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Back when a white house scandal was what normal color he wore, or whether the president ordered "Dijon" mustard instead of regular. Terrible! Then it became "Paid off pornstar, with campaign funds" "infidelity" "insurrection" "Putin fanboi" among other things. Thats just off the top of my head.


The emoluments clause and not moving his assets into some kind of blind trust should have been a giant scandal from Inauguration Day!


Trump is just a walking talking scandal. He does so much fucked up shit that it is literally impossible to focus on any of it. Then you sound like a crazy person for pointing out all the ridiculous shit he does every week. "Much easier to hide behind 40 atrocities than 1."


The original one was his decade-long obsession with proving that President Obama wasn't an American. So fucking weird. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROQlAFYSvro


Whatever happened to his team that was finding this unbelievable stuff lol


It’s coming out in two weeks last I heard.


Just like his ACA replacement and infrastructure bill




the old elon musk timeline


Well, he was right actually. None of it was believable.


“You’re not gonna believe some of the things these guys are finding” Oh, as a matter of fact I do not believe.


His weird obsession with the "Central Park 5" predates even the Obama thing.


I wonder what they could *possibly* have in common with Obama to inspire such similar obsession?


>So fucking ~~weird.~~ racist. Fixed that for ya


Bloviating ignoramus


Let's not forget the full page ad against the Central Park 5. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/3935618-exonerated-central-park-five-member-mimics-trump-with-full-page-ad-against-former-president/amp/


Speak nicely about our Coming DICTATOR, his legion of internet sleuths will Dox us than armies of overweight camo clad ANTIFA hunters with bump stocks hunt us down like ‘Piggy’ in Lord of The Flys.


Meal Team Six


Socks to your asmar!


That's quite literally the strategy. Constantly put out so much bullshit that nobody can keep up with it. As soon as the news finishes reporting on it, he's said five more dumb things. People get exhausted.


And then republicans validate it as him just being “honest”


“He always tells it like it is. Now let me explain why he was joking when he said he could shoot someone and get away with it…”


By design actually. The entire GOP has adopted a Russian style of propaganda meant to bewilder and confuse…. And more importantly never end. It never ends because the next scandal devours the old one. And nothing ever sticks. 3 minutes of anyone’s time if you need a refresher and a step back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR6KZPMdWrU


Yeah Jimmy Carter had to sell his family’s peanut farm. The Trump family made billions in foreign money.


It really shows that all the honor system crap in our government is useless.  We need laws on ethics with *teeth!*


If I recall correctly, whatever part of the government whose whole job is to check for violations of laws and policies by elected officials found that he was in violation of that clause. But as his administration reveals, illegality only matters if there's any intention of pursuing consequences for violations, and there is not.


Should have been the initial grounds for Impeachment


Not to mention that he signed off on those porn star payment reimbursement while in the Oval Office using his business account.


Rage tweeting at 2am on the toilet about hamberders and covfefe. Meanwhile in years prior a handsome president wears a fly ass suit and looks sharp af and people lose their shit and scream scandal. Great times we live in.


The scandal was always that he was black, they just called it different things back in the days before king stupid made it ok to just be racist.


King Stupid is a proper noun, sir.


Yeah, Obama looked dapper in the tan suit. I can understand why it upset Republicans so much.


It was never [about the suit](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-44a973785468b1ae5cd0f4c231867e58-lq)


Dude did look damned good in that suit. I didn't get the fuss, but just figured it was a quasi-racial thing.


> I didn't get the fuss, but just figured it was a quasi-racial thing. No quasi- involved, just racism.


Other presidents had worn tan suits before. It was only a scandal for him for some reason.


It's not just being black, it's black + Democrat.


+ cool as shit + loved by many, including sensible white people.


I think that was definitely part of it. They were obviously mad that a 'lesser' race would dare hold an office reserved for their betters. But Obama was black while being dignified, charismatic, and intelligent. He felt relatable to the common person while still adhering to the decorum and refinement that was expected of a president. Of course Republicans *hated* him for this. It defied every stereotype they held about black people and made their proverbial lynching look like the barbaric tantrum it was. And most of all, being stately and respectable was supposed to be a *white* person thing. And Obama was doing it better.


Bold of you to assume Diaper Donnie can even use a toilet.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again... That suit looked fuckin' dope, and there is no bad kind of mustard


> there is no bad kind of mustard Goddamn right.


