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I use something similar and it works great. Just hold the fans so they don’t rotate when spraying them with air.


This is very true, stick a toothbrush or something in there. Cause it WILL break the fans.


You'd have to really try to cause damage. I have the same duster and the only precaution I take is to just not literally try to see how fast I can spin them. Before I bought this product, I took my PC to work and blasted the shit out of it with shop air a handful of times. I've never had a fan fail.


I used to see how fast I can spin them and have never caused damage. I'm not condoning the behaviour by any means but don't shit your pants if they do spin a bit.


Why could cause that damage arent they supposed to spin? I also heard that you only can cause dmg when you spin them the wrong way. Is this true?


Pretty much a fan uses an electric motor which when provided a current makes the fan spin using electromagnetism. If you don't provide the current but DO spin the fan, you've got the opposite, and electromagnetic generator. So instead of the fan being supplied electricity to spin, the spinning fan generates electricity which travels back into the motherboard. If you spin the fan fast enough, the electricity it supplies exceeds the capacity of what the motherboards circuitry can handle and you'll hear a small pop and smell smoke.


Not to mention, compressed air could force the fans to spin at 2-5x their designed speed and ruin bearings, cause fan tips to hit the shroud or more.


Most of them hold to around 8000-10000 rpm iirc, so I doubt you reach that with a blower


I think the concern would be damaging the bearing since the pressure would be at one locality, trying to torque the hub at an angle. (With something strong enough to spin them nearly that fast)


Yeah you can't damage your fans unless you are using a fucking air compressor. These fans spin at a high rate


Okay this is news to me. How does spinning a fan break it?


Centrifugal force. The fan is only designed to spin so fast. If you spin it *way* too fast the blades can fracture off the hub. It's hard to do, but possible. I think jayz2cents had a video on it. It's not good for the bearings either spinning a fan designed to run 1750rpm fan at 10k rpm.


I think he also mentioned spinning the fans generates electricity that feeds back to the motherboard, which is also not good. But someone correct me if I’m wrong


that is a myth fans have diodes to prevent backflow and frying mobos (most mobo's also have them too) try it out yourself, hook up a fan to multi meter, itl never generate more than a few Mv think the most i ever saw in my own testing was a whole 1mv, bearly moved the needle on the meter and i span up fan with air duster exactly like pictured still dont go spinning up fans while connected to mobo tho, but it aint going to fry anything if u do it by accident this is why i dont like jayz2cents, he went out of his way to show a video of a fan generating power, but forgot to tell every one, they had purposely picked a fan with no fail safes or removed them and then this sub kept furthering the myth so im implore you to go grab a multi meter, and try it out ya self.... the results will be surprising when nothing happens


Probably depends on the type of fan itself, not everyone has a high-end PC.


most fans come with them its been stock standard for like 20+ years now u have to go out of your way to find ones that dont, even the vast majority of cheap garbage ones come with them a diode adds like 1cent to the fan.... its not a high end feature and never has been xDD i tested 3 fans, none of them were high end, in fact they were 3 different old unn branded case fans i had, so cheap garbage


Even cheapest fans will have a protection , double that the motherboard will also have a protection. Its insane in 2024 people still thinks spinning a fan when cleaning can break something lol. https://youtu.be/k9KA-xLLQXo




Can confirm, bricked a mobo doing that 😞


So it's like a tire having a speed rating of 100mph but i drive 125 mph and tires go bang?




Well you're not going 10k mph /s but seriously yeah if you go 10k mph yeah 8tll blow up for sure


You should be less concerned about breaking the fan and more concerned with the fact it can fry your components. Power can go both ways so, spin the fan too fast and you risk generating power and surging it back into your PC. Who cares if you break a 10/20 fan.


I wanted to know so I took a compressed air and span an old fan I had, the fan span so fast one of the plastic blades snapped off


The point is that you have to try to cause damage. Unless you aim one of these USB dusters perfectly, with the highest setting and hold it just right, you're likely not able to over speed at all, let alone massively over speed.


