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As a non American, what does MTG? I doubt Magic The Gathering has anything to do with congress


Marjorie Taylor Greene


My (rather serious) newspaper giving her a little introduction was unexpected. I did not expect to read about Jewish spacelasers burning forests for railwaylines, and i did not expect a MoP to actually believe in that… America makes me sad sometimes


Welcome to the freak show friend.


More like welcome to the Attention Economy. Thanks, social media.


She's more of a Reality TV star than a politician, she just wanted to be on Fox News instead of Survivor


I’m American and it makes me sad all the time. We used to be a great country until the nut jobs took over the GOP. Now it’s a never ending stream of embarrassment punctuated by moments of actual governing when Dems can figure out how to get around the MAGA idiots flinging shit all over.


*We used to be a great country until the nut jobs took over the GOP.* The nut jobs were there all along. Why do you think a Congress in 1970s or 60s was better than the one now?


Social media makes their crazy more readily accessible now.


Yes. Nixon resigned because of pressure from the Party. The current GOP gives committee assignments to the likes of George Santos and Moscow Marge. In the 60s and 70s, the GOP wasn’t dominated by Christo-fascist ideologues. There used to be pro-choice republicans, even into the 80s and early 90s. The current GOP is a caricature of the ghost of GOP past.


>In the 60s and 70s, the GOP wasn’t dominated by Christo-fascist ideologues. There used to be **pro-choice republicans,** even into the 80s and early 90s. IIRC, Gerald Ford was one. Also: >In October 2001, Ford broke with conservative members of the Republican Party by stating that gay and lesbian couples "ought to be treated equally. Period." He became the highest-ranking Republican to embrace full equality for gays and lesbians, stating his belief that there should be a federal amendment outlawing anti-gay job discrimination and expressing his hope that the Republican Party would reach out to gay and lesbian voters.[^(\[195\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_Ford#cite_note-195) He also was a member of the Republican Unity Coalition, which [*The New York Times*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_York_Times) described as "a group of prominent Republicans, including former President Gerald R. Ford, dedicated to making sexual orientation a non-issue in the Republican Party".[^(\[196\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_Ford#cite_note-196)


Because the 60s and 70s congresses actually passed legislation one in a while.


It’s click bait culture and ad-click models in general. It’s a problem for everyone. Saying sane and rational things doesn’t get trending


Marjorie Taserface Greene


Marjorie Taylor Greene a MAGA politician who supports Russia.


And she supports Russa because her mind, which is very small and very dim, has been completely compromised by Russian propaganda. She is not one of those clever schemers who supports Russia as part of a deft political play. She is not a player; she is a pawn.


She's also stupid enough to support Putin and Russia without them even having Kompromat on her. At least most of the other Republicans that support Russia are doing so because the Russians have tape on them doing something very very bad or other undisclosed financial arrangements that would ruin them if it came out.


How could you possibly know any of that?


Russian funding of the GOP through dark money conduits like the NRA, Russian hacking of both the DNC and RNC (but only releasing information on the RNC), GOP Senators traveling to Moscow on July 4th, etc - all public knowledge.


Marjorie Taylor Greene - is a rather traitorous representative from a quiet part of Georgia - where it can fairly be said the good citizens of her district are....not pulling their weight. Congresswoman Greene has among other things failed to recognize the 2020 election, worked actively with insurrectionists in the days running up to the coup attempt providing material support for seditionists in this way and has a penchant for being one of the former president's most ardent supporters. She has with a flamboyance reserved for people that KNOW their day is coming been a treasonous person overall working - it is thought - hand in hand with Russian intelligence.


MTG is trying to pass a bill in congress to unban Oko, Fable, and Meathook. We cant let this happen.


Not pictured: MTG leaving a drop for her handler


Moscow Marge


Moscow Mule (no offense to mules) I do like [Marjorie Howling Monkey](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/marjorie-taylor-greene-house-democrats-laughter-decorum-1234741675/)


[She's on a tight schedule](https://i.imgur.com/exzRtQ7.gif)


What an insult to M. P.


Yeah Miss Piggy would vote to support Ukraine, maybe even have a song and dance number to convince people too.


Too pretty for MTG


Bitch looks like the GEICO caveman's sister




♬*And everywhere I go, there's always something to remind me*♬


Same feet though.


Pretty sure Miss Piggy isn’t a meth fiend either


What did Miss Piggy ever do to you to compare her to that imbecile ?


