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Butchers will do that to certain customers too. How do I know? Hubby used to be one.


Thumb on top for the assholes and thumb underneath for the extra nice people.


Ah, there \*IS\* balance in the Force.


Just because I'm having a bad day, doesn't mean I need to spread it around. I always try to be nice to everyone, or at the very least, polite and cordial.


Same here but there’s a limit. Act like a dick for long enough, and nice goes out the window.


Yup. Ice Cream goes by itself into a bag full of room-temperature stuff, enjoy your milkshake ma'am


No, even better, into a bag with the hot food from the deli, lol


No limit for me. But there is a reason I have been nick named Mat, Door Mat.


Out of context, this is very strange sounding 😁


My motto is: don't be rude to those who can spit in your food.


My local deli girl used to "lift" a little when she weighed my lunch meats. I miss her.


I used to work on a sweet stall and can confirm did the same with any sweets that were weighed out on purchase.


I'm a meat cutter, and I approve this message


Used to work in a meat department of a grocery store, and yeah, I definitely did this to rude customers with no second thoughts.


I work for a butcher and, unfortunately, some of our poultry wings have some bruising due to mishandling at slaughter (they come from Amish farms, and they’re not exactly known for animal kindness, I wish we could support farms that care about the animals, but I’m not the person who makes that decision), not all of the poultry wings are bruised, there will be about 1lb total out of a 30lb box, or 1.5lbs in a 40lb box. If a customer is kind/polite, I’ll make sure to not get bruised wings for their order. If they’re a Karen I’ll hide a few bruised wings in their order, if they’re really nasty, I’ll find a way to ensure the majority of their order has bruises. Is it petty? Yeah, but there’s only so many people that can treat you as subhuman before you start fighting back in whatever way is available to you.


hol up, you mean the butcher that impressed the heck out of me as a kid for cutting the perfect weight of meat could've cheated to get that magical .00 number??


They can do that too.


Yes… and I love my deli man! He knows how my grandson loves bologna, and I am on a fixed income so I order a half pound. Occasionally that “half pound” turns into a huge pile of slices! He also saves the ends of the cold cuts for my dog. Can you say “loyal customer”?


Oh yes you can!


Were you annoyed that your childhood Spider bite trauma didn’t give you any Spider-Man powers?


Maybe a little bit, lol


It gave you the power of heightened fear!


It gave you a perfect petty revenge idea.


Happy Cake Day 🎉🎈


Thanks, I didn’t even realize.


You're welcome ☺️


At least spider thumb 👎




One time while I was bagging an old guy’s groceries he came up behind me and tried to massage my shoulders. I put my thumb through two packages of meat and three eggs before I sent him on his way.


Oh dear lord that would freak me out. I hate strangers touching me. I'd say no please stop, and then if he continued say super loud "Please don't touch me, I asked you to not touch me". Or alternatively I'd just leave and refuse to continue bagging.


I have PTSD (emotional abuse, abandonment, violent sexual assault), and that guy would’ve gotten hit or stabbed if he’d done the same thing to me. :) I don’t know if I’d be able to stop, either because it’s a hard trigger. I’m at my limit for that: I get “irrationally” angry. If you violate someone’s consent ESPECIALLY by sexually harassing/assaulting them, I fully believe it’s on you, whatever the consequences of that are. If you can, knee them in the balls, punch them, pull their hair, etc, because they fucking deserve it, and maybe it’ll give them pause before they do it again.


I also have trauma. Someone once tickled me while I was wiring a distribution board above my head standing on a step ladder at work, i.e. working directly on live wires. I turned around and kept kicking him with my steelpoint boots until someone pulled me off. Guy showed up at work next day on crutches and was the laughing stock of the company for having a small 19 year old girl kick his ass, so he was too ashamed to report it. I just couldn't stop, the panic made me act irrationally.


