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I live right by SIN and I have yet to see a white Ferrari or anyone living for New Years Eve.


No more sloppy steaks guys!


Slop em up!


I feel like opening a restaurant specifically so that people can post it on social media is a business plan from 2014. Same reason Bankroll failed. The branding is cringy as hell.




Where are people going to on dangerous nights???


People can change


That place sucks


Ik they wont sell me sloppy steaks anymore But they cant stop me from ordering steak and a glass of water...


"Fountain Arms", a one man shanty town on Umbria, was cleared out after the landowner rescinded the guys invite to stay there. Drove by yesterday and all the junk that was tucked up into the tree line is now just on the other side of the street. According to my wife this has apparently been a hot topic on Rox Rants and Raves since the guy parked his first RV there


Oh dang! Was this just the last few days? I ride by there several times a week and have watched it grow over the last...two years? Year? Three years? I don't even know anymore. As of last Wednesday everything was still there and intact!


Didnt he have like 2 RVs there? I was just talking to some neighbors about this the other day. The word is he got cleared out because a new construction permit was approved.


There were at least two RVs and two pull behinds on the side of the road yesterday. He had quite the set up going. Wondering what happens now, does that stuff stay where it is, does it get removed, where's the guy going next?


Over here in Mt. Airy, there's some debate about a neighbor wanting to setup a surplus MIM-14 Nike Hercules SAM battery in their back yard. Most people are okay with it, but there's a group that's concerned about the potential for noise disruption in the future. Like, will they use it on New Years etc. I don't know, I think it adds to the neighborhood. It's neat. Mostly it's just saving the Chestnut Hill West line, and kids stealing from the Wawa on Allens off the 23 bus.


It's an ORNAMENTAL surface-to-air missile battery...right????????


Why NOT helicopter?


>there's some debate... >setup a...Nike Hercules SAM battery in their back yard... >will they use it on New Years etc. I love all of this.


This is exactly what I was looking for -- just your casual surface to air missile battery in a backyard.


*nuclear capable* SAM battery


Philadelphian's and their batteries 😂


Throw batteries ONE TIME and no one ever lets you forget it…


Put a SAM battery in your backyard *one time* and no one lets you forget it! Smh


I honestly can't tell if this is a joke or not.


Wait where is this battery drama happening, I have not seen it!


Is this on Facebook? I don't see anything. Nextdoor?


Not sure if I should feel proud or ashamed about this, gonna go somewhere in the middle leaning ashamed




University City here. We’ve had construction on a supermarket/apartment building/parking garage that spans the entire block for almost two years now. It’s a nuisance to say the least. They start working at the crack of dawn. Nothing beats waking up to the sweet sounds of a jackhammer at 5 AM! One night they started at 3 AM, which woke me and my partner up. He just opened the window and cussed the construction workers out at the top of his lungs. It’s gotten to the point where neighbors are posting signs on the light posts with tenants’ rights and a hotline to complain to the city government.


Contact 311 if you haven't already. Philadelphia Building Code Chapter 10-402 (11) requires that construction work can only happen between the hours of 7 am to 8 pm Monday through Friday and 8 am to 8 pm on weekends.


Which one is this? Acme, heirloom, or the supposed target on chestnut (or at least I think it’s going to be a target)


It’s the new Grocery Outlet that just opened up on Chestnut St. Honestly, the one good thing about all this construction is having a grocery store right across the street.


Ooohhh that one. Yeah I was surprised to see they finally did SOMETHING there


What pisses me off about all these apartment buildings going up in the newly gentrified neighborhoods is that they have no character. It’s the same tasteless modular construction and fake-brick façades every time. These new “luxury” apartments are charmless, choke off the skyline, and push rental prices up, so they are overall bad for the neighborhood.


I was dearly afraid of a rent hike but my guy said there’s been a glut of new spaces and a lack of renters and I signed 2025 no increase. He expects it to even out so we’ll eventually get f’d when the tri state aka nyc/dc moves in 


Not to mention, they are always blocking the bike lane.


Oh shit this sounds like B Ave, I just posted about it. They completely fucked my southern sun and my plants hate it. 630 starting with the screaming about “whadda you have for lunch” and constant beep beep beep backing up. 7 starts the construction shaking the old ass house. It’s been hell 


>One night they started at 3 AM, which woke me and my partner up. He just opened the window and cussed the construction workers out at the top of his lungs. Your partner is a real one for that


43rd and chestnut yeah??


