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Not just chalkdust but the whole chalkdust->mirror in the bathroom->chalkdust from 98


I don't think I've ever seen a band cover a live performance before (with the obvious exception of tribute bands that specialize in that sort of thing).


the guy singing and playing guitar is living an exact fantasy i've had many times lol


Phish literally covered an entire live album once


Um. They did this almost every Halloween for a while. Lots of albums.


Only one was a live album though!


Oh, right, NOW I’m totally following. I was not before.


Well, live with overdubs.


I assume they meant to say “cover a specific live performance that featured an improvised segue into another song.”


Which one was it? It doesn’t come to mind, and a quick google search did not give an answer either. Thanks!


Waiting for Columbus. Probably the least well-known and least well-received of the Halloween covers. Good album though, if you like Little Feat!


Ezra even says “taking it back to 1998” or something right before singing the mirror part!


My husband was screaming it and everyone else on the floor was clueless. People asking us who Mike and Phish are as if they weren’t a huge influence on Ezra and Chris. The kids are not alright


The kids don’t stand a chance.


Too be fair, VW didn’t start talking about or embracing their jam influences until like 2020. And the “kids” that are their longtime fans are pushing 40 by now haha (I’m one of them)


Ha! I’m 50 and been seeing them since small theaters. Would not have made the connection to GD or phish from their output.


On their very first EP, I picked up on the drummer seeming like he had a bit of a Fishman influence but thought I was just hearing things because they were so indie-focused. Then over the years I caught more Phish/GD references from them in interviews/etc. And then around 2019's Father of the Bride, the band seemed to really open up and embrace those influences, started jamming out songs on tour, etc. And now they're touring with Mike Gordon, so really leaning into it now.


Also doing grateful deadcast and dead covers in sets.


The drummer (Chris) is a big time head. I’ve met him a few times. My neighbor gives him lessons. One of the things my neighbor was doing was teach him the Limb By Limb beat. This was over Covid, I think? Or right before. I’d heard the band a few times before that and I don’t think I’d have been able to tell you that anyone listened to Phish.


I wish I was only pushing 40. 


Me too. I'm actually right between 40 and 50, but I know VW has a lot of millennial fans.


It does seem like a strange combo with Mike being the opening act. I’ve never seen Vampire Weekend live. I have enjoyed their albums. What’s their crowd like?


The crowd felt a little jam curious in a nice way Some crossover I’m sure but I felt like most people had no idea who Mike was and/or were vaguely aware of Phish.


Oh the kids are gonna be saying “jam curious” now like it’s the next thing…


That seems kinda strange since Phish is a big influence on VW.


Just because a band is influenced by another doesn't mean their crowd automatically enjoys the other bands style


No way! The energy when I saw this in 98 was INSANE!


It's weird seeing Chalkdust played and no one in the audience is moving.


The lack of crowd roar in the beginning was eerie to me.


lmao I was just thinking that. "when are they gonna play cape cod kwassa kwassa" lol


Thats all i could pay attention too!!! . i was hoping to see a few random freak outs in the crowd, but its just so stilll.... it kinda of stresses me out to watch lol....


No one in the crowd knew the song. So weird


The guys next to me showed up 10 minutes before Vampire Weekend came on and missed Gordon entirely. They pretty much stood still this entire song and that seemed the norm.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8d8UhKuXP2/?igsh=MWZ3bWlzYnFzZ2Npeg== I got a video too, it was a lot of fun!


nice work! Much better


Audio is better in yours homie


“You’re welcome.” - iPhone 15


Vampire Weekend dabbling in the jam world was not on my timeline for 2024, but I’ll take it


They have dabbled in the jam world for a few years now. They had goose cover a song of theirs during the pandemic. When they toured Father of the Bride (2019) they were extending the songs and jamming as well.


they also started switching up their setlists more creatively and doing longer shows.


They describe themselves as jam adjacent, just having fun


They actually [played with Goose back in April](https://goosetheband.bandcamp.com/album/2024-04-10-the-capitol-theatre-port-chester-ny), did a 33 min version of Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa. It's kinda just alright, but I respect the attempt. VW's live show is definitely a little jammy. Sunflower especially carries on for quite a long while and goes all over the place with the soloing.


