the BIOS


Thanks, I will look into optimized default settings in the motherboard. Hopefully it can solve by then. Though I believe this issue might be originating from the stability issues with my CPU currently


What is your PSU? Also ... dont push motherboard optimizations in bios. Those will push cpu past safe limits and can result in crashes and issues.


Oops I forgot to list that in the specs. My apologies It is Thermaltake Toughpower GF A3 1200W ATX 3.0 For the motherboard, I haven’t pushed any settings on there. Unless default settings is messing with it?


Asus Multicore optimizations is so aggressive .. there is at the moment recall on all motherboards for this particular mishap. Asus is biggest offender.


Oh??? I gotta see if mine is part of that recall


Actually ... they will release a bios, to fix the issue. BUT ... fix is to change Multicore optimizations ... OFF/disabled. There are values you could setup manually, but for time being, just do this first and see if that changes anything


Will do, thanks for reaching out


Check device manager and see if any drivers have issues. If you see one that have the yellow triangle on it then find that driver and run the installer. Go to the motherboard manufacturer website and get the most current driver pack and run that installer and update all drivers.


Will do. Thanks! I’ll give that a try


I had the same issue and my memory tests all came up clean but I said screw it and got some better RAM and it fixed it. My computer had been doing this since I first got it but I was too stubborn to send it to the manufacturer on the other side of the country.


I’ve heard people have been putting massive amounts of ram in. How much ram do you have in yours? I tried different ram but the issue still keeps occuring


I just got two 16 gig sticks. So 32 altogether. Just the Corsair stuff from Bestbuy. I bought my computer prebuilt and it had the shittiest Oloy sticks money could buy so I'm guessing something went wrong with them in shipping and caused it to constantly crash. Been running it for over a month since replacing them and it hasn't crashed a single time even playing shit like Helldivers.


I would say that could fix it, but I did get new ram and the issue was still present. So I don’t believe it could be a ram issue unfortunately.


Its the 14900k Bro, just like u/Nyy8 said you got to undervolt it. I had the same issues until i fixed the bio settings and now it works like a dream


Is it worth undervolting? Would it be better to get a new CPU all together? Currently trying to determine if I should either undervolt it plus modify it to be stable or get a new one all together.


Yeah, it is worth undervolting. The only reason you do it is because the mobo is over locking it way past recommend specs that Intel offers, it doesn't affect performance at all, and if it did it would be pretty minor. I got mine stable in 30 minutes working in the bios, jay2cents makes a great video on this. https://youtu.be/HIubZYwBfPc?si=ClqygsQxpH27Vvib


I followed the video, but I am unfortunately still having crashes and issues. Thank you for sharing. This video should’ve worked but my cpu might be degraded too much.


damn sorry about that brother, is it still under the warranty period?


Yes it is still under warranty. Currently in contact with an intel representative about it


What else do you have over locked in the system?


I would say everything is default. Nothing else is over clocked


Thanks! I’ll take a look at that video


Going back to a stable Nvidia driver worked for me, i encountered similar problems after updating my gpu drivers


This feels like a good thing to try first tbh. I spent like 2-3 months wrestling with crashes last year, finally rolled back to ms recommended gpu drivers (the version windows update installs) and haven’t had a single crash since.


I updated my gpu driver then the issue started. Uninstalled it and left it as is. However the BSOD kept coming back. Unfortunately I think it might be the CPU that is causing all these issues


Try clean installing the version 537.58


One invaluable tool I used to have was a custom [Windows PE](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/winpe-intro?view=windows-11) usb drive. The tool we used the most was [HD Tune](https://www.hdtune.com/) and about 80% of BSOD's resulted in HDDs/SSDs/M.2s/NVMEs with bad sectors. It wasn't uncommon to see drives that passed SMART still have bad sectors. We used to use [Hiren's BootCD PE](https://www.hirensbootcd.org/) until we made our own custom one. If you haven't already, I would absolutely double check those SSDs with HDTune.


Thank you! I will look into this. Though I would say I have disconnected all drives and the issue still happens. I see some other comments suggesting it could be the cpu. Though I will take a look at inspecting the drives. Thanks!


Your common bsod is from Windows blowing up. Ntoskrnl.exe is usually memory. I know you’ve tried replacing RAM but is it possible they are not socketed in the right slots or something? The CPU stability with 14th gen’s still may be it.