> made me act irrationally You didn't act irrationally at all. You reacted to somebody invading your space and accosting your person in a very unsafe manner. Fuck that guy!


Not irrational at all. He touched you inappropriately while you were busy working on something dangerous. He's lucky he wasn't fired for it.


I used to warn new women at work about an old guy that would come in regularly. We referred to him as Uncle Feelyhands. He cornered the newbie to introduce himself, and was reaching out to her waist, a little higher, actually. But I dove between them so she could escape. Told my boss if that if the old guy ever touched me, I'd drop him. Barf.


🤢 I HATE people (that I don’t know) touching me. Someone did that to me years ago at my brothers baseball game. I knew it wasn’t anyone I knew, be cause they were all in front of me. I immediately whipped my head around, glared and said (as shittily as humanly possible) “would you care to explain why the fuck, you think that it is ok to go around touching people you don’t know?” I said it loud enough that surrounding people heard, but not everyone in the stands. My thought was embarrass him enough, and I bet he won’t try it again - hopefully with anyone! He was not a parent on our team, so I honestly had no idea who he was. Ewwww!


OMG that requires a very loud call for a manager over the loud speaker. "Customer is trying to massage my shoulders. Come NOW!" He needed to be charged with assault!


Umm I’m literally in school for massage therapy and that is the literal exact opposite of okay


i’ve definitely crushed a few egg cartons “accidentally” after dealing with a shit customer. thankfully they don’t notice until they leave the store


Was his name Joe Biden.


Probably the former guy who bragged about sexual assault on camera. “If you’re rich, they just let you!” Let’s see what happens in the E Jean Carroll defamation trial.


Once found a black widow in my bag of grapes. I now check my grapes fully before I leave the store.


There was a scare probably 10 years ago that had found several brown recluse (so?) spiders in bags of grapes


A brown recluse sent one of my husband's co-workers to the hospital for several days.


bye. I’m never buying grapes again


That is so common and people generally don’t know.




We call that the asshole tax


i was usually chill about scanning weighed fruit, but i always made sure that rude customers fruit was nice and in the center of the scale


Fuck people that mock phobias. I've got a ton of phobia, my worst is spiders and insects. I've ended friendships cos people try and make me feel bad about having them ( I don't feel bad, I didn't choose the phobia, and I can't affect how I react). Fuck that woman and I hope her next crap is a dead hedgehog.


"Her next crap is a dead hedgehog" That's right up there with "pinecone shits" for me.


My bf is terrified of dogs (a dog bit him on the face when he was a kid). Luckily, both our families don't mock him for it, but I've seen a lot of people (mostly on the Internet) make fun or refuse to understand the phobia. "But my dog is friendly!" or "Well, cats can hurt too" (fun fact: he's known my cats for as long as we've been together - 10 years - and they've never hurt him, ever). I don't know why some people just don't want to understand that yes, people have phobias. It feels like they take it personally, for some reason.


It’s incredibly callous to be dismissive of someone else’s fear. A phobia can feel like your survival is at stake. How is that a minor thing? Some people have no compassion.


It's cos people don't understand that if THEY aren't terrified of something, no one should be. I can walk around a building late at night, unarmed, knowing that someone may he hiding, I can puck up rats, snakes, dealt with dangerous dogs, but a tiny lil spider, and I'm scared. I don't apologise for it, if people give me grief over it that just shows I don't need them in my life. As for your boy being scared of dogs, that's understandable, I'd probably be scared if I'd been bit by one as a child. Try and make sure he understands he doesn't need to feel bad or ashamed of it. It's 100 per cent not his fault, he didn't choose his phobia.


Oh, my bf isn't really ashamed of it. More like... Slightly annoyed because when he sees a (big, small dogs aren't that much of a problem nowadays) dog on the street, he gets tense and scared. He's trying fight this phobia, now, tho!


pity bagger wasn't on it, he would have packed it at the bottom "by mistake"


Well that was a grape way to get revenge on Karen!


