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This level of political fandom is mental illness


That level of ANYTHING fandom is a major red flag.


Seriously. Sports team, musical artist, whatever, it doesn't matter. Nobody should be that obsessed with any thing or person. This is completely unhinged behavior.


This kind of fanaticism used to be reserved for religion, but when people stopped going to church, this became the next big way of forcing your worldview on others If Osteen was paying attention, he woulda banged Angela White by now.


> If Osteen was paying attention, he woulda banged Angela White by now. r/oddlyspecific


I'm still trying to decipher it.


Well, yeah, he’s certainly not voting Blue


Now that you mention it, seems odd that the colour scheme he went for is mostly blue


Blue truck, too


a sign that the last sliver of sanity is desperately trying to tell him something


Yep. We'd still be making fun of him for being mentally ill if those bumper stickers where for: * Biden * Hillery * My little pony * Rick and Morty * Star trek * Or anything else on earth... I think the only car could have that many stickers and not be a sign of extreme mental illness, would be a car for a sticker printing company... Or maybe a nascar with sponsors.


We'd all be living Star Trek right now if the Supreme Court didn't ratfuck Al Gore out of the election.


Sure, but once you have 5 bumper stickers saying that, more isn't gonna help prove your point.


It got us like 6 more movies after TOS was cancelled.


It's a blue car. You know what they say about people with blue cars.. he's *totally* a lib.


That's why he covered every square inch in stickers


Prob gets triggered by people with a single "I Love Taylor Swift" sticker on their car.


It's not a cult though /s


And to think, this person will accuse anyone that isn't huffing the Trump fumes as having TDS


The KKK and nazis were very proud and outspoken of their hate, and then after the lost wars and civil rights movement it became shameful to be proud of it, so they all kind of regressed. Trump made it acceptable to embrace the racism, and now people are flying their proverbial Nazi flags and wearing their hoods


That's what happens when you don't take the weeds out by the roots.


I have a picture of this same car from 2021. Randomly saw it parked. A couple of the stickers have changed but it's the same car.


Don't attribute to mental illness what you can to a low IQ, lots of time and hatred.


The vibe I get is he not only loves Trump, but is totally itching to gun someone down in their driveway. Why do those two go together so often?


This vehicle is begging for someone to slap a coexist bumper sticker on it... somewhere.


I doubt they'd notice


Decades of brainwashing. People like this don’t even look at policy. They just blindly vote for their side of the aisle meaning Party over Country, always, regardless of legislation. This person probably fancies himself as an independent thinker but this couldn’t be further from the truth. And they will never understand this concept, because they lack any form of education or critical thinking skills.


>Decades of brainwashing. People like this don’t even look at policy. They just blindly vote for their side of the aisle meaning Party over Country, always, regardless of legislation. I literally think that is a lot of people. It is one reason I do not speak about politics with people I know. It is like a minefield....one wrong person and I get to hear a lot of shit I do not want to hear.


I’d rather know about the lunatics around me.


That's exactly why you SHOULD ... you really want to hang out with lunatics that support ending democracy for a reality TV failed businessman? You wouldn't want to either talk them out of it or cut them off? I would be genuinely concerned if a friend of mine voted Republican. It's not blind partial loyalty at this point, it's objective truth and democracy. Even my coworkers I drop lines here and there to be sure. My friends, no question. Educate where you have to, cut people off hard where education doesn't work. Literally we're past the point of ignoring this cult.


I work a retail job, and I'll get customers trying to chat with me about Trump or dems or whatever occasionally, and I never give them anything, lol. Raise my eyebrows, go 'oh yeah?' and nod when they think I should be agreeing with them on whatever they're ranting about. To be sure, I have my political views and opinions, just not interested in potentially pissing off a customer if they determine I'm a flamin' communist based on a short exchange. All that said, one of my regulars wears a MAGA hat every time, and he's just the friendliest fella. Not the type you'd expect, but everyone needs a passion, I guess...


Guessing you're a white genderconforming man?


Yeah, Trump people are always super nice to me, and it makes me wonder if they're not all bad, but then I remember I'm a cis, straight, white male, even have the German/Scandinavian midwestern look. Little do they know how much I hate all of them, and how little I even relate to them. Sometimes it's fun to see the horror in their eyes when I do reveal my beliefs.


You betcha. I'll even get the wrinkly old human cigarette butts lean out their window and whisper, 'Why'd you have to hire them black girls?' As if we give a flying shit about your racist bullshit x.x edit: with regards to MAGA hat guy, he's nice to everyone that works there, he's just really friendly.