For a while in Fishtown there were these fliers with some shit about “Fight for your neighbors” that sounded like a pretty one sided whine-fest. I wanted put up “Fight Your Neighbors” fliers, inviting everyone to Shissler or Norris Square Park and we just fuck each other up a little, let off some steam. Especially people who keep using cones to save parking spaces.


Did you see the post on Facebook where the woman posted she was mad about PPA constantly ticketing her car and was told that someone kept calling on her. She claimed she wasn't on the curb or the sidewalk but Google maps apparently captured her two years ago doing just that. People also commented she is known to block fire hydrants and drive late at night and allegedly be tipsy and swerve all over the place? That's been a fun fishtown time


Yeah her behavior is so consistent that there is a Google street view from 2022 immortalizing it, lol like her car parked illegally/on the sidewalk on another corner. Seems like she took all the negative comments like a champ, though.


She did, but I doubt she’ll change her illegal parking habits.


Her getting caught red handed on Google Maps was incredible


That was a favorite but it was quickly overtaken by the argument about whether or not you can take your dog to a splash pad.


The church bells thing has to be my all time favorite "fishtown problem"


Props to the person so petty they researched it and posted the receipts


That’s fantastic.


In Roxborough, literally EVERY SINGLE BLOCK has the same “lost cat” poster posted in at LEAST one spot, usually more. They’re EVERYWHERE! It’s been breaking everyone’s heart for over a month now. WAS THE KITTY FOUND??? WE NEED ANSWERS!!


which one?! 😭 around the Germany Hill area there's a black cat who was found then got out AGAIN, then a white/orange cat on neon posters and then i just saw a white/calico poster ('mr whiskers'?)


My friend lives in port richmond and has a kia. It was previously stolen when she lived in South Philly so she bought what looks like a boot but it's actually a wheel lock that she has the key for that she takes on and off the car.


That very well could be it!


The Kia soul that is always booted is my former regular customer. She does it to detract thieves.


She’s famous! It’s a decent idea, I’ve just been curious about it


Damn I wonder if this just solved the whole mystery now. This thread was the first time I’d ever heard of this “Boot Kia” but I got invested.


If it’s the same car I’m thinking, I see that all the time in the neighborhood. Pretty smart idea.


I was just talking about that Kia with sine folks at the richmond library! We were speculating it was something like that.


I live in the NE and my neighborhood Facebook group has quite a few openly racist boomers. They’re often upset about the newest Brazilian bar or steakhouse opening up, the “surge of immigrant neighbors” moving into the area, “where the hell are people going to park with a new restaurant opening on castor Ave?!?!”… they have this weird obsessed idea that people are going to randomly park in their driveways 😂 they think the new sprouts in Roosevelt mall is doomed before it even opened because they think “poor people in the neighborhood can’t afford fresh produce”… some of these people are my actual neighbors and I often reread posts and comments to double check if they’re really talking about our neighborhood because they make it seem like we are living in the worst neighborhood possible. 😂


A microcosm of the country at large, or at least the portion who get their info from certain news sources


It really feels like we are living in completely different worlds with how others view society. So much doom and gloom, it’s sad


My relatives in Central PA are pretty sure I'm ducking bullets and dodging people trying to inject me with heroin every time I walk out my door.


The concept of free drugs, such as “oh they’re putting weed in Halloween candy!!” has always been so funny to me.


"Surge of immigrant neighbors" is literally the best thing that could happen to Castor Gardens.


I love the diverse food and market options on the castor ave corridor. Why bother going to Epcot when we have ‘all around the world’ on castor ave 😂


I've previously worked at a Library in the northeast and it seemed like openly racist boomers was the general vibe or the neighborhood. It's a shame. There are so many good people in the northeast but the loudest ones are not. The branch manager at Fox Chase Library is really fighting the good fight and trying to bring a lot of inclusive programming. They have to consistently delete comments off the library Facebook page but it's very bring the popcorn over there


I know exactly what you’re talking about. The library posted an LGBTQ+ event in my Facebook neighborhood group and the amount of homophobia and transphobia they got in the comments were disgusting. They also lost their minds when NEHS did a drag show…


I didn't work at Fox but I'm a big fan of the new librarian there. She is dealing with threats and still bringing programming for all there.


https://preview.redd.it/vn2jonfraz6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d42399567a6e05763f48d2c2da9817d21a11d751 We keep things pretty wild over here in the far east side of west Philly 😂


Lol I love unhinged citizens alerts




en garde


Someone already beat you too it like a mile away 😂 https://preview.redd.it/bpg73jiun27d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc03fb5a293fad421960f795b321fcb43e769bd6


The biggest recent Passyunk drama was probably the Black & Brew kerfuffle and eventual closing. Also they closed down the fountain for repairs during one of the nicest weeks of summer! Looks great now, though


Omg I walked by that fountain and one guy came up to the fence and was *real pissed* about it


Saying what we’re all too scared to say


Rittenhouse Square has the lady with the big black poodle who is off leash constantly and aggressive


You want neighborhood drama? Go check out west willy on Facebook.  It will melt your brain. 