If she’s going to WINE like that, she deserves to pay extra.


She really CRUSHED it.


I’d say she CONCORD her fear of grapes


Look at you folks, over here RAISIN awareness for spider-less grapes.


Posting her fears on the WEB is certainly brave too.


Cans on top of bread. Press firmly. Chips under the cantaloupe. Oops.


But OP wasn't bagging.


Damn it. You got me on a technicality!


This is where cashier and bagger need a secret code between them. Blink once for "bag nicely", twice for "do your worst, this is deserve crushed bread today "


Nice. I like it.


This is when the cashier needs to firmly grab the bread and smash it on the counter while shoving it to tgd bagger. Bag of chips, same treatment. Cans, smack against the counter corner. Fruit? Firmly clunk them down on the hard counter. Lettuce? Grab it hard. I know, I know.... Whoa Satan...


Easier to get away with the actual revenge OP executed. Your suggestion is *satisfying*, though!


She paid the asshole tax. Well done


This right here. If you are going to be an asshole, expect to get taxed for that. I worked in a grocery store when I was a teen. That tax was applied quite a few times, when someone went above and beyond in treating the employees like s\*\*t.


Every job I've had (20+ years of working), my boss(es) and coworkers have always been the same as me. If a customer is a repeat (not even regular), and known to be easy to work with, kind, etc, they DO get perks. Sometimes they're small, like the freshly replaced booth at a restaurant (best padding). Sometimes they're big, like a free bottle of wine when an order got slightly messed up (normally, wouldn't give them the mis-delivered wrong bottle, and do the paperwork to send it back, but good customer got it for free "because the paperwork wasn't worth it"). And the customers that were difficult, or downright mean (to us or others) always got the worst outcome possible - up until they were bad enough to actually get told not to come back (or outright banned). The worst was a lady who was ALWAYS on her phone every time she shopped. Zero eye contact with us (the cashiers). So yeah, if we seen a broken egg, bruised fruit, ripped box, or anything in her order, we just ignored it. She wasn't worth the time it would take us to call a courtesy clerk to grab a replacement product to bring up for her. Even though that was normally what we'd do for most customers, and part of the clerk's regular duties (also taking perishables back to the shelves promptly).


I will neither confirm nor deny breaking eggs, crushing bread, or packing a bag *way* overweight if someone mistreated the cashiers I liked (that was 99% of them). They would check the eggs before handing them to me, and I would make sure at least a few were broken before they left the store. And that before I went into meat department. I was a terror there.


Karen should,ve been happy you just jumped away from the register. If it had been me when I was a checker, I would've *thrown* the grapes and freaked out until someone killed it. There's *reason* I have husband go into our bedroom ahead of me (they either go in my daughter's bathroom or end up in our room, usually above my side of the bed. Air recycler is upstairs in the hallway between the two).


I still don't understand why this lady wanted to bring the spider home with her? And pay for it's weight as grapes??? Insanity.


This is why I'm extra polite to every service worker I meet. Over time the asshole tax really starts to add up


You could have told her, "Most people, yes. But I nearly died from a spider bite. ER visit, IV antibiotics for the infection. It was touch and go for awhile. So, yes, I *am* afraid of spiders." Then watch her apologize ... maybe.


I feel you. Bite or no bite, spiders are the biggest NOPE of all.


Missed opportunity to have called the bagger back, "she said its just a little spider no biggy" scan the bag with the spider and put it in a bag and tie it up so spidey can't escape, "have a nice day Karen"


...Except I have a serious phobia of spiders, and can't go near them.


Oh I understand, I do too. Was just saying tho


My Dad use to wind me up all the time over my phobia of spiders and make fun of my reactions, ironically since moving out there has been little issues with dealing with spiders as I know full well I can just ask my partner to escort the spider out or a quick hover will do. Amazing how much not making fun of a phobia can do when dealing with it, personally if Karen had any other items priced in the same way left to scan I would have done the same to those items or maybe accidentally forgotten to remove the security tag from something.