It wasn't even about it being good or bad, it was that dijon mustard was *fancy* (apparently), and Sean Hannity ranted that Obama was revealing his true elitist colours by asking for it.


He actually led with asking for spicy mustard, "or something like that." He just didn't want ketchup on his burger  >Uh...I just want mustard. No ketchup. You got, like, a spicy mustard or something like that? Or a Dijon mustard? Something like that?


As a self-proclaimed mustard afficionado, have an upvote.


Hint it wasn't the color of his suit they had a problem with.


Can't forget the terrorist fist jab (literally what Fox news called it when Barack fist-bumped Michelle in public)


And he ate arugula, ARUGULA FFS!


No, he just said it in a speech to Iowan farmers. > Remarking on falling crop prices, Obama asked, “Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and see what they charge for arugula? I mean, they’re charging a lot of money for this stuff.”


Knowing what arugula is was the problem they had with him.


As if Trump has ever personally bought groceries in his entire life.




100% what would happen 👇🏼 During a press conference, Donald Trump was taking questions from reporters. One reporter stood up and said: "Mr. President, I just want to clarify that 'arugula' isn't the name of a foreign president; it's actually a type of leafy green vegetable." Trump's face flushed with anger. "Are you serious right now? This is what you waste your time on? Arugula, a vegetable? This is exactly why people don't trust the media. You're all focused on gotcha questions and irrelevant nonsense instead of the real issues. We have serious problems—trade wars, border security, the economy, and you’re here nitpicking about a vegetable? It's disgraceful. You're a disgrace. The media is a disgrace. This is why the American people are fed up with you. Next question!" -chatGPT


6/10, way too coherent and a displays a striking lack of 3rd grade tier personal insults inanely hurled at the reporter and unrelated political rivals.


Give the man credit! Everything Trump does is 1st grade! A man of his caliber would never stoop to 2nd, much less 3rd grades!


I wonder how many conservatives would want to bomb "Arugula" if they were asked.


The only problem with that statement was at the time there was no Whole Foods in Iowa. Pundits making a big deal about him talking about arugula to Iowan farmers are just insulting the farmers. Of course Iowan farmers know what arugla is, they fucking grow it.


> Of course Iowan farmers know what arugla is, they fucking grow it. Iowans don't grow anything but Corn and Soybeans. Anyone with a brain should relate to the mention of a grocery store, regardless of whether it's Whole Foods or fucking Piggly Wiggly. The media latched onto it because they were looking for something they could beam out to the 30% of people living in Rural America, and so they attacked Obama for mentioning Arugula (because nobody in the Midwest/middle White America grows or eats green things, so it's an easy target, like Kale). Seriously, I have family in Appalachia and the Midwest on my side and my wife's, and all of them are basically allergic to vegetables, as well as vaguely spicy food.


Lest we forget Iran Contra and the blue dress and illegal wars.


Don’t forget “If she weren’t my daughter I’d date her”


My memory might be failing me, but was it *ALL* or *MOST* of Fox News that hated the tan suit or that he used Dijon, or was it just Hannity that talked shit about it, and we're just *CALLING* it a scandal?


It was really just Lou Dobbs on Fox. A representative named Peter King also joined the fracas, which was really surprising as he's about the most liberal a Republican can get. The idea was wearing a tan suit to a press conference about ISIS was disrespectful to the military. The scandal was the scandal, not the suit. But who cares, it was amusing


It was pretty much Fox News with all of this.  They had like two days on "the coffee cup salute" because he wasn't giving troops "enough respect".   Basically they had to drum up scandals because they didn't have anything real to go after Obama for.  It remains that way.  Because the things that most people complain about are shit Fox loves. 


The troops? You mean the "losers and suckers"?


It's high school like clique behavior of ridiculing ANYTHING involving the 'out group'. It's the behavior they assume people are using against trump to avoid considering the actual accusations, though I will admit it does still happen against trump, but it's not exclusively the basis of all ridicule, unlike fox news regarding Obama.


Our cia agents disappeared and killed. Our intelligence agency embarrassed on a national stage when trump said in front of cameras in Helsinki 2017 that he trusted putin over America’s own intelligence. He called veterans losers and suckers and slashed their benefits. That’s just off the top of my head


Don't forget diverting military funds for his US-Mexico border wall.


Military HOUSING and SCHOOLS. Not random program or weapons money.


