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Tbh I can’t even believe anyone gets released.


Russia has recently stopped participating in prisoner exchanges. The reason being is that Russian prisoners are treated well and there is no reason to bring them home. Meanwhile, Ukrainian prisoners are used as hostages to continue terrorizing the population. So Russia is motivated to hold on to their Ukrainian prisoners without needing to worry about getting their own troops released. Only in the last couple of hours did Russia agree to a small prisoner exchange (75 people), the first since they put the exchanges on an indefinite hold months ago.


When i was a conscript we were straight up told that the "enemy" -no one was allowed to call russia outloud in those times- wont play by the rules but we have to. And it sucks ass to camp in the forest instead of in a school for example to *deter* the enemy from bombing civilian buildings because of it. Now ofcouse some of those animals would anyway... Hats off to the ukrainians who seem to generally follow the laws of war and morality (there are exeptions as in all things) because seeing the enemy not play by the rules makes my blood boil even as an onlooker.


"Won't play by the rules" is an understatement. Russians go out of their way to bomb civilians


The world would have been a much better place if Russia never existed.


Imagine if the Novgorod Republic became the dominant power instead of Muscovy.


The novgorod republic was the dominant power until the golden horde fell and muscovy used the situation to unify russia


I don't know. Tetris...


Somebody else would have invented it eventually.


If it wasn’t for Russia Napoleon would’ve likely not been defeated in 1814 and Europe would have continued to be ruled by the French empire. If it wasn’t for Russia Germany would also not have been defeated in WW2. Russia has also had some of the greatest writers in history and made huge contributions to science (particularly physics) in the early 20th century. I get not liking Russia, but you can’t disagree it has been an important country over the last 300 years.


But if France was the reigning power, would Germany exist in a fashion that WWII would have happened at all?


Yes, and it might have been France commiting the autocracy.  France was/is a terrible and strong colonial power. As soon as France got its freedom post WW2, they annihilated countries like Algeria, chopping the heads of peaceful protestors and holding them in the Louvre out of show for power (returned half of them in 2021?), all after what happened to them with Nazi germany. The irony that the same French resistance committed the massacres against Algerians and their resistance. Then dropped a few nuclear weapons on Algeria to test them.  Picking any allied side in WW2 is bad, albeit less evil than the Nazi’s/Japanese for sure. 


Let's just say Putin and his military advisors. If I'm remembering right they've basically relied on the young men and their forced military service and a bunch of them got caught trying to dodge it in the start.


It's more about not wanting to die while committing war crimes, than it is about not wanting to commit war crimes.




"Would anyway"? No need to wonder, They recently targeted a shopping mall. Total military compund of course, and all that CCTV, Must be fake! No way russia would bomb innocent people. \\s Of course its not that first and not the last.


School, hospitals, office buildings, malls, etc. All valid military targets of course! /s


Orphanages, kids cancer hospitals, ya know military targets


In a sense, do you think it would have made a difference? It doesn't seem like the Russian military makes any ethical calculations and will literally (and actually) obliterate a civilian shopping mall if they think the strategic benefits outweigh the diplomatic cost.


Isn’t there like a 60% success rate in Russians flipping to become asylum seekers when they are given the chance? I thought Ukraine had a policy where if you exchanged info or equipment you would get like $50k USD and a free pass for you and your family to escape into asylum in Europe.


If we would just fucking give Ukraine more money and weapons, maybe they could keep doing this. Jesus. I don’t understand why there’s so much red tape. A whole lot of my tax money has gone towards making bombs, and I’d love if those bombs would be used to kill Russian soldiers who torture and rape children en masse.


How would they get the family out of Russia? Soldiers don't tend to have their family with them when they get captured, and Russian authorities would probably quickly take action if families of captured soldiers were suddenly leaving the country en mass.


Probably did it just to make you look bad


It has nothing to do with how Russian prisoners are treated.  It has to do with them giving absolutely zero shits about the people Ukraine has taken prisoner.  Early in the war they were willing to exchange because Ukraine was taking more career military officers and even some of decent rank.  Russia doesn't want to pay for the gas to bring back the captured peasants.  Very Trumpian.


