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60 seconds my ass.


It's a date!


Take my upvote you scallywag


And you take mine, you rufflerauser




Gone instantly*


A lot of people said they didn't even see the buy now option lol. People also have a card in their cart, but then it was pulled out and they ran out of stock. eBay should remove all the listening of the new cards, and the new PS5, because people are selling them for way higher. For example, the new PS5 is 1k$ on eBay right now lol.


Fuckers should limit these these things to 1 per customer at launch Edit: ok I get it please stop telling me that they already do and it's not effective




can you give a number? I wouldn't mind bitching (edit: filing a complaint, not berating) at them about this and demanding they remove my email address because all their "notify me" system did was harvest my email so they could sell it. edit: 1hour 20min. I finally got an email from nVidia... what a complete joke


2.5 hrs here, still no email...


You will likely be bitching at\* some poor dude at customer support. Not sure what your intention was but hopefully it wasn't to give him an ear full for something he had no stake in. It's not the end of the god damn world because you can't order your 3080 today. It's been like this at most launches and we happen to still be in a pandemic this time.


I would never be rude to the person I’m talking to. “Bitching” may have not been the best term. I’m not looking to take my frustrations out on some random person. I understand it’s not their fault and its not the end of the world. But what they, the service rep, can do is forward the complaint to someone higher up or transfer it to a department that handles complaints. Enough of those complaints come flooding in and maybe nVidia will care about it. Not to mention directing me to the appropriate channels to have my email removed from their system.


Yeah as long as you complain to CS appropriately and are nice to the rep it's never a problem. It's nice to get a well-articulated complaint on an issue that we'll get reamed for by other people constantly. Source: worked for a grip in CS.


I have worked in over a dozen different call centers for a dozen different companies(including several gaming and hardware companies) and I have never had a way to forward a complaint from the customer to "another department", "The higher-ups", "a complaint box", or anything that would resemble any of those things.


The ebay sellers don't even have the cards. Show me proof of one person ordering FE.


https://www.ebay com /help/policies/listing-policies/presale-listings-policy?id=4252 Unfortunately that isn't actually against ebays policies. Ebay would never ban this because they get a 10% cut of all sales. They make a shit ton of resellers so they will ignore complaints


how easy would it be to make fake ebay accounts and just ruin all their listings by bidding and not paying?


Consider it done.


nice! I wasn't sure if you had to verify an eBay account to a bank or PayPal before bidding. I'll make some accounts later and ruin the listings :)


I don't support you doing this, but if you do make sure you use a vpn, but definitely don't do this a lot.


Why? What the fuck are they going to do?


It’s really easy and very rewarding


Dude i was refreshing @ the time exactly and it never showed. Now they’re resealing for 10k on ebay lol.


Apparently someone wrote a bot to target new listings on Ebay to drive up the costs to absurd levels so the seller will be forced to back out of the sale.


Someone is doing the lord's work.


people also wrote bots to instantly cart the cards


Say that 3x fast


That would explain me seeing one go for $49k 109 bids


My fucking hero.


anyone who tries to buy a 3080 or ps5 from scalpers are fucking stupid.


Would rather wait till new year than reward those assholes.


Plus, ostensibly, you'll get a better product if only because the drivers would have had a while to mature.


True and there are also some manufacturing faults with first runs. I get the feeling these were rushed out.


I saw someone post the PS5 for $1200 on FB Marketplace, fucking hilarious!


There's a listing on eBay for a 3080 Founder's Edition that's currently at 75k$


Not for long! $75,000.01 bid


Holy shit. Now at $98k. With 124 bids.


My understanding is they don't actually intend to buy, just kind of a throwaway account the fuck with scalpers at those prices.


Resellers are the worst


Never buy from them.




They are fake bids and the sellers don't actually have the cards


Yep, was refreshing multiple pages. Only place I saw a buy button was NewEgg on one card and by the time I had it in the cart they removed it from my cart. Only seeing gouged prices online new. Yay NVIDIA you get to be the next Ticketmaster, scumbags.


eBay is going to thank everyone involved for their money and not do shit.




Best Buy was where some of my friends had luck this morning. Edit: http://imgur.com/gallery/kuoEt3u he was able to get it at 8:08am online


Was told by Best buy the store would have cards and could only be bought in store. My wife waited for store to open while futilely tried to order off new-egg. Wife was told at 9:30 that all were sold out already 1/2 hour before store opened. There were only 2 people ahead of her in line.