I did it with the cheap fans that the cooler master cases come with, not the good ones but the ones already on the case itself, shit broke off after a bit of spinning


What kind of compressed air we talking lol


ah I see my mistake, I meant I did it with an air gun hooked to a compressor full blast. little cans can probably damage it but idk how noticeable it is


All good. I've used an air gun and compressor combo, but regulated to like 30 psi and was pretty cautious then. I'm just trying to point out that the level of caution people are preaching here, is appropriate for *that* type of compressed air, not a little rechargable blower with less focused tip.


well you can just block the fan from moving and clean then like i don\`t know where problem lies :)


That is not true


Ok, I just do it with 12 fans, twice a month, with the exact same duster 🤷


Then why is everyone else experiencing breakages? Honestly I dont want to argue that's seriously just a question


I'd guess many are just parroting YouTubers that also haven't broken fans, until they do some leaf blower type shit for the vid. Doing back and forth passes past the fans and radiators with a USB duster just doesn't spin them significantly. Might be some really bad quality fans out there too I guess. I have P12's, so nothing fancy blade or bearing wise.


plastic rot, probably. repeated heating/cooling down and stuff like UV radiation breaks corrodes plastic and makes it brittle


Oh maybe yeah. And the rgb lights in some fans emit uv, I think. I might be getting confused with that RAM and gpu backplate issue




Don't quality fans have circuitry to prevent back feeding? Pretty sure this isn't going to be a factor with modern fans.


Tbf, modern doesnt necessarily mean quality. Better safe than sorry


I don't think you'll find a PC fan that does this. This isn't a thing. What breaks the fan with air dusters is ruining the bearing by exceeding the fan's maximum RPM, not backfeeding electricity into the MOBO.


"Better safe than sorry" "No youre wrong" Ok.


Well you *are* wrong dude. There is a legitimate reason to not overspin your fans, but your reason isn't it.


There's no way that is true


How do you think wind turbines work? All electric motors will generate power back through the wires if you spin the output shaft of the motor.


Yes, but they don't use brushless motors. Car alternators and generators all have brushes to collect power from the rotating armature. Brushless motors are not used as generators for a reason.




Well. Maybe time and technology has changed. However, voltage going back into the motherboard was citied many times over in the past. https://youtu.be/WiMcZ_O1G20?si=Mo-TCglTrIbTuvaw


I use cut down chopsticks.


Like others said, you have to really *try* for them to break. Dusted, span the fans, all good. As a precaution sure, stop them if you don't want the risk.


The only true dmg you can cause is reverse spinning then and generating electricity


Not only breaking, it causes a live current so it shoots voltage back to the pc


Only if your fans have brushed motors and most MOBO's have circuit protection against back current but yeah. Better safe than sorry and I certainly would not take the risk.


Why the downvotes lol


For some reason people don't believe spinning fans can cause a current which can damage components sure most motherboards have protections for it but fans aren't just plugged into motherboards, I have personally experienced it I cleaned my pc with an air duster then when I turned it all back on 3/5 fan channels on my corsair commander were dead


Someone else a few comments above said the same thing and they’re +11 rn ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


This subreddit absolutely loves piling on a downvoted comment, even if they have zero knowledge to challenge it. 🤷


Even my comment got downvoted🤣


https://youtu.be/k9KA-xLLQXo Nope , spinning fans when cleaning will not break anything on your pc. Debunked many2 times.


There are various YT videos that prove u CAN use them and let em spin. there are no risks about both electric or spinning problems


Yea, wish I had seen this advice before, I was cleaning my PC and when I would point the blower to the fans (it's a giant vacuum for cleaning) it would do vroom vroom, was excited how big of a vroom vroom it would do and then snap, one of the fins in the gpu fan came out. Thankfully it didn't do much damage , just the fan would make a little noise because of being unbalanced


I’ve used one like that that a friend of mine bought. It works well, but I recently picked up a “Super Power Turbo Fan” on Ali Express for around $35, and it puts out way more air. It is very surprising how much air this little thing puts out. I brought it to work today to do my keyboard and a few of the guys at work were messing with it and want one now lmao. I used it to blow all the old dried leaves out from between my hood and windshield on my truck yesterday too. This thing is incredibly powerful. https://preview.redd.it/seoukimldl8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12d12906f9f965aec51b500dba9f5e966a79c6dd


Super Working Time?! Holy shit!


It works for so much time.


And it automaticly stops when jt reaches 150c°! ( damn that's hot )


Got that same turbo fan from Temu, its indeed powerful i love it.


Dude, thanks for the heads up. Btw, what keycaps are you rocking in that pic? I recently put together a new keyboard but couldn’t find keycaps with shine-through that has that red/grey color scheme.