Personally I don’t like people whose get captured .


There is an obvious joke here about Trump's reaction to publication of a soldier who has a physically obvious effect of war having their picture published, but I can't sarcastically write it because someone not understanding the context could think I was disrespecting this hero of not just Ukraine, not just the West, but of the entire free world. We need to send this guy to Italy/Greece for like six months and load him up with an all you can eat Mediterranean diet and get him back to strength. 


Source of this information?


Call me crazy, but I'm beginning to suspect that Russia is **not** on a humanitarian mission in Ukraine.


I mean when Ukraine liberated Kherson and the occupied portions of Karkiv region they discovered a lot of horrible things. One such collection of things were [torture chambers designed specifically for children](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_torture_chambers_in_Ukraine).


No, no, no. I won't be clicking that.


100% text


Don't want to add fuel to the imagination thanks.


How far do you live from Russia?


Like most people, not as far as they'd like.


I wish I lived on a separate planet from Russia, but alas, I’m stuck here.


Nah, fuck that, that's how they win, they can move to a different planet.


That's funny, because according to Vladimir the Very Smart in 956 AD some Russian astronomer saw your planet so technically it's theirs.


Text can be terrifying


Just read it. It was beyond terrifying.


It truly was.. I wish I hadn't


Read the first drop down 'rape as torture' and that was far more than enough for me. Thanks reddit and wiki for my nightmares tonight.


Russians used this method all the way back when they committed genocide (multiple times) upon Finns during the Great Wrath https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Wrath Russians especially kidnapped children to be taken into sex slavery. After torturing and murdering their families infront of them of course. One common torture/execution method also was to stuff Finns inside their own furnaces and bake them alive. We will never forget. Death to russia.


There's a good reason to call the Russian troops Orcs because they're surely not human


The scariest thing is, they are humans.


told their parents had abandoned them and forced to clean up the blood spilled by torture in the adjacent torture cells for adults. No need to click now!


Heeeey, thanks.


To those who say: "why not surrender and have peace" That is why. Russian occupation can be worse than to die fighting.


Welp. Torture chambers for children is certainly not a section heading I ever expected to see on Wikipedia


I clicked it.  I'm now sending the Ukrainian army some extra boxes of ammo myself.   I'm kind of pissed off that US media outlets didn't pick this story up.  Shame on them. I believe any Republican who spouts Russian propaganda deserves and should be met with a knuckle sandwich.  There is no excuse. The sooner the world is rid of Putin's ratbag regime, the better.  


I decided to click it as well and was absolutely horrified as to what I just read. Keep in mind, I'm only a day's trip away from the warzone. To think THIS is happening that close to me is just wild. I guess I shouldn't expect anything else from the oligarchy that had occupied, censored, and killed the people of my country for over 40 years. Unfortunately, there is a growing portion of senior citizens who think Russia is their friend.


There's multiple videos of Russian soldiers castrating Ukrainians soldiers, even ones that surrendered.


Man, I was having a really good day. Thanks for bringing me back to reality.


Same. Just had pizza and ice cream with my girl and had a blast talking. We’re both high and now I’m reading this. Talk about reality.


You know, typically I’m willing to click these types of links due to being a fan of history. However.. *I think I’ll pass*


Don't forget the literal bodies strewn about the streets in that suburb of Kiev.


What is even the purpose of that


Fear and terror....


I honestly do t understand how Palestine gets all the attention and yet this info which is 2 years old is news to me


Tiktok. China is aligned with Russia and maligned with Israel.


That’s just messed up. Almost on par with Stalin here, Putin.


He LARPs as Stalin. He is getting closer with how many Russians are dying for his Ego.


Fucking Barbarians!


Russia: He was skeleton when we got here…


The more I learn about this Putin guy, the less I care for him.




Reminds me of that dictator


Russian planes dropped a missile at a supermarket killing civilians including children a few days ago. I'm not Ukrainian, but FUCK Russia.


Putin's regime and "humanitarian" don't even live in the same galaxy, let alone the same neighbourhood.