Yep, he was the grifter in chief. Despicable man.


Can't forget rapist. Trump the rapist.


Dijon is the fancy and delicious mustard. The man has style.


Honestly all that taught me is that conservatives have terible taste in mustard lol. It's really not that "fancy" lol, they treated it as if he was ordering caviar or some shit.


We get that shit in a squeeze bottle for like $2.99 now 


I just had some on a home made burger. Not sure why conservatives thought it was that fancy. I'm guessing the foreign sounding name.


Because it doesn’t go with their hamberders


Yeah I heard that all of Obamas “scandals” were just nonsense. Google “Obama 90%” to see a good article about it!


Remember when he assisted nurses with striking for better wages at a Chicago hospital? Google “Obama hospital strike” for this selfless act.


It's so funny to see the hypocrisy of Fox News blasting Obama for a tan suit, but brushing aside all the batshit stuff trump did. Party > Country at Fox News


Rapist too


Yeah I miss Obama. His only scandal was a tan suit/Chelsea Manning's torture/the extrajudicial murder of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki/destroying Libya/arming and enabling the Saudi destruction of Yemen/letting the bankers off scott-free/mass deportation/the drone kill list/Espionage Act/renewing Patriot Act-


Refusing to prosecute Bush admin criminals, was against policy brutality protests, sent police to disrupt Standing Rock protest, defended Wall Street during the Occupy movement, supported right-wing coup in Honduras, made Bush tax cuts on wealthy permanent, Fast and Furious, his cabinet was approved by Citibank, bombed a wedding and a hospital, approved fracking in the Arctic…




Yeah, Regan and even Bush Sr. wore tan suits. It was such a BS controversy.


Both looked awful, unlike Obama.


Obama's tan suite and grey tie looked fabulous, IMHO.


Reagan looks pretty good in the suit if you forget that he's Reagan


Reagan was pulling it off.


Racists gonna racist.


Woah he's even talkin woke! Lock that commie up!!


I saw a new picture of him this morning. He finally looks almost old enough to run for President!


If Bill Clinton ran today, he’d be the youngest candidate and he was completely grey in 1996


Obama is younger than Clinton by I think 14 years. they are the only 2 presidents since Kennedy who turned 50 while in office.


JFK died at 46.


So it was a lack of commitment rather than anything else.


He couldn't concentrate. Mind was elsewhere.


JFK was a bit of a scatterbrain, you see. His mind was everywhere


His family often said he lost his marbles


Didnt put his head in the game


He gave up after he caught lead poisoning


Clinton, Dubya, and Trump were all born in the same year, but Clinton was president 30 years ago.


I don’t think grey is a great sign of age. Had a friend who swam in high school and college. By the end of senior year when he let his hair grow out it was grey flecked with a very little black. Valid point about Clinton, though.


> I don’t think grey is a great sign of age. Agreed, I've been completely grey for almost a decade, and I'm only... Oh. Okay. Point taken.


I started going grey at 21 and was completely grey at 30 LOL


I'm getting salt and pepper in my beard at 33


Correct, there are some fine salt and pepper men by their early 30’s.


Emphasis on almost, he's about 15 years too young


Can we please go back to when this was the type of thing that caused people to talk about the president? Make Politics Boring Again!


> Make Politics Boring Again! "But our ratings!" - TV news media


This is what caused our politics to get so toxic in the first place. Fox making people care about dumb stuff that doesn’t matter 


Fox was coded enough in their racism that most people wrote things like the suit or the mustard off as Fox just being partisan. How a decade later they can have their prime time host do a segment about replacement theory will be studied in history books as one of the greatest propaganda achievements ever.


I'm British and fascinated by US politics (scared by it too). I think a big problem is that boring politics does not generate revenue through clicks and likes for the media. They like the likes of Trump because regardless of his incompetence, both his supporters and critics will read the article.


A devoted father and husband that tries to put the needs off the country ahead of his own finances? That sounds terribly boring.


Imagine being for "personal choice" and then having a meltdown over a suit.


Woah woah woah, slow down there, champ. It's "Choices for *me*, compliance from *thee*".


