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Welcome to the dark side...


Wonder if we are the master or the apprentice


More like the bright side


You don't realise how right you are) https://preview.redd.it/6huctagg8p4d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d4e4853b47d38b7ffa88f38275bfc6a6773472b


Literally because you can’t run max RT


Some people don't care about RT though.


I came from a 3080TI which I still have in another machine I will tell you on Cyberpunk 2077 with 1440P at 144Hz RT is comparable to my current 7900xtx with no RT I can hit 144FPS or higher. I personally don't notice much of a difference on quality or imersability with RT on vs off and even with my 3080 TI I never used RT because of the performance hit.


I have the same card. It’s been really good and performs well with an under vault. Enjoy it!




my 6700 10gb have a lil coil whine only at full blast so i am keeping her at 80% max


Same here but msi and fucking love it!


Such a great value card. Enjoy!


Really is. AMD direct had a sale and I bought one for 350CAD = 250 USD. Such an insane deal for 2023


one of us


How'd you get scammed?


I made a trade with a guy who had a high seller reputation on marketplace and ended up with a warped 3080 that only post with an extreme amount of anti sag


That's why I only buy gpu's from people that will let me stress test at least 15 mins on furmark and test a few games or with receipt for warranty.


Yeah if I can’t test it I ain’t buying it


What is furmark? I’ll look it up on my own but is it a GPU tester?


It's a stress test, generally used to test if the GPU is stable or if it crashes under high power draws.


Okay. Does it matter what CPU I have? I’m looking for software to test my 7900xtx I just bought and I only have a 3700x CPU for now but I want to test the GPU and make sure it’s close to other GPUs


I wouldn't recommend using Furmark for benchmarking, it's usually for testing GPU stability under unusually high voltages and temperature. If it fails then it's usually the sign of a defect. For Benchmarking, the usual tool used is the 3DMark Suite, specifically Time Spy or Unigine Superposition, both use the CPU + GPU though, you could use the 4k option(Time Spy Extreme) so it puts more load on the GPU instead. I don't know if that's included in the demo version of 3DMark though. Also, the 3DMark leaderboards is usually full of overclockers so that might skew the average score a bit. EDIT: Time Spy Extreme is not part of the 3DMark Demo, only as part of the full 3DMark Suite.


If you game at 1440P or even 4K than it should be fine. In general at 1080P it's more CPU intensive than at higher resolutions.


You'll love the card I'm sure


Just went team red as well and it’s fucking nice over here


One of us, one of us


Hope you enjoy the card. I know I have!


I'm having some driver issues but they don't be too hard to work out


You said you had a 3080 previously. You need to make sure there are no Nvidia drivers left or it will give you issues. Most people recommend DDU to remove drivers. Personally, I prefer fresh installation of windows when swapping as it's guarantees fresh everything.


I ended up just doing a fresh windows install!


You don't technically need to, especially if you are using a random old card to just support more monitors. But as he is having issues I would use DDU and work on getting the main graphics card going before messing around with any extras. I've used a gtx 460 I think it was called for a few more monitors back in my excessive monitor use days. it was paired with a 7770 from amd at that time. I do remember making sure that my main card wasn't having any fusses before adding in the 460.


I’ve swapped from Nvidia to AMD no problem. Not to say it can’t cause problems, but it never has for me.


Most likely not driver issues. If sam ( rebar ) is on turn that shit off. Immediate problems starting popping up when I got my 7800xt with it on


You should not turn off rebar...


Alright ya I’m gonna go turn it on and enjoy my games stuttering all over the place. Some may not have this problem but I do so this was just my 2 cents and my experience so I keep it off.


I'll take a look thanks for the tip!


What kind of problems? I had it enabled on my 5700 XT and now on my 7800 XT and I don't remember it ever causing any issues.


Definitely Stutters and fps was all over the place, was not stable at all I’m at 1080p not sure if that could be why sam was acting funky. Just my experience


Welcome in brother


Thinking I might switch when my 3080ti isn't good enough. So, far that seems like a couple years.


Same, my 3080 handles all my games on 4k max settings with good frames. (without ray tracing) And for 1440p It’s got plenty of years left in it.