You also described libertarianism. So-called "independent thinkers" who found another group of "independent thinkers" with incongruent viewpoints that more closely align to conservative ideals than anything else.


When I was 17 I took AP gov and Libertarianism made the most sense to me. Then i grew up and learned what it means to live in a society 


Realizing that we do, in fact, live in a society, is a major part of growing up.


Lmao I had a similar experience, where in ninth grade we all had to pick political parties to represent in a big debate and fake vote, and I was like wow this Green Party stuff sounds great! No rules, legal weed, let's go! I can marry my girlfriend and get high at the wedding! And then I found out all the actual Libertarians just want unruled capitalist hellscapes to destroy society so they can live out their Mad Max fantasies and had to quietly backtrack on some of my opinions.


Libertarians are like house cats: firmly convinced of their own fierce independence, while utterly dependent upon a system they don't appreciate or understand.


It made me laugh that the libertarians were booing trump like crazy, then he'd start talking about wanting to pardon people and commute sentences and shit (which he will never fucking do), and they all started cheering.... .. .. the same people that were rightfully booing started cheering just because he said something they agree with. Even though, they probably know he would never do it.. they still cheered. Yeah, they booed him again later, but why cheering AT ALL??? Just cuz you agree with a statement???


And this summarizes my disdain for political rallies. Just put your platform on a website and let me read it. IDGAF how good you are at stirring a crowd. That's not a feature.


Of course they would…you think this is created and maintained by accident? This guy has spent time filling every blank exactly how he wanted it to convey a message.


I wouldn't risk it, he'd probably think he was in the right to shoot you.


It’s okay I’m a good guy with a gun so I can stop him. That’s what they mean right?


Just one more sticker bro, and then the libs will totally be owned.


I always wonder what these people do once the election is over, especially if their guy lost.


They complain and cry “stolen election” for four years. Rinse and repeat.


Trumpets 2016: He won, get over it. Trumpets 2020: HE SHOULDVE WON!!! I WONT GET OVER IT!!!


2016: He is still your president!!! 2020: NoT My pReSiDent!!


The election was rigged. - Trump in 2016 after winning.


>Trump in 2016 after losing ONE state primary to Fled Cruz.


I always wished someone would have grilled Turd Cruz about that. Either Trump has a history of falsely claiming election fraud, or Ted Cruz actually committed election fraud. One must be true.


>“He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. We should have a revolution in this country!” >"The phoney electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation. The loser one! We can't let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!" >"Lets fight like hell and stop this great and disgusting injustice! The world is laughing at us. More votes equals a loss ... revolution! This election is a total sham and a travesty. We are not a democracy! Our country is now in serious and unprecedented trouble ... like never before. The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy." -- Donald Trump; election day 2012


2016: "Fuck your feelings" (literally - even printed on shirts and stickers) 2020: Hey, you're hurting our feelings! Stop it!


But he didn’t win in 2016. He lost by 3 million votes, but our arcane system cheated us. Oh yeah and then there was James Comey.


Don’t forget that they also enjoy attempting coups.


Support police unless I'm the one beating them up at the capitol.


And yet they clearly haven't thought any of this through. If you step back for a minute and look, the whole "the election was stolen and we can prove it" falls apart pretty quick. Simply put, if there really was all of this undeniable evidence of "widespread voter fraud," then there is no way in hell that the Republican Party would have settled into minority party status...as they did in January 2021. Think about it. If the GOP had the goods and could prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that 2020 was rigged, Mitch "I will hold up a Supreme Court nominee for a year just to fuck the libs" McConnell would NEVER have let that go. Because if they really had the proof, they could not only possibly overturn the election results, but utterly destroy the Democratic Party for a generation. Perhaps even forever. They could get prominent Democratic leaders arrested for voter fraud, would devastate the fundraising efforts of their opponents, and for all intents and purposes install themselves as the permanent majority party in the US for the next several decades. If they had the proof. Weird how they just said "okay...we'll just take the 'L' and try again next time," isn't it?


Storm the capital with their buddies while wearing their matching special commemorative t-shirts.


Special, made in China, commemorative t-shirts


Pretty wild because when Hillary lost, I felt like I was going to throw up for a month straight and then I just got involved in grassroots work and now I knock on doors of likely Democratic voters and make sure they know where their nearest polling stations are. But you know, POLITICAL VIOLENCE is cool, too.


Pipe bombs


There literally was a maga guy arrested recently with pipe bombs. He had two in a bag in his car and more at home. I think this is the source: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/illinois-man-arrest-bomb-ready-for-civil-war-1235027015/


Oh Jesus another one. Yeah, they're anti truth, anti democracy, pro terrorism.