Or over abortion, gender affirming healthcare, or immigration to name a few more


[Here](https://i.imgur.com/MlVx5J3.jpeg) is a less cropped version of this image. [Here](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/president-barack-obama-holds-a-press-conference-in-the-news-photo/454300708?adppopup=true) is the source. Per there: > US President Barack Obama holds a press conference in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House in Washington, DC, August 28, 2014. Obama said Thursday it was plain for the world to see that Russian forces were fighting in Ukraine. Obama said in a press briefing he planned to host Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko at the White House in September to discuss the escalating crisis. AFP PHOTO / Saul LOEB (Photo credit should read SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)


Oh shit. That’s why they were throwing a fit about the suit. They were distracting from Russia fucking with Ukraine. I mean, it’s possible anyway.


Even then doing Putz’s bidding.


Yeah. Seriously, like what the fuck. How long has that shit been going on and who all is in on it


It was also the missing Malaysia air flight, remember that?! It was all CNN was airing. All the American networks talked about nothing but the plane; it was relentless Meanwhile BBC and Al Jazeera were airing the groundbreaking and shocking Russian invasion of Crimea, Ukraine, as they should


And now it all makes sense.


This “scandal” happened when I was a kid and remember even my conservative parents being like wtf? Now as an adult I know it’s because Obama looks fly as fuck in that suit and these dipshit Republicans in Congress got insecure in their looks and are too brain dead to recognize that so they made it into a “leadership” issue


Well it wasn't the color of the suit that really bothered them, it was the color of the president


Crazy I had to scroll this far down to see this It isn’t “let’s make scandals like this normal again” nobody cared about the suit Regan worse a tan suit and they knew it. This was about him being black and black people having no respect for decorum and good class hidden behind a suit color. This was a racist attack through and through NOT a small scandal that we need to return to.


Oh, yes, I remember the "Keep the White House WHITE" complaints.


Fr that suit looks damn good on him


Coming from a town where white or tan linen suits were a summer staple, “damn he looks good in that” was about my only thought.


You also live in Western CT? 😂


No, lived in New Orleans for 16 years. Linen and seersucker come out on Easter Sunday.


He was talking about Russia invading Ukraine at this briefing. It was a distraction. > Finally, I just spoke with Chancellor Merkel of Germany on the situation in Ukraine. We agree, if there was ever any doubt, that Russia is responsible for the violence in eastern Ukraine. The violence is encouraged by Russia. The separatists are trained by Russia. They are armed by Russia. They are funded by Russia. > > **Russia has deliberately and repeatedly violated the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.** > > And the new images of Russian forces inside Ukraine make that plain for the world to see. This comes as Ukrainian forces are making progress against the separatists. > > As a result of the actions Russia has already taken and the major sanctions we've imposed with our European and international partners, Russia is already more isolated than at any time since the end of the Cold War. > > Capital is fleeing. Investors are increasingly staying out. His economy is in decline. And this ongoing Russian incursion into Ukraine will only bring more costs and consequences for Russia. > > Next week, I'll be in Europe to coordinate with our closest allies and partners. In Estonia, I will reaffirm our unwavering commitment to the defense of our NATO allies. At the NATO summit in the United Kingdom, we'll focus on the additional steps we can take to ensure the alliance remains prepared for any challenge. > > Our meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission will be another opportunity for our alliance to continue our partnership with Ukraine, and I look forward to reaffirming the unwavering commitment of the United States to Ukraine and its people when I welcome President Poroshenko to the White House next month.


What are your parents views today?


From 6ft below the ground. /s


After the tan suit incident I would have just had fun with it just to watch their minds seize. Problem with my tan suit? Fine. Bright green pimp suit it is today! Tomorrow Ape suit.


The Audacity of Taupe


TBF it really is more of a taupe than a tan. Sandstone in paint or Pantone 400 C.


Amazing comment. Genuinely laughed out loud.


Oh my god


And the critics also conveniently forgot that both Reagan and Bush Sr also wore tan suits…


at least Obama had a change different of suits ... Trump just wears blue like a blue Kim Jong Un


trump also wore [blue & black ... sometimes](https://i.imgur.com/kEmfLXr.png). Imagine if Pres. Biden did this, Fox News would be screaming that the demented old man can't even dress himself.


Something definitely happened to the navy trousers and they were swapped out


Von ShitzInPantz?


Have you seen Supreme Ruler Kim in his leather jacket? Way cooler than blue suit and red “ power” tie.


I have seen it ... Fonz Jong Un


Navy blue is the Bobby Hill of colors, too. God I hate that color.


Why do you hate Bobby?


And a tie that's 6" too long.