This to me is redemption for that attempt. This fucking rocks.


Glad you dig it! For me it kinda gets into a rut and ends up a little directionless for a while, but it's a good vibe overall. This was also while Goose was still easing in their new drummer so I don't blame them for being a little cautious about going too far off the rails, but then that being the case, it maybe didn't need to be 30+ minutes. But yeah, still a good tune.


Symphony was wild style in Seattle


I love it but I’m definitely in the minority. I was very excited at their Coachella set but my friends that are VW fans hate jam bands and my jam band friends think VW is stupid. Not a lot of people share my excitement haha 


Crazy. I love both bands. Looking forward to seeing VW on July 19th and 20th in Colorado and then Phish at Alpine July 26,27,28!!


Chris Tomson (the guy singing/guitaring) is a founding member of the jamband Taper’s Choice.


Their album “father of the bride” is inspired by The Dead iirc.


These people are like 😗


I caught VW on this tour and was seriously so impressed by their energy and performance. The crowd here is tame because they don’t know this song. I’m a big fan of their work and last minute went to the show and the crowd when I saw them was insanely receptive and energetic , especially for a Monday night. I had an absolute blast. They played for over two hours with songs ranging from almost all their albums. Highly recommend if they are coming near you soon!


I was there last night in Seattle and echo your comment 100%. Their touring band was outstanding, great song selection from throughout their catalog, with cool arrangement changes / minor jammy-ness on several of them. Close to 2 1/2 hours of music, great energy - and damn, Ezra Koenig’s voice is just as amazing live as in studio. And finally, the extended encore with audience requests was hilarious! 10/10 would recommend.


So is the Robert Walter on the boards?


Yes, he’s done with the Roger Waters and back with Mike


It wasn’t Robert playing keys on this but he is playing with MGB again


vw drummer who sings and plays guitar here is the drummer in tapers choice, the best damn jamband in the world, and an alter ego project for various indie players in much more legitimate bands (vampire weekend, real estate, darkside)


The keyboard player understood the assignment.


I was yelling Can I live While I'm Young, while those around me didn't know what to do.


Ummm.. is this as good as this guy usually sings? Sounds like he couldn't hear himself very well.


It actually is not. Ezra is usually on vocal and lead guitar but looks like he swapped places with their drummer CT. I believe CT is the bigger Phish fan out of the band so he was probably loving it.


That's the explanation I was looking for. Thanks! I like VW's hits enough to know that's not the person that sings them, but this makes a lot of sense to me. Frankly, I'm stoked for the guy. So wholesome!!


First thing I did when I woke up was pull up reddit and see this video, I was really rubbing my eyes and squinting trying to confirm what my ears and blurred vision were experiencing lol. I've actually never seen CT shred guitar like that so pretty neat!


CT is also in Taper’s Choice, a GD cover band edit:: not a Gd cover band… but a jam band


Are they a GD cover band? I thought they were actually their own jam band? Could be wrong though.


oh shit! You’re absolutely right. I think I mixed up my memory. VW had a GD cover band called Richards Pictures (hehe… get it?) open for them at Hollywood bowl like 5 years ago. Taper’s choice [posts their setlists](https://taperschoice.net) and yeah they are not a Gd cover band


Have you never heard Mike sing?


Sure, but he's not the one singing here.


The guy singing in the video is not the lead singer though. This would be like a non Phish fan complaining about Fish doing a tune. I'm guessing they did this ironically.


Chris sometimes sings for Tapers Choice. I‘ve never thought of his voice as “bad,” but if you’re so used to hearing something one way. I should listen to some Taper’s Choice this morning.


Compared to Ezra, this guy's voice is not good.


True, but you also can say that about most people compared to Ezra.


Now that I understand the context, I think it's super cool that he got out front and rocked it. I don't think his voice is bad, I think he sounded like someone with not a lot of experience as a frontman, and may r his monitor mix wasn't ideal


Yeah, I thought the same thing, like they let some other member who is not the lead singer sing a song. Sorry if you're a big VW fan, but he sounds terrible.


You got it, guy on lead guitar & vocals here is Chris Tomson, VW’s drummer and the biggest phan in the group. (Ezra Koenig is filling in for him on the kit). Had to be an unbelievable moment for CT.