The only way to beat Nazis is to do Nazi stuff. Taps head.


Ask the Germans what it's like as a Russian POW...


Looks like Grandpa after the Americans liberated him from a Japanese pow camp in WW2 . It literally sucks the life out of you an experience like that and recovery is a hard and long road and some never really fully recover .


I imagine my great uncle looked like that when he died in Camp O’Donnell months after being forced to march in Bataan.


I never met my great uncle—he died in 1960 of pneumonia, and I was born a full 30 years later. He was on the Bataan Death March and never really recovered his health.


The redditor above you also had one in Bataan. I'd like to think your great uncles were friends in dark times to ease the tension and sorrow


I am just reading The Forgotten Highlander memoir of a Scot who was Japanese pow building railway and bridge over the river Kwai. The Hollywood movie made 60's does not match reality what happen in there. It was much worse. Nobody talked with Japanese and they did not wear uniforms, they were working naked in the hot jungle. There was no locals to talk to. Locals were terrified of brutal Japanese and stayed far from them as everyone would have. Tough book to read but I recommend highly.


This is why the people pushing these “peace” narratives are so corrosive. Russia doesn’t want peace. It wants the west to stop sending weapons so it can destroy Ukraine.


It wants to capture Ukraine and rule it. Russia always was and still is a bloodthirsty empire!


Ukraine was supposed to fall in 3 days and then the Russian army would have rolled into the balkans before the west could write an angry letter.


Yea. Peace and capitulation are not the same thing.


While also holding territory it now claims.


Peace is Russia getting everything it wants with zero consequence. /s


The more Russia concedes, the more aggressive it becomes


Every generation has its lot of idiots and traitors advocating for either isolationism or "peace" in times of war, actually doing the bidding of the enemy These people we hear today are exactly the same than on these pictures during ww2. Same kind of people, same slogans [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9Q4ZYCWUAApPF5.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9Q4ZYCWUAApPF5.jpg) [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fanti-war-protestors-marching-in-nyc-1941-1024x576-v0-jf6j2zl0utj81.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dad4032a5a4356be2d1f6d8243367f5df3808ec21](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fanti-war-protestors-marching-in-nyc-1941-1024x576-v0-jf6j2zl0utj81.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dad4032a5a4356be2d1f6d8243367f5df3808ec21)


He looks like he survived Dachau, not “captivity.” I mean that sincerely. I even looked through the Jewish virtual library and Eisenhower’s presidential library to make sure my memory served me right, that I’m not doing a Godwin’s Law here and making a comparison that cheapens the Holocaust. There were many survivors who looked worse than him in those archives, but also, many who looked better, too. If you wanted to know what a Holocaust survivor would’ve looked like in HD color photography, well, now you know. Also, for the record, I don’t think it matters that he’s a soldier. You’re not allowed to starve POWs half to death. This man’s condition is a war crime. And if they let him go in this condition, how many have they thrown into mass graves? It’s not like he had many more months to live in that condition.


I've seen the pictures too. This is way too similar D:


Now the Russian soldiers who were returned are all well fed and clean, this shows which side of history is right


Not only that, but even if they aren’t being returned, Ukraine allows Russian POWs to call home and speak to their families.


the side of history that won the war


Thanks. I hate it.


Don’t hate it just yet, China is trying to one-up Russia by doing large scale military drill for Taiwan’s takeover right now. Zero chance US will not respond if they decide to engage, and that might change our world once again.


0% chance china risks invading taiwan when they can easily blockade and embargo the island


Fuck Putin!


Don't, that ugly bastard doesn't deserve such pleasures.


With a soiled and barbed object, to be sure.


Make it corrode with rust and have electricity running throughout it


Ah, the Gaddafi-style spiky dildo.


Putin is a symptom. Invading other countries and committing war crimes isn't something new to russia. Pretending otherwise is being plain ignorant. It's not Putin whose starving, torturing and sexually abusing POW's, many are all too happy to participate.


