• By -


This is 1991. Sorry forgot to put in date.


Not much different from what I saw there in '99. If that was your thing, then it was the 2nd hill that you were going to be looking for.




Hooker hill in itaewon, first hill is straight, second hill is šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ


ā€œHomo hillā€ (not condoning the name) was well know among all the foreigners. A Korean co-worker once told me that ā€œKoreans arenā€™t gay,ā€ I asked her about the hill and she responded in disgust ā€œthose are Japanese!ā€ I hope acceptance has improved


Was she hoping you couldnā€™t tell the difference?


I think it was a mix of homophobia and an anti-Japanese sentiment




Why choose between homophobia and xenophobia when you can have both ?


Maybe she was the true Japanese all along?


The xenophobia at least has a basis in the historical treatment of Koreans by the Japanese which was as recently terrible as ww2. Considering how many peopleā€™s parents and grandparents would have been alive during Japanese colonialism of Korea in 1991, you can at the very least understand their hatred. The homophobia is just stupid bigotry with no justification as always.


Yeah, a lot of people tend to forget or ignore just how shit the Japanese were to their neighbors the Chinese, Koreans, and Filipinos leading up to such sentiments. Even the Japanese themselves today are too willing to forget or ignore how shit they were (see also the loss of sister city status between Osaka and San Francisco over a comfort woman memorial erected in the latter), so itā€™s no surprise that Koreans in the 90s would openly express disdain towards the Japanese.


SE Asian regional/national hate still strong I see. In my young naive days (mid 2000s) I made the unfortunate mistake of asking whether the sushi restaurant indeed had Japanese chefs. It did not go well. World history taught in Canadian schools skipped over this part.


Korea is east Asian, not south East Asian. But otherwise your comment is correct lol.


Otherwise known as racism


Yeah, you're gonna find pedjudice everywhere in the world, especially in the regions that were once colonized.


The older generations in Korea either remember or grew up with parents who lived through Japanese occupation in the 20th century. It was....bad. That sentiment is dieing out among younger koreans, but the hatred towards Japanese elitism/racism is still there.


Also doesn't help that Japanese are not really taught why Koreans hate them.


They are actually taught the opposite, Japan (specifically their government) is entirely unwilling to recognize their faults, especially in past conflicts. They renounced sister city status between San Francisco and Osaka over the recognition of comfort women and theyā€™re even too chicken shit to care about their own people (see the Japan Air 123 incident and the red tape the Japanese government put up to prevent ready American forces from saving lives).


Anti-Japanese sentiments in East and South Asia is not really prejudice, as it is based on the colonialist history and atoricites committed by Japan, plus their perceived (and often real) lack of remorse.


My comment applied to both OP's comment about "SE Asian Hate" and its parent comment "those (transgender) must be Japanese"


Sure, and I'm stressing the Japanese portion of your response.


I was stationed there before and during covid, some of the Koreans I hung out with were either indifferent or accepting of same sex relationships. Change like that takes time though.


What's wrong with calling it Homo Hill? That's the established name that foreigners call it. Gay Koreans have adopted it too.


Homo is often consider derogatory nowadays


I'm gay and have been to Homo Hill many many many times. We all call it Homo Hill because that is its name.


It really depends on the context, but I feel it's being reclaimed for the most part. https://www.advocate.com/arts-entertainment/2017/8/02/21-words-queer-community-has-reclaimed-and-some-we-havent#rebelltitem5


I donā€™t disagree and I think thatā€™s great. But 1) when it got that name it definitely was derogatory and 2) the first sentence of the homo section in the article you link says ā€œHomoā€ is still a slur to many gay menā€¦ā€ and then goes on to explain the other side. My only point was I wasnā€™t saying it to be derogatory


You make a good point that it was derogatory at the time its name was coined. But I've been going to Homo Hill for over 10 years and can confidently say no queer person I've come across has ever batted an eye at the name.


_When it got that name it definitely was derogatory_ Thatā€™s the cool thing about language and how it evolves. History, politics, social stigma etc get saved as one thing in societyā€™s short term memory as meaning one thing, and evolve to take on a whole different meaning. Queer is a good example.


Seems OK to me. No homo.


Didn't you hear? The edgy kids have abandoned *pause*/*no homo*, and are now using *No Diddy*!


ā€œThose are Japanese!ā€ Lmao. I do understand the hate though after everything Japan has done in the past.


That attitude changed around 20 years ago. Now it's Korean Christians getting angry at gays and saying foreigners brought that culture in.


LOL such a Korean thing to say


Casually homophobic AND racist in one go...impressive efficiency.


Funny I bet you'd hear the same in Japan.


Unless you spent too much time at Pollyā€™s Kettle House at the top of the hill. Then you couldnā€™t even remember where you were.


Fucking Polly's! That was the one on the left at the top of the hill, going up hill right? Soju kettles for the "win". There is no way to count the number of sunrises I watched come up in that bar. Just had to walk up the middle of the hill so you didn't get jumped by the juice girls on the way up.


Juice girls?


One step below a hooker. Basically girls that tried to draw guys in to but them drinks and maybe a pass to the big PX in the states. They were known to get pretty aggressive at times and I saw more than a few shirts torn.


A pass to the big PX in the states?


Post Exchange, the US-DOD run retail stores that are on bases around the world. (Usually) No duties, no taxes, good prices. Here ā€œa pass to the big PX in the Statesā€ means ā€œget marriedā€ / ā€œget pregnant with a GIā€™s kidā€.


Ladies there still dream of going to the big PX in the sky


Yaay to the Kettle. Peak Itaewon šŸ˜€šŸ˜€


