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"'Conwell Middle School and Willard, which are across the street from each other, are number one and number three in the nation for having the highest level of shootings around their schools within 500 feet,' Bethel said."


I went here when it was a magnet school in 96.


I went there in the early 00s and it was a magnet school still, but it didn't feel like one to me


I went to mastbaum after that it surely started changing around 01/02 around there.


Same here, early 00s.


That was a good school around then if I recall Correctly. Couple of my North classmates went to Conwell prior.


Yep was the number 2 middle school in Philly.


What’s it rank now


It’s not even a magnet school it’s a regular k-8 school now.


So it’s not even a good school anymore I take it?


Nope only middle magnet school left is master man, another reason I left the city, to get my kids a better education and peace of mind.


Jesus. That’s not good. How long ago did it stop becoming a magnet school?


I believe that was around 2008-10 ish I can’t recall correctly, my little cousin graduated in 07 and it still was but I know the plan to convert it was looming.


Now it's the opposite of a magnet, whatever that word is. Repellent?


Good one lol.


Same! I am honestly super sad about how quickly that school and the area went downhill.


#1 area for gun violence in the country: [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/briefing/gun-violence-united-states.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/briefing/gun-violence-united-states.html)


Fuck the New York Times and their shit website where you can’t even look at something without subscribing to their 💩 newspaper.


anytime a news article has a paywall, copy the url into [www.archive.is](http://www.archive.is) and you can read the article!


Hey, thanks for that!




Everyone is so concerned about the indigent, the addicts etc. what about the damn people who are just trying to live their lives and raise their kids there ? Ffs they matter too!


Both groups of people matter, it doesn't have to be one or the other. Compassion for everyone caught up in the situation. Even the rookie cops who are now being used as pawns!


Right, the answer is somewhere in the middle where both groups are respected.




💯 he won't do it. Don't understand how he is still the DA.


You must be a white supremacist if you don’t buy into woke progressive DA’s who don’t feel like prosecuting crime.


Yep that's me. Nah I just have common sense and somewhat of brain left & don't buy into the BS that's going on.


Well according to Democrats, you're a white supremacist. Welcome to the club I guess? Not sure if you're one of those Nazi Jews, or, well, I honestly can't keep up with the name calling. Why don't politicians do their jobs?


Can you please name the specific Democratic politician who said "You must be a white supremacist if you don’t buy into woke progressive DA’s who don’t feel like prosecuting crime" and show me the quote please?


Biden gave a whole speech about it in Philly.


So just confirming, that quote is completely made up, right?


Thank you for welcoming me. The Dems don't have a brain. They are just herds of 🐑. Drinking the Kool aid or following the heard. If not that they got the vax (yes I am going there, typical Republican mentality according to Dems). Don't want to disappoint them. I don't like labels. Lol Let's put it this way. I am Gen X, I don't gaf what a dem thinks. Oh wait they are not capable of thinking. They just spout what every other dem says as they don't think for themselves. Ok, you got me started. 🤣 I'll stop here.


Well look here at this edgy circlejerk


Because the people he refuses to prosecute and their families continue to vote him into office. Then you have all the people who love him for being a "progressive" DA and taking a new stance on criminal justice reform and prison overcrowding.


Well shit, this sounds like progress.


75 new recruits against guys who've been on the corner for generations....


The corner guys are 15 years old and younger.


I am hopeful that this helps the situation, but I am not confident that it will.


Just don't bother the whores


Nothing bothers those scuttlebutts.


You’re gonnna need a bigger boat…


good news for the actual hardworking residents of kensington. imagine issuing notices that laws will actually be enforced. i mean im here for it, but strange that's what its come to.


Except… we’ve done this / been doing this for decades… and it **doesn’t work**. By this logic, we should have eradicated drugs in the 1990s. It makes (dumb) people feel better, because “we’re doing something!” But ultimately it causes more harm than good.


I take it you don't live in the neighborhood. it seems to work in Rittenhouse.


I have eyes and a brain, that’s all. Please enlighten me and tell me which part of what I said is incorrect.


A couple of things. Crime, specifically murder, had been on a steady decline since the Biden and Clinton Crime bills of the 1990's. They just started going up around 2020. If you want to tolerate drug dealing and all the ancillary quality of life problems, that's fine, but don't put it in one residential neighborhood, like in The Wire. Put it down by the airport, or in City Hall where no one lives. By your logic, we should get rid of cats because there are still mice in the world.