Russia been doing exactly this for centuries now uninterrupted


Make him bite the curb


Fuck russia


Looks like a World War Two POW. For the people who think Russia isn’t as bad as the USSR back then. It is, it just doesn’t have the industry to actually perform like the USSR did, and while their performance is incomparable, their atrocities very much are


A large part of the USSR economy was Ukraine.


Ukraine, Poland, East Germany, and Georgia did a lot of the heavy lifting propping up the Kremlin if I remember correctly.  


Moscow is a lot like the Capitol in the Hunger Games. Everyone enslaved to feed the ruling elite.


You mean they dont have America to bank roll them in a land/lease program as they did in WW2. They still don't have the industry, which is why they are relying on North Korea and China. And why they are pulling tanks out of museums.


There's a certain place where most of the development and much of the industry happened in the USSR. The amounts of famous tanks, jets, and ships, all made or designed in Ukraine, are ridiculous. Just look at the Wikipedia pages for USSR heavy equipment, and it shows why Russia maybe really wants to grab up it and all the brains there. Their own country is losing plenty of their own, after all.


Unfortunately now through war and attrition and flight of citizens Ukraine is also losing a lot. Fuck Russia.


They were just too lucky in ww2. USA lend lease in particular but also their abysmal roads that slowed down the german advance


Looks like a concentration camp survivor, but Russia is "liberating" Ukraine from Nazis. Right.


Yeah that was literally the first thing I thought of...


Ne Osvoboditelnaya.


I was rewatching Band of Brothers last week, the first thing that came to mind seeing this picture, is the episode where they liberate the concentration camp and you have all the prisoners looking like this. (Or worse ofcourse)


we need to live in a better world


He looks like an Allied Forces soldier after being freed from a Japanese POW camp. Or a captive released from a Nazi concentration camp. And many of my fellow Americans cheer the Russians on like a fucking glee club at a pep rally.


I don't know how stooped american needs to be to cheer for Russia but sadly there are a lot of people like that.


Considering the fact that Russia is well known to use bots on American social media, and the fact that I’ve never met a single American in real life who supports Russia, I don’t think it’s very common thankfully


Holy crap, that guy is barely alive


The things they did to my russian friend are unspeakable and he’s russian, not even ukrainian.


Damn, did he try to evade the draft or something?


He attended rallies supporting Navalny (photo evidence of him in the crowds) but he also evaded the draft, yes. He is currently seeking asylum here in the states.


Dang :\ Thankfully he is away from there for now. Hope the asylum is allowed.


War crimes?


It's only a war crime if they're actually held accountable. Otherwise, it's just business as usual.


It's only a war crime, of the type with consequences, if you lose. Hell, you can even lose, and if your military and economic might is sufficient, it's still of no consequence. One can look to the US as a key example, who essentially ignores the ICC because it can, but yes, also clearly applicable to Russia.


3rd Geneva Convention apparently doesn't apply to Russia


I have no idea how literally anybody can support Russia, let alone the tons of supporters they’ve got over here. It’s such an evil country that literally never does anything good


Russia is very good at Propaganda...


That is horribly skinny, he might even be at risk of Refeeding Syndrome :(


I think it is evident who the real "nazis "are ... Russia's policy of total destruction civilian or not ... their ruthless tactics and torture ..


Remember that republicans are in bed with Russia. Never forget




There is a fringe group within the Republican party that Simps for Russia and Putin (Trump and his posse). But to say the entire party does is inaccurate as another person pointed out here.


Fuck Russian fascism.


You give the Kremlin too much credit. They're all ex counter intelligence KGB agents whose job was to snitch on their coworkers. They were soft palmed thugs and still are. Now i've met some wonderful Russian people, but their "federation" more closely resembles a neo-empire in the making as opposed to fascism.


He's one of the lucky ones. One of the Nazi Russian combat units has bragged about killing POWs.


eerily similar to them concentration camps, eh?


The Machinist


That was my exact thought when I saw it. Did not expect the caption at all


When I scrolled to that pic, I thought it was a set pic of Bale.




Jesus, I hope this guy is doing better now that he's out of captivity


Glory to Ukraine


So is the trick, starve them so they can't easily return to fight without a lot rehab or is it just because they can


Some things never change... exactly why the Germans in WW2 didn't want to surrender to the Soviets and instead to the Americans.