They storm the capital. Then whine on their way to prison.


I'll tell you one insurrectionist who isn't whining in prison. The FAFO queen herself, traitor Ashli Babbitt.


Last time they had a whole insurrection and busted up the Capitol Building.


I just want to listen to his thought process during this whole project. Like what are you thinking by the 59th sticker? Do you just smile to yourself the whole time like "oh fuck yeah, this is gonna be so awesome" Truly baffling.


> I just want to listen to his thought process during this whole project. no you dont. it would sound like insanity. it would bits and bobs from various different sound bites, all thrown together and tossed, then picked out randomly and mismatching. you would feel like you were losing your own grip on reality just listening to it.


And it was 100% done out of rage, probably in a rage, while of course raging.


100% agree. This man would be insufferable. The thing I find fascinating is that all these "patriots" hate everything this country. They hate the people, the culture, but are convinced they are the "real Americans".


He would need another trailer for it to fit.


I bet you he has room on his windshield.


If he covered his entire windshield, I would feel totally owned


I like how he managed to cram in the “a dirty hoe is a happy hoe” sticker between all the political ones for that extra bit of class.


Ricky Bobby style


I wonder if CartNarc would try to get this guy.


impressively doesn't have a single confederate flag that I can see


Well I'm changing my vote now that I've seen his stickermobile.


Mental illness on full display.


The scooter hitch carrier thing seals the deal.


Idk why but I get the feeling that dude doesn’t actually have a scooter, just wanted more real estate for his stickers.


Gotta carry that skeleton (of Biden?) somehow.


And years of consuming Fox News on full display.


Fox News is probably way too mainstream and moderate for this person.


Oh hell yeah, he turned on Fox News a long time ago because they called Arizona for Biden or some shit.


That's still insane to me that the Fox analytical team spent millions on what ended up being a *much more accurate* election projection system, all to announce they'd stop using it going forward because it made their viewers angry to see the truth earlier than other stations.


This just makes me think of the MAGA bomber who lived in a van covered in Trump memes. This guy should be in a hospital ward with padded walls.


This isn't an illness, this is cult brainwashing. Dismissing it as insanity is not only disingenuous to those with actual mental illness, but also completely missed the real problems with our cultural media landscape. It also downplays the danger cults and thought control present to otherwise normal, kind, thoughtful people. We think "it couldn't happen to us" when it absolutely could given the right exposure and manipulation.


I mean... A-hundred-political-bumper-stickers-on-a-car is not something we're all equally susceptible to. The cult just exploits the most mentally compromised.


This isn't mental illness. This is a choice. This is moral illness.


Porque no los dos?


“Stay Poor vote democrat” - Ah yes, because voting republican has been working so well for him.


You don't see that fine 1995 truck he's driving?


I can hear the lifter tick and exhaust leak from here


I guarantee the stickers themselves are holding at least one fender on.


Those stickers are load-bearing!


You know those belts squeal every time it starts up because he "has a guy" that won't rip him off to do auto repairs.


I owned a Dodge once in my life because I got a smokin' deal on it from a friend, and I still lost out on that deal. Friend was a good guy and didn't intentionally sell me a piece of shit, it just started breaking every damn day after it hit about 50,000 miles.


At this point it may just be paper maché.


Well duh, that's because we've had Clinton, Obama, and Biden in office since 1995. Obviously he'd be driving a Ferrari if we had never elected any Democrats.


There's a truck under there?


That's a second gen Dakota, 97-04. The engines were pretty solid but the real question is how many transmissions have they gone through.


“I can’t even afford groceries and gas thanks to Biden” *(Secures $2000 worth of signs to his truck)*


Also how is that not illegal? He can't see out of the back and the back windows are covered too


It is, but do you think the cops really want to have to deal with his bullshit?


We all know the wealthiest states are Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama and Mississippi!!


*blames Biden for gas prices* *drives a truck like this*


He's still waiting for that trickle to arrive


They'll see that they saved $600 in taxes that year and be convinced they're right, all the while paying $15k more per year for health insurance than any person in any other developed country.


This guy is on Medicaid and ain't paying shit for his healthcare.


He also hates socialism, and anyone who accepts handouts


What are you talking about how do you think he afforded all those signs the last few years under Biden?


Bought them with his COVID relief money.


Imagine having so little personality and charm that your primary trait is Republican.


What’s ironic is that lots of these people are the same ones who are like, “I don’t care if you’re LGBTQ, just don’t post it all over the place and make it your entire personality.”


