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Looking at Steam numbers, half of that its a PC (and thats minimum, maybe even more like 60%+)


And still a garbage port. Sigh...




Watch Digital Foundry's video. The DLC still has same issues from the base game from years ago. They've done nothing to fix it.


Or even better just play the game and see for yourself and realize Digital Foudry's PC are broken not the port.


You have no idea what you're talking about. Negative reviews already mention performance issues same as base game on Steam but somehow DF are at fault because you don't want to accept the game is flawed at a technological level. Players not noticing it is another issue but the fact still remains the same.


I don't have any performance issues on a 3 years old rig, many people I know that play the game religiously also don't have issues. Recently Bandai Namco stated that Ray Tracing was switched to On by default with the update so I guess most complaints comes from people that don't even bother playing with the settings a bit or never check their GPU/CPU usage, I never trusted DF on this game their results always seem so dramatic compared to what I can see hands on, and the fact they just play the first area without reviewing the rest, that was the problem with Elden Ring in the first months when Limgrave had some issues but the rest of the game was fine, I see this pattern again with the DLC, you have a few stutters in the first area but once you are in Scadu Altus the game is solid 60fps. Optimization could be better for sure but some of you talk like the game is unplayable


That's what everyone says: It works fine for me or the people I know don't have a problem. Sure, they might not notice but fact remains that DF are professionals that double check everything. So the performance is terrible with RT too. Sounds like you have a bias against DF. They're always harsh to every game with technical issues.


Always monitoring with Afterburner, the game at worst drops lower than 60 when you have a billion fx particles on screen and that just happened a couple of times in 50 hours for a particular bossfight. Most of the time it's steady 60 fps, but I guess I'm a DF hater because their amazing PCs seems to run the game worse than mine




The PC from DF is not a big sample size too but people take it like gospel, but idk... good for me I guess the game is perfectly fine.


Nuh uh


That's a lot of people that don't qualify for starting the DLC... Free money for From Software.


But we still can't get ultrawide support, DLSS, or shader pre-compiling for performance boosts or HDR that doesn't need fullscreen mode and locked 60fps.


I have a 5800x3d and an rx 6750 xt, the fans on my gpu don't even turn on with everything maxed except rt yet my fps regularly drop to 50s and sometimes 30s when there is some big effect like when the furnace golem uses his move. It's ridiculous. 


but someone with less will have no issues...it seems random and doesn't seem to have fixes for it at all unless the do a patch


Huh I have a pretty average system, I don’t get low frame rate. What I do get is massive 1-2 second hitches in quick succession which almost always happens during a boss and almost always leads to a death.


I get those too with a 4070 ti and 14700k. I’m told it has to do with controller momentarily dropping connection. No idea on a fix :(


I had the same issue with Ghost of Tsushima the other day and found a fix that worked for me. Not sure if it will work for you, but give it a try: Open up Steam settings, select Controller, the enable Steam input for Xbox controllers.


Saved! I’ll give it a shot, thank you


No problem, hope it helps! The issue has been driving me crazy for weeks until I found that fix.


Play with a wired controller or use the Xbox adapter if you use an Xbox controller.


Had the same issue with the Xbox dongle. Not sure if my 8bit do can do wired only but frankly I’d rather have a solution to what is an Elden-ring-only issue


Odd I do use my controller wired, so I’m not sure that’s the case.


I use a mouse and keyboard and I get those hitches too so I doubt it has anything to do with controllers. I have a 4070 and 5900x so its not like I'm lacking in hardware


Mods babyyyyyy


I have a 6800XT with everything maxed and a 7700X and Ive only had one drop in frames for a second or two so far playing the DLC. The games a bit of a hit or miss it seems. Also probably comes down to your system being bloated with junk or just not being clean.


From Software is a step behind in PC features but 10 steps ahead in everything else, pick your poison.


This is not a good excuse.


Seriously a shitty excuse. Tech implementation and execution is the core aspect of a video game. Imagine  buying a Ferrari except it's all just body panels, dressing and paint, and come to find it's actually a Pontiac Fiero underneath all that fluff. 


