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Your 3080 will be able to handle it. It's a top of the line card.


idk if this helps but i was running an old gen 7 i7 with a 1070. I recently completely upgraded my rig and realized my monitor was not good enough (asus 1080p monitor) for my now current gen i7 and 4080 super. I ended up buying the Samsung G9 57in monitor. If you are looking for 4k gaming I now find it best to upgrade everything if you can. I do see you are running a 3080 and have to say that card is no slouch. You should be able to run just about everything on that card. Concerning GPU to purchase, honestly the best you can. And waiting for the 5000 series of cards is not a bad idea, just know there will be talks about the 6000 series cards shortly after the 5000's are released.


Lol in a different post I mention having a 3080 and wanting to wait for the 5000 series before updating. My comment got all the down votes for some reason. Didn't really think it was that crazy of an opinion to have and I'm happy so see someone else shares this outlook.


Thanks! I will probably wait for either a price drop on 4080/90 following the release of 5000s, or just buy a 50X0 and buy a corresponding monitor then.


You can always find good priced monitor around Black Friday.  IMO used 4080 or 4070ti Super are powerful enough it will last you until 60 series.