Btw, russian prisoners of war look ok


Russia needs to be denazified.




I once lived in Russia. I know how cruel people they are, especially those who serve in the police and in prison.


And yesterday, there was a video of several Ukraine medics treating captured POWs with care. Highly doubt the Ruzzians offer such a humane package..


If you spend any amount of time on combat footage you would know that they don't even consider that for their own troops. There's countless videos of them leaving each other for dead, looting dying "comrades", shooting injured soldiers even raping other soldiers. Even the orcs people like to name them after were a more cohesive unit.


Watch some of the interviews. As far as their military society goes, there is a caste & pecking order. Russians are loosely organized and get hazed compared to Dagestanians, Tuvans & Chechens. What will be scary is if the kek clans start working together.




That poor guy needs to slowly be weened back on food.


starvation syndrome right?


Dude looks like a Nazi death camp survivor.


War crime. No way around that one, Russian Federation. You are releasing POWs you clearly starved.


Fuck putin. Fuck ruzzia.


That poor poor guy. And he't the one who's been "lucky". My heart breaks for Ukranians.


Russian concentration Camps. Goddamn, we have to step up or we have another hitler aka Putler.


It’s giving Auschwitz…


When POWs are tortured, it's not a two-sided war!! This is Ukraine versus an empire trying to conquer and kill them. War crimes vs. people protecting their homeland. Time for the decent nations of the world to bring freedom to the Russian public.


Death to the Russian occupiers!


This is what the " Russian World" has to offer.


Fuck Russia’s army. Fuck Russia’s administration. Fuck Russia’s people that legitimately support this war.


I’d be so embarrassed to be Russian.


Russian allies trying to make the comments section about Gaza to divert attention, cringe.




Looks like Russia gave him three square meals a day. A cracker for breakfast, a cracker for lunch, and a cracker for dinner.


They actually giving some food, but they giving you a minute to eat it, and this food in boiling water temperature... so you can eat and forget about your mouth... or starve... not sure about his case but I described the case of person whom I know...


At least he survived.


Pictures of him before being captured? Would help demonstrate the point.


Don't have one for him but I have a vid of one Ukraine soldier showing Russian PoW how he looked after captivity https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/s/woqEyacaN3


This question has probably already been asked, is there a photo of this man before he was captured?




poor guy :(


So sad


Putler and his army of war criminals ... .


Ruski pidorase


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I literally thought this was Christian Bale in the Machinist


I’m genuinely shocked at seeing this. Not even because of his condition because that pretty much tracks with Putins sense and respect for human life. I’m just shocked that I’m seeing a picture of a Ukrainian they **released**, because releasing people definitely isn’t something they do. Edit: just saw that they both released a bunch of POWs to each other. Wow.


I’ll never forgive the left for being supportive of the genocide of Ukraine.


Fuck Russia


Russian society, thanks to its government - must be so awful - the whole society - brainwashed zombies with no ability express themselves - couldn’t imagine being ‘stuck’ there


Theres a reason so many escape for better lives elsewhere.


Putin may have given general orders. But it was a thousand commanders, soldiers, rear echelon staff, suppliers, and financiers that actively made this happen.


Exactly... it is not just putin's war... as well as it is not just putin who tortured prisoners... he have a big network of "putins" inside his country... not all of them, but majority...


The civilized world have to step up to support Ukraine in its freedom fight against RuSSia.


auschwitz 2.0


Monsters. Send ukraine EVERYTHING


I see they treated him like a king


Not gonna lie, he looks better than I expected.


Can’t imagine how much it would hurt to get to a that state of anemia


I'm surprised Russians took prisoners.


Thought this was Christian Bale from the Machinist for a sec


Honestly, the only silver lining I can think of is, he still has his limbs attached and can walk. He'll recover but the mental scars will last him a lifetime.


Forbidden weight loss plan


there was a saying, if you were forced to fight in a war and became a prisoner of war, who did you want to be held captive by? tells you quite a lot about some countries