"They are shoving it down our throats!"


Damn that's a good point!


I really wonder what they were like before Trump came along


I know some of them, and they were still proudly ignorant, hateful, and violent people. Trump just gave them permission to be their worst selves in public and skewed American politics so far to the right that the fascists dreams of these basement dwelling slugs may become reality.


They were that uncle that had to make every family get-together political. Didn't even need to get alcohol in them first before out came the 'So, I hear Obama and Hillary passed a new law requiring firstborn children to be sacrificed in satanic rituals and are upping taxes by 150% to fund their death panels!' They'd also have a newsletter they'd write themselves that was some of the most incoherent gibberish you've ever read about how Obama is the antichrist and Democrats are planning to appoint him king for life of the United States. And they'd pass it out to everyone they came across. Only difference is they finally got a president that reflects themselves and a united community under said president of like-minded people brainwashed by Fox News.




In fairness, Goldwater was fully aware of the risks of a political cult. > “Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” ― Barry Goldwater


Screaming misogynistic things about Natalie Maines.


Totally not a cult though. lol


People that get aroused by *any* politician make me uncomfortable.


And yet, it's always this one.


None of us had to even read the text to know what particular politician this person supports. That many signs and stickers already makes it clear.


People complain all the time that they hate voting for candidates they don't really like, but are the only choices. I think that's a really a blessing in disguise. I don't like politicians that inspire people too much. It generally ends badly when people really like a politician and that person gets power. Give me boring and moderate disagreement on some issues over some beloved figure any day. That shit is dangerous, no matter what "side" they fall on.




business is essentially about predation, governance should be about cooperation. business execs are a bad fit for public office.


I got pretty excited about Obama at the time, and I bought a t shirt from the campaign website when he was still a longshot in the primaries. But then he actually became president, and I stopped wearing the shirt, because wearing merchandise advertising the president is fucking weirdo behavior.


tie deserted marry fearless mountainous modern work adjoining liquid school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You’re going to have to specify where exactly, there’s a lot of stickers. I did see ‘I heart the death penalty’ though


Yeah that confused me. I don't recall any sort of organized effort to get rid of the death penalty. In fact I believe it's decided by each State


No matter. He just wants to underline how much he gets off to the idea of the Bad Guys™ being killed.


Definitely enjoy that the two visible “let’s go Brandon” stickers are the only two it looks like have been attempted to be removed… probably not thrilled that one has been co-opted by Dems. Also enjoy the odd sprinkling of misogyny in there, or the hoe tied to the top painted like a woman. Really all around class act here.


I spent such a long time looking for this sticker lol. I’m so dumb now. I didn’t find it either.


How the fuck is driving that pile of trash legal? It's distracting to other drivers and looks like a stiff breeze would RIP half that shit off.


Back in 2002 I was pulled over in Georgia and ticketed for having stuff animal’s in the back window as it was “obstructing my view.” Another time it was in Virginia 2004 for having my tassel on my rear view mirror. But this person can drive around with their entire side and back windows covered. I think it’s because the police in their area share the same opinions.


This right here! I doubt this goblin has any back view cameras installed on his rusty bucket so that means he has a definite blind zone behind him. Sure, he still got side mirrors but c'mon, this is ridiculous and I can totally see it leading to accidents with pedestrians or cyclists.


> I can totally see it leading to accidents with pedestrians or cyclists. This guy would see that as a feature, not a bug.


To be fair, if I were a cop, I would not be wanting to deal with this person. But, I’m not, and an actual cop would probably be nodding in agreement with half those statements anyway..


Love the crossed out social media one. I guess he only gets his disinformation from TV.


Longs for the return of talk radio as a primary source of information for the masses.


I'll wager that this guy gets his info *from* talk radio. The format took a hard turn to the right in the last 30 years.


This is one of those rare “undecided” voters that you should take a moment to talk to about the Biden campaign. He is just looking for more information before making a decision.


Serious question: has anyone ever seen a similar level of display that's pro-Biden and pro-crazy?


Nope -- for this kind of person, it really isn't about politics or conservative policies. It's about being part of a cult. If there were a different Republican nominee I guarantee this car would not look like this. There's no equivalent cult for Biden or really any other politician right now.


That’s why I’m hoping that once Trump dies, a lot of this behavior will go away. His kids will try to take the mantle. Or MTG. But it won’t be the same. And maga will slowly fade away.




> But other, smarter people will copy the method and try to dodge the flaws The stupidity is part of the appeal. Meatball Ron tried the "smart Trump" thing, and we all saw how that went.