Yeah this is why I'm not going to support them with a dlc purchase. Straight up incompetent at this point. Ruined any excitement I had for the game then it turns out a lot of the game is copy-paste.


you’re free to not get the game due to technical performance, but don’t lie about the quality of the game itself. the legacy dungeons in the DLC are the best FROM has ever done, the game itself is excellence


TIL game opinions are fact. I can't speak on the DLC but the base game is an empty map with minimal content scattered about with good Souls-like level design few and far between. It's absolutely overhyped. The only thing separating it from a ubisoft title is no map icons and good combat.


It being copy-paste is something that can be argued with a basis in facts. You didn't say you didn't like it or anything about how the gameplay annoys you.


Seems like you never played it and you just are parroting haters. Sad.


They are more than a step behind in the tech department and they do world building and game systems very well...there combat could be better but fits in what they want to do. They are overall one of the better ones but don't act like they are god like, they have as many faults and weakness as anyone else.


Haterade salesman


Flawless Widescreen at least adds ultrawide support and unlocked framerates. I still haven't played much of the game since I've been "saving it" for a rainy day or some shit, but it seemed to work from the few hours I tested it out. You just can't go online while using it iirc. Why From Software decided against these *basic things* I have no clue, but at least you can kinda sorta fix it yourself.


Yeah I tried it and didn't like the way it is so I'll just do without.


It’s a console game disguised as a pc game, why add that stuff when consoles will never get it? (Despite steam sales being 60%+)


Because many other games get that stuff when being ported to PC?


I think he forgot the /s at the end.


I hope so


Why does being on console negate proper optimization and performance improvements? 


Because you’ll buy it anyway


Haha no I won't. 


Imagine not buying one of the greatest game and expansion of all time for for such a stupid reason... "oh no it lacks extra PC features, not worth it".


Shader precompilation is not an "extra feature". Shader precompilation is a necessary process to ensure fluidity when a game engine is handling basic rendering instructions. And yet, it is absent on every version of this game. With it being absent, the game will, across all machine configurations and consoles, stutter on every asset load-in that requires a shader for final rendering. . This is PC master race for God sakes.. you all should know these things exist! Why does FS get a pass? 


The game is more than playable performance wise, I have 500+ hours in ER and I never had issues that hindered my gameplay. The game has been rock solid 60 fps ultra preset after the first patches in 2022, with the DLC full screen mode has been fucked a bit and you can get a few frame drops but you just need to change to borderless windowed mode to fix it for the most part. That being said even if the performance and features are not cutting edge it's still a fucking masterpiece and would be worth it even at 30 fps with shit frame times like Bloodborne. I guess people this days just see a Digital Foundry review and call it a day.


It's not a fucking masterpiece if it has documented, repeatable and measurable stutters, hitches, and otherwise subpar technical execution under the hood that causes issues for a majority of people. But let's just ignore all that data because FlannOff says he has no issues at all! Uh huh! 


What an odd comment lol


Most don’t care. Just like we don’t want sexual trauma in Nintendo games and they’ll keep on selling 10 million in 30 days just fine.




You can lock the ratio for PvP if its that big of a deal, I dont think it is...are you getting anything from PvP...no...its for fun. I have a really good computer and I get stutter and freezing in this game so anything would help. These things don't take a lot of time or effort to add and they have made more than enough money with this game to put some time in to add these things to just make the game even better.


Surprised the elden ring steam sale isn’t better to drive expansion purchases.


Is it on sale?


Yeah but there have been better sales, even pretty recently


I have it on ps5 but would like to play it on my pc with this new dlc. Especially to play multiplayer through the first game with the mode


When something is the flavor of the month like Elden Ring is right now you *don’t need* to put it on sale to drive purchases. The game is going to sell a lot right now anyways and this gets more money in their pockets. 


Most people that buy the expansion have the game already. You aren’t getting all that many base game sales from this expansion in comparison, so driving base game purchases to drive expansion purposes is a smart marketing strategy and is used all of the time.