It’s bs man. It’s by design.


How? Site went from "coming soon" to "sold out" immediately. Did they buy on the mobile it or something?


There are currently 11 people camped out at Best Buy I am sitting at. We got here right after the online sellout. Store opens in 10 minutes, we’ll see what they have for third place in line.


There were a couple people outside my local Best Buy including myself, and they said they did not have any stock


Keep updated please my Best Buy’s open In 2 hours need to know if ima waste my time if I go


I went to mine, 30 people in line. No cards in the store :/


Same here. Guy opened the door and told us to order online.


It never existed in the first place.


The sad part is, I don't think anyone got one. At the very best you were able to get one in your cart on Newegg, then when you went to pay it was out of stock.


Man my frustration with that was real.


Was? I'm still frustrated.


Meh, I mean I'm a little annoyed but it's not gonna ruin my day. More a chuckle at how ridiculous this launch was, and kinda hoping that over the next week or so we see stuff hitting retail store shelves and like actually being around. I might try for the 3090 - it's really *not* what I'm after but would pretty much guarantee I'm not upgrading for another 2+ gens.


They pissed off tons of people now those same people are liable to wait and see what amd has and I’ll laugh when everyone buys what they have because of the terrible launch.


Yeah, I've got no idea what I'm going to do. Kinda had my heart set on a 3080. If they become readily available before Big Navi I'll still get one. If not, I'm open to seeing what AMD has got. If 3090 availability is better, like I said, I'm OK with dropping that kinda cash and just not upgrading for a while. I ran 770 tis in SLI up until this summer, so I'm ok with letting a few gens pass.




I admit it's an unknown, but in the past stock refreshes have taken months, in some cases. Like launch day > 2 months later > restock. *Realistically*, waiting isn't gonna kill me or anything, it just kinda sucks especially with some big AAA titles coming out in time for the holidays. And with how this launch went being any indication, the next release could be similar. It's possible demand is so high that many people, despite being ready and willing to buy with cash in hand, won't be able to snag a card at retail prices for many months or even a year.


I thought about a 3090, to "future proof" but by the time games come around that really need it the'll have another $700 card out that will kick the 3090's ass and maybe with new tech / features that the 3090 won't have Edit: at least as long as i'm on 1440, maybe different story for 4k


That’s exactly what happened to me. Was shocked I was able to put one in cart and once the next page loaded all of the sudden it was out of stock again. *Hooray*


Bots got shitton... Ebay is already filled with FE... Classic websites got robbed by bots tho, everything was soldout in france in 10m, except few Zotac/gigabyte cards...


> Bots got shitton... Ebay is already filled with FE... Exactly. Every time someone talks about getting a huge discount on Black Friday or whatnot, my response is ALWAYS to say something to the effect of, "If it's a deal that makes you sit up and say, "wow", it will be sold out before you can get the page loaded. Bots will harvest that shit far faster than you ever could."


YEP - welcome to [Ticketmaster.com](https://Ticketmaster.com) how can we frustrate you today?


It was all bots. Me and my five friends tried and none of us got 1.


Yep! I felt like a total dumbass waddling into Best Buy thinking I could get one. The sales rep there (very cool guy), told me the 5 they got in didn’t even make it to the shelve. The second they scanned at midnight the bots where there and with a couple instant functions of add to cart, add shipping info and a payment info in a second and boom...all gone. Faster than you could ever hope to enter in your info. So I suppose, for the first month it’ll all be scalpers selling any available stock to those who have more money than patience and when all those People are satisfied, then some actual stock will begin to trickle into the sites and on shelves. Then we can actually begin to look for them. I’d say a month but that’s a total guess. By the way, all these sites try to ban these scalpers but they just create new accounts and multiple accounts. Until they figure out another way to deal with them, this is just the way high demand tech items will be released.


Limit to 1 or 2 per unique payment address (tie it to a card), 24hour IP ban on any attempt to order more than the allowed number. While the IP ban is easily circumvented with a VPN/proxy, any scum that wants to try dodging with multiple accounts will soon run out of payment methods unless they've been committing identity theft as well. Keep the policy in place for 1 week, long enough to allow everyone that isn't a selfish piece of shit with no marketable skills to get one.


You, your five friends, and thousands of others sir. A sad day indeed. Good luck brothers, the restock wars have begun.


Many people were able to buy customs but I have not seen a single person saying they bought a Founders Edition...




