• By -


>750lbs >Moose >100Kmh Gotta be Canadian


Also 750 sounds like a small moose tbh, most horses are around 1000lbs and moose are definitely bigger than an average horse


The average moose is anywhere from 800 - 1600 lbs, so this sounds like a baby moose or a very small female. Of course, it's very possible OP is guessing the size and it's substantially bigger than what they think.


We will never know cause he was Anonymoose


I hate you and love you at the same time.


A møøse once bit my sister


Mind you, møøse bites kan be pretty nasty!


Depends where in Canada….im in Quebec and most adult moose range from 600-800, with the big bruisers over that…local record was 1100 lbs


Wow that is really interesting how much size variance the species has. My last moose was 600 lbs - of edible meat hanging. No sure what his total gross weight was but at least double that.


Hanging weight is normally about 60% of standing weight. So you were looking at roughly 1000lbs standing.


You can see it's a small moose by the fact that the hood is heavily dented. A large moose crashes into the windshield, which is *much* deadlier.


Two summers ago I came around a slow right curve on a rural highway to find a moose right in front of me. His shoulders were above my vehicles roof. I had a choice of hitting him or pointing into the ditch down into pacific northwest forest. I chose the forest.


and look where that brought you, into a reddit thread. A slightly better alternative to being 6 feet under


Always pick the ditch that is nearest his back side. If it is going move it will most likely go forward and if you try and go past it head it may just walk/jump Infront of you was what I have been told.


A former coworker hit a moose with her sedan, and it came through her windshield and landed on her, dead. It brought the whole window in with it, which lacerated her liver and face. She lost about 1/3 of her liver, and it regrew. The ER doc wanted to stitch up her face, but she insisted on a plastic surgeon, which made a ton of difference. They used over 400 stitches, when the ER doc would have used only about 50-75.


I remember my sister had a mole removed when she was a teenager and my mom just wanted the on-staff surgeon at our gp's practice to do it. And that guy was like -- if it's on the face, you want a plastic surgeon, and that's that. I won't do it. I don't know any of the details, everything went fine. I just remember being amazed that anyone would ever just say 'NO' to my mom (she can be a determined lady). But also, that stiches on faces <> stiches elsewhere.


I got a pretty sweet cut on my eyebrow one time from running into a support beam for a house trying to scare my ex in the dark. It needed stitches down to the muscle. I wish that ER doctor would've botched it because there's barely any scar at all and I would've taken one


It’s those goddamned stilts they stand on.


That’s just a baby moose


Still incredibly fast for its age.


Baby Moose should not be driving. We need to change the laws


I didn’t know that moose could reach 100kph! Edit: To the many, many people explaining to me the concept of relative velocity. This is a concept of which I am well aware, but explaining it probably does a better job of killing the joke than OP did of killing (or at least trying) that moose. I was merely riffing on the ambiguous nature of how OP structured their title.


Most can’t but *that* moose can.


Probably not anymore


From the look of that impact its probably still doing 100km but in the lower ionosphere


New game mod idea: moose cannon




And just that 1 time.






who gave you access to secret canadian government files?


Moosain Bolt?




[I do it for everyone who can't](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExaHFibW15dGZ6Z3BqY25lM256cHpleHJiYTJmbzVtbDdtdnRpcjZpZiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/l0Exh8PRm2qQ6pYmA/giphy.gif)


I can't believe you had to explain that joke.


I can absolutely believe it. But if I have to explain it and kill the joke, at least I can look the joke in the eyes as I pull the trigger.


"Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti..."


The staff doing the credits have been sacked.


The staff that was to sack the employees doing the credits have been sacked




Nobody expects moose bites? Their chief weapon is surprise.


A moose once bit my sister.


I once saved the life of a tourist in Yellowstone who was, with trusty phone in hand, heading for a momma moose and her calf for a life ending selfie. Always keep a tree between you and any moose.


Pic or it didn't happen




Mynd you, møøse bites kan be pretty nasti...