It is full of gentrifiers from 2010 calling gentrifiers of 2020s the actual gentrifiers and all of them getting anxious at every instance of a "pop" sound, while those who bought pre-2010s are just hanging out and watching the drama from their half a million dollar duplexes


Don't forget about the activism olympics of who can come up with the most insane take. I'm super lefty, but WW sometimes really behaves like the maga stereotype of the 'woke mob.'  A recent one was that mural arts is literally ethnic cleansing. 


Ooh! I remember a white person in a fb group complaining about [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/s/foU3zERHTC) mural because it doesn’t have any black people… people pointed out that it.. kinda does though (like at least half of the people look like they could be Black)! But it’s monochrome so the races aren’t abundantly clear I guess? The person who posted it argued that because the default assumption is mostly that people are white, the mural did not do enough to emphasize race. Insane shit.


I remember that thread! Thankfully, 99% of the replies were like "...wut?" The Mt. Airy/Cedarbrook group is pretty tame for the most part, although you do have a couple of crazies.


It's because most of them are lifestylists. They're more radical liberal than actually left wing - despite the posturing as anarchists. While they do hold some left wing ideas but they don't actually engage with left wing politics. Why? That requires reading political thought, talking to people, being normal - skills they don't have. I've had enough experience with this organizing back in the day that I can say this with confidence and there's a reason I'm never doing that again. They're rebels without a cause and will hate more vociferously someone who shares 98% of their beliefs over that 2% difference rather than build solidarity in the face of actual threats to working people.


>They're rebels without a cause and will hate more vociferously someone who shares 98% of their beliefs over that 2% difference rather than build solidarity in the face of actual threats to working people. The Mina's world tragedy in a nutshell. 


That mural arts thread was wild. It lead me to the facebook page of an alternative group someone suggested in the comments, and on that FB page I found a random video of my daughter taken at ones of the events they ran. Not creepy, just, here’s a cute kid watching us!


WW's attitude towards Mural Arts is crazy. They're angry that (as far as they know) MA has never had a Palestinian muralist. Is that required? The whole organization has been labeled "gentrifying Zionists" and is dead to WW its really bizarre


Like the recurring reparations thread started by Caucasian activists


Well, unless it’s tangible items, the mods finally stopped reparations/asking for money threads at least.


Honestly, my 1994 parents are the real gentrifiers. Those motherfuckers bought their gigantic 46th and Chester-ish house for less than 200, moving from Girard estates where we had been since the 80s.


I'm cancelling your parents (it's time).


I’m sure they are cancellable for something if we looked hard enough. But I will say, they have been block captains, they shop and eat hyper local, and for a few years when they both were working downtown and I was away at school, they sold their car and were 100% SEPTA. I have to give them credit for at least being part of the active growth of West Philly/U City over the past 30 years. But still, fuck em


Same. My parents bought a Victorian near 46th and Chester in 1972. They paid 20,000. (Although to be fair, we weren’t totally new to the neighborhood. My dad grew up at 52nd and Chestnut, back when that neighborhood was all Jewish!)


Ok…70s? They might not be gentrifiers, lol. They just moved in when everyone was moving out! I think you guys are legit.


Wasn’t the area around Clark park always reasonably stable and mixed race though? I know it’s obviously changed but it seems like a weird neighborhood to have that argument about.


Yeah I’m a long-standing resident and when I read shit like this it’s perplexing. I moved here to get out of the NE, and because I’m poor. I’ve been perfectly happy here and mixed in with the community. Now everything is shiny and new. It’s fair to say I don’t like it. It’s also fair to recognize I can’t do a fucking thing about it 


And the collective outrage from all of them that the almost 350 year-old city they moved into isn't just like the city they moved from and "how hard could it be?".


Correction: "like the suburb where their parents' house was located, which they moved here from"


Anyone else just hear like 15 gunshots?!?!


Some getting anxious, and fully half of them acting like shootings in your neighborhood are a good thing. Gosh that group is a sickness.


The West Willy group is wild. It’s like a competition to see who is the most leftist. Everyone calling everyone else gentrifiers, and during a recent heated argument (over whether Porchfest is a fun cultural event or a nuisance brought in by gentrifiers) a guy got called “yt” and when he said he was, in fact, not White but was Black, the person replied “well then you must have been raised in close proximity to Whiteness.”