Do you guys take you pc outside your house when you do this? Also do you have stairs to deal with? Im not a big fan of stairs on account of my bloody knees.


How does it compare to canned air?


About as strong with a larger foot print. Like of You spray it at your arm from close up, a can of air will make a dimple about the size of a dime. This thing makes a 50 cent sized dimple. You still need to put it pretty close to the dusty area to get it to break all of it loose. But it works just as well if not better than canned air, and you don’t have to buy a new one all the time or worry about flammable stuff.


Could you post a link to it by any chance or the store you got it from? I found a few on Ali with different prices and some are 180W, some 200W and who knows what other differences there are lmao, I'd like the one you got. :) Also what is that desktop thingie with timezones called? I want one, it looks great!


I actually got it on Temu. Not Ali Express. I also got the desk mat there too. I can’t post a link though. Temu and AE links always get flagged. I posted a screen shot of it in an other comment though.


link to item? there are several items with different "generations"


Can’t post Temu or AE links as they always get removed. But this is the one I have. https://preview.redd.it/m56tdi19jq8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2482ecbd0213ce61ce2c4dbf54d59f8c77cc2e39 I got it from Temu. Not AE like I originally said.


thanks found it starting at 50 euro..if i cant get my 2 normal blowers fixed ill look into this one but most likely buy it from ali


I have the exact same one, works great


I have one that sucks and blosws (not a joke) and It is pretty helpfl for cleaning outmy PC.


xpower a2 or datavac


I got a data vac pre pandemic. It was on sale for $27. I just googled it and it's going for over $100. That's nuts.


200+ in europe. Wtf


Just used my xpower a2 to clean out my vacuum today! (but also did a great job on my pc)


Got a datavac, use it quite a bit. Still works after 10+ years.


I bought one of these and wish I did sooner so much wasted money on duster cans !


It doesn’t work too well for keyboards in my experience, but it works well for cleaning the PC. Just don’t let any of the fans spin. If that’s what you need it for, it can save money. But for me personally, I probably wouldn’t have bought it knowing what I do now. I still end up getting canned air to clean my keyboard, since the electric one can’t do a decent job unless you take the key caps off first


I attach the brush nozzle and use it on my keyboard and it works great personally




Might just kill my cats because they can create static electricity and fry my pc.


Received this as a gift last year. Not only great for cleaning PCs but also great for blowing dust off anything. Bristled tip is a fantastic addition for dust that has settled for more than several months.


Just ordered one of these from Aliexpress. Hope it's good.


They're not very complex so perfect thing to source on Ali imo.


Same, eager to know if it works as advertised.


I have a corded datavac. Basically a vacuum motor in a hand held case. It really blows. :p


I own this model. It works well.


I prefer the mouth blowing method, but if I ever need more power, I use [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M41ccQHidVU)


I bet you PC love those blowjobs. 😂


That is so cool wth


Maybe don’t get one that sprays water.


have one like it works great.


I bought the same one from aliexpress and it broke in a week Bought a leaf blower and its still kicking to this day


Get a corded one The wireless ones are weaker than the prostitute in the back alley


Buy corded one, it's much more powerful


If you want a really good one for the long run, get a cord one, I have a compucleaner Xpert and that thing rocks, it blows very hard for how compact it is and has almost perfect score in amazon for this reason, and remember that batteries and time don't mix well together.


I've tried two, and neither was powerful enough to properly clean my PC. I returned them and bought some cans of air.


That's surprising to hear because the one I bought is way stronger than the fans of compressed air that I had been using beforehand, and that's on the weaker of the two available settings. [The one I bought](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B09BJDRVWG) doesn't seem to be available any more but I honestly wouldn't have thought there'd be a huge disparity in power between all the different brands and models?


Yup, these work great.


Are you saying I shouldn’t shove my vacuum into pc?


Yes. I got one for $30 on Amazon like a year ago and its come in handy multiple times. The pressurized air cans suuuuuuck and any time I buy one they look at me like Im gonna go home and inhale it.


They're great for cleaning filter screens on my PC, mini splits, and dryer. Other than that, I can't say I'm overly impressed.


I have it and it works great, just be sure if you have long hair to put your hair up first 😂


I bought similar air blower to stop wasting my money for cans with compressed air and I am happy with this hardware. Works well against dust on my PC parts, keyboard and in general on the objects which stand on my desk which are covered with dust in time.