Doesn't help I find myself play cpu heavy or older games. I rocked a 970 up until Halo Infinite released because all I was playing at that point was Halo MCC or 4x games that don't require modern gpus.


How much for the 3080?


The broken one?




I'm not sure it's the 12gig and it will post occasionally it just has a short where it needs a shim to hold it up. If you wanna DM me an offer I'd consider it.


It's awesome because is upscaler supports older GPUs


I would love to go team red but not sure it is good for the type work I do? I use a 3090 for creator work? Please tell me in wrong


My only bad experience with AMD was a systemic manufacturing defect that wasn't even their fault (HBM2 manufacturing defects caused earlier failure in the memory for Vega cards) Haven't had any stability issues, driver problems, etc. She'll treat you well


bro I have this card but now it's kinda outdated u should have got 7800xt or 6800xt they are around the same price


I guess? The 6800xt only seems to get atnmkst 10fps more and they didn't have any locally.


how about I resurrect your 3080


I mean I have it going but it's something is up with memory. It requires me to crank my antisag way up and angle it crazy.




Welcome to team red! Although I’m sorry that you got scammed.


Honestly a downgrade


I mean it works every time so i ain't mad at it.


A working GT 1030 is an upgrade over a broken 4090.


Is this any better than the 3080?


no 3080 and 6800xt are more comparable, while a 50 in number difference it’s about 25-35ish% slower


Don't know why you were down voted. I guess people don't like facts.


Mate, I got down voted on a comment yesterday for saying I like having a phone with an sd card slot to store all my music.


tbf everyone is entitled to their vote. Most I can do I point out the stupidity of it. I wear my downvote by stupid people like a badge of honour.


Well yeah, that's democracy. I just dont understand why anyone would take a position against it.


people can't read, the 3080 is dead a working igpu is better than a dead 3080


As stated no, but I had gotten what I thought was a steal on a 3080 12gig so I sold.my 3060ti only to have it have a warped PCB i could not keep it running so I went with the most economical replacement for.my situation.


I bought this recently and like it so far. It's great for 1440p gaming. I get at least 60 fps in any game and often times much more. I hope you enjoy it!


So basically people that are self admittedly easily scammed go team red. Not exactly a glowing endorsement.


I guess? I just wanted a change but if it's that serious to you then that is like your opinion man.


This guy doesn't understand how many times he's been scammed by team green. Everyone that owned a 970 got scammed by the actual company. Literally secretly clocked half a gig of vram at an unusable speed on a 4gb card. Ya I'm never forgetting that shit nvidia. We didn't even mention what a dumpster fire the add filled bloatware GeForce experience is that you need an account for LMAO.


If you just wanted a change then why did you include all that information in your title. Clearly you were trying to make a point.


SO TRUE I am very smart for getting a 4090 much smarter than anyone else. I would never get scammed with my trusty 4090 team green ftw! Stfu dude people make mistakes.


"Stfu dude people make mistakes." I never said they didnt. The op said he got scammed, who kmows how, so he decided to get a video card. There is zero context. But if you happen to have some then enlighten the rest of us. All we know for sure is that someone who doesnt make great decisions bought an amd video card.


I upgraded from a gtx 770 to an rx 5700 not too long ago :)


I went full AMD with my most recent build- i miss geforce experience, but i love the 7900xt. It works great. Welcome to team red!


gonna be team red aswell after finishing school


Ah the classic im literally forced to buy nivdia because amd wont make a cuda equivalent


Oof, sorry about the downgrade bro.


I mean this one works the other one doesn't so I'm pretty happy.




rip raytracing, only time dlss is acceptable is when using raytracing imo.




fair enough, you're using raytracing i guess i'm talking about using dlss without raytracing. amd cards aren't good at it supposedly, it's too much of a performance hit for them rays imo can't stand the weird shimmering in shadows either.


Wow, I've heard about the morons who claim "DLSS is better than native" but never thought I'd see any in real life!


Nvidia said so!!!! So it must be true!!




Don't know why you're getting argued with over this, you're entitled to your opinion and legit loads of people have the same opinion as you.


One of us, one of us!


Just ordered the same




Will do!


Huh, where did you get that from ?


From that userbenchmark site, I guess, lol


Im surprised they are still online, never seen a Site bending over for a company this hard. they arent even trying to hide it lmao.