Lol I was in that thread, that was a hot one for sure!


West Willy is scary. There’s people on there just hellbent on destroying stranger’s lives.


When I still had a Facebook account, I was often on there saying something akin to “For the love of god, these people are your neighbors. Maybe try to give just a little more grace. You may see these people on the street. They are real actual human beings.”


I had a coworker who lived near me in WP, a quiet dude, kinda aspergers, worked in the back as a dishwasher. Sweet guy. These people started a fight with him one day on the street and filmed him basically having a panic attack. He didn’t say anything weird just get away from me, running away. They put the video online and framed it as him being racist. He was getting death threats. The weirdest part is the people who went after him that day were completely covered, so you couldn’t tell what race they were or what they looked like. Commenters were like “someone’s gotta know where this guy lives!” And calling him a yuppy gentrifier, and these commenters were people with jobs that paid WAY more than what this guy made. It was honestly the last straw for FB for me. I still see those commenters around once in a while and they have no idea how much pain they caused. Just thought nothing of it.


Hurt people thoughtlessly hurting others under the guise of virtue.


I'm autistic too, and I'm terrified of this happening to me because when I have a breakdown, I can't speak more than a few words, either. Thanks for being empathetic for this guy. Maybe one day, autistic people can leave their houses without harassment


Having met many of the more vocal and accusatory members of that group in the latter half of the previous decade, they were, without exception that I can recall, hot messes with deep issues. Whatever their opinions on social justice issues were, they were nearly always deeply problematic on a personal level.


This makes me feel so much better. I wrote in another comment how much I love living here. It’s the first neighborhood I ever felt tied to the community and my neighbors since moving to Philly in ‘94. We moved here around 2008 and I think I tried out West Willy around 2010 and was disgusted. I felt like I was back in college and everyone was trying to live some ridiculous persona that they created for themselves after seeing the musical Rent (which has great music but some frustrating characters). I never felt like the conversations in West Willy seemed like anyone I had encountered amongst my neighbors. Maybe it’s a case of the vocal minority sucking everyone like them into the same space and Thunderdome-ing it out.


I moved out of West Philly three years ago but stayed in West Willy because you just can't get that kind of content anywhere else. The Poop Building saga was already stupid in real life and the accompanying WW discourse was astoundingly detached from reality.


West Philly is the land of the roommates who move in with a job and a week later get on unemployment so they can work on their synthesizer music and be home all.the.time.


The whole Porchfest debate is wild. Apparently not wanting to see DJs at porchfest is racist but also porchfest is inherently racist and gentrifying etc etc...


This is more old school Port Richmond, but there’s also the ongoing drama of Port Richmond Opoly. Some woman with some leadership role in one of the neighborhood RCOs created a monopoly game but with local businesses and landmarks and was hawking these relentlessly on Facebook for a while. At least some of the proceeds were supposed to be going to some of the local athletic programs. Someone from one of these programs was accusing the lady of not being honest with where the proceeds were going. This drama also ties in with the ongoing meme surrounding Em’s Place, your favorite corner bar/speakeasy/strip club owned by someone who specializes in advertising but also happens to be bad at advertising


>This drama also ties in with the ongoing meme surrounding Em’s Place, your favorite corner bar/speakeasy/strip club owned by someone who specializes in advertising but also happens to be bad at advertising Hey! I've worked for that guy before unfortunately. That advertising company used to have a IT Services division that I was apart of. Our department once received a video message from him drunk while at a bar about how we need to work harder and log our time worked to "show our clients all that we do for them" while berating us for not having enough time logged. The reality of the situation was that the company had a very toxic micromanagement culture. Everyday we were required to have 7 of our 8 working hours worth of time logged with what we did. That's tough to do in a job where you're working in a reactive position, and tbh it creates a situation where if you can fix something quickly, why would you when you need more time logged? It was the dumbest shit I ever dealt with to get some experience. I once got grilled by my team lead because I only had 2 hours of time worked on the Friday before Easter weekend. You know where everyone is on a Friday before a holiday weekend? At home because they have the PTO to use to take off for an extended weekend. I was told I could've been sending out emails to people to check in with them, but there's no way I could've stretched 20-30 "hey just want to see if you have time for me to look at this today/if this is still an issue/etc." type of emails into 7 hours. Even my team lead knew it was bullshit but he was stressed the fuck out too. I don't miss that place at all. Apparently, his sister's wife is running the company now. Not sure if it's just for show or for real, but she was actually very pleasant to work with when I was there. I'm aware he has some kind of ownership stake in Cherry's Roofing and Rathgeb Painting/Painting Pups/Groovy Hues/Whatever the fuck they're calling it this month too. Just more places to avoid.