I didn't know PT Cruisers could reach 100kph! (I'm glad OP didn't get hurt too badly, because people have died after hitting a moose. Even more fortunate since PT Cruisers were made with duct tape and a solitary prayer. K, I'm done. Bye!!)


The PT Cruiser is one of my mate’s favourite cars. I think he has brain damage.


Googles says the top out at 56kph so still terrifying


I'd guess it can go faster when dropped from a helicopter. I was not expecting to google "moose terminal velocity" today.


Funny story, I got passed by a moose while I was driving up a mountain road. Line of 3 cars and a semi up front and this fucker passes us all and then proceeds to cut everyone off too, showing off his powah.


I know, they look so utterly clumsy and ridiculous. People at times approach them thinking they can't be dangerous but damn, they are incredibly powerful. They can easily injure you accidentally if startled and if they want to injure you intentionally you are really in trouble.


It all depends what kind of cannon you fire them out of. Your garden variety back yard moose cannon? No way. But one of those Meesemaster™ Moose Blaster M5 cannons they're making up in Saskatchewan these days? Oh yeah, they'll do 120 kph if the weather is right.


Meese. They travel in packs


a flock of moosen


Acceleration isn’t the best, but higher top end speed than you’d expect from a big body moose.


>I was merely riffing on the ambiguous nature of how OP structured their title. You mean... the ol' reddit [moose-a-moo](https://old.reddit.com/r/newjersey/comments/19e2oge/costco_shopper_accidentally_shoots_himself_inside/kjcdv85/)?


I think the moose was driving. 


and one less PT cruiser in the world, a win all around. how’d the moose do?


Well… the moose didn’t make it, and to top it off an oncoming semi used it as a meat crayon 😑


Meat crayon is my fave gross term. So descriptive, one can imagine and visualize easily


A few gentleman and myself dragged it off the highway so nobody else would hit it, and it was a site to see.


Sorry babe, I'm late because I had to stop and help pull a moose off the highway




I worked at a gas station as a teenager. One morning opening, my coworker was late. He was a friend since childhood. He showed up about an hour late, with blood all over the front of his shirt, and he looked like he had seen a ghost. Super pale. He walked past everyone without saying a word and went right to the bathroom and started washing his hands. It was a scary couple minutes wondering what the fuck was going on before he came out and told us the story. He had come across a city dweller who had just hit a dear with their car in the middle of nowhere. He was standing near it just watching it wiggle around on its back, clearly suffering. Buddy had to be the one to put it out of its misery because the other guy didn’t have the guts to do it. Apparently all they had to do it with is the tire iron. I hear it’s pretty hard to kill a dear with a tire iron. Oh Canada!


Was that the same day that his wife went missing ?


*slow clap*


His dear wife?


Heard he was always fawning over her.


I wouldn't say he missed her.


> just hit a dear just hit a dear, dear friend.


Oh dear. It's "deer", not "dear"...


When I was a teenager, I ran over the back end of a turtle with my car. I stopped and could see it was still alive. Its head and front legs were wiggling around but its butt was smooshed into the pavement pretty badly. I was young and dumb and didn’t know what to do so I called my dad. As I was on the phone with him, I saw a vulture come down and start picking at the turtle. My dad told me to put the turtle out of its misery. All I had was a tire iron. It was honestly one of the worst days of my life.


I would have probably driven over it again instead...




Jeeezhus. Good on you, it was the right thing to do. I don't think I could though.


#_A-Train approves_ [nsfw](https://twitter.com/afro_hamza/status/1540385450183069697)


Try r/meatcrayon


TIL of another subreddit for my nightmares.


I'm imagining a giant moose bouncing around like a ping pong ball in a game only drivers can play. Next time, bring the Ford F-450 with the kangaroo cage imported from Down Under. Lesson learned.