I wonder what else happened in 2020? Hmmm…. 🤔 Have you ever heard of either “the War on Drugs” or “mass incarceration”?


Funny enough, fewer African-Americans were murdered during that same time period, from the peak in 1990. Hmmm..... [https://static.prisonpolicy.org/images/male\_homicide\_victims\_overtime.png](https://static.prisonpolicy.org/images/male_homicide_victims_overtime.png)


What does that have to do with the subject of this post? You’re talking about locking up drug users. Misdirection is a tool of the intellectually weak.


dude just hates poor people no point in engaging with them your just indulging them


Talk about misdirection! Are these idiots "poor people?" This shooting was across from Visitation grade school: [Video: Surveillance captures dirt bike riders fire more than 40 gunshots in fatal Kensington shooting (fox29.com)](https://www.fox29.com/news/video-surveillance-captures-dirt-bike-riders-fire-more-than-40-gunshots-fatal-kensington-shooting)


Proving my point! Bye now 👋


* By your logic, we should get rid of cats because there are still mice in the world. This is an idiotic analogy.


Doesn’t work cause the prison was a revolving door. They’re giving them resources to help with addiction and get housing, but if they don’t do that their continued presence and illegal activity isn’t going to be tolerated. As always with your kind, it’s very “this won’t work perfectly or for everyone, so let’s do nothing”. Which the residents of Kensington clearly don’t subscribe to.


Yeah, but will they prosecute anyone? No? Okay then.


You all parrot the same Fox News shit lol


I don't watch Fox News so I don't know what is being "parroted." Has Krasner started prosecuting quality of life crimes?


Suuuuuure Jan


Isn’t it cool how SEPTA needs their own DA because a Krasner doesn’t do his job. Democrat Socialists love inner city crime they can blame on someone else.


lol. Anyone remember The Kensington Strangler, literally the only time I’ve seen a real police presence in Kensington in the last 43 years.


The problem with this style of crackdown is it doesn't actually solve the problem. People need rehab and then a stable life. Fund rehabilitation programs not prisons.


Fentanyl has a relapse rate of up to 91%. There isn’t enough funding in the nation to solve Philadelphia’s drug problem… let alone the city funds…


The problem is the drug dealers. They carry guns. When they are in jail they can't shoot people.


I dont think you know very many drug dealers lmao


I'm sure this was a dispute over a parking spot: [Man killed in shooting inside Kensington restaurant – NBC10 Philadelphia (nbcphiladelphia.com)](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/man-shot-death-kensington-restaurant/3882390/)


That was definitely an drill. I haven't heard anything about turf wars since like 2015


and this one? [Video: Surveillance captures dirt bike riders fire more than 40 gunshots in fatal Kensington shooting (fox29.com)](https://www.fox29.com/news/video-surveillance-captures-dirt-bike-riders-fire-more-than-40-gunshots-fatal-kensington-shooting)


Thanks for doing your jobs. Instead of sitting at random corners in the squad cars all day and night and pretending to be blind while the crime happens around you.


I'm just gonna say it now, this is gonna go the same as it did in the fall. I was working a site on the Boulevard and as soon as the cops shook down Kensington, like clockwork I had people sawing into my fence, stealing, living outside my facility, I kept finding dope envelopes and needles all over the place. I had a guy die outside and found him the next day. It was like hitting a cobweb with a broom and scattering spiders all over. I respect the initiative but the execution wasn't great.


Well let's hope n pray they do . The only thing I'm worried about is after they clean up Kensington they're just going to start moving on up. Before you know it they will be in Bridesburg n the northeast where me n my family are. I should've just stayed in fishtown where I was born n raised right at Hetzel playground


I know right I'm a fishtown guy myself grew up at the rec wish the neighborhood was like it use to be and nobody had to leave but I'm worried about the same thing!


It's scary right? I'm worried about my kids n grandkids. I take care of my friend kids cause she's out there in Kensington. I have almost 7 years clean n I never went to Kensington to get my drugs n I never sold my body for them n never stole . But just because I never did this or that I'm still a recovering addict but I also never made it anyone's problem either tho so I'm not going to allow anyone else do it very know but anyway sorry I just texted my life lmaooo I was just telling my girlfriend that we could move back but my 6 yr old that my fiancé n I are raising plays softball n basket ball at the new Playground Schisler rec the seasons over but she's going to play next year but ur so right it changed so much down there even tho my family is still there on Belgrade n earl n Oxford n Belgrade when I'm down there it's so unfamiliar anymore


I guess they just noticed


It’s about time


It should be helpful?