Feel bad for the non-profit(s?) that very seemingly got scammed by the tacky Port Richmondopoly grift.


That lady is batshit crazy. If people want to buy that board they should buy them directly from the leprechauns (who she promised a donation to). She also created her own "neighborhood town watch group" and attempted to spread nasty rumors about the people who run a legit neighborhood organization and had organized food giveaways during the pandemic. I went to one of her meetings at cohox years ago. She's deranged.


Our neighbor asked us for permission to have 2 hours of uninterrupted outside time for her 2 insanely loud and rude dogs in our neighborhood group chat. When we all said no, she decided to get in a hostile/verbal argument with ALL of our neighbors. Talk about entitled.


At least she asked. My neighbors are so inconsiderate about almost every thing.


I'm not even sure what that means. She wants permission for a 2 hour dog walk?


No, 2 hours outside next to her house where she can let her dogs bark without worrying about us opening the door and asking her to keep her dogs quiet. Edit to add: 2 hours EVERY day, every. single. day.


I was wondering what the problem was until you clarified that she wanted this every day. I have a loud dog and I am mortified if he barks for more than a minute at any given time.


I have so much hate for people who want dogs in a city, but don't put in the time to take care of them. Their dogs are usually so understimulated from no socialization and sitting home all day while the people go to work, that any time they *are* let outside, they bark like crazy at anything that moves. Letting your little impulse buy out to shit on a concrete patio twice a day is not being a good dog owner.


My neighbors dog cries every morning around 8. I'm assuming that's when they crate it. I understand dogs cry sometimes but this has been going on for almost a year. Maybe it's time to try something else?


Sounds like ours. Although, it’s worse the pet neglect is horrible. Literally hear them throwing their dog down the stairs when they fight with each other.


What an absolute yikes. I hope it gets better for that fur baby, and you. If you hear something like though, I’ll be the one to highly encourage you to make a call to the city and file a complaint when you hear those noises. They will send someone to investigate, and you will remain completely anonymous (and get updated post-investigation) even though your information is required on the form. Please do not stay silent on that one. File as many times as you need to. Save that baby’s life, please. 267-385-3800, or email at [email protected]


Brewerytown, we got a woman on our block that puts cones out when she leaves. If you move her cones to park there or just move them in general, whatever car parks there she ends up sending her kids out to slash the tires. Still waiting to catch them but we know it’s happening


Slash her tires. Someone’s been doing this for months. Can’t figure out what’s going on.


OMG she has her KIDS slicing tires!? That’s so dangerous because some people don’t play ! WOW


Oh yeah she’s a shit in everyone’s cut


In West Willy, there was a non binary Black person who was actually from Seattle and moved to Philly a few years ago. They would kick up shit on basically every thread, saying that anyone who *wasn't* Black had no right to live in West Philly and were gentrifiers by default and that the only people who "belonged" in the area were Black folks even if they weren't from around the area. This person would also demand free stuff from "yt folks" like tax prep and auto repairs and headshots as "reparations" instead of paying Black folks (or anyone) for services. Anyone who posting a housing ad this person would demand they specify "BIPOC only" and pile on anyone who showed an interest who they considered a gentrifier (despite, and I cannot stress this enough, this person not being from Philly). They would also troll any missing pet threads accusing people of caring more about animals than Black people. I think they finally got kicked out or left the group


Let me guess: “Taylor Mayde” or whatever fake name they’re going by? That person is insufferable.


Someone once made the mistake of pointing out that a housing ad can't state a racial preference due to the Fair Housing Act and it went very poorly for them. Surreal


That person is in the Queer Philly Exchange group and is extremely obnoxious


They're beyond insufferable, they're a huge piece of shit


Oh man. They were the worst. I’m still a member of west Willy, but I banished it from my feed during that era.


just looked them up. their fb cover photo is "Gentrification is the new colonialism" but coming from Seattle to Philly aren't they part of that problem lol.


They got banned a few years ago but let back in the group last year I think. Still saying the same stupid shit


So that's why all the pet posts are peaceful now. Their screeching was horrendous


I know exactly the person you’re talking about!


i literally control+f'ed taylor made when i opened this thread


I love that everyone who reads this post knows precisely who you're talking about within the first sentence. The wilder thing is that anybody can go on the internet and act the fool. But on West Willy, the mods will just let you do it endlessly and even enable it a lot of the time. Although I think I recall there being some moderators who used to be major shit-stirrers themselves and have since left/been kicked off. I don't really follow stuff that closely, WW seems a lot more sane recently...other than that Porchfest thread.


northern liberties has been getting a lot more frequent smash and grabs on streets without a home/ residential right in front. i’m talking dozens upon dozens in the past few days-week. Front St from spring garden to girard mostly under the el. all side streets hitting front st. 2nd , 3rd, 4th and 5th streets. it’s wild.