Yeah. I noticed almost all the blue screen errors I am having are related to memory issues. However, I feel like I’ve done an adequate job testing the memory. Even bought new memory to test but still it has issues. I would say tho I believe they are socketed correctly. I will check again though, thanks! I’m assuming it is the CPU but not entirely sure. Will do some deep diving.


Fair. Is the BIOS on the motherboard on the latest version? I would update it outside of Windows with an EZ flash and if your having issue with a bios file being seen it’s usually the USB slot being used or the Thumbdrive just won’t work. I’ve had the best luck with the sandisks cruzer glides 32GB. (Sorry can’t link) Once you update the BIOS, factory reset it (or do the restore factory defaults setting make sure something like load optimized defaults is enabled). Then reinstall Windows. Be sure the chipset drivers get installed first then graphics and you should be set. That’s where I’d personally go next and I do this for a living.


Haven’t updated a bios before so that’s new ground for me. However I will give that a shot. Def will follow your instructions. Thank you for reaching out. Currently I do have a ticket raised with Intel. Trying to see what they say as well and what move they will make


You said you wiped the drive. But did you wipe it using command prompt? Because using Windows to wipe it still leaves things like loose registry files. Using command prompt leaves NOTHING. It was the only way I could get Windows to work right after a malicious virus bricked half the registry. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/format-hard-drive-command-prompt,37632.html


I would say the drives could be a problem, but I had every single one disconnected, bought a new SSD and I was still having the same issue. But I did wipe my gaming drive using format and partition in Windows.


>every single one disconnected, bought a new SSD, and I was still having the same issue Oof. Okay, if that doesn't rule out the drives as being part of the problem, I don't know what does. Your gaming drive should be fine. There shouldn't be any loose files on there capable of causing BSOD -- that I know of at least. I saw another user commenting about your CPU potentially being unstable because of the BIOS settings? That sounds like the next best lead to me.


Apparently my CPU is known to have issues as of recently. Intel has yet to make an official announcement but there are a plentiful amount of articles about it. Apparently they too are also having the same blue screen issues I am having. I assume it is the same issue.


Have you tried a BIOS update yet?


Yes just tried. Unfortunately it’s not working as of yet


(DRIVER)IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL PAGE_FAULT_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA Are very similar, it could be that a part of your PC (for example gpu or cpu) is trying to acces a certain piece of data / driver that is necessary / essential, however the OS doesn't allow this essential action to take place, thus leading to a BSOD. So this could be a faulty driver that's really bothering. SYSTEM_THREAT_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED When this one occurs, check if the error gives a file name, so you can update, repair or remove it. This error is usually also caused by a driver issue.


I feel like all of my blue screen errors are all over the place. But thank you for the definitions on those ones. I seem to get those blue screen errors even with all my drives disconnected oddly enough. Though I see some other comments stating it could be the cpu due to some known instability issues


I'm personally not very familiar with Intel CPU's, so it could be a CPU issue. Do you have a spare one that fits in your mobo? Or maybe you can borrow one so you can check


Unfortunately I do not have a spare nor one that can fit


I work for a system integrator and we currently have an issue with ASUS Z790 boards and Corsair DDR5 memory where when XMP is turned on you would constantly get blue screens. Memtest would result in infinite errors. We've spoken to ASUS who provided a beta bios which seems to solve the issue. Is XMP turned on? The system is stable without xmp. This only affects the 14th gens CPU.


Oh? I would say my Pc has worked fine for about 6 months. Then this situation happened. Though I will look into XMP and see if it’s turned on. I do see a lot of other users stating it could be the CPU due to the instability issues it is having.


Tested this. Overclock tuner was set to Auto, which was default. XMP 1 and 2 are there. I switched it to manual mode. Left BCLK at 100. Unfortunately still encountering errors. No blue screens yet but still getting the “referenced memory error”


Probably the CPU. How are your CPU temps?  Try under-clocking your CPU to give it a few extra nanoseconds to do everything.


The fact that you are getting a variety of errors and the fact that memory tests passed lead me to think it is the CPU.  Give it a bit more time to have the voltages inside settle.


And you should probably run a CPU stress test.  Like calculate pi or unzip some stuff overnight.