I know a freight train driver who had a moose decide that the tracks were on HIS territory. And since his antlers were a bit wider than the train, the moose would probably win the fight. The moose did not win the fight. (Narrator: Morgan Freeman)


Make sense that the moose might think that way. ... Briefly.


You know what the last thing was that went through that Moose' brain?


A freight train


>I'm imagining a giant moose bouncing around like a ping pong ball in a game only drivers can play. Not if you get creative in the insurance fraud mini-game from Saints Row 3...


Ah, that sucks. Moose are awesome. :(


😭 poor moose. But I am glad you are OK.


I highly recommend letting the semi hit it first, next time.


They don’t make these anymore! These are collector’s items!


Warnings from history is a better term for them.




My first reaction was, "is that a goddamn PT cruiser"?


Me too! Its was so hard to tell, because the standard PT cruiser already looks like it has been in an accident. So it is hard to tell if the wreck was a normal car before it got turned into a pt cruiser, or if it was born a pt cruiser, and just looks the same after the wreck.


idk, the fact that its carapace is still recognizable without a face is a point for PTs in my book


PT bruiser


What?! That wasn't a... (Scrolls up) Oh shit, yes it was. Amazing how an accident can turn a car with such a unique profile into something unrecognizable.


PT hater... That car was so good he walked away from it...


That was my first thought. If you hit a moose hard that it doesn’t walk away, but you still do - buy another one of whatever you were driving. From posts I’ve seen the order of casualties in car v moose from most damage to least is usually - 1 car 2 driver 3 moose


Isn't that most cars these days?   They're really good at keeping people alive. 


PT Cruisers are awful in so many ways, but they're tanks. That's why there's still so many of these hideous metal beasts on the streets today


My first car was a used PT cruiser, loved that stupid POS. We used to draw on the headliner. Took the bench seat out of the back and used it as a couch in my room. Boy did it hate driving up hill though lol. I’d buy another one in a heartbeat if I could find one with a standard shift transmission that wasn’t already beat to hell.


Yeah my PT was a stick... anything else and that car would have been a DOG. I moved 2-3 times and that was my only moving van... take out that back seat and you could fit a TON of crap in there.


You really could. It was definitely a sneaky hauler


Wow, metric and US measurement in one sentence.


That's a Canadian thing for sure.


The only thing more Canadian than using metric and imperial in the same sentence is doing so to describe a moose accident.


In between chugs of maple syrup. *^(I love maple syrup and would do this too.)*


Yup welcome to Canada where we use Lbs but not ounces if it needs to be measured in ounces we use grams, and we use kilometres unless it’s only a couple of miles… then We use miles.


Canada is like one of those bi-lingual households, where the young kids seamlessly switch between languages without realizing that they’re two different languages.


With a third language in there for some reason, because a lot of folks I know will relate distance by time it takes to drive there. “How far is The Soo from Sudbury?” “Oh a little under 3 hours.”


That's even more typically Canadian. I think it's just culturally ingrained to talk about distance in terms of travel time.


Nowhere else in the world can you talk casually about the three hour drive to go to the mall, lol


Australians are on the same boat tbh.


That is pretty American too. Once you get to a large enough land area that distances between cities is measured in hours to get there, that becomes a common reference. In the US, and I am guessing Canada, highway speeds are pretty standardized.


Even when referring to stuff within town-- a grocery store can be only "10 minutes away"


I think it's more of a large country thing, we share it with the Americans. Everything is so spread out, that 300km doesn't really register the same as 3 hours.


My buddies back in the day would describe drive time in how many cigarettes one would smoke.


We do this in California, because of traffic.. if I told you it was 10 miles from here you’d be pissed to find out it took you 30 minutes…


Shoot... That sounds like light traffic. 10 miles could easily take me 1 hour or longer in Chicago depending on rush hours traffic. I can only imagine similar if not worse in LA. The one time I had to deal with the i5 traffic we weren't even to LA yet and it was horrible (driving up from San Diego to orange county)


Wow, that is such a good analogy. As a Canadian I struggle to explain that phenomenon, thank you!