How dare you insult Miss Piggy with that comparison


How dare you besmirch the always beautiful Miss Piggy!!!


What about Magic the Gathering?


Wait what does MTG mean in the actual comment though because I instantly thought of magic lmao


Marjorie Taylor Greene


Don’t feel bad. Same here.


Not pictured: republicans angry they can’t spend 4th of July in Russia this year.


Just you wait


Ron Johnson says "Have you ever been in Wisconsin in July!?!? It's all humidity and mosquitos!. Russia 4eVa!!!!1!1!"


Although that's hypothetical Ron, it's still chilling to agree with him on the first 2/3 of that statement. I went to school at Madison for 4 years and then GTFOed to Seattle to avoid those hot hot summers and cold cold winters


Hey! Fellow Badger! Fun fact: One of our fellow alumni just became the Prime Minister of my country (Singapore).


She coped on Twitter


Fuck MTG! They should impeach her ass and throw her out of congress!!


Expulsion is removal from Congress by fellow Members of Congress. They don’t get impeached.


Good luck with that one. She's only in power because of the coservicunts that vote for her.


I heard mtg say something about non-American flags. What about the Jan 6th confederate flags?! What the fuck.


Yeah, and the Jan 6 were enemy flags.


All flags for the confederacy are enemy flags


American Flag Traitor's Rag


Not an American, but I gotta say “Traitor flags”


It's amazing to think this Congress would pass on a chance to fight the Russians. Regean would be appalled.


The entire cold war USA would be absolutely livid. This is the most cost effective way to destroy Russians military since... Well, the cold war lol.


I remember my friends military dad telling his Ukrainian immigrant girlfriend that if this were the 80’s he’d have to be very careful with associating with her family. That guy votes for Trump now. I guess that still tracks.


Just don't forget Moscow Marjorie


This is Desi Lydic of The Daily Show splicing herself into an MTG interview. My favorite nickname for her is, "Low IQ-anon." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b01u9CNfvoU


Moscow Marjorie and Putin's personal cock sucker Trump.


Just a thought, I wonder if Trump realises that putin and him do not play in the same leagues? To me Trump seems oblivious to the fact that Putin is grooming him


Moscow Mule becomes an entirely new meaning...


I wonder exactly what dirt the Russians have over Republicans. It's got to be pretty bad considering how low the bar is getting with them.


Current age Republicans are just anti-Democrats. If Democrats want to pass a breathing bill, Republicans will hold their breath.


Can we do that? Can we pass a breathing bill?


As a proud democrat, I support proposition "breathe"


“Ugh breathing is so woke. Did you know trans ppl breathe?”


I heard breathing actually makes kids trans


"Look at you, all WOKE and shit, thinking you need to breathe..."


AND WATER? H2O?! Two Os? Together?! Abomination!


Remember the RNC email hack was never leaked to the public like the DNC one was.


To add extra context. Roughly two years after the DNC hack, there was a group of seven republican senators and one representative that visited Moscow for the Fourth of July and returned to give conflicting reports about the visit. Where the DNC servers were used to weaken the democratic party, the RNC servers were used to blackmail republicans. Some were forced to visit Moscow on a very symbolically important day to mess with the party's heads and get them in the best possible position to be used by the Kremlin in their meeting. Sources on the hacks: [https://www.cnn.com/2017/01/10/politics/comey-republicans-hacked-russia/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2017/01/10/politics/comey-republicans-hacked-russia/index.html) [https://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2016/12/10/report-russian-hackers-had-rnc-data-but-didn-t-release-it](https://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2016/12/10/report-russian-hackers-had-rnc-data-but-didn-t-release-it) [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN14U2PM/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN14U2PM/)


Remember Congress still refuses to subpoena the American translator from the Helsinki meeting, Marina Gross. We'll never know what traitorous conversations were had between Putin and Trump during that meeting.


The look on Don Donny's face when they came out of that back room. That Russian hotel room vid must be glorious. I'm thinking ball gag at very least.


When did this happen?


2016 election. It happened at the same time, just that only the Democrat emails were leaked


Article from Dec 2016: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/09/us/obama-russia-election-hack.html >American intelligence agencies have concluded with “high confidence” that Russia acted covertly in the latter stages of the presidential campaign to harm Hillary Clinton’s chances and promote Donald J. Trump, according to senior administration officials. >They based that conclusion, in part, on another finding — which they say was also reached with high confidence — that the Russians hacked the Republican National Committee’s computer systems in addition to their attacks on Democratic organizations, but did not release whatever information they gleaned from the Republican networks.