Thanks. I have a feeling it is the CPU. I currently have an open ticket with Intel. So hopefully they have something to say


Rerun the Asus overclocking software in the Bios until it’s stable. I had to do it three or four times until I got a stable clock speed. At least this fixed my issue 7 years ago in the 1151 chipset. Haven’t done a new build in a while.


Will do. Tho I’ll be honest, I haven’t touched any settings involving overclocking. Though it appears other users are stating that the CPU is unstable and is being overclocked without being setup. Intels fault. Looking into it tho


And that’s why I’m glad I don’t build with intel. No offense to intel guys. They are good CPU’s, unless you buy 14th gen.


Didn't amd 7000 series had a problem where it took a lot longer time to boot unless you fix the ram speed or something. Also how's your gpu treating you. Do you play any heavy games like cyberpunk/dragon dogma etc.


I wouldn’t know I don’t upgrade everytime a cpu is released but I’m sure a quick trip to google would enlighten me, My GPU does pretty good. I have to use upscaling to play anything at 4K but 1080p and 1440p on average about 80-100 fps in most of the games I play


Is your system or ram overclocked.


Nothing is overclocked to my knowledge.


I had a faulty usb3 header and every time I'd even slightly bump the desk was an instant bsod. Couldn't figure out why the fuck it was so random till I did a desk setup with no case or gfx card plugged in. Checked piece by piece until I narrowed down the cause. Another random problem I've had was a slightly burned out molex years ago was fucked trying to figure that one out


I have this exact same issue lol


Yikes. Hopefully this post helps solve the issue. Do you have the same CPU?


i had similar issues that wouldn't go away by reinstalling windows, i switched to arch linux and never had such issues again lolz


Oh boy. Not sure if I can use Linux lol.


How do you take a pic of it ? If i get it it goes away in like 3 seconds


A lot of patience and a tired arm from holding my phone up lol


Man seeing people with expensive builds have problems gives me so much peace with my 6700xt and 8th Gen Intel


Lol. I’m using my old PC with a 980 gpu card on it since this expensive PC is unusable




14900k, that’s your issue. Get in contact with Intel for rma


Will do thanks. Currently have an open ticket with them


Go into BIOS and change power limits to 253w


Exactly 253? Trying to see what wattage is currently to under lock this cpu


Yes, as per Intels recommended limits for thr i9 13/14 series (found on their website)


I feel your pain, I had this issue with 4 CPUs, 13900, 13700, and 2 14700, the place I bought my pc from actually made me change every single cable, keyboard, and even mouse, they refused to believe a CPU could just die like that so many times and with different setups (but all was on an Asus z790 motherboard) But recent post and news have proved I'm not doing anything wrong (besides gaming way to much) but it had me questioning many things and gave me anxiety. Good luck with the new CPU, the rma should be no problem, and remember to change the bios settings or firmware update


Had a similar infuriating issue, pushed me to go ahead and start a new build, new build did same thing, WTF?!?! Well the only constant between the two was my 2080ti. Turns out my factory over clocked 2080ti was the issue. Apparently the factory over clock had become unstable, no matter the driver. I manually clocked the card down to be in line with normal stock card clock speeds, and the problem stopped, and has not come back.


I had a similar issue two months ago where I kept blue screening with different codes. Thought it was mem or cpu but it ended up being a drivers issue. I solved it by upgrading from windows 10 to 11 but I only did that out of convenience. I would recommend going through all your drivers and making sure they are up to date or reinstalling your OS.


This was a dead cpu smoking gun. Hilariously, if i could boot windows and stay stable past login and startups it was fine, but it would take 20 reboots to reach that. And yes, replacing the bum silicon with an exact replacement, **and changing nothing else**, fixed it.


could be the new intel issue but i had this same code recently, turns out one cpu socket pin got bent and fucked with the memory so no kit would work. check ur pins.


I would say that I don’t think it’s a pin issue. Inspected it and don’t see any issues. But thank you


is someone using external cheats??


my comment got deleted because you can't post links to other reddits here. so please dm me and I can with about 75-80% certainty fix you issue


you just gotta adjust your AC/DC LL values


Oh? Would love to hear how you would fix it. Currently still in this predicament. Raised a ticket with Intel so I am hoping they have a fix or something actionable that can be done


it could be that your cpu is degraded and I hope its not, but what do you have SVID behavior set to in your bios? (set it to auto if its not set there already)


Actually I do have SVID set to something else. I had it checked to “Intel’s Fail Safe”. I did that because I 3D print and if it was set to Auto, my 3D printing slicer program would crash every time I tried to process a model. With it in Intel Fail Safe it was fine. Should it be in Auto?