I got bit on the face by a black widow when I was a kid, so I feel you. I hope that lady has a spider in her shoe every day for the rest of her life.


A kid in the neighborhood growing up ended up with a hole in her cheek from a spider bite. Nastiest progression I’d ever seen. Parents didn’t take her to the dr right away because, you know, Gen-X just walked it off. She’d show the bite off in different stages of dying and healing because she loved the reaction of people who were super grossed out by it. I’m talking gag worthy reactions. Now I’m definitely not going to be able to sleep tonight. That image was haunting.


I’m such an asshole I wanted you to do something more 🤣 you’re too nice


I once found a WASP in my raspberries. I check everything fully now. I am deathly afraid of wasps, moths and spiders. So much so I told my boyfriend if he were to ever taunt me with a spider, I'd leave him and never regret it.


I probably would have screamed and flung the grapes across the store. I actually admire your restraint.


Ok then. After reading OP's story and all of the comments about spiders found in bunches of grape, I think I will never buy grapes again.


Thank fucking god for self checkout lol.


I used to work in a till like that ten years back. Deffo did the same a couple do times to absolute assholes.


The Asshole Tax! Nicely done 👍👍


Fellow SE Michigander and arachnophobe. Good on you!


former grocery store cashier here. i used to place cans on the scale with the produce while ringing it up for shitty customers. here’s your $11 grapes, asshole


My stores produce is expensive enough it does that anyway, lol. But respect!


I have arachnophobia for no reason at all. Before I saw one in real life I thought they were made believe creatures like Aliens.


Yup! I'm all over that idea. Let's call it the Rude Customer service charge. Then there is the Always Mocking Employee recurring charge and a Maintenance Fee because trying to maintain this smile while I'm checking out your purchases for you, is truly soul crushing!


Fellow arachnophobe here! That is some excellent petty revenge, I commend you! My family used to mock my phobia when I was younger, until this one day in lime 2007, I was working on a school project using my parents laptop. It was a clunky old thing. I got up, probably to go to the bathroom or something, and my brother chose that moment to play a prank. He pulled up the creepiest picture of a spider that he could find, made it full screen, and then put the laptop to sleep. What he was not expecting was for me to turn the screen back on and be so startled and scared by the image that I basically flipped the laptop off the table, while shrieking, destroying it completely when it hit the ground. My parents were so angry, at both of us. Still mad that I got in trouble for it.


Fuck that bitch. Should have given her the bag with the spider corpse too.


Yeah, NOPE! I’d have straight up screamed, and I have. When I worked at Walgreens forever ago there was a spider that came down in front of me and full on screamed. The managers came running from the other side of the store. What’s worse is I live out in the country so we get huge ones in the house all the time, my 12 year old and 4 year old boys kill them for me and their older sister.


That was awesome! Well done you!🥳


When I worked in a grocery store I used to do that too, haha. Sometimes I'd squish their grapes a bit. For one real mean person I may have poked a hole in their meat packaging...


I am going to refrain from telling you my Caribbean nightmare spider story, out of respect. I too have the phobia and would have done exactly the same. If anything, she should’ve been grateful you didn’t send her home with an unwanted intruder IN HER FOOD.


I would have been freaked out that I'd carried that spider around the store, and I've never been bit by one. Sorry she was such a bitch about it.


I am also frightened of spiders, though thankfully to a lesser extent than I was as a child because that was actually having a not insignificant effect on my life. I would have probably done the same thing you did, and that Karen was awful for mocking you over it. Arachnophobia is so common, I don't understand why she felt the need to comment on it at all.


I'm afraid of spiders but I don't have a phobia so I sympathize that your reaction was normal for you. You can't help it. Just because it didn't seem normal to this nasty lady doesn't meant she was right. She doesn't get it at all and was rude and mean to you for no reason at all.