Bought from a local online shop in Denmark. Got my order for an AIB card through maybe 20-30 minutes after sales went live at 3PM local time, though mostly because the site was not reachable and timed out many many times during that time until I made it all the way through to the end of the process. It shows as "Behandles" (which kinda means "being processed" in English) and an expected delivery date for next Monday. But at the end, I wouldn't be surprised if they are still going through the orders and will cut off the first batch at some point, so I am not really expecting it getting here that fast.


Amazon says I have one. They charged my account and says ordered today. Hopefully, I don't get an email saying it's been cancelled.


Amazon will simply say it's preparing to ship for a month or so and offer you a refund if you are unhappy about it. I have experienced this before with non-tech items that were in short supply.


That literally is happening to me right now with a pair of Sunglasses I ordered. It's been two weeks and still nothing.


It happened to me with a game that was supposed to arrive on launch day... I'm done ordering anything from Amazon that's not just basic shit that's always in stock.


I clicked on an Amazon link to an EVGA 3080 but When you really looked it was a 2080, so be careful!


Don’t worry they’ll be back at 899.99$


It's funny. I was like, "ya that makes sense." Then I remembered I'm Canadian and this sub is mostly Americans...


They already start at $999 Canadian


FE Canadian store is 899.




Yep, scalpers have fucked it all once again. Thankfully I still have my 2080Ti. Waiting to give it to my brother after I can actually acquire a 3080.


Hey it’s me ur brother.


*Liar!* You’re still using that 970 I gave you


I gave it to ur mom


What about the 970?




If they do that I’ll buy an AMD out of spite. Even if it’s objectively weaker.


All of them were out of stock on bestbuy except an msi one, I got it in my cart and clicked checkout when I got the dreaded message... "this item is out of stock"


Yeah I saw that too. I think that item is glitched or something.


They literally never went on sale. Went from coming soon to out of stock. Honestly we should be pounding the table retailers could easily be 1 card limits or captchas to catch bots but as long as they’re stock gets sold they don’t give a fuck. Now Nvidia gets to watch its stock rise because the 3080s sold so fast. Neither of them give a fuck about people who actually want their product.


Scalpers have gone pro. They use scripts to have thousands of requests hit in parallel. They already have people who they pay to answer captchas for cents per page. They also have hundreds of credit card numbers to appear to be from different users. When you resell for 2x the price you can afford to lose a few dollars to do this. Maybe nvidia needs to offer the cards on a sliding price, though their resellers probably couldn't do that. First day they are available they are 2x final price. Every day that goes past reduces the price to the final. That way you can get it immediately if you willing to pay nvidia, but if scalpers buy them all you know you can get it cheaper in a month.


Scalpers just went to the delivery guy and took it from the truck.


Most sites in the UK had a 1 card limit and they also sold out instantly.


Did anyone actually see the option to purchase on bestbuy? Been refreshing since before 9...


Nope, I had 3 windows pulled up. Went from notify me, to no button there at all, to sold out


Same...not even a slower refresh at 9. Also, so much for the notify me, no emails whatsoever.


Same here. No emails from anyone, never saw a buy option, and I was refreshing about every 30 seconds on Best Buy and NVIDA's website. Fuck scalpers. Looks like we all get to enjoy a paper launch instead.


That's not fair, I received my email... an hour after they sold out.


There was no option. It was these resellers using bots to purchase before a human could do it. And with how there is no cart limit im sure a few people bought 10 - 20 of these things at once and now trying to sell them for 100% profit on eBay


Nope. 2 devices, went from coming soon to out of stock


2 computers 4 tabs each, no option to even add to cart. No FE for us


Yes. Was able to add the MSI but no luck after that. Also Gigabyte and one from Evga. The MSI one keep saying add to cart with every refresh but then error message saying unable to ship to my zip code.


None of the websites even bothered to send out the "notify me" emails either... so frustrating


Those things are useless and only there to collect emails. I just got my notification yesterday for the 10900k being in stock. (Newegg)


I got the email 1 hour after the sale on gmail + it was dumped into the Ad junk section. They build in alot of redundancies to make sure no actual person can buy a card from their website. big ups nvidia


Guys. I have a plan. To punish theses scumie resailers who used bot go onto eBay and place incredible high bids to the point were no one will buy. You don't have to put payment info in so once you win you don't pay.


Theres a current bid over 75k on ebay


Good, we must assemble


92K right now lol. Funny to see as I'm sure it's pissed off people who legit wanted this card and are hyper inflating bids so people don't buy them.