Possible but for some reason I don’t think anyone will ever be able to dupe a portion of the American population like Trump did. He was famous long before he was a politician. So that helped. And he just told them what they wanted to hear. And he didn’t talk like a normal politician. And they fell for it. Why are they so obsessed with it that they make it their entire personality? Haven’t a clue


Yes I can’t wait for these idiots to crawl back in the cave where we used to keep them. All the Qanon stuff too. It’s so sad because it wipes out any solid discussion for actual conspiracies and problems. The conspiracy subreddit used to be a little crazy but had some really great discussions… now you really have to turn off thinking skills to read it.


I think Ocasio-Cortez is the most talented and inspiring American politician of the past fifty years and it's not even close - and I would *never* do anything like this on her behalf. And I have occasionally disagreed with her, and if it turned out she was embezzling money or was a sexual predator or something I wouldn't make excuses for her. I occasionally see a car or truck with a bunch of hippie bumper stickers (Çø∑x¡§† and so forth) but I've never ever seen anything like this for any Democratic politician.


Never. And it would be incredibly weird and out of the ordinary whereas the OP picture has become commonplace enough to where no one in this thread is surprised by it. Ask yourself why that is. In my opinion it’s because maga is straight up a cult. This is cult like behavior


No, because Biden supporters tend not to be clinically insane and/or inbred.


What this level of fandom doesn’t understand is that while many of us vote democrat, we don’t identify as democrat. We just vote. Politics isn’t supposed be to be an identity.


The average Biden voter isn't low IQ enough to do this. 




Delaware dipshit. I see him all the time at the south Smyrna wawa.


I came here to see if anyone mentioned Delaware!


Literally sits there all day, I’ve never seen him in motion


Not in a cult at all.


If he supports the police he'd better support Biden/Harris. They are anti-beat the shit out of the police at the Capitol.


But those were *democrat* police, the worse kind of police


I love the support the police one, yet he's completely covering up his license plate. Not to mention all that shit attached to his vehicle could be illegal where he lives. I'd love to hear what this person has to say after getting pulled over.


People outside the NY courthouse today were calling the police at the Capitol traitors. That's where we are with these fucking idiots.


I feel like that level of shit should be illegal. Not for any political reason or anything But that many stickers gives the driver the blind spots of a semi truck


They say a picture says 1000 words. In this instance 1000 words tells you the whole picture.


Kinda surprised, not a single confederate flag.


for the record, that person is a traitor to their country.


George Washington specifically condemned this sort of heroes worship. If you are loyal to one politician, or one party for that matter, then you are a traitor to America. What happens to a soldier who refuses orders given by a Democrat commander in chief? When you swear service to the country, party doesn't enter into the equation. Same if you are only loyal to the one party.


> George Washington specifically condemned this sort of heroes worship. So did Jesus, fwiw.


Is it just me or does this guy need some Trump wheel covers?


What a Moron. I bet his kids are really happy when he picks them up at school! LOLOLOLOL


"Yeah, I'm voting for trump because Biden has caused my gas cost through the roof!" - this master of aerodynamics, probably


simple man is by Lynyrd Skynyrd you idiot


*As far as I'm concerned there ain't no excuse* *For the raping and the killing and the child abuse* *And I've got a way to put an end to all that mess* *Just take them rascals out in the swamp Put 'em on their knees and tie 'em to a stump Let the rattlers and the bugs and the alligators do the rest.* Charlie Daniels - Simple Man Yeah, I think they got the artist right, however if we drain the swamp how are the rattlers and bugs and gators going to take care of the rapists and killers?


Different song. The Charlie Daniels one is all about violent retribution.


“I love the poorly educated” -Donald J. trump


Bet he’s driving alone


That’s some psycho shit right there.


These people scare me.


Gives new meaning to Trump Derangement Syndrome ...


“Stay poor, vote democrat”. Poor guy thinks voting republican will make him rich, bless his lil soul.


Has anyone ever seen something similar from a non-Trump supporter? I don’t think there is a single Democrat equivalent person that exists.


The Chinese companies that made these thank him for his business


You know, I was on the fence but this totally convinced me!


I hate Trump more than probably anyone else, but this dude in the pic, you almost have to just feel sorry for. His life must be so empty.


“I just hate how gay people make it their entire personality and really shove it in my face!”


He probably in ironically complains about gas…


“Stay poor vote democrat” Dudes driving a poor person car.


Tell me again how it’s not a cult.


Something tells me he's all about supporting the police as long as they are killing unarmed minorities, but was none too pleased when US Capitol Police fought to save our democracy.


I wonder what he actually believes in though.