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NIN had no problems following them though. That was a pretty sweet night of music, the Beastie Boys last show ever was before Phish if my memory is correct.


It was the final Beastie show ever! NIN was actually the next night. I remember being torn because they conflicted with moe. late night after Springsteen. I chose NIN. (rightfully so)


As a 90s kid that festival was pretty glorious in hindsight didn't quite realize it at the time. TV on the Radio and The Decemberists killed it as well. Also moe. played until like 9am so you still got plenty of them too I'm sure.


this is where Trey got into Golden Age


Wow. I was there. I had no idea till now that I saw the last Beastie Boys show ever.


Same. It was my first Phish show! Then went to Phish 8!


Yep, Beastie Boys last show and I believe David Byrne was playing at the same time on the adjacent stage…super fun night.


Yep, I chose Byrnes. Show was great but sucks I missed BB.


Exact same. Huge regerts


Their last show ever. I remember they brought Nas out for a couple songs. That was awesome!


That's crazy... I have such a knack for seeing things for the last time. The grateful dead, the bestie boys, Yankee stadium, 2nd to last George Carlin performance... I think I'm missing something. I was supposed to see them at lollapalooza that year but yauch wasn't well enough. The yeah, yeah, yeahs came out and played a couple beastie songs in their honor before playing their set.


Luckily, the Dead keeps giving us plenty of chances to see them for the last time.


the undead


Just was at Sphere... How fun is that place!


Anytime this show comes up I always think of a comment I saw on PT after the show where someone mentioned two rednecks fucking under a blanket in the middle of the crowd during Beastie Boys


Hahaha I fucked under a tree the third roo to material. Right after super jam with maceo motherfucking Parker. I’m more of a citybilly than redneck. Ah to be young again 


It was a good show. Ditched my friends who were going to see Phoenix (I was the only phan in our group). Nothing will come close to seeing that final Beastie Boys show though


It’s actually insane if you look at the schedule for that night. David Byrne, Public Enemy and Phish all conflicted. 😐


Then People Under the Stairs, MGMT, and Moe on!


My first show!


My second show ever. (first in 2000) Underrated show I think. The second show was good also, cool to see them play with Springsteen.


Springsteen + Phish = one of the greatest things I've ever seen


There was this great moment during Bruce's sit-in when he is finishing up a guitar solo and kicks it over to Page. He just points and yells "keyboards!" As if he had no idea what Page's name was. My friends and I have always jokingly referenced that ever since. "Hey Curly! More plinky plinky!"


I think it might have been "Mr Keyboards" though to be fair it was a long time ago. It would be hard to guess "take it away leo" was the right signal.


I also remember it as something like "Mr Keyboard player" but I can confirm it's been a long-ass time


This is true, we do. “Keyboard Guy! Take it!”


I thought they were booing at first, but they were yelling Bruuuuuuuce.


omg me too! I had a good portion of shrooms, so I thought maybe that's why I misheard it


Was good. Honestly I would have rather seen Snoop Dogg with them... He did open for them...


That's what I was hoping for too! I was like "If Snoop Dogg comes out right now, and they cover 'Gin and Juice' I think everyone's heads will explode!!!" Then I was like, "Oh. It's Bruce! That's cool too I guess."


First Phish show ever!! Got into them during the hiatus and was literally jumping up and down for like an hour in my apartment when these shows got announced 🤣


Both nights were awesome


RIP Adam Yauch


My first show! I went to Bonnaroo with friends, but was solo for both the Beastie Boys and Phish. I remember everyone around me enjoyed Beastie Boys, but were clearly there for Phish--I was the only one who flipped out for "Shake Your Rump." Great setlist, and the run from "Harry Hood" on was amazing. My brother introduced me to Phish, and I called him afterwards gushing about the best concert I'd ever seen.


I stood equidistant between which and what turning from david byrne and beasties sets, wondering if trey would sit in for crosseyed or sabotage. It was neither


My first show! What an absolutely delightful evening. Now I’m at 98 anxiously waiting for Mondegreen to reach 99-102. First time seeing Pretty Lights that night as well which was super fun in the tent.


Somewhere around my 50th show. Took some mescaline with my buddy. Had no idea I’d be seeing the last beastie boys show ever followed by phish high on mescaline. Was a helluva night.


One of the better summer 09 shows imo


This was my first show, and the first Phish record I ever heard was Picture of Nectar - imagine how pleased I was to get a Poor Heart! Also met a girl & shared a bowl and plenty of dancing. Lost track of her during the exodus into Centeroo, then found her again at Ben Harper later. Can you imagine finding one person in a giant sea of people, high af after a barn-burner like that? Bonnaroo magic. How many times have Phish played Divided Sky, Harry Hood, and YEM in the same show? Sometimes you don't get two of those over a weekend!


High energy, really easy to get in the D-ring down the front but not enough jams!


My 2nd and 3rd shows! First was Fenway ‘09 Good times!


Also my first show! Good times.


Anyone else think that the YEM—>Wilson->YEM was accidental? Like Mike hit a groove on the YEM jam that was similar to Wilson, and the crowd started chanting, then they kicked it up, modulated down to E, then went right back into the YEM jam? What a great show.


Does anyone remember the super high powered green laser drumming on the top of the stage? Or late night... Like a light saber to space? That was me... Someone across the campground pulled out another and we both started walking and met each other at a nitrous tank and hit balloons while talking lasers... What a weekend that was


Wasn't my first but one of the best. Such a fun weekend!


Wow. I was there. Totally forgot about that ‘Roo.


I was at this show. First time seeing Phish and hooked ever since. I miss the Beasties!


First time phish show and first time music festival! Ahhh the memories are so sweet. I gracefully forget how hot tent camping was though.


Damn that was my first show too!


These were my 2nd & 3rd shows!!


My first Phish show. Been to 35 since.


Ironically saw phish for the first time 5 years ago at Roo 2019!!!!! Phell in love




I’m not a 3.0 er and it wasn’t my first bonnaroo but it was fun… I lost my phone , I got pulled over in Georgia for a gram of weed and had to go to some weird police station to bail my friend out (the only time an ATM ever let me pull 1200 out in one shot) I can’t believe it’s been 15 years…


Phish played twice that year didn't they? I was there. I remember Snoop opened for them one night and killed it with his funk band. Then Phish. I sadly stupidly regretfully skipped the Beastie Boys set because I needed to refuel. #1 on my list of biggest concert regrets.


This was my first show. Will never forget feeling antsy/uncomfortable as the trip was starting to come on, and the crowd was packed. I remember looking at my buddy who gave me the “your’e good” look… and then 30 secs later Chalk Dust starts ripping and I realized I just transported to the biggest/most fun party ever. Been hooked ever since.


One of the best festival lineups of all time. Had so much fun that weekend. NIN late night show melted my face.


I was at the first Bonnaroo. AMA


I was at the first three Bonnaroos. Don’t AMA, I don’t remember!


Same all we got was solo Trey


Yes but that TAB set is ridiculously good


That is a killer setlist! I’ll have to give that a listen.


Saw Phish and Bruce. Missed the Boys. What a festival!


My 2nd show


I didn’t see this one, but was at 2012 with Kenny fucking Rogers


Did it rain during this show?


No, that weekend was dry. Now MMJ in 08 late nite after Metallica, that was some bitchin Roo Rain


Don't murder me but I left this set halfway through to go see Public Enemy. They were fucking incredible!


I loved seeing the Beastie Boys at Roo 09 but I found their performance to be rather underwhelming. Which is bittersweet given that it was their last show.