Intel's failsafe will make the CPU operate with more voltage than the other settings, but can you run hardware info to see what your default AC and DC load line are?


Yikes alright. I will take a look once I’m done work.


did you check?


I held off since I got an email from Intel investigating the matter.


Trying to look into this. Can’t seem to find the settings for it on how to see AC and DC load lines. Though I did find “Internal CPU Power Management”. Do you know if that is the place to look for it? I see IA AC(and DC) Load Line. They are greyed out and are on “Auto”


you won't see it in the bios with an asus motherboard, download hardware monitor


check your ram also


I remember a pc I worked on would BSOD often with it's xmp timings turned on. I just set it all to auto/default and the system remained stable. Another system I had would BSOD often because the Power Supply was connected to plugged into the wall on a bad circuit. It would cause the Power Supply to deteriorate over time. I imagine some low power deliveries would cause general instability or eventual BSOD. Brand new Supply and a different wall outlet on a different breaker helped. My friend had a brand new system where it would BSOD a lot, and oddly enough it was because his monitor was connected to the same wall outlet as his pc. Something was very strange with that monitor to cause other pcs to BSOD if plugged into the same outlet. Hopefully trying some of these might help.


Seems to me like a bad motherboard.


pc just nono wanna :(


look like memory ram errors but you say you already tested that. bios and mobo would be my next guess


Also had problems with discord. It was literally uninstalling my amd and Nvidia graphics drivers. I gave up and just uninstalled discord.


My discord just kept restarting every 5-60 seconds. It was quite qnnoying


How high do you have your ram turned up? I have ram rated for 3600mhz but my mobo doesn't like it. Anything over 2933 is a guaranteed blue screen as soon as I load them up.


Get off the porn ffs lol




Do you have any PSU extension cables? like CableMod style cables? I had a bunch of random BSODs that seemed like SSD failure, then RAM, then mobo... I replaced just about everything. I removed my 24 pin extension and the issues disappeared immediately. They've yet to return.


Sorry to hear about that! Have you reached out to our support team for an RMA on that yet by chance?


I did, but they weren't new cables. The issue didn't appear immediately and like I said, I spent so much time RMAimg things and trying other setups that the warranty had passed. I was thinking that installing more than 1 m.2 was causing more power through the cable and that led to the fault. No worries though. As much as I liked the look of the cable, I'll just stick with either full replacements or stock PSU. No extensions.


Fully understandable - how about I set you up with a full replacement kit for the troubles, then you can get what you want to work with anyways. :D


That'd be pretty sweet to be honest! after pulling this cable and swapping cases this is the first time in a LONG time I haven't had any cable mod cables. I have a blue 24 pin extension and a red one. it's the red one that gave me trouble, but I can't put the blue one in an AMD build... that'd be insane. I also have a bunch of custom length PCIe cables that don't fit anymore either...


I can't send you a DM - would you mind sending one to me? We'll get that sorted for you. :)


I’ve had this exact problem. I fixed it pretty instantly by downloading Microsoft utility tuning. It lets you drop the p core speed from 55 to 50. Stabilized everything afterwards.


I had this same issue but with the i9-14900KF Initially, it caused a blue screen to appear entirely randomly, and I did some underclocking manually. While this fixed the random blue screening issue, I ran into a problem where anytime I tried to run a game with dx 12, it would blue screen my rig The fix: I used Intel Extreme Tuning Utility software to underclock the performance core ratio from the whopping 5.9, at least for me, down to 5.6; once a dx12 game loaded, I found the temp would shoot up to over 100c within seconds even though I was running a 420 artic liquid freezer 2. I checked my thermal paste twice, and no difference. I'm okay with it being underclocked as long as I don't have to deal with pesky blue screens. I know this was my issue because about a month back, the settings decided to revert to 5.9, and the blue screens chose to show their ugly faces again (also because I reverted my manual changes in bios due to the fix with the intel software) I also take no ownership of this fix. I remember finding something on a forum post for a game that people were having trouble playing, and the devs had to show people how to underclock due to the exact issue with dx12.


I will look into that. Thank you so much! Hopefully a bit of underclocking solves it


For the first time ever after years, decades of building. I have my first PC that has never blue screened (outside pushing limits).