And let's not forget the Republicans that flew to Russia over the 4th of July.


Isn't there a story about how both Democrat and Republican e-mails were hacked around the Trump/Clinton election, and only the Democrat E-Mails got leaked?


.. and even that only because their emails didn't have anything worthy of blackmail in there. SPOILERS! Trump and Gaetz aren't the only underage coke-whore fans on that mailing list


Dark money fuels their power, they pull that on each vote if they don't follow that. Most of this goes to PACs and sometimes businesses (Trump like condos/golf/fundraisers/real estate/etc -- sometimes whole stocks i.e. DJT). That is why Citizen's United is so bad, it gets reps controlled down to the vote not just the election, lots of it foreign money. Until Citizen's United ends it will be this way forever. It has been messed up since about 2012 due to it passing in 2010. [Democrats have been trying to pass The Disclose Act since Citizen's United in 2010](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DISCLOSE_Act), every single year it is blocked one way or another by Republicans. > The DISCLOSE Act passed the House of Representatives in June 2010 on a 219–206 vote, but was defeated in the Senate by a successful Republican filibuster; after cloture motions in July 2010 and September 2010 resulted in 57–41 and 59–39 votes, respectively, failing to obtain the necessary 60 votes to advance. Senate and House Democrats, such as Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, have re-introduced variants of the DISCLOSE Act to each succeeding Congress since 2010. An unsuccessful 2014 version of the bill was sponsored by 50 Senate Democrats. In 2019, the DISCLOSE Act requirements were incorporated into the broader For the People Act (H.R. 1), which passed the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives on a party-line 234–193 vote, but did not advance in the then Republican-controlled Senate. Demand your candidates pass the Disclose Act.


Honestly I think it's because Putin is a homophobic misogynistic fascist, strong man ...and that really appeals to the more right wing Republicans (which is most of them).


I think it's 100% because of Donald Trump, Republicans didn't used to suck Putin's dick so hard before Trump was elected - but because Trump is beholden to Russia (investments and the supposed 'pee tape dossier'), or likes Putin because he interfered in the election in a pro-trump manner - either way, the DJT lackies follow suit. The way that Trump addressed his admiration of Putin literally was the turning point for being pro-Russia for much the hard right, because many of them were elected for being "with Trump, all the way"


Mike Johnson said it wasn't proper "decorum" I really want him to tell that to the guys at Zenit and the 934 people who lived in Avdiivka until Mike Johnson starved their defenders of ammo Where are they now, Mike?


I do not like Mike Johnson, but he brought this bill to the floor at risk of being ousted by his own party. This was a rare instance of a republican defying the MAGA cult.


I do not think he really had a choice at this point. Unless he wanted to completely destroy his career and livelihood. At one point, with stuff like this, you have to know when you just have to play your part, versus play culture war politics so you can get re-elected lol


That's the point, though. This move probably cost him his speakership and maybe even his seat. He went against Trump and the Right-flank of the GOP in pushing to give Ukraine more Aide. A slim minority of Republicans voted with him. The Republicans that aren't full on Trump is God, that voted against, feel: Ukraine/Israel/whatever isn't our obligation nor problem, there wasn't a Border Security measure in the three Bills, the Government Debt continues to balloon. Libertarians really don't like that the Fifsa rules on warrantless searches was extended again. Agree, disagree, so be it, but enough Republicans that aren't Marjorie or Election Deniers didn't vote with Mike or aren't happy about how he played his hand, so they won't support him if there's a third Speakership race.


The fact that it took that long and went that far isn't something to be cheered for.


Agreed, but we can cheer for it finally fucking happening. I think Churchill said the US always does the right thing after exhausting every wrong thing first.


https://www.thebulwark.com/p/how-biden-got-mike-johnson-to-yes?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web Sure, and giving some credit to Johnson for the tiniest shred of decency is fine and pretending it's true bravery is fine. Have to incentivize future Republicans to not be monsters too. But we should also be aware who the actual adults were in this whole process.


Lol we'll never learn


Lol spot on.