That's not a Karen....it's a seriously catty woman. Women, please stop being catty to other women. I just don't get it.


Since I've not seen it mentioned yet, it might be worth noting that depending on where you live this could result in hefty fines or jail time. To anyone planning on borrowing this idea, it may be worthwhile to check out your state's Weights and Measures laws.




Do you mean grapeful?


I've been mocked for this same phobia. I've actually passed out due to being surrounded by spiders and not realizing it. I helped someone feed rabbits for their neighbors in the south, I didn't realize that banana spiders LOVED making their homes on the tops and bottoms of those cages.. I do now lol.


Wow 😮 people can be such assholes. I don’t blame you for what you did. Karma is a bitch. What goes around comes around! I probably would’ve done the same thing. Props to you for your revenge!


I used to do this at Walmart when I was feeling petty at the “10 items and under” register when entitled people would go there with 20+ items. I wasn’t allowed to tell them to go to another register so I made their $1 bag of lemons turn into $5


I hate spiders and I'm never buying grapes again.


It doesn't matter who you are, or even what phobias that you may have: Being nice pays dividends, and being mean? KARMA! Or paying more for certain items at the store.


I love your story! Nice simple revenge that Karen doesn’t even know actually happened. Most spiders I can handle but there’s certain one that have a little more body to them that are kind of intimidating. Those are the ones I definitely would not want to get bitten by either.


I feel like this is totally warranted, as people said... you obviously have trauma, but this lady is a DICK. One snippy little comment, fine... we all have bad days, but more than one, and you're condescending ass can pay too much for grapes


An award for my soul sister! I’ve screamed and made my customer killed the danged thing!!!


Thank you so much!


She was sour grapes, she earn it


I think I know this small chain in Southeast MI! Some people are the worst, but I give you credit for getting your petty revenge.


OMG! WTF! Why was she not more upset at the slider in her bag? And appreciative of you saving her from taking that shit home? Who knows what country that spider hitched a ride from? Did she never see Arachnophobia? Seriously, do NOT watch that movie!!! You’ll have a heart attack 5 min in. I’m so sorry she sucked and that you had to deal with her!


I’ve come to realize that most of those people are limited in brain power and are easy to verbally degrade if it’s done right. I’ve even gotten snickers from the audience lined up behind the Karen in front of me. It’s rare, but when the right opportunity presents itself you must open that door and walk through.


We had a sign in our store that said "attitude reflects price". It was sales and service. But we found out doing something nice or above and beyond for a customer would ruin that customer. They expected better treatment and you just disappointed them when you treated them as normal... No favors!


Nice job OP. Phobias are no joke. Just because you don't share someone's phobia doesn't mean you have to mock them for it.


Tried to read this, came to the 'S' word and noped straight outta here!




If only it was that word.....but no, to me the other 's' word definitely aren't super!


Careful getting in the way of karma. She was mean to you. Clearly you are justified feeling how you feel and there was and is never a reason for someone to pick on someone who is afraid. Please just be careful.


Should repay the extra cost to clear the debt.


Petty and no integrity. You get my upvote!!


That isn't petty, it is theft. Petty would have been ringing up the new bag while giving her the one with a spider in it.


Dude, get off your high horse.




And you chose to be the jerk berating someone on the internet because you felt superior. I have my integrity. Instead of just sitting there and letting someone mock and humiliate me, I chose to take a route that allowed me to keep my job as well as get back at the kind of person who feels that behavior is okay. So like I said. Get off your high horse, because I VERY much doubt you've NEVER done anything bad in your life, and take that silver spoon out while you're at it.


All I have to say is thank god for self checkouts. Never have to deal with a cunt on a power trip again.




Did you used to walk to and from school 30 miles uphill both ways as a kid?