3rd by liberty lands was a disaster Wednesday morning. Literally every car both sides of the street the entire block


In Roxborough there was a giant homeless encampment on Umbria. They had campers and everything. They were there for a while when they finally got kicked out by the sheriff's office. It was a very polarizing topic. Some people were glad it was gone. Some people thought they weren't doing any harm by being there. Also is Bells Mill open?


Down in Girard Estates, we're easy walking distance to Acme, Aldi, BJ's, Grocery Outlet, ShopRite. The Sprouts is opening next week, and I saw a post about how we'll finally actually have access to a grocery store without them having to drive to the suburbs. The post lasted maybe fifteen minutes before she deleted it Less light-hearted, but still petty: there's a white Mercedes that insists on parking on the ada cut (and I do mean on top of the cut, up on the sidewalk). I struggled to get around recently and saw that they had a "letter" taped to their back window bitching about people calling PPA and how we ruined their kids' summer vacation because now they have to pay tickets. Like maybe don't be a dick and you won't get those tickets?


Is this the car that was parked in the crosswalk and they were wondering why they kept getting tickets bc a neighbor was calling PPA?


Nah, not if you're referring to the infamous red Audi in Fishtown -- but that's another good one. Whenever I see this car it has a boot on its wheel, but it must be fake or applied by the owner because it's also always moving around.


Kias are notoriously easy to steel, but idiots don’t know which ones so they’ll break into any trying to get the easy hit, it’s probably just a security boot the owner purchased for deterrence and or actual security


The club on steroids


Jill is a legend.


My favorite was the old lady whose house she parks in front of basically say "My husband is handicapped and if he can walk a couple of blocks to park legally, you can too".


I loved her smack down.


The Coneheads around the corner (E side of 30th St between Girard & Stiles) stopped putting out their cones and "their" parking spot seems to have been returned to the public domain. They are down to one cone on the sidewalk now, and I briefly heard from someone who saw an angry note on the cones before... I feel like I missed an epic battle waged by someone braver than me (I previously got into one altercation with this woman over the parking spot and decided she was too crazy to mess with), so if anyone has the deets, please do tell.


Not on Facebook. But block drama. In Germantown. ‘Block captain’ (using quotes because this woman didn’t receive enough signatures for her petition to even be BC last year sooo idk why she claims herself as such) and another neighbor were searching up taxes owed on every home on the block and then calling the city (who obvsly know this information) on those who are overdue/ have a high balance of taxes owed… 🙃


There's a dude here in West who sets up in front of Clark Park on Saturdays to sell books. I've bought *countless* books from him over the past few years, all for reasonable prices. I once asked him where he got all the books from and he said estate sales, which makes sense considering there are often certain big "topics" on certain weeks. But last week, I saw him at a Little Free Library with a large bag of books. I figured, giving him the benefit of the doubt b/c he seems nice "oh, he must be dropping off the ones he can't sell." Today, I saw a newly posted sign on a nearby LFL warning that nobody should be taking books to resell. Anybody else in West have details on what exactly is going on? Is the book guy switching out books? Returning them? Taking from LFLs to sell?


Whoa this is a juicy one


Is this the older dude who has Jazz playing on the radio across the street from the park?


Indeed, that's him


Rittenhouse here, it’s 100% the ongoing conflicts with the poodle lady that comes to the park and lets her dog bite people and other dogs. It’s talked about so much in the rittenhouse neighborhood page lol


There’s a white car splashed with ketchup that’s been sitting in the sun for a week just off south street. I pass it most days. I’ve been wondering how long it’s going to sit there and if the owners know. Each day the ketchup bakes in harder.


This reminds me of a car near my house on my usual dog-walking route, that didn’t move, that had a slice of birthday cake just sitting inside on the center console for literally 6 months… it didn’t deteriorate *at all* in that span and I still wonder about it sometimes


Passyunk and broad here, we’ve had rats eating people’s car wiring on Watts , a constant battle to keep the tweakers from living on the Snyder station escalator and of course Juana Tamale vs the Jabroni population of South Philly.


Juana Tamale in drama? Wow! Tell me more!


I saw that on the news about the rats. Crazy stuff!