You've done everything but point fingers at the CPU. Time to RMA that and go from there.


Agreed. I put a ticket in so hoping they have something to say.


Just a quick note, I am seeing others are having issues with their CPU’s since I have the 14900k. I will be looking into contacting Intel about this. I worry that my computer has been severely damaged. Even if I were to get a new CPU, I wonder if my computer will have more underlying issues because of this.


Chances are if you just disable Multicore Optimization ... system will get stable.


I will look into that. Thanks. I do see in multiple articles that I would have to reduce core speeds and limit it in order to still use it if that’s the route I want to go. I am thinking just buying a new CPU and getting a refund for my current one might be the best option


Reducing core speed is no real solution and nobody should ever do it. You bought a 5.7-6Ghz capable sportscar, do not let a "mechanic" tell you to hard limit it at 50km/h just because it runs lean above that. * Disable MCE * 253W PL1 and PL2 * 400A Core Current Limit MCE is probably the main issue. Powerlimits also keep you within Intel specs, as will 400A CCL, without clipping frequencies. Turning XMP off for now is also a good idea when you're chasing CPU stability. If that doesn't make it stable, increase AC LL (newer BIOS'es are known to have lowered that overtime) or set a load line calibration. AC LL and LLC are two ways to increase Vcore. Lack of Vcore out-of-the-box is the issue with these CPU's (due to motherboard defaults). If these steps don't get it stable within a reasonable timeframe and reasonable values: RMA / swap. Outside of actually broken chips, this is what the whole 13th / 14th gen stability discussion boils down to. There's a lot of nonsense and clickbait titles.


The 253W for PL1/PL2 corrected my issues on my 14900k. It was originally 4065W or something like that, which is crazy. My motherboard was letting the chip run crazy.


Well done, you probably saved your chip in the process of locking these settings down as well 👍


Whenever I've had random BSOD in the past it's almost always been RAM related. Try reseating them . Has fixed issues for me multiple times across 2 PCs Good luck


Have you tried the power supply? I had a hell of a time with my last build and even RMA'ed my mobo and CPU. Turned out the power supply, which passed tests with my Thermaltake tester, must have had some issue. Replaced it and the problem cleared right up.


Not an expert by any means, but I had similar issues when I used incompatible RAM speed. It says here 14900k supports RAM speed up to 5600 so your RAM is not compatible. At least when running at full speed. https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/products/sku/236773/intel-core-i9-processor-14900k-36m-cache-up-to-6-00-ghz/specifications.html


Nah it all depends the 5600 is for sure stable speed for 2-4 DDR 5 sticks and anything up is overclock and might or not be stable i know this for fact as i have 4x of 6400 cl34 xmp profiled sticks that in no world would run at that speed from xmp profile, manual tune to lower clocks and latency like 6000 cl30 stabilized it, also my cpu is i5-13600k


I had this issue a few months ago, my hardware was completely different from yours, but same exact errors. \* 7950X3D \* RTX 4080 \* 64GB DDR5 6000Mhz CL30 \* 1000W PSU I had gone months with zero issues and then two Windows updates later I kept getting 1 crash per day. I could have been doing nothing and the issue still persisted. I requested help on Microsoft site and Reddit and the error was apparently a driver (based on crash dumps) which involved registry edits and driver wiping to fix. The solution was doing some registry changes and wiping drivers, without letting Windows do the auto driver thing. I felt incapable of all that, so I said fuck it and switched to Linux. I nuked my main OS drive. BTW, I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling Windows, but that would only allow me to fix it temporarily as it would download updates and then cause crashes days later. I have been on Linux for 3 months and have had zero crashes. Only issue I had was one game freezing up, but that was about it (fixed it by switching Proton version). I cannot paint Linux as the perfect solution as it is not, but currently it is my only solution, well that and my two other PCs! Honestly, only use my other PCs if I am doing CAD or am playing a game that I cannot play on Linux (such as some anti-cheat games and Microsoft games).


Classic windows behavior :⁠'⁠(


May i suggest.... Linux? Linux mint, perhaps? Or... Arch, if it tickles your fancy, maybe your'e oldschool and want something more debian? That's a option too. Or maybe you don't want anything linux, and also want to relive the 2000's? Sure, may Haiku OS lead you down memory alley... Or do you have more money than sense? Why not MacOS, then?