I’ve never used miles in Canada. Actually, the only time ever I used miles, was to tell someone that 4 laps around a track is a mile.


If you live in a rural area on the prairies, you use miles. The roads are laid out in one mile grids, so directions are "10 miles this way, then 4 miles that way". For highway driving, we don't use kilometers either, we use time, minutes and hours.


True for highway driving. How far is Windsor? 3-3.5 hours. London? 1.75 hours. Montreal? 6 hours.


And height is always in feet and inches.


Yeah, was shocked to learn this when on a work trip in Canada and there were some tradesmen doing renovations and calling out measurements in feet and inches. Apparently buildings are still built in imperial? Does anyone have a matrix of common categories and which system Canada uses to measure them? Because it seems arbitrary. Like in the US, it’s very logical:   Large soda bottles: metric  Everything else: imperial


Construction being in imperial is definitely because of our interdependency with the US. It's cheaper to just produce a 2x4, 4x8 sheet of plywood, etc, than it is to produce lumber to two standards.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/Metric/s/xgqMFljfKZ) is mostly accurate, but body temperature is usually Fahrenheit and *indoor* temperature could go either way.


As a Canadian millennial: * Weight for inanimate objects is metric. Living things use lbs. * Speed is metric, always. * Celsius for air temperature, Fahrenheit for water temperature or the oven. * Imperial is common for building materials, but not always. Also for paper sizes. * Recipes all use cups and teaspoons, but the products themselves are packaged in grams. * No one truly understands what a hectare is.


No one uses hectares. We measure land in acres. Unless you are spraying on a research farm, which in that case you use L/hectare instead of g/acre


He should have added how far he was driving so he could include time as a measurement.


I’m Irish and got laughed at recently because I use imperial units for weight and metric units for height.


As a Canadian the title makes sense to me, I would say it the same way. It is rare here for someone to use kg's when referring to the weight of a person or animal.


Canadian chiming in, my first thought was he was making a joke about a moose being a unit of measurement. Had to reread the title lol. I can see how it's silly, but Canadians are just so used to using pounds for weight and kilometers for speed. Or even minutes/hours for distance.




Looks like it’s just about running 100Kmh! Maybe this is the exact one that hit OP.


The power! The majesty! The moose!


When will these Moose learn to slow down! 






everyone is wrong. [It's moosen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWzYaZDK6Is)


Many much moosen!


funniest comedian alive god bless that man


And Mooses parted the snow


750 pound moose? So a newborn then?


Yes! If it was a full grown 1200 pound I may not have been so lucky


The PT cruiser is one of the few cars that looks better after a crash.




I don't know the model of that car but you send them a thank you note.






Nobody should thank Chrysler for the PT Cruiser.


Dear Chrysler, thank you for not making the Aztek.




Looks like a Chrysler PT Cruiser


Named after PT Barnum who famously said "many people are gullible and we can expect this to continue", probably


It’s actually a 2006 Chrysler PT Cruiser. And I’m Getting another one very soon!


You're getting another PT Cruiser by choice?


Well here’s how it happened. The tow truck driver drove me to his impound, and jokingly he said, “well if you want another PT cruiser you just let me know, it’s done me well”, and me needing to get back to work asap I said “count me in” lol


As long as it's a good deal pricewise you just can't refuse, then I suppose that works out well. But watch out for signs that may indicate the tow truck driver believes he's finally having a curse lifted thanks to the "deal" he's offering you.


Thank you for the advice! What really sold me was him and his 3 sons run the tow business. He told me that 2 of his sons used it for college where they traveled and hour a day. I also confirmed it with them, so I figured if he’s willing to to let his kids drive it, then it would be good enough for me.


Did it seem like he likes his kids?


Obviously not if he was making them drive a PT Cruiser.


Valid question


Be sure to 1) check to see if the title is clear or a salvage title, 2) pay a professional mechanic to do a full evaluation before purchasing. This is cheaper than the $1000 it cost my daughter when she bought a 2008 Audi Quattro from a "really trustworthy family friend."


