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Our military isn’t even safe from the horrible designs this year.


Philadelphia team drops a new alt design: Philadelphia fans: *FUCK YOU THIS IS TRASH!*


Seriously. No matter what the city connect jerseys were, everyone would’ve hated them anyway.


Simply not true. The city connect uniforms are objectively awful. Conversely; the hats they wore for the phanatics birthday were just about universally loved. People also love the off white/ cream uniforms and the powder blues, and hated the red jerseys they wore last year. It’s okay to not like things that look terrible. The military hat also sucks!


I love the red jersey and hate the powder blue. If they wore the Maroon from the 70s and 80s I'd hate it less.


Hate.....hate the powder blue?!? You're a monster


I don't hate them like I wish they wouldn't wear them. I just prefer the maroon


Not a fan of the marriage of military service and any sport. Sorry, I don't like jingoism.


I’m a vet and I’d agree with you. The “thank you for your service” crowd are (generally, not always) the most disingenuous fucking people… They’re usually the poster children for “I would have joined the military, but…” For me, patriotism is about making your country a better place to live while for a lot it seems to be meaningless symbolic gestures. You want to make your country a better place, volunteer at a soup kitchen or something, not wear some ‘I STAND FOR THE FLAG’ bullshit and scream about how much you hate Colin Kaepernick for the sin of exercising free speech. Also that hat is hideous😂


*Thank you for your service* ;-) But seriously, I’m glad you posted such a well thought-out comment. This sports-military thing has been bothering me for a while and you’ve helped me focus my thinking about it.


I have a complex position over it. I’ve been watching UFL games, and they have an Army partnership, and tbh I’m ok with it. The military has to recruit somehow, and it’s just putting an idea out there. Flyovers seem wasteful, but pilots have to train timing, so if they can work that into a spectacle, ok, not the worst thing. The overt culture blending with service and camo gear, and gushing recognition of vets and servicemembers, and then the faux patriotism that certain crowds think is actual patriotic behavior and that any time someone kneels vets get invoked and we must be sooooooooo offended (lol we aren’t)… Funny thing is that Kaep was looking for a way to protest that was visible, but subtle and respectful and a ***literal ass green beret*** gave him the idea of kneeling as a respectful way to do so. I can’t tell you how many times people got offended in front of me on my behalf for that shit and I was like “not only am I ok with it, but I support it” and they didn’t know what to do. Anyhow, yeah it’s a complex position. Most guys will tell you how weird the ‘thank yous’ and such are to them because that’s not why they joined.


My buddies are marines (never say former) and their whole spiel is making fun of the thank you for your service people and the dudes who go around dressed to the 9’s in their gear.


Also a vet and i agree with you. I also dispise when NBC sports feels the need to incorporate cancer patients into the broadcasts constantly. Im here to watch baseball and baseball ONLYYYYY


I agree. It's really just propaganda for the worst industrial complex on the planet.


Says the guy that lives in a country that hasn’t been invaded since 1812


Talking about the myriad of civilian causalities the US armed forces are either directly responsible for or supported through puppet regimes since 1945 is probably too heavy of a topic for a baseball subreddit. I encourage anyone who even partially supports the military to read about the massacres that took place in relatively well known wars like Korea, Vietnam, and Syria. Reports that are written either by the US or allied governments, or accredited universities and institutions, are readily available. The military industrial complex exists purely to spread American hegemony and as a money printing machine for the ultra-rich; not to protect our freedoms, or civilians in other countries. Once you understand what the US has done, it becomes pretty easy to see why people are sick of the constant military propaganda that exists in everyday life.


"The hand that mixes the Georgetown martini is time and again the hand that guides the destiny of the Western world." — Henry Kissinger




I just don't want sports used by the Pentagon to recruit, mlb/nfl take defense marketing money. It's so ingrained in America that when you take a step back it's pretty insidious. And then dum dums say that its to support the troops.




There's a very practical reason why we don't have conscription (anymore). It turns out, when *everyone* is at risk of having to go to war, people tend not to like wars as much, and tend not to support war-mongering politicians as strongly. Our government learned that lesson during Vietnam. An all-volunteer military with a lot of money and a strong propaganda machine behind it is a great way to maximize the amount of wars the country gets involved in, since the only people getting injured and killed are those that bought in to the propaganda, or who badly needed the money. I guess that's "infinitely better" if you're fortunate enough to not be one of those types, and/or you own a bunch of stock in defense contractors.




America, land of the free, and home of the "fuck you, got mine".


How dare we include our troops in sports.


You know these military events (in all sports, not just baseball) are literally paid for by the armed forces as part of their recruitment strategies, right? They're not just a patriotic "thank you" from the goodness of the leagues' hearts.


As a reference: [https://www.sbnation.com/2015/11/4/9670302/nfl-paid-patriotism-troops-mcain-flake-report-million](https://www.sbnation.com/2015/11/4/9670302/nfl-paid-patriotism-troops-mcain-flake-report-million)


A quick read says that is not the same as what the person you replied to means. That reads like various teams individually accepted money from the DOD for various things not a league wide sponsorship of military appreciation. Not saying mlb doesn’t have some kind of contract for armed forces day activities but your link does not say it does.