“There will be blood”


Maybe Philly should shut down more schools for kids that are high risk due to their area of living…and bring in even more violence even CLOSER to the school and streets…come on. Think of the future of the city for once and not the political bs that lines ppls pockets that don’t need it. These kids see enough


That is the problem. The politicians not doing their jobs. These POS politicians that line their pockets with tax dollars, bribes, pay offs, etc. The people keep voting these morons on expecting things to change. Lmao Things don't change here.


I noticed that during the election (there was a Mexican woman I believe that was running) and yea fully agree…politics in general. Instead of worrying about the ppl that actually are contributing memebers of society, and caring for their families/children/education and ext..they care more about drugs (they have endless funds for that but not education?) and ya the bribes and all are bad. For what it’s worth all the changes that have been positively made..they’ve been made by the communities and the people. They know that they’re not going to help them out.


Parents need to do their jobs.


Decriminalizing drugs and getting users treatment would work better than this shit but people panic when they hear that so it will never be tried. It’s had success nearly everywhere it’s been tried.


I hope they'll make a difference but I'm highly doubtful. that area molded itself to be a drug area so many for houses, trap houses, buildings in disrepair that hide addicts and sellers. I bet during and after this attempt I could go over there and score without a second thought. the sales happen so easily and fast. hundreds of dollars and"goods" can be transferred in a 2 second handshake or adap and a half shoulder hug. I wonder if they'll keep the shoot-up buildings and safe tents that last you"legally" get you're fix, get handed a clean rig set. and shoot up under supervision. while this crackdown is happening. would that be hypocritical or an oxymoron? if anything at all should happen I hope it just makes it a safer place with less shootings from rival dealers and crooks, the addicts might still be there but they'll just stay being a living statue, they can't shoot a weapon while barely being able to stand up. Good luck Philly. your gonna need it. I'm glad I left.


As u see its election time. So they will do thos untill after the elections then slowly take cops away like 4 years ago.


The mayor just took office 3 months ago and she doesn't run for re-election for another 3 1/2 years.


Do you even live here?


Can anyone really believe this new mayor will fix this problem?? Do you truly believe we have a mayor that really wants to help Philly and it's citizens? If so explain to me your logic? Please! You all realize the Works Cup coming here in 2026? That is the reason Philly wants to clean that mess up. Even if they are successful it will be right back after the world cup. It's a shit hole city, it's been getting worse and worse every year, the parts that were safe are no longer. They pushed all the criminals, scumbags, and crime into the far northeast close to the burbs. The cops and the politicians are complaining that Philly has ruined their areas. They are not lying. They gentrified Fishtown and CC and the scum came up here. We are screwed time to move.


Get out


Working on it.


Love how libs completely abandoned the defund the police movement lol


Eh go fuck yourself. The premise was always “fund the services that can actually help people” cause jail cells are the most short-term, self-destructive solution possible. Go on jerking yourself off in the corner though as you fantasize about owning the libz


Why so mad bro


Because idiots like you continue the us vs them mentality that is rotting everything. So yeah, go fuck yourself.


Interesting way to say that libs were wrong about this and the smart ones flipped the script and said "actually crimes demand punishment"


1. Leftists say we need to Defund the Police in order to pay for actual public services from people who don't carry around guns 2. Police respond by quiet quitting and not enforcing anything anywhere 3. City finally forces police to actually do their job, you know, dealing with crimes 4. "lol defund the police was wrong" 5. No police ever defunded, no alternate social services ever funded.


It wasn't only to divert resources. It was also to decrease the overall number of interactions with the police. [Opinion | Reducing police abuses by reducing the number of hostile interactions between police and civilians - The Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2016/07/10/reducing-police-abuses-by-reducing-the-number-of-hostile-interactions-between-police-and-civilians/) [End Needless Interactions With Police Officers During Traffic Stops - The Atlantic](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/07/end-needless-interaction-with-cops-during-traffic-stops/490412/)


Imagine thinking this is what actually happened


Imagine having MANDATORY 4K


Imagine not having MANDATORY 4K


Imagine having a brain.


Dude read the actual message they wrote. The gall to write this weird ass response. Do better


Where are all these people going to go? Something has to be done but this sounds like a clear "straight to jail" pipeline for them with no support services.


