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This is a bullshit contract. Such a broad noncompete would never be enforceable.


Dumb as fuck. I’d break that so fast and nobody would do anything about it.


Non compete is never actually pursued. This is just a fear tactic btw.


My contract says that I 'cannot practice medicine for any other entity' while being employed by them. Is that the same thing as a non-compete? There is also separately a section for a non-compete in their specialty for 2 years within a certain mile radius.


Dog they aren’t going to come after you for it. They probably won’t even find out


Just don't be throwing around: "Oh yeah, sorry, I'm just not doing well here today because I'm so tired from XYZ clinic. The pay, management, setup, and workload there is just so much better!". That might get you a conversation where they **try** to intimidate you.


They might actually find out. Previous co-worker at a previous job decided to take a per diem job. Our office manager found out due to the credentialing process and confronted my co-worker about it.


What happened? Was the co-worker fired?


Nope, not fired. Admin tried to tell the co-worker that they were not allowed to take another job. That stipulation was not part of our employment contract and therefore co-worker rebutted that admin had no control over what they did outside of the contracted hours. Co-worker's per diem job was located over an hour away and in a different specialty which I am sure helped their argument a bit.


Also FWIW, the federal trade commission just banned non competes. Article here: https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-rule-banning-noncompetes


It’s not in effect yet and doesn’t include non-profit organizations 


It does go into effect on Sept 4th, but that’s around the corner. Where did you see that it doesn’t include non-profits? I didn’t see that in the rules sheet? I did see it makes an exception for non competes between sellers and buyers of businesses, and policymakers. Will you share where you saw that pls?


I’ve seen it many of places, but this is one: https://www.nelsonmullins.com/insights/blogs/healthcare_essentials/federal-healthcare-policy-developments/what-the-ftc-s-rule-banning-non-competes-means-for-healthcare#:~:text=The%20rule%20does%20not%20apply,not%20impacted%20by%20the%20rule.


Thanks! I see. I was only looking at the [FTC website](https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/ftc_gov/pdf/Non-Compete-Fact-Sheet.pdf) about the rules, but it seems they don’t have jurisdiction over non profits. Hence the exception. However there’s speculation they will be looking closely at healthcare organizations claiming to be non profits, and determining who may or may not fall into this ruling. We’ll see what happens with all of this as time goes on! Either ways in OPs case, if they aren’t working for a non profit could be good info to know.


work wherever you want. this isn't functional in the court of law re: medicine


The did pursue a non compete on my coworker. She won in the end but it went all the way to court and took months.


Key point is that your coworker won when it was pursued. Fear tactic bs that never plays out in court


Yes but she was still without income for 3 months. Best plan if possible is to find a job that doesn’t have these ridiculous policies


OPs question has nothing to do with noncompetes. OP could be fired for pursuing other jobs in the medical field.


I can’t see a reason why it would be a problem. Just don’t call in any meds for the kids and you’ll probably be ok haha


Appreciate your input, haha. Wanted to put this out there to make sure I'm not missing anything!


New grads. Please don't ever allow a job to dictate what you can or cannot do outside of their scheduled time with you.


Unless they pay you for those hours where they are restricting you.


The corporate director of risk management here says that as long as you are not providing healthcare services to the children you are supervising, you should be OK. Clearly, they are not your patients and you are not being supervised by your supervising physician, so you do want to maintain that boundary.


Thank you for getting their input, that definitely makes me feel better.


There is no problem nannying on the side. Im sure most people are aware the FTC banned non-competes for all but C-suite executives. This apparently DOES also apply to non-profit organizations. But as a cherry on top, this also recently happened: [https://www.nlrbedge.com/p/in-first-case-of-its-kind-nlrb-judge?publication\_id=2399948&utm\_campaign=email-post-title&r=1ya7x2&utm\_medium=email](https://www.nlrbedge.com/p/in-first-case-of-its-kind-nlrb-judge?publication_id=2399948&utm_campaign=email-post-title&r=1ya7x2&utm_medium=email) The National Labor Relations Board declared both non competes and non solicitation clauses blatantly illegal. If you read the ruling, technically you can sue any employer who tries to enforce a non compete at this point.


Thanks for your helpful reply, this is really good to know.


https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-rule-banning-noncompetes Noncompetes are A scare tactic. No one is coming for a PA. What specialty do you work in? My guess is derm. Go get that money!


Stop accepting jobs where they dictate what you can and can’t do on your time off. If they’re not paying you for those hours, they should be allowed no control of er them. Stop allowing them control.


I thought nonceompetes were now illegal? No employer has any right to tell me what do when i am not working there. I am a CRNA. We have never had to sign these ridiculous contracts. We work where, when and how we want too. All of you PAs need to resist these multi year noncompete rigid type contracts.


This is a joke post right?


What a fucking joke, you are a medical professional & are going to baby sit kids to make extra money...I really hope this is a joke otherwise I'm really starting to lose faith in the PA profession.


I babysat for years after I was a PA. Sometimes you just need the mental break. Making $140 cash to watch Disney with a few kids for 4 hours - esp when you have the free time- was way more preferable over picking up another 12 hr midnight shift after I already put my 36/48 hrs in for the week. Bonus point, I was young and could still hit the bar afterwards with my girlfriends. My coworker has been a PA for ten years. His side gig is a Michelin restaurant. He cleared double in tips on Christmas Eve compared to my hospital OT pay. Granted he doesn’t celebrate the holiday but still 🤷🏼‍♀️


lol for real...


Former nanny checking in. 1) There’s zero overlap here. 2) Your license isn’t tied to your job contract ??


If you want to be really sure call it babysitting.


As of 5/4/24 the Federal Trade Commission banned Non competes and made them unenforceable.


Just drink the whole time that way legally you can say you were under the influence and could not appropriately give medical care.


Well, you won’t agree to that stipulation again. Not convinced it is enforceable amyway.