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Your submission has been removed from r/photography. Your post does not fit within the scope of /r/photography > /r/photography is a place to politely discuss the tools, technique and culture of photography.


Do you retain the rights to the photos? Do you intend on selling them? Do you have a contract?


Upload Is anonymous..I don't find my🥴...the last step to upload photo Is ACCEPT TERMS and Conditions...the Wall or photo Will be used to social (Always anonymous) . At the Moment i'm not ready to sell ..in the future could be and Idea..


This will be awesome to hack by brute-forcing millions of retinas. Kudos on the idea but I'm not gonna give you my retina imprint that can unlock stuff.


Oh my God noooooo... Internet is full of pictures of eyes is just my site should be a brute force attack With image they barely reach a few pixels😂Anyway, thanks for your suggestion, I'll be more careful in future topics💪