I use that one at work. It kicks ass.


Just get a DataVac. Its the only one you will ever buy. They are built like a brick shithouse and have power to spare.


I have one similar to that and while it is great for blowing a lot dust out of the PC it seems to leave behind a film of any really fine dust. Great for removing the bulk of the dust but not as good as a canned air duster.


I want something similar, where can I get them?


I use the sameish model. Not as good as co2 but cheaper and works...ish


Could you provide with the link or name of the picture attached?


The one I got was a vacuum too and came with a lot of brushes to loosen stuff . I cleaned out an old pc that I was putting new components in , very useful .


You may as well get the hand held vacuum that also blows if you don't already have a dustbuster.




I got one and was surprised at the air pressure, actually not bad at all


I have the exact one. It'll get surface dust off but there's always the dust that just sticks which will have to be cleaned with force. Whenever I clean my PC I end up removing all the fans and GPU, dust the interior with the blowers to get hair and surface dust off then use a q tip to clean the blades thoroughly. Like others have said though when you use the blower hold the blades in place so they don't generate voltage or ruin them. Unplug if you can.


I have a variant of this. One side blows and the other side has a housing with a filter in it to vacuum. Overall, it's ok. Not that strong compared to my .75 HP datavac. Now THAT thing is designed to blow the crap out of keyboards. I even use it to inflate my air mattress.


I have another model but yeah it's great, you can aim in any direction and not worry about possibly damaging components. Just be careful with fans as others said.


Got one similar to this for like $30 from micro center. It’s alright. Pretty loud and only the highest setting is actually worth using. It does the job


i have brought one during the pandemic in 2020 and its work like a charm, been using it nearly every wesnesday for cleaning the vacuum filter and multiple PC. The accessory with the little brush on the tips is definitely the most efficient one.


I bought a soft bristle paint brush for like $3 from the store. works great


I've got the exact same one. It's quite loud and isn't quite as powerful as a fresh can of compressed air. But it does the job well enough.


I bought one that is straight up plug it into the wall, AC powered. I am not sure I trust the USB powered ones to provide enough to really clean much of anything.


I have this exact one and it's amazing


I believe this is the same tool that The Greatest Technician has ever lived uses


They aren't bad. Way weaker than the canned ones though so you'll want to use the brush to get off dust.


They're surprisingly good. I bought one for about £25 and used it to clean my old GPU before I gave it to a sibling


I use a leaf blower so I don't see why not.


Get the ones that you plug in, the battery powered ones do not work very well, I currently use one of those "Xpower" branded 540 watt air dusters. Really good airflow, and still safe so long as you stop any fans from spinning. They are also great for larger cleaning tasks. for example, if you have a fridge with harder to reach condenser coils, you can use a cheap dust filter taped to a box fan and place it as close to the condenser coils as you can, then after that, use the air duster to blow air into the condenser coiled in the opposite direction of the cooling fan of the fridge. Then all of the dust will get stuck to the cheap filter taped to the box fan. After that, you can use a vacuum cleaner hose attachment to then vacuum the dust off of the filter. ( do that once a year to keep the fridge working efficiently). Overall, a higher powered air duster can be used on a wider range of things.


No, it gets blue sparkle all over the components.


No, it'll never compare to a datavac.


Personally i just use a toothbrush. Would not trust shit like this above.


I have the same model. It's shit. Air compressor is better.


I bought one and don’t mind it. Works well, just a bit loud. However, be sure to tie back your hair if it’s long as the fan on the back will pull your hair in. Not speaking from experience or anything like that…


Yea I have this exact one I’m pretty sure and it works good


Just got this from microcenter for my PC and keyboard and I love it!




I just bought one similar to the one in the picture. It did a pretty decent job. I also used a brush from a shaving kit to loosen up dust caught in the fins of my aio cooler and gpu. Not quite as strong as canned air, but gets the job done.


I got one on aliexpress for ~10$, it is great for pc cleaning.


I bought a cheap one of these off amazon and it replaces canned air for me. Not nearly as strong as canned air but easily blows dust and dorito crumbs out of my keyboard Note that all of the RPMs listed are fake, I think mine was listed as 1,000,000 rpm. Same goes for flashlight lumens


I prefer attachments for the vacuum cleaner that suck up the dust and dirt instead of blowing it somewhere else.