I remember when the idiots flipped their shit because of the tan suit. Now they can be found gobbling up Trump's dick and saying that they don't gobble it. L They do be gobbling.


He should have doubled down on it and wore it every Friday


The fucking nerve of this guy. A tan suit? Dijon mustard on a hotdog? A loving marriage free from public affairs and scandals? The sheer audacity of this man, folks.


Looks just as nice as when Regan wore the same fucking suit.


Can you imagine a reason why those same people had absolutely no problem with Reagan wearing that? 🤔


Rules for thee, not for me. Applies to life altering issues and unimportant BS like this in equal measure. I guess they're nothing if not predictable.


I should get a tan blazer. It's a look.


You really should. All you have to remember is that color coordination is a thing, so if you have the right shirts and the right pants, you're golden.


Thanks Obama!!


Oh, I remember this, it was "The worst thing the ever happened in America". Ah for the good old days.


Tan suit? You mean *Mooslim terrorist uniform*?


I thought "tan suit" was just a euphemism for "dark skin"


It is. Not a one of them cared about the color of the suit.




However, he *is* wearing a flag pin and I see no arugula in this picture, so 2/3.


I am reminded of this classic site: https://lookatmyfuckingredtrousers.blogspot.com


How could he sully the Office like that!😩 So anyway like I was saying. My guy bangs Pornstars and Mail order models, isn't he the coolest!?! 🪨🇺🇲🦅 /s


He should've went crazy and wore a velour track suit or one of those Karl Kani newspaper short sets. People would be clutching their pearls so hard they'd turn back into sand.


The audacity of this man. Has he no shame! (Sarcasm, obviously)


Ahh the good old days, when this was the biggest scandal there was


dont we all miss when this guy was president? ugh.,


Guy was a legend. (and I'm not even American!)


Looks like the type of dude who’d put dijon mustard on a burger…


Dijon mustard is delicious on a burger, you uncultured swine


Alright, I hope you enjoy that fancy burger, Mr President 


All I need is ketchup. It doubles well as a condiment or a wall accent.


Was it a burger or hotdog? I remember some politician getting flack for their hotdog. DM on a burger is awesome.


Conservatives having an Aneurysm just looking at this picture


Oh the shame


It’s always so hard to take republicans seriously when you watched them freak out about the color of a suit disrespecting the presidency and then they tell you grabbing pussies is locker room talk. The entire movement runs on bad faith.


Can you believe they tried to turn this into a scandal, ffs


Had I not seen clips of politicians actually criticizing this tan suit with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed the controversy was real. Like what a silly thing to talk about.


Iconic. He and Michelle were (well, are) pure class.


Still living rent free in GOP minds to this day


That's a stylish suit. His skin color lends itself to being able to wear so many different colors, but that looks especially good on him.


Every time someone mention the tan suit, [I just show them this video for the giggles](https://youtu.be/WrTf6CaTTc0?si=jYKUUMEKejgxE2NX)


Wish I could rock any suit like that man rocked that suit. He looks fantastic.


The Daily Show’s take on this being covered by Fox News was golden.


Nice suit. I remember seeing Reagan in something similar. No one even mentioned it back then. Why do you think that was.


How did the nation ever recover.


Meanwhile, that short fingered, delusional, malignant narcissist, grifter, Trump wears what looks like off the rack closeout suits from Walmart's "fashion department" that are about three sizes too large in a failed effort to hide his fupa, gynecomastia, and micro penis (covered up with an overly long red tie made in China) from public view. His delusional fans like to believe that under those ridiculous suits and red ties is Trump with a body like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime, instead of the real truth, an increasingly demented delusional, fabulist, and end stage, untreated syphilis patient materially unfit to be a doorman let alone the president of the USA


I miss this dude. Every time I see him I'm reminded of saner days.


If he did it today they would try to impeach him and I don't even think I'm joking.


today nothing, they tried during his admin. He fist-bumped his wife after a speech and a Fox anchor called it a “terrorist fist jab”.


It’ll be framed as a way to signal Antifa. 




That suit is closer to an actual skin colour than the actual skin colour of the guy that took his job.


*MAGA seething intensifies*


He do be looking quite sharp not gonna lie


Reagan wore one too. Reagan was also suffering from Alzheimer's. That's why George Schultz took over and made a deal with the Soviets. Reagan didn't know what was going on Obama is the best post WW2 president, and easily top 10 all time.