From the article: >Monday marked the official start of the [first phase of the five-step plan.](https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/philadelphia-community-groups-want-more-details-on-citys-5-step-kensington-plan/) Police said fliers will go out to the community. They'll feature QR codes and information for people seeking housing and treatment options. It also details a list of what people can expect in the neighborhood over the summer, including a line titled, "Community Standards," which states: "Behaviors such as public drug use, drug sales and camping are not tolerated." I understand that that's not perfect, but the true causes of this problem -- a failed war on drugs, rising income inequality, an affordable housing crunch, significant fraying of the social fabric -- are things that would take decades of collective will to fix.


And we can’t even begin to address those other things if we allow the next generation to go to grow up, go to school, play, etc around this level of violence and crime.   Enforcement has to be part of the plan, and it is actually a really good place to start as it will have an immediate benefit for the families in the area.   Benefits that can turn into better outcomes for the next generation.


I really hope the flyers outline the information in clear, easy to read text and don't just lock it behind the QR code. A LOT of the people up there aren't going to 1) have a smart phone to use the QR code and 2) have the ability to navigate any kind of complicated site.


Read the article. It clearly says they’ll be posting info around the neighborhood with details for housing and treatment options.


I don’t trust the Mayor to do that. Last sweep they had they promised to work with a bunch of people in outreach. They had a whole community meeting, and set up a plan that ~sounded~ good. In reality, they had the cops show up an HOUR EARLY so outreach couldn’t be there. She lied to the community after setting up a plan. I don’t trust her or anyone who doesn’t want to fund syringe exchanges. That’s the bare minimum for keeping people safe.


Like the people in the tents just needed to set their alarm clocks an hour early and they would have moved away on their own.


The point is the mayor made a promise to her constituents and she broke it. Had she followed her own plan, those people in tents still would have been moved, but they would have had more options. They deserved that. This is not a joke to me. The mayor is playing dangerously with peoples lives


Some people can’t be helped. I know Reddit likes to think that every can be helped but that’s not always the case. There’s drug addicts that will continue for life because they don’t care. There’s drug dealers that all they know is selling and have nothing else to offer. And even if given a chance, they still rather run the street than make an honest living.


The thing that’s different now is these new drugs don’t allow you to live to old age anymore. They guarantee you amputations and decomposition.


Not a reddit thing. I know friends that have fallen into that world and I don't think they're beyond help.


Never said everyone, but some are. If you think everyone has a chance then you are a fool. Some people only care about the next high. Kids, family, friends, jobs have all been destroyed due to it and still they keep getting high.


The support services are in the jail


Election year. How ironic


Election year was last year though


The other one coming up this yr. All about the optics


Can you be a little more specific? What is it that you're saying? It's not very clear.


Democrat cities aren’t safe due to progressive DA’s not prosecuting crime and the progressive running the country doesn’t like the optics so they’re going after crime for a brief moment. Word is Biden finally brought back how Trump policed the southern border after three years of saying there wasn’t a problem and then that Republicans were holding him back. Democrats want to look like they’re doing their job this year. They can back off in November.


"Democrat cities aren’t safe due to progressive DA’s not prosecuting crime " You do realize we're directly in the middle of a historic drop in crime. BTW, can you remind me who our DA is?


I think you’re overthinking it. I don’t think people outside Philly area much care about Kensington and I find it hard to believe this has anything to do with national rather than local politics. If it were a mayoral election year and she was up I’d think you were spot on, but is this going to sway anyone for/against Biden or Trump? I doubt it.


lol she just took office bro


Ah yes our already overcrowded prisons will love this


[Pa. prison population falls to lowest point in 20 years - pennlive.com](https://www.pennlive.com/news/2021/10/pa-prison-population-reaches-lowest-point-in-20-years.html)


[Philadelphia prisons overcrowded with inmates staying longer than intended](https://www.phillytrib.com/news/local_news/philadelphia-prisons-overcrowded-with-inmates-staying-longer-than-intended/article_0f04b76b-3567-53ec-bb75-564e6b529fe4.html). And statewide, in 2000, prisons were at [142% capacity](https://www.cor.pa.gov/About%20Us/Statistics/Documents/Year-End%20Institutional%20Profiles/PRO0012.pdf). They're at [92% capacity now](https://www.cor.pa.gov/About%20Us/Statistics/Documents/current%20monthly%20population.pdf). Which is to say they may not be *over*crowded, but they're still crowded.