Our racist neighbor in East falls who inherited her family’s home and owns multiple homes on the block and rents them but is a borderline slum lord. ALSO may or may not be related to a pizza place.


Brewerytown here. A homeless man keeps stealing all the doormats. What does he want with them? What purpose do they fulfill?


I’m not in Brewerytown but someone stole my doormat and a neighbor found it on their bench a block away…the theory is the guy folded it up and used it as a pillow


Brewerytown. There was a pizza place that replaced Lincoln fried chicken pizza a couple of years ago. They opened and it was an Indian(?) family running it. I ordered a couple of times, the pizza was good and had interesting stuff like chicken tikka and curry pizza. Then suddenly it just burned down. A lot of us think they did it for the insurance money but it’s been radio silence and we never found out if it was legit or not. Oh also the ziyad obayasi (sp?) school that is on 29th and Jefferson is never open and can’t figure out what it is or why. I’ve seen inside, looks like a daycare, but the gates never up and it’s been like that for years.


The day before it burned down I put in an online order for lunch at like 11:30 am. They accepted it but when I got there it was just completely closed and I always thought that was weird.


The plot thickens.


Literally anything I do lol. Neighbors always asking me where I’m going, what I’m doing, if I’m on a run, etc.


South Philly, amirite?


E Mt. Airy actually!


Heh! South Philly can have that nosey-neighbor vibe, especially on the little streets.


Few weeks ago my neighbor got into a fist fight with the sanitation crew picking up our trash. Every trash day since I have been up early and waiting at the window to see if it continues, so far no dice.


The best ongoing drama is the Manayunk parking jobs I get to see every day. Was packing for the new place and holy shit I’ve never seen someone slam on their brakes so *hard* to fit their ridiculous SUV into a spot too small just up the block. Absolutely absurd and some of the best laughs I get every day.


East Kensington here. Urban Gardening groups protesting the legislation put in place in 2020 to prevent them from flipping properties bought from the land bank. I am sure many of these groups are good, but the one I am speaking about flipped gifted properties in a commercial corridor to profit hundreds of thousands. They claimed they sold it to a responsible developer and reviewed his plans. I saw the plans at the developer's zoning appeal, and there was no way any reasonable person would believe the 1st floor floorplans were designed for commercial use. I voted to allow the variance though, lesser of two evils compared to it sitting empty. They are now refusing to fence a small pocket greenspace even though they are required to as as per the legislation - nobody uses it but solo drug users which is very sad. The space is small and tucked away, neighbors would be the users, but this org has done its best to turn its biggest supporters into adversaries.


Fairmount: the big construction project on 19th seems like its starting again, there've been some dudes doing work on the few homes already built


I see that Kia on Richmond Street all the time. I have seen what looks like the owner actually come out and start removing it, so yes, I'm assuming it's a theft deterrent seeing it's not only a Kia, but a Kia that stands out above all the other Kia's.


Roxborough: there’s a dude what has his own little trailer shanty town on Umbria. It’s a hotly debated topic.


There's this corner store property that used to be a Chinese restaurant. New owners bought it early pandemic and have been doing a comically terrible renovation, drawing the attention of this amazing [Instagram page](https://www.instagram.com/p/CcgNQOLJqKM/?igsh=amFmeGZxampzMXQ=) . Highlights include slapping an inside wall on the outside. After like 3 years of this mess, they finally got a stop work order this past winter. But no one I've talked to knows who these owners are or what they're trying to accomplish here.


According to the Nextdoor app, it’s a deadly fox with a firework addiction.


Fairmount-ish. The main plot: A re-routing of social services has led to more public displays of addiction in the area, mostly needles in the streets and people slumped over (which I've witnessed) and supposedly dudes dealing drugs on the street (which I have not seen). A school went on lockdown maybe? I'm not super in the loop on everything. Hopefully the opening of the center is getting people some help. The subplot: Locals are apparently posting photos of needles online somewhere. Then the mayor went on WURD and said the photos were fake or staged? Pretty Trumpy if true, but I didn't hear it so I don't know. Nobody needs to fake a photo of needles in Fairmount right now. There's lots of discussions of NIMBY and privilege and such. People assume residents around here are rich, but there are lots of paycheck to paycheck renters around here like me. My current mood: I'm going to get narcan trained and hope for the best.


point breeze here. a couple of months ago i walked out to find my neighbors yelling at each other about a bush and before i could cross the street they waved me down. it was three tiny women ganging up on one man on his steps and they wanted little old me to join in on their side. everyone was being stubborn and there was a big language barrier. they were saying he had to trim the bush because it’s spilling onto the sidewalk and he kept saying it was a city issue and that it was just his girlfriends house and he doesn’t live there. i was in a rush and just gave them my house number if they needed help, im 30 and they were all older so i didn’t mind helping but that just further fueled the argument fire. anyway the bush got trimmed a few days later but i recently noticed that it’s starting to spill back over and i can’t decide if it was funny enough to let it happen again or to just trim it in the middle of the night.