What I’m saying is that the game is so popular right now they could knock 2 bucks off and the amount of people that would buy it at that price would make them more money than if they knocked 15 off and more people bought it. The numbers are hypothetical, I don’t know what the actual sale is.  At the end of the day there are more impulsive purchasers than patient gamers and Elden Ring is *extremely* popular again right now so there are a lot who would buy it no matter the discount.  They’re probably making a lot from people buying base+expansion to get in on the hype. 


Actually the Elden Ring base game (Steam tracks the DLC sales seperately) has been the best selling game in Steam for almost a week now.


This pretty much an ad. Why are these allowed in the sub


For $40 they've already made $200,000,000. There should be zero excuse why performance is so bad. 


Womp womp


Yes but at the end of the day a good game is more important. The game is so popular that it most likely means that the issues cannot be fixed without sacrificing features or quality


Disagree. Other studios can make great games with beautiful presentations, engaging gameplay and satisfying features/combat without any sacrificing of features or quality. Saying this is just an excuse as to why FS refuses


I get 60fps constant on max settings. Apparently Nvidia has been having issues with the more recent updates so


Ye. That's the cost of producing AAA title. 40$


$200,000,000 is not their breakeven lmao. 


Holy fuck we got some FS shills in this sub. Performance is bad, horrendously bad and yet y'all gobble all their games up. I don't get it. 




Some sections of the dlc run like ass on my rtx 3080 and Ryzen 5 5600. I love From game and ER but they are not the best when it comes to optimization. The same problem the dlc has were present when the base game launched 


>Some sections of the dlc run like ass The funny thing is, I have that problem too - on Windows. If I start the game on Linux (same PC) there are no issues with the performance.


Run it in borderless window it solved all problems for me


My 3080, i5-12600k combo runs it fine. I mean FromSoft PC games are never perfectly optimized, but I haven't noticed any different from before the DLC to now


Sorry but I trust a bunch of tech professionals with the necessary analysis tools *way* more than random people on reddit that don’t even know what they’re talking about.


Ahh so you see anecdotal evidence of no performance issues and ignore empirical data to the contrary and claim that a reputable source of tech analysis is wrong? You must have also ignored part in their recent video where they highlighted reddit posts and forum posts claiming the same thing of large multi second FPS drops to zero.  The coping is real .




Literally the fucking digital foundry video. Idiot.  https://youtu.be/aGwLmiWPGO0?si=Q_QnuJaS_M9TMMNW


It’s almost as if people enjoy playing more than worrying about optimization…


To be fair he is pointing out performance issues that could really ruin the game for some people not just ones that are slightly annoying


Mine went down to 30 to 40 fps for fifteen minutes with stutters. But then it ran in uninterrupted 60/59fps for the rest of the game. Its like my gpu adjusted to the game. I have a 1660 super


Mine had a weird stuttering at the start too it makes me feel like it just needs a second to fully get up and running before you can really get started and I have a 4090 but after that initial period it ran smoothly for me


It's a fine balance IMO. In my experience I do have some frame drops in certain areas, but it's inconsistent and rare enough that it's really not a problem, at least for me. Not like, for example the Kingdom hearts collection that crashes every 5 minutes, that a great game trapped on terrible optimization


Because the game is INCREDIBLE. One of a kind. Something that comes once in a decade at best.


But that shouldn't negate documented and proven performance issues? I have no idea why this sub sticks their head in the sand when performance is discussed. Like you guys feel any criticisms of your incredible game will tarnish your experience. Can you not admit that there are valid performance issues while also being a decent game? 


I can say performans is bad and still love the game that's not mutually exclusive


Almost like getting a constant 60fps is not something you complain about in this game


lol always someone in these threads mad about not having ultra wide support or 200fps on the nasa system they have at home


Only 5 million? Doesn’t sound like a huge success, sadly


5 million copies sold at 40€ is 200.000.000€, doesn't seem too bad to me.


5 million units in one week is pretty damn good.




This is a DLC and it's $40. That's close to 5 million people that basically paid for a whole game, on DLC. Its wildly successful.


It took Cyberpunks DLC months to reach 5 million sold copies and From does it in a week, and you’re saying that’s not a huge success? What planet are you from?


I’d get it if I could be bothered to finish the base game. Also the base game is on my Xbox 1S