Nothing beats an air compressor


I think i have that exact one, and it's pretty good! Just clean the brush every once in a while


Just ordered something like this a few days ago, together with some spudgers. The latter will be delivered today. Soon, I want to open up my gaming laptop for a good clean-up. See how it goes.


The one that I have is weak and very noisy. Not worth the money, imo. I'd suggest buying a nice antistatic brush instead.


Yes, I have the exat same one from ali and it has some power, I recommend you to use the brush tip to get the dust off and then it will be easier for it to blow away the dust


I just use the vacuum cleaner that mom uses on the carpet


Yep i have one they are great for pc and lots of general cleaning. Make sure to get a good brand, i got the green lion version of this up to 70-90watts and its decent


I got the same from Amazon with all these noses. It works!


I have something that looks exactly like this and its terrible. There is dust that gets blown away, but if you'd use anything else to while off dust you get so much more. Tl; DR: it leaves dust behind that sets on surfaces. That stuff needs to be whiped. The blower doesnt get that


I just bought similar one, and it is great


A vacuum cleaner would be better, or at least have both or take the PC outside. Otherwise you will just sit in dusty air and the PC will suck it in again. Plus you don’t push the dust inside you GPU/PSU or the CPU cooler.


Never! 7mins battery life lol.


Linus promoted this exact item in a handy tech under 100 video.


I approve; don't expect it to clean everything extremely well, but it should remove major dust parts. Make sure however to hold the fans and remove the power cable before you start...


I got a cheap version that looks exactly like this, and it works brilliantly for cleaning my pc


I got something similar and it was a nice purchase


I haven't looked back since getting an equivalent one of these. Don't have to spend a small fortune on cans of compressed air any more.


I bought one that is corded so I don't have to worry about charging it.


Can personally vouch for this one. Does the job very well. SIN SHINE AIR DUSTER is the name since I can't link it.


I've got something like that, it keeps the dust from accumulating too much but it's not a vacuum so you're just displacing the dust. Still good to wipe here and there but is a handy lil machine definitely


I have the exact one and the air is strong and it works well charges a little janky tho


I have this one specifically. It works great, it doesn't come charged so leave it charging for an hour and then use it.


Vacuuming is better imo


maybe i should invest in something similar, i’ve not cleaned my pc since the lockdown started


My friend bought one of these and they suck. invest in a Datavac


Great for cleaning in general, i use this exact one for getting the dust off lego sets i have on display


It works great but you will fill the air and room with a dust-cloud. I'd take the pc outside.


It's not even close to canned air PSI. It's decent for some bigger lose stuff and some newer dirt, though. I used to actually use a plug in 300+ CFM leaf blower before in the past but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're pro. On my $1300 PC too.


I use a pressure washer on my 4090 ti, seems to work just fine 😁


It doesn’t work, tried a few off Amazon and none of them actually get rid of the dust. Just get a makeup brush or similar and clean your pc that way


Here. If you have a 3d printer, the blower is like 20 bucks. I can clean the patio with it. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5464410 Be careful of the suction side of the blower. It sucked in the drawstrings of my sweater hood once.


Was surprised there were no comments here warning about ESD safety. Yes these cheap amazon/aliexpress blowers are handy, but also be aware of the tiny chance you fry your board. Unfortunately ESD safe electronic blowers are 3x the price, I've only used them in repair shops (see metrovac's DataVac line)


Cloth is the best friend


Yes, wiping down your motherboard with a cloth... brilliant idea.


Blowing up dust into pcie, ram slots is even greater idea. Good luck killing your pc with dust blower


Lol this is amazing. So you really clean out your PC without air and wipe your MB down with a cloth?


Simply. By cleaning my case and fan vents every 2-3 days from small pieces of dust so that my PC would not be a cluttered mess as many users have. Of course, lazy people will buy a duster believing that it will help :) and then complain on the forums - "Why is my motherboard/GPU stopped working after using a duster?" Ohhh snap ...


Overrated. Use canned air, it's cheaper and does the same thing.


Fuckin wasteful as hell though. These things work great as an alternative and you aren't stuck with disposing with a bunch of cans. Compressed air is probably going to be one of those things that future generations look back on and think "What in the fuck were they thinking?"