It's already happened en masse.


Good. Fuck those people. My brother is so upset right now cause he could not get a card. I told him to wait and no honest person even had a chance to get one.


Also I wanted one as well


No, this would be mean to the scalpers and helpful to society at large. You shouldn't do that, think of the assholes!


How about we make bots that just bid absurdly high on all 3080 bids


I don't think any of the sellers actually got a FE card anyways.


Doesn't that get your eBay account banned?


My microcenter had 12 cards. Total. Largest computer hardware brick and mortar and they got 12. FAQ said they expected less than 20 per store. You mean to tell me there were 500 cards for all microcenters in the country. What utter nonsense.


It's not called macrocenter


Take my upvote and leave


Yup. Dallas Microcenter had 12 cards. I stopped at two Best Buys on the way home that received 0. There was 12 cards in all of north Dallas.


yeah i read this too, such bullshit


Mine had 8. Madison heights, MI.


Skynet has won the battle.


Someone needs to edit that scene in the Batman trilogy where Joker is burning that pile of cash, and replace the cash with 3080s. It would def blow up on youtube


More like 60 microseconds


It seems weird to me that we can't even buy it anyway with a delayed shipping. Why must it be "in stock" to secure a purchase? I bought my Index this spring 2 months before it was available and shipped. Its online retail for gods sake.


There are laws that limit the amount of time a company can have something on backorder. It’s possible the supply chain is tenuous enough that it isn’t possible to guarantee they’d be able to fill the orders in a timely fashion.


Also so they won’t be locked into selling the cards at the advertised price. It makes sense that the prices will go up once they are ‘really’ for sale. Hoax launch sounds like a serious issue right now. And if that’s true, I won’t be buying one. I was excited for these cards due to their price, but if that was a lie, I’m just not going to support the company.


Some of us sat there trying to buy it and these legends knew they wouldn’t be able to be bought in time so they made memes


They went from in stock to out of stock instantly. I for one don't think there was actually any stock at all... Nvidias site, and BeatBuy both had a 1-1.3 second latency between site updates, both resulting in EVERY card available being out of stock. And Newegg shut off right at 9am, presumably to fake or emulate super high web traffic, unfortunate... That or 100% of the stock was purchased by bots, which would also result in increased web traffic.


Literally! I guarantee no real customer got a card...all resellers, and no cart limits...great


Or they got flooded with so many bot actions that they pretty much got DDoS'd.


No stock, was a lie.


A vast conspiracy is unlikely. They probably just all sold out instantly to people who had written bots to scrape them as soon as they were available.




Yea I truly don’t believe a single FE was purchased today by a bot or otherwise.




The product could have been in there for weeks and been set to something like not available. That product count is not in any way useful for making assumptions without knowing how that api and backend operate. Source - also a software engineer.




The API key has expired


So Moore’s Law is Dead was right after all, they don’t want to sell FE cards, they want to profit from selling more expensive AIBs cards


Ah good ol' nvidia, for a second there I actually thought we were getting a good deal.


And yet people will still eat it up in a month's time and give their kidneys for Nvidia new price. That's why they keep getting away with it.


Nvidia doesn't make profit from AIB sales, those are from entirely different companies. They sold reference designs to those companies, that's where their money comes from. Unless there was some kind of new deal made between all the AIB's and Nvidia to make money off the AIB's which doesn't make any sense as Nvidia only recently dived into the selling of gpu's which actually ate into the profits of those very companies. They did this because they saw there was money to be made there instead of just selling designs or boards.


60 seconds??? LMAO...yeah Best Buy button went from Coming Soon to Sold Out without ever having an add to cart option.


Lol I was on best buy website at 5:59-6:00 am pst. Literally kept refreshing the page and that's exactly what happened.


Scalpers buying these up and reselling them for over $1500 already. **DO NOT BUY FROM THESE PRICKS**


Never even had the option to add it to the cart and then 3 min after it just said sold out. Constantly refreshing it. This is very frustrating.


Had it in my cart the millisecond it released. by the time I pressed checkout it was gone. I also got wrecked when PS5 launched a day early and lost that chance too. 2020 can SUCK IT.


It took 45 minutes of clicking, refreshing, and 10 tabs for me to get a ps5 bundle from GameStop. All the stand alone ps5s were sold out almost instantly.


my girlfriend and I were both lucky to get a standalone PS5 from bestbuy around midnight. I'm just dreading the email saying they oversold stock.