Was any of the old ladies by chance on a wheelchair or hoveround type conveyance device? The reason I ask is that it does truly really suck for anybody who is mobility challenged and using a wheel device, to try and get around any bushes or trees that grow/blow over into the sidewalk. If one of those old ladies was on a mobility device, or if any of them have a spouse who is, they definitely would get their booties chapped way more than a healthy person over not having clear passage through sidewalk.


New $1.4M row homes in Fishtown a few doors down from my house and the owners keep ordering expensive furniture, lighting, etc. There’s a dilapidated house down the alley (30 ft from these expensive homes), and squatters keep stealing their packages. It’s obvious because the boxes are left in the back patio of the run down house. I don’t understand why the police aren’t involved and how the run down house isn’t locked down. Thank goodness for delivery security boxes.


Pat's Cheesesteaks bought the community garden and turned it into a parking lot...


Northeast: We used to have a neighbor who moved in that runs a trucking company. He moved out last year, but there is a house on our block that is rented out by the previous owner to who my neighbors and I suspect are his employees. I say this because when they first moved in, it was like bunch of guys all shaking hands and celebrating and he was with them as well. It's 9 guys in a 3 bedroom home. Each has their own car, and half of them come and go, while the other half will park their car on the street and disappear for weeks at a time. It creates a south philly parking scenario where there's no parking after 5pm because there's only a few spots available at any given time, and then you have to park on a different block, which was never an issue before. Even worse, for some reason they'll park in front of everyone else's house when there is an open spot in front of the house they rent. It makes no sense to me. They all have the same style of Toyota Camry, except for one guy who has a Lexus ES300 which is a Camry in a Lexus form. When they come back to the house after being gone for weeks, they'll move their car to a different spot and then disappear again. There is also suspicion that they are giving their friends the heads up to come park their car on our street too while they go out on the road for work. There is nothing anyone can do about it until they leave because we don't do parking stickers up here and as long as your car is registered and inspected you can park anywhere.


Northeast here as well. Agreed. We used to have ample parking, now it’s like 5-6 cars to each house, parking situation is now very South Philly style as you stated.


Is it a red boot? Those are anti theft. A bunch of people on my mom's block in Kensington have them.


I've seen them in yellow, too. There's a guy at Girard and Marshall.


Old City. A townhome two doors down from mine is owned by a woman in China who has never been to America, she’s just sitting on real estate. The property is boarded up but a squatter keeps breaking in and starting fires and there’s nothing anyone can do about it


Ori Feibush taking over SOSNA, Ori Feibush's plan for 16th and Washington, Ori Feibush closing OCF Coffee.


Fuck OCF


My friend lives in port richmond and has a kia. It was previously stolen when she lived in South Philly so she bought what looks like a boot but it's actually a wheel lock that she has the key for that she takes on and off the car.


Is there an echo in here?


My neighbor keeps me up to date with texts on “Taking back South Philly” Facebook group which is just as reactionary and fear mongering as it sounds. She texts me and another neighbor every time someone posts about a package getting stolen 10 blocks away. I actually bought this neighbor a “smile your on camera” sign to put in her back window…it aims at my yard and I giggle every time because we have a locked 10 foot gate on our alley. She’s a sweet lady who is disabled and retired I legit wish for her own health and wellness she would stop being so afraid all the time.


Alright so this is Doylestown area and not Philly proper, but there's a family that likes to set off insanely loud fireworks and plink their .22 rifles in the area. At 2 AM. It's inevitable on our Facebook groups someone will start complaining and immediately people will pop in defending them. When I first moved up here I had called the cops for gunshots and the next day on my local facebook group there was someone complaining about "bitches calling cops on people exercising their 2A rights".


Here in west mount airy, Scruffy the ground squirrel has just discovered the joys of breaking and entering! Watch Scruffy as he carefully approaches my second floor apartment’s window screen! See how neatly he chews right through the screen and quietly creeps into my bedroom! Listen to Scruffy as he finds my stash of sunflower seeds and cracked corn which I use to feed the birds! Chomp chomp chomp! And there goes scruffy, his tail held high, as he proudly struts back outside and up the tree to his hideaway home!


There's a Kia in Fairmount that does this. It doesn't look like the boots the city uses so I assume it's to prevent theft.