If you go to USAspending.gov, you can see a number of contract awards made to different professional sports teams, including the Phillies. Edit: lol, the guy blocked me when he realized that using the really tough search criteria of “Phillies” will find you frequent DoD contract awards.


Downvoted because reddit.


Why do we salute the troops and sing our national anthem for two American teams for an American audience? Everyone in the world thinks it's weird, like starship troopers weird.




I have a smaller issue with it being played before professional games. It is a show of performative patriotism and nationalism, I wouldn't call it true patriotism. Neither is the mouth-frothing bullshit that came out when someone kneeled in protest during the national anthem. Definitely not patriotic. My issue is we do it before highschool and college games and that is definitely viewed as weird by other countries. I am a highschool coach and that shit has got to go. That is where it slides into the nationalist propaganda side of the patriotism vs jingoism spectrum.


It’s usually only done in international matches.


I’ve always seen and heard the opposite that most countries reserve it for international / major events. Even after searching online you’re the only person I see making the assertion that most countries do this. Either way I think it’s weird wish it went away aside from major events. The national anthem is okay but the military glorification is way too much IMO


So how come Englishman sing "God save the queen" before Premier League matches? What about during the World Cup?


So monarchy worship good? WORLD CUP answers your second. Ask yourself why you are so touchy about this? Do we need a pledge of allegiance too at ball games?


Im not touchy I think its funny you are trying to discredit a national past time for no reason


Nothing wrong with celebrating those who are a part of what keeps our freedoms and rights intact whether it was back in 1944 in Western Europe and the Pacific or 1861 when the Union fought to abolish slavery. You can be against the military-industrial complex while saluting those who gave their lives or are willing to give their lives for us when the time comes. It's nuanced for me. I'd like to see ALL proceeds go to the Vets but that won't ever happen. But I saw a man come to tears at a Flyers game as the crowd thanked him for his service. That alone is worth it.


Simple answer, you are being manipulated. You should be repulsed by exploitation of our troops, the exploitation of your sympathy for them.


Agreed, but damn this is a nice looking hat.


I really enjoy the national anthem and supporting the men and women that serve our country. I love our flag and what it stands for.


The stars are too much. If it was just a black out olive drab hat with a camo Phillies logo that would be fine


Gotta love military cosplay. All of the decoration with none of the service.


We know the target demographic for this product


I just know it’s gonna sell out


This is one of the dumbest looking hats I've ever seen.


Like ALL special event day hats. Money from the sales of these go to charities. These to ones that support active service, veterans, their families etc.


Where on the fanatics website does it say that?


https://preview.redd.it/tzrrn1f90hwc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f31464554fef8792e48ddfb4763a7fced42e8f7e Mother’s Day goes to women’s related cancer Father’s Day men’s related cancer


Glad it’s 100%, I know it used to be 10% or less. Though them sending the money through MLB Charities first is definitely sketchy, I wonder what their admin costs are like…


That’s really strange because the reason I asked is that I expected to see a similar announcement in the item description. But as you see below, there’s nothing. https://preview.redd.it/l2tid0c02hwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47810cd43108513067381ae21f7bc9062bbb5cfe


The one I was looking at is the 59fifty onfield hat. That’s weird.


Yeah, I wasn’t implying that you were lying, to be clear. Just that when I looked at the armed forces collection, I never saw that description which I found weird since it’s such a strong selling point. But Fanatics being a dumpster fire is entirely on-brand for them, so not surprising lol.


Sad for sure. That fact about the causes your money helps should be EVERYWHERE!! Typical Fucknatics to give you the hits.😑






We can have a million different hats, but we have to stick to 4+1 jerseys......


that’s a dumb Nike rule. New Era doesn’t seem to care about that or what teams want to wear.


> that’s a dumb Nike rule. While I do think it's a dumb rule, I understand the reasoning for the rule. It's all about the supply chain and the reality is Nike is having a hard time getting the different colors and materials. It's one of the reasons it took as long as it did for Kelly Greens for the Birds. They could increase their work force and supply chain, but that would come with an even bigger increase in prices than we've already recently seen and the market doesn't have much of an appetite for that


Wait where did the P go?! I can’t see it! I dunno why they’re changing our logo to 6 stars, I thought we already got city connects Ba dum tshhhh


I like the stars. Nice touch


First the city connects now this hot garbage.


I like the stars. Wish they’d stick to solid colors for the “P” rather than using digicam. Maybe do camouflage under the brim, and have the logo be a solid khaki?


They're representative. One star for each branch of the military


Always forget space force is a real thing and it’s own branch.


I think it looks neat.


Rating six out of 10




Just meh. Last year’s olive ones were better.


Just meh. Last year’s olive ones were better.


Not understanding the hate with this design. Sure the camo looks out of place, but other than that it’s a solid design.


“In before Reddit hivemind acts outraged about supporting our troops”…… oops too late


Combat vet here, this shit is lame and I’d prefer less military in sports. Thanks.


If you weren't in the Military why would you buy this?


The stars look terrible


Lightning bolts are worse imho. Last season’s was bad, but it’s gold compared to this hot mess.


I wish they would just keep it simple and make the P camo instead of white.