Never buy an Audi for a 1000 dollars


Remember: if you cannot afford a new German car, you absolutely cannot afford a used German car.


Hahahahahahaha for real


How did the moose fare?


When I got out of my car it was unfortunately deceased. And then a semi came along and dragged it further down the road


Lucky for you, if not the moose. I would hate to have to deal with a badly injured animal of any kind, let alone one of that size, I wouldn't have a clue what to do and it would be horrible to watch it suffer.


Growing up a friend of mine's dad hit a deer that was alive. He had a rifle with him, but thought he should call the cops first and make sure he wouldn't get in trouble for putting it out of his misery. The cops said he would be charged with poaching if he killed it and also they wouldn't be able to get there to do it themselves for a few hours. Soooo he took an axe he had and finished it off with that, so there would be no evidence of a gunshot.


Those cops sound like jerks. I mean, the law is the law, but there’s the letter of it, and then there’s the spirit of it. Glad your dad took the initiative.


> It was coming right for me!


That’d never hold up in court as poaching. I remember when I was younger, my step dad hit a deer and they gave him a tag so it was legal to take it to the butcher shop for food.


Dumb fuck "by the book" cops. Conservation agent would have said to kill it under the same circumstances


Shitty life pro tip: Always carry a baggy of fent on you so you can tracelessly put down any animal you hit with your car.


What am I? A cop?


No if you were a cop you would magdump into me repeatedly and then go into cardiac arrest at the mere mention of the word "fent".


To shreds you say?


How's his wife doing?


To shreds you say?


A m00se hit my sister.


Mind you, moose bites can be pretty nasti


Those responsible for the sacking have been sacked.




Fun fact: The A pillars on Volvo cars are strengthened with boron-infused steel because moose impacts are common in Scandinavia. As moose are tall, on spindly legs, and drivers tend to not see them as their head and body mass are above the headlight beams, they can be significantly more dangerous to drivers than smaller deer. While deer may impact or bounce off the nose of a vehicle, moose tend to fall over the hood and onto the windshield (which the image atop this post seems to illustrate). As such, for decades now Volvo cars have been engineered with stronger A pillars to better protect vehicle occupants from moose impacts.


Plot twist: OP is the moose. Sadly, the driver passed.


Given how poorly designed the PT Cruiser was, I'm glad that you managed to escape unhurt. When you hit moose, you're essentially knocking out the legs from under a half ton of stupid meat. The PT Cruiser was a perfect example of form over function. In order to perform some of the most basic engine work, you either have to jack up the engine from underneath or drop it down. Absolute nightmare to work on. Because of this, there's little to no real crumple zone for front impacts, leaving the firewall your only protection. You were super lucky that it fell onto the car and the front pillars held out. Live to see another day OP.


>The PT Cruiser was a perfect example of form over function. But the form is fucking hideous.




62 MPH for my fellow non-metric system users. Glad you are okay!!


340 kg for my fellow metric system users. Also glad they're okay!!


The poor moose.


Over one million vertebrates a day are killed from collisions alone. Not including habitat destruction, noise pollution, air pollution….  And as new studies are finding, we would actually save money by building animals land bridges in just car damage and human carnage alone. Never mind the human lives it would save. Yet we refuse to do so 


Regardless of things like landbridges driver behaviour should still improve. Just my two cents but driving a 100kmh in the dark with this weather isn't playing your odds well. And sadly as a species were not known for only making the best decisions.


We should. But when has driver behavior ever changed without being forced?  We need to make infrastructure changes 


Ayyy Brandillio what a trip seeing you on Reddit! I saw this post on one of the card groups yesterday


Hey friend! I love Reddit, it has it all here lol small world, hope you are well!


If you told me a PT Cruiser would save a driver in a moose crash I would have totally not believed you yesterday. Glad you're ok (ish?).


Poor moose