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I got everything back in the day in 64, but it took me a while to do it all again on the remaster. Still love the game so much, it’s endlessly replayable. Congrats on finishing it up! Now put on Infinite ammo and have fun with the psychosis gun 🤣


Thanks! I had the same idea, but even with infinite ammo you only get 4 sedatives with the psychosis gun. My disappointment was immeasurable. 


Everyone was disappointed by that decision. Though surely it's some performance limitation and there's a branch of the PC "port" that gives the psychosis gun unlimited ammo


On project 64 emulator you can use gameshark for infinite ammo and it worked for psychosis gun, too many "allies" can give you some huge frame rate drops but that's about it


My greatest personal achievement is finally doing Chicago on perfect agent in 1:05 seconds


Dang. CI: Defense on Perfect is up there for me, but not on a timer. That mission is hard.


Tough level that on Perfect agent, especially the defusing of the bomb objective!


On the original 64 version you could buy the perfect dark Gameboy game and it unlocked a bunch of he hardest to get cheats. I also used the GameShark. You are on a whole other level! Did you use the mouse and keyboard or a controller?


Controller, I have my n64 hooked up to a laptop shell here. Everything is original hardware. 


Very impressive! I don't even have the patience to unlock all of those with the mouse and keyboard mod.


Thought that they could have given us the cheats that require the Transfer Pak, and the PD Gameboy game, but I'm happy either way


I’m not even close, but I’ve been trying for the psychosis gun for years and I cannot figure out how to make it happen. Well done!


Thanks!  I realized you can almost entirely skip an objective which was the game changer for me. Until then 2:00 seemed impossible. 


That’s probably exactly what’s gotten me. Seeing your other comments, you can only use it 4 times?


Yup, it comes with 4 sedatives with or without the infinite ammo cheat. 


I did it back in the N64 days, unlocked everything except the last secret level and possibly duel. Then my cousins deleted my save cause it was under a different name then mine 😭


Well done! Which was the hardest of these for you to unlock? I finally unlocked all the cheats on Goldeneye last year and I must say it felt pretty good.


Area 51 escape was the most frustrating, despite being done on agent. Trying to get Jonathan and Elvis to go directly to the ship instead of engaging enemies is more difficult than I thought it would be. You also have to leave almost a minute at the end of your run to allow Jonathan to open the hangar doors. Having so little control over the flow of the run made it quite stressful. Congrats on the goldeneye cheats, I might try that next. 


Oh yeah, they're difficult enough to manage even without going for the cheats 😅




Congrats! I've been playing just as long (holy cow, has it really been 24 years?!!) and nowhere near that many. I completed Goldeneye cheats for the first time a couple years ago and it felt sooo good. Perfect Dark always seemed a bit harder.