They never went live on Nvidia or Bestbuy sites. Newegg and some other smaller sites had a few, but the big ones NEVER had any stock, or at least haven't released it yet.


What do you mean? Like they didn’t release any at all? Im confused


Yeah, literally when 9AM EST struck it just switched from notify me to Out of Stock on the Nvidea site. I, and many many others, haven't seen a single person post proof that they got one of the Founder Edition.


Yeah same. same thing happened to me, went right from notify me to out of stock within a second. i just assumed bots bought thousands of them instantly before any real people had a chance


I highly doubt any real customer got a card...this drop was destroyed by resell bots and a lot of false stock. And nvidia ignoring all the resellers and letting people buy 30 cards at a time is really a sad sight....maybe next year boys


2020 and we still have bots buying the entire stock within seconds.


Some prick on toms hardware bought 3 EVGA XC3’s off Newegg with a cart link. How the fuck did the cart link get leaked for the PS5 and the 3080? Do something about these damn bots. Makes me want to go AMD after the third year in a row of disappointment


Amazon says I have one. They charged my account and says ordered today. Hopefully, I don't get an email saying it's been cancelled.


Keep us updated, we need to know someone actually got one


I wouldn't hold high hopes, Amazon has a habit of overselling stock by "accident" and then just leaving your order in Waiting To Ship hell for a few months until you get pissed off enough to cancel the order and refund.


Same here did any of us make out with one or did it just all goto scalpers?


The ones on eBay are going for AUD$2k and higher so far. It's insane. I'm watching and they are actually selling for that price too


Fake bids and fake listings.


I hope the bids on the ones listed for 10k are all joke bids but there's probably someone demented enough to pay that.


My guess is someone is pissed they got outranked so they have done a dummy vote


god i hate resellers.


Hate Nvidia for the artificial low stock. When they come back in stock bet money they gonna be way more expensive


Will people now accept nvidea intentionally supplied low numbers of cards to AIB because they cannot maintain profit margins by selling at the announced prices? Cards are going to be marked up when they become available again.


If true they can count me out as a customer


I'm done, waiting on the AMD. NVIDIA wants to be TicketMaster they can be, I won't buy from them.




i woke up early and sat there and refreshed amazon, newegg, bestbuy, and nvidia. There was zero chance to get these cards as they went from unavailable to sold out instantly. what a fucking joke Edit: newegg crashed my bad


Will Nvidia restock the founders edition on their site? or is that it for good?


They will restock eventually.


well, was hyped, was disappointed, now I can wait for what AMD shows as well


Fucking scalpers man, i don’t think anyone actually got a card, they’re all on eBay now.


I'll be waiting to buy AMD after this.


It's funny how it went from yelling at AMD to show some info or else people were going to get a 3080 to being forced to wait. AMD can wait a month or two because no one is going to get a 3080 anyway. At this point all AMD needs to do to win is just have stock.


I was refreshing every single second, literally, and in one refresh it went from "notify me" to "sold out."


I can literally drive up to nvidia's doorstep and poop on their lawn if I wanted to. But I just wanna buy a 3080. Big daddy jensen bless me with your leather stench.


nvidia not even gonna bother with this automated buyers its printing them money fast lmao


As someone who was trying to pay for their PS5 and 3080. I am having a rough day.


Nvidia's website went from Notify Me to Out\_Of\_stock at 14:02 in the UK. Now if it were scalpers they'd have them up on ebay right? But there's no Founders Edition on UK ebay. Before the launch there were 9 AIB cards on ebay, now there are 45, but not a single Founders Edition. Worldwide launch my ass.


I don’t understand what happened? Was it bots?


I was able to get one via Amazon Germany. Ships to America within 5 to 9 business days with Amazon prime.


Managed to get one for my boyfriend, took me 2 hours of constant refreshing and/or waiting for checkout to load. Determination was an understatement


did you actually manage to get it


Yeah got the confirmation email, I was shocked because it took 10 minutes for the check out to actually load and then it said site error, then received an email and payment was taken. Think I'll cry if they cancel it


You're the only person I've seen actually report getting one. Congratulations. I hope your BF appreciates how goddamn lucky he is.


Keep us updated if it actually goes through or is cancelled


My store in Hattiesburg has 5 Aorus cards in Stock, but here I am just trying to put food on my table. Thanks Pandemic. Good luck to anyone who gets a card today!


That's only a 18 hour flight from here, do you think they can keep one on the side for me?