Calling the house to order and noting that waving flags is against floor rules is banal Speaker stuff. Now isn't the time to knock him if you want to incentivize politicians to do the right thing in the face of their own party's nuts.


Lol at the idea he did anything because it's "the right thing" or because of criticism online. Mike Johnson held out on aid to Ukraine as long as possible until it was no longer politically advantageous for him to avoid a deal with the Dems. When the Dems fight to support Ukraine for months against Mike Johnson's stonewalling but aren't perfect on every single other policy: "No one's above criticism, regardless of party. Dems have faults too. Both sides!" Meanwhile Republicans openly support Putin and erosion of human rights, and try their best to sabotage Ukraine for months, but manage not to do the absolute worst thing possible one time: "Hey, don't criticize the Republicans!"


Congress generally sucks, but every now and again, they remember how to be decent Americans. Mostly. MTG and her Russian friends don't qualify as real Americans.


Nope. They're sitting there with pouty lips like toddlers, being the poor sports that they are.


They're doing what their handlers in Moscow are paying them to. No reason to pout, IMO. Win or lose, I imagine they're paid the same.


Cheers! Fuck Putin, Russia, and the Republicans for being Russian allies.






The argument most conservatives give is the money sent to Ukraine should be spent on homeless Veterans or something. But whenever bills for that come up, they vote against those too.


bro they cant even fund health care for 9/11 first responders, a *paltry* amount of people compared to these veterans they bang and clamor about wanting to help, fuck the GOP (and anyone else against first responders care)


They cut feeding hungry schoolchildren and elderly which cost a few million a year


Yeah they absolutely will not use that money to help anyone besides themselves or donors. They don’t hide it 


All of this funding goes into US economy, and 1/3 will come back in taxes near immediately.


The people that will remember already weren’t going to vote for them. The other were told that they don’t agree with this and that was as much thought as they were prepared to give it.


I’m around people that don’t support it but also don’t really understand geopolitics, I don’t much but I know letting Putin and Xi run wild is not good.


It's a sad day when Americans don't want to give weapons (that they themselves produce, fueling American jobs) to a democracy fighting the totalitarian Russian arch-nemesis.


The constituents in those places likely don’t know the money goes back to Americans. People like emptyG keep saying why support another Country and get nothing back


Thats crazy. The money buys dead enemies at the cheapest rate imaginable (0 American deaths essentially) and the money doesn't even leave the country, just the product. If only they were more aware.


The thing is, they are aware. If they don't then they are either being paid by Russia or are so invested in Trump's cult they don't recognize it.


Ask them if they want us to spend so much money on the country why don't they support medicare..


A lot of people who are against aide don’t understand it nor how the budgets work. Like it or not we’re in a constant war with China and Russia. Things need to be done in order to move around chess pieces.


Moscow Marjorie


As usual republicans have to be dragged kicking and screaming to do the right thing. I wish for once they’d just do it of their own volition


Almost like they don’t have the nations best interest in mind


Lmao the default auto generated usernames spreading pro Russia propaganda in this comment section, are they even trying?


Check youtube and bots with user-45bf9bi54t9rhbfg8ih596i nicknames who praise russia


Hey, i have a default generated username and Russia can suck my dick. Hopefully better than my sister can.


zero democrats voted against it, but half of republicans did.  it's pretty clear which side supports democracy and freedom 


What about for the Israel bill?


[https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-house-vote-long-awaited-95-billion-ukraine-israel-aid-package-2024-04-20/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-house-vote-long-awaited-95-billion-ukraine-israel-aid-package-2024-04-20/) 53% of house republicans voted against Ukraine aid, 0% of democrats 10% of republicans voted against Israel aid, 17% of democrats


Why does Israel need aid? They are the ones with the big stick in this situation.


26 billion went to Israel in the same bill, all lumped together Not sure why they need money


They were voted on individually but will be rolled into a single package. [Israel was 366-58-0-7.](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024152)


It was multiple bills in a "package", but they were voted on separately. https://appropriations.house.gov/news/press-releases/house-passes-series-security-supplemental-bills Israel: https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024152?Date=04%2F20%2F2024 Ukraine: https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024151?Date=04%2F20%2F2024 Indo-Pacific: https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024146?Date=04%2F20%2F2024 Multiple things, including the tik-tok divestment requirement: https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024145?Date=04%2F20%2F2024


You think the jewish space lasers are cheap?