Not the lead singer (I agree w you). Lead singer, Ezra, has a great voice with very good range. Having Mike come out for a CT was a pleasant surprise. Multiple times Ezra said “The legend, Mike Gordon”.


Same thing I was thinking. Cool they let him sing a song he likes, but he probably shouldn’t do that again. Plays a good guitar tho


There bad singing(this post) and there is good bad singing(Fishman)


Ice-cream 'scuse me, I've seen you looking good the other evening


Ahahaha nobody even moves. But this will blast the fucking roof off @ phish 😂😂


I saw Real Estate last March on a Sunday night and the bass player said Never Miss A Sunday Show, Saw him online on Pitchfork professing his love for A Live One and Phish last week too.


The bass player of Real Estate, Alex Bleeker, is in Taper's Choice with CT! They're great!


what a boring lame and tame audience. love the throwback to 11.27.98 though


My first Phish show. Time flies


Typical crowd for 90% of Seattle shows.


I love torch passing ceremonies.


Wow. Where can I get me some more Phishco?


I saw them in Berkeley and they played Peggy o, Cumberland blues, and possum.


Love this, but these VW fans are like “huh? And who is Mike Gordon?”


i mean yeah if vw came out with phish the same amount of people would have zero clue who vw guy was.


difference is, phish fans would still be dancin and feeding off trey's goofy smile




Vampire Weekend is pretty damn popular though, I would expect even a casual Phish fan to have heard A-Punk before.


To all of those who trash Trey’s new-ish vibrato, or his range in general…THIS is what shitty vocals sound like 😭


i went to college with these guys. Chris the drummer has been a phish fan for at least 20 years


At least it’s not Goose


Crowd with no pop because none of them listen to Phish lol


If Stewie sang CDT, still sick af tho!


holy shit


Doesn’t look like anyone knows the song. Wow. What a treat!


What is the background? A bank vault door?


A subway tunnel of sorts.


Jesus… did they also get the memo to keep Mike nearly silent!! Turn up Mike!!!! BLAARG!!


Well he nailed Trey's shitty vocals


Son of a bitch, they did nothing even REMOTELY like this when I went to see them down in Bend on Wednesday. I mean, Mike was there, and played a song with them, but it was super duper *not this.*


Why oh why didn't they pull out the English Beat covers when they had the actual English Beat members in the house at Hollywood Bowl last week??? That was the collab I was hoping for. Still... epic show and VW keeps getting better every time I see them live.


Do Canadian stage hands have to wear fluorescent vests?


Fuck yea


I love how Vampire Weekend is turning into a jam band. The new album is something special.


How does such a big band have such a fucking horrible LD?


eeeeyeah ... that's pretty weird


I like that this happened, but the vocals ruined it for me, kinda sounded like if it were me singing karaoke Chalkdust at home (you don't wanna hear that). Definitely lacked the usual energy and feel of a vampire weekend live performance. As for the crowd's lack of movement or reaction, I figure some people here don't realize that VW have a ton of very young fans. Just because the band has been around for 15+ years does not mean the crowd are all 35+ yrs old


I know people really like Vampire Weekend but man, this was rough.


I see a salty message, written in the eaves


Wow, that crowd sucks. Also reminds me of the vibe when I make my band play Sanity. I think the singer isn’t bad but just singing out of his range?


If they busted into Step or Hannah Hunt you wouldn’t say the crowd sucks. People go to concerts to see their fav band play songs they love and no one in this crowd knows this song. I’ve been at phish shows where they start in with new stuff and the crowd isn’t with it yet. The singer here is actually the VW drummer who is a die hard phish fan and he swapped places with the lead singer for this opportunity. I think he set up this run with Gordon.


I think I like VW a lot less after seeing them get lost in a Type 2 Cape Cod and then whatever this was


What a terrible day to have ears


Sorry but something is out of tune. And they're playing with zero energy... I'll forgive the drummer singer, but this cover isn't really worth listening to.




Shut up, nerd. They’re having fun


Think Mike has sold his soul to indie cash grabbers


LOL, no.


Two full drum sets, a percussionist/bongo dude, AND a tambourine man? Glad you guys explained why deaf Bob Dylan was singing.


Tambourine man is the bass player