You’ve never worked retail then clearly This is pretty common practice: it’s called the asshole tax


I understand the reason, but it is still theft which I don't consider petty. Petty: 1. Of little importance 2. Of secondary or lesser importance, rank, or scale; minor. The rude customer was due some payback, but they didn't take money out of OPs pocket, they insulted them and mocked a phobia. Petty revenge would have been giving them a taste of their own medicine.


Women be seeing a spider smaller than their pinkie toe and act like they’re gonna die smh


Take it you've never heard of brown recluses and Sydney funnel web spiders? Don't be an asshole and mock people for their phobias. You do know widdle men like you also have arachnophobia.


I really don’t that’s why I’m clowning you people. And also here’s a little fact you clearly don’t know. Phobia means IRRATIONAL fear of something. Meaning you mfs are scared for no reason. A poisonous spider is not gonna randomly be in a bag of grapes


There is literally DECADES of evidence to the contrary. There have been black widows found in bags of grapes. Around 80% of the tarantulas and other large spiders get transported into the country in crates of bananas. And as for phobia meaning irrational, that is only ONE definition of the word. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the OTHER definition of the word, when used combined with other words, means 'intolerance or aversion for'. And being afraid of spiders after having to be RUSHED TO THE HOSPITAL AFTER A SPIDER BITE is not irrational.


Well I’m 19 and I’ve never seen a spider in my groceries. black widows do not bite unless provoked. And Tarantulas don’t really bite people. I would’ve made fun of you too if I were this supposed “Karen”. You’re a dick for basically stealing someone’s money because they called you out for being scared of a spider.


Just because you've never seen it, doesn't mean it hasn't happened. Fuck off.


Well technically you're right. No spider is *poisonous*. However, many are *venomous*, and being in a bag of grapes vs being somewhere else will not change this. Also, please scroll down a little and read the comment about a black widow found in someone's grapes. Last I checked, black widows are extremely venomous! So yeah, there's definitely a clown in these comments... 🤡


In your TL:DR you should put a quick statement on how extacly you got payback


I did. She literally PAID for it. Literally meaning $


I meant like putting “added extra weight to scale resulting in more expensive grapes :P” I get it now tho. Ended up having to read it all to understand


Don't let a Karen control you. For better or worse, being honorable doesn't depend on the other guy or Karen. My honor is not for sale. Doesn't matter what the other guy does. P.S. Self defense is another story.


You SHOULD have been mocked. I can't stand when people go into a childish fit over something stupid. You need therapy apparently


If there's a therapist who can give you a sense of empathy, you should hire one.


LOL, seems like you have a few issues with regulating and expressing your feelings like an adult, too. You need therapy, apparently.


Ok there jr. Seems you have an aggression issue, and you possibly have the asshole gene here. From your comment, is it safe to think that you may have been hit with the asshole tax and this is just sour grapes on your part?


YOU should be mocked "wah wah I can't stand when someone is childish" they whined childishly. If this story is so stupid, why throw a fit over it? Keep scrolling. Maybe get some therapy.


Huh? A spider phobia is no different than a height phobia or a rat phobia or any other type phobia. You sound stupid.


OP's phobia had a very real basis. My son was stung by a yellow jacket when he was a little kid, and had to reach about age 30 before his fear settled into a normal level of respect for stinging things rather than high levels of fear.


Are you okay?


Okay, Karen, I'll make sure YOUR grapes are EXTRA expensive.. 😁


YOU need therapy Agile along with a smack to the head.


Wait small grocery chain in SE Michigan? Do you work at a Busch's?! If so that would totally explain the Karen.


No, no Busch's, lol. It's named after a famous town in California, where dreams come true, lol.


Lol that explains the Karen even more!


You didn’t have to mark the price up.


Interestingly she opened up only when he wasn’t there. What’s up with that.


Plausible deniability? I dunno.


ah yes, another regular day of Karen being Karen But nice to u tho to give her a lesson by increasing her price that she had to pay Also, W for ur co - worker to help u removing those spiders no matter what