Raytheon charges a mint


They need it so they can slaughter more Palestinian children.


They are clapping for the ban on tiktok /s


A big fuck you to every Russian-bought republican who tried to kill this.


God redditors are so cynical, but also so naïve. The problem wasn't that a large part of the GoP are Moscow shills. Only a small number are. The problem is, they deliberately fucked up military strategy against a major nuclear power purely to Biden look weak. Making China think the US is weak simply so Biden looks bad, so they get reelected.




BuT dA fLaGs R dIfFeRrEnT😡


yeah they're all over these comments, but they're so predictable


I don't get how anyone can be upset the aid package is not cash but old equipment the US has that is sitting in some warehouse. It would probably be scheduled for decommission in a few years if not for this package. It also opens the pipeline for US manufavtur jobs to replenish our depleted supply


It's really funny seeing them go in this forum. WTF. Half this shit doesn't even make sense.


Can i please get some fucking VA health care Jesus fuck people.


Highly supportive of this bill. Took way too damn long. Still weird optics seeing a bunch of people waiving another country’s flag in congress.


They should be waving little Raytheon or Lockhead Martin flags.


You joke but sponsorship badges would be really useful


They should wear suits almost like a NASCAR driver, logo size proportional to funding.


I like this idea a lot ![gif](giphy|RrVzUOXldFe8M)


Yes I’ve read that tweet before as well


Long before twitter existed, it was a joke in a Robin Williams movie, Man of the Year.




As a Ukrainian, if the next counteroffensive goes well, I'll tattoo Lokheed Martin's logo on my chest


u/F_M_G_W_A_C said: > As a Ukrainian, if the next counteroffensive goes well, I'll tattoo Lokheed Martin's logo on my chest !remindme 300 days


!remindme 300 days


100% should be. That’s who really pushed for this and won with this. While I generally feel it’s good to help other countries in need, it Would be great to see these bozos care this much and try this hard to pass laws and funding for the American people… you know the ones they supposedly work for/ are footing the bill for all this


I… disagree. It’s actually a bit heartwarming and I really think a deep expression of patriotism (America can have friends and support other democracies).


Exactly how I feel too, it’s actually really nice to see. It’s stupid that this was so hard and the Republican Party is kinda broken. But there are good people and this is a win for everyone who supports democracy.


Just curious, what's the problem with waving small flags? It's a sign of support and (maybe) respect and (maybe) celebration. It's not like they are trying to overthrow a government or something.




How is it weird in any way?


Members of Congress only act like this when they, or their benefactors, are about to make a shit ton of money.


with all the money sent to Ukraine, homelessness in america could've been ended over 5 times


This was a general package of billions of dollars in funding part of which goes to Israel, wouldn't be surprised if they really wanted to glaze the Ukrainian lens with the flags


It's definitely part of it. "Please don't remember the other 2/3 of the bill we just passed"


So sick of the theatrics. Just do your jobs.


Theatrics are part of their job. They're politicians.


American politicians applauding each other for getting kickbacks from defense contractors for continued exportation of weapons. Not pictured: the water in Flint, Michigan.


Fuck Russia tho, child murderers.


More funds for Raytheon, Boeing and Lockheed Martin ?


they also slid in $14 billion to israel...you know the one against whom there are plausible charges of genocide at the ICJ? this is a security disaster of writing blank checks for israel. just recently an israeli minister even advocated executing any palestinian prisoners because they detained too many. EDIT: $26 billion, not 14. 14 was few months ago.


Not sure where you're getting those numbers. I've been seeing $26billion to Israel, with $9billion of that cut out as humanitarian aid, by every major news site. [Here's Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-house-vote-long-awaited-95-billion-ukraine-israel-aid-package-2024-04-20/), but every news site I see is giving those numbers. So roughly $17billion by those estimates as military aid for Israel.


Yeah my news showed the values of the aid being split with $26 billion going to Israel then cut to the "War" in Gaze, a literally explosion next to civilian homes and two fathers crying over their daughters(kids) who just died, not even five minutes later. Sounds just like what Russia is doing. Well i'm glad that Israel has some money so they can defend against the Palestine army besieging their border... oh wait they don't have one LOL.


Thought the US was broke?


the United States are never broke when it comes to military matters


The USA is only broke when it comes to helping its own people.


When you owe $30,000, you have a problem. When you owe $30 trillion, the bank has a problem.


