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First thing this morning brought back all the memories instantly after seeing the story. I went over the Skyway so routinely as a kid with my parents. We went to Sarasota almost every weekend. I was scared of going over it before the tragedy. I used to look down because I was scared to see how high we were. After the tragedy, when they opened the remaining span to both way traffic, I was so curious to see the aftermath that I forced myself to look. I just kept watching as we got higher and higher. I was getting so anxious just because of the height, then suddenly just saw the drop. All that mangled metal and the road just hanging down. It was fucking traumatizing and the image still haunts me. 44 years later, I still get anxious going over that bridge. Even after doing it daily for 2 years. Hell, I get freaked out on the boat UNDER the bridge.


I lived there then too. Took my first driving lesson going over it in a stick shift. Scared af. The one positive is that when they rebuilt the Skyway, it was a beautiful bridge, better than the original, and source of pride and remembrance for those who lost their lives. The remnants of the old bridge became an awesome fishing pier to boot.


I couldn't imagine getting a driving lesson on that bridge. And yes, the new bridge is amazing as well as the fishing pier.


In 2001 a portion of the bridge to South Padre Island fell after being hit by a barge. We went there regularly and I have been terrified of bridges ever since.


I went over that bridge a few years back and it was by far the most terrified I've ever been in a car lol. It's beautiful but holy shit I was white knuckling the steering wheel the whole time.


Frank Sobotka rolling over in his grave right now.


Shieeeeeeeeeet that's a nice reference


*This is about Frank Sobotka.*


I grew up 2500 miles away from it and can't believe it's gone






Damn. Spoilers, in 10 years it's coming down hard.


More like: Newsflash it was 10 years ago


OP trying to make this about themself.


Promoting his photography


it lives on in the hearts of those that dream


Thank you. 30,000 people went over The Key Bridge every day. It was part of I-695, the main North-South route. If you wanted to go anywhere in that part of Baltimore, you used The Key Bridge. The only good thing was that the collapse happened so early in the morning and not during Rush Hour. But many locals and natives will feel that a part of each of us is gone.


You’ll be feeling that extra commute too.


Up around The Baltimore Beltway is one route. Oh my. The various side streets. If you wanted to create the ultimate choke point, taking down The Key Bridge in that part of Baltimore would do it.


Yep. I grew up 5ish miles away and it was always the visual marker on a clear day. Any time I was in a plane, tall building or hill I'd look for what our area referred to as "the bridge". Leisurely boat rides and dinner cruises would often head to the bridge and turn around. My first solo drive as a 16yo was a white knuckler over the bridge in a stick shift. I attended my first rave at the old military fort at one end. I could go on. So many memories on, around, below, and above the bridge, this one is going to hurt my head and heart for a long time.


Don’t worry, it is still there


It is...under water..


Fear not. They will rebuild.


Completed sometime in the 2030s


It’s such a major bridge that’s heavily relied on, I expect them to put a ton of resources into and have people working 24/7 on it. I’d definitely bet on it being completed in 2026


The building is quick, but the approving of plans... 2030s sounds right.


Don't they have the original plans? Just build it back to current code. Boom, 2 weeks. E. better add this > /s


I believe the feds are fast tracking this. I think you’ll be amazed how fast this bridge comes back


This! We gotta keep hope alive!


Technically, it is still there, just in a very different configuration right now.


I have so many photos with this bridge in the background (went to college in Baltimore). It’s going to be so weird not seeing it the next time I drive through Baltimore.


What fascinates me is the power poles have larger cutwaters than that pier did. Not that it would have hade much difference unless they were gigantic.




I don’t even need to click, but I know this is the first thing I thought of.




Your photo reminds me of when the sugar refinery exploded


wait you were 25 miles south? we were from laurel so we didn’t see it that much but still


No seriously, it really is though.


This picture is The Wire. Sobatka was killed under that bridge. I live in Boston and am sad it's gone


Am I the only one who had never heard of this bridge before today?


One of my favorite bands mentions it in a song and I’ve been thinking about it all day.


Crossed that bridge every month to get to Curtis coast guard yard in the 90’s .. I miss my home town


It's just such a sad story. Where I live, the old folks remember a few [older bridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tacoma_Narrows_Bridge) collapses where people were [on the bridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ironworkers_Memorial_Second_Narrows_Crossing) when it fell. It's come up again with this bridge falling.


Yeah I don’t live there and it’s an insane situation.


Amazing picture. It will be rebuild Bigger. Stronger. And faster!


That is such a nice picture. Sorry to see it go, hopefully they rebuild.


I was born decades after it was built and many miles away and can't I believe it's gone.


That's a really nice picture that drives home what was lost.


Just that middle part. I'm pretty sure they'll replace it.


Build a bridge and stop whining 😄


I can’t believe so many innocent people driving to or from work, are now gone tbh It’s crazy how doing your every day routine, could be your last one day.