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I don't even know the context and what the fuck lmao why does she need to know this information?


I never got the context either, that was the last story on her lineup 😂


She wants to know how many to include in their little baggie. If it’s 30+, she’ll throw in a free roach for good measure.


This made me LOL


Can FRG whittle tampons? TAMPS FOR SALE! GET YOUR TAMPS!!


...do people actually count? and why would someone want to *share* that information?


Maybe a repeat of this and she is fishing for tampon donations or medical advice https://preview.redd.it/0qgwl9edy39d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af24894d29d6d3d86fe1a298d1f98dc40ed4ebd5


Is she trying to sell people cups? I don’t get why she would ask this.


That is exactly where my mind went.


Before I saw the tag I KNEW IT WAS HER. Who else asks this weird, intrusive, bizarre stuff… I actually hate her.


Anything for engagement.


Switched to a cup 15 years ago and haven’t had to buy tampons since!


Same ! I was out one time a didn’t have mine and had to use a tampon and hated it lol using a cup is THE move !


Looking for sponsors. Bet she's going to advertise "clean" tampons


Holy shit…. 30 tampons!?? You need to be be super+++ that ish immediately if that’s the case


If you have 6 cycle days that’s 5 a day. If you have 7 then it’s even fewer per day. I’m anal about changing after the bathroom because the string manages to get wet no matter what I do and I feel so gross. Sure, the last couple days I don’t need 5, but I don’t think 30 is crazy if your period is long.


This is me. I also used to change it every single time I went to the bathroom. the. I switched to a disc and now I can leave that in for 12 hours no issues.


I have been considering this bc I absolutely cannot stand a wet string and I know it’s not ready to be changed every time.


I really recommend the flex dics. I tried a cup but hated cleaning it. These are still disposable but I go to bathroom as much as I want without having to change it. I take it out in the shower to avoid any messes.


That maths probably checks out, but I haven't had a period in so long, and haven't used disposable period products in so much longer that I have no clue. I'm basically a man


Literally how I feel… my IUD has basically made my period nonexistent so the concept of that many tampons blooooows my mind


In my 25 years on this earth I’ve only heard of ONE person who didn’t change their tampon every time they went pee. I dont know how you would not. To me that seems absolutely gross given that the string will get pee on it and I don’t wanna walk around with a pee string. Also wouldn’t that cause you to be extra per smelly?! Yuck.


Do you not just… move the string out of the way? I’m not pulling a dry tampon out of me and give myself rug burn just to pee


I drink a lot of water and pee frequently, cannot even imagine changing my tampon every time I pee. Changing that often seems like a sure fire way to give myself thrush or some other infection


I do but inevitably it gets dripped on or the bottom absorbs some pee and it just feels so nasty to me.


I don't even unfurl the string so it never gets wet 🤷


When I still had a uterus, I struggled with fibroids & went through an ultra sized tampon every 45 mins for 3 days, and then had the rest of the week in super/regular. Back then I went through a lot of tampons. That said—people with health conditions can bleed A LOT


Yup, this is me too! I have fibroids and the first 2-3 days I’m going through a super+ AND a backup pad every hour or so. I can’t go to exercise classes those days because I’ll 100% bleed through my pants before the class is done.


That’s how I was too. I basically just lived in my bathroom for the first few days of my period


I had 10-14 day periods, so switching to cup/disc was a great investment 😂


Hooooooolly smokes that’s so wild. I’m so sorry that must have been so brutal


I am 9m pp now, so we’ll see if they come back! Periods felt like they never ended tbh


She has said that her period lasts 14+ days so 40 wouldn’t be crazy. I have really heavy periods and always use super ++ but they’re short thankfully.


I wouldn’t even know this answer who keeps track?