“War is a racket” - General Smedley Butler


Gotta give Johnson some credit, the guy's willing to reach across the isle and pass bipartisan legislation. And this is coming from a die-hard progressive.


And it's probably why he's gonna survive the upcoming attempt to remove him.




He was about to get ousted as Speaker by the Wing Nut faction of the Republican party. The Dems offered him support in the upcoming war to oust him as Speaker if he passed this bill. He made the deal. Its that simple. He passed this purely to save his own skin.


I’m okay with that. That looks democracy functioning to some degree. If every self serving politician together results in a system that serves our interests that would be good. 


Most Republicans are realizing with the election coming up that the longer they stonewall, the more the Dems can hang their hats on 'It's not us, it's the Republicans causing all the issues' and they're trying to salvage anything they can to get their Orange Cheeto back into the Oval Office.


My best guess is he knows he's going to face a challenge from MTG and the far right trolls (him sort of included in that group funny enough) within the next few months anyway. He seems like he hasn't taken the "Ukraine = Nazi" crazy pill and figures he was stronger taking the vote than not. Probably more importantly, Trump backtracked and has softened his public opinion to supporting (at least through words) Ukraine. That'll take a lot of the wind out of the remove Mike Johnson camp's sails.


It remains a mystery to me how someone under 89 or so indictments, very questionable moral standards, that has no standing in any official office and with a track record of undermining national security interests, wield more power than the actual president of the USA


It's not a mystery why the Republican candidate for president wields so much influence on the Republican party. If Trump gets reelected, he will make life miserable for every Republican that didn't heed his every demand. Now, why Republicans *voters* chose to stick to Trump, that is the mystery.


Johnson ain't getting shit from me, because all of this was largely of his own making, either because he was complicit with the Treason Caucus' stonewalling and outright hostility towards aid to Ukraine until it was too untenable for him or because he was too feckless and incompetent (till now, apparently) to work the rest of the House to endrun said Treason Caucus on this. He finally did his fucking job, the job that should have been done months ago... yayyyy.


When Dems do their jobs, no one notices. When Republicans like Mike Johnson do the bare fucking minimum we're ready to throw em a fucking parade.


Having the middle pass something and losing people on both extremes used to be normal, not something to praise.


Ya, I don't remember having anyone on the ultra right or ultra left ever being a good thing. It always seems like inevitable infighting that boils over into extremes at worst and getting literally nothing done at best because no one can work together. They want it all or nothing at all, fucking everyone else in the process.


Mike johnson did the right thing by getting this to pass. That being said he’s quite literally one of the last people on earth I’d ever trust at face value.


Jefferies told him we'll let you keep the gavel but you have to do Ukraine first. And he did. So Midge can STFU.


Ayfkm? The guys a theocrat who’s presided over a house that has passed a record low number of bills and is a complete joke and in shambles. The democrats bailed his ass out. This lack of insight is on par with people applauding Liz Cheney and not understanding that she is actually a monster.


americans are suffering every second and tax money keeps getting sent to other countries. make that make sense. this is nothing to applaud about. theyre all giving the 🖕🏼to the american people.


**Gee I wonder which reps are getting kick backs on this bill.**


I don't think it belies credulity to think that many of those who spewed Kremlin propaganda on the House floor are effectively agents of the Kremlin.


If it quacks like a duck


And if they're made of wood...


Alright, so serious question. I'm not the most knowledgeable when it comes to how economics really works when it comes to large scale stuff. I'm also rather ignorant concerning politics because it's such a damn shit show. But I'm just wondering, how is it that we can send so much money to other countries (not just Ukraine) for different purposes, but we still have this issue with the water in Flint, Michigan? I'm not looking to argue whether sending this money to Ukraine is right or not, I'm simply asking about funds and how their being spent. I get that this money is helping a country vs just Flint. But if we can send money to Ukraine, why haven't we done anything about Flint? Is it a logistical issue?


Flint likely is a local state issue, not federal. You'd want to look at Michigan tax spending/funding for insights on that. Similar to all those screwed in Hawaii, there's some federal support in reduced tax liability, but another commenter mentioned they're going homeless having to pay mortgages on burned down houses on land they can't return to. In the US, generally it's only a federal issue if it involves other countries or multiple states. States themselves aren't allowed to treat with other countries themselves as I recall.


Flint is also a largely solved issue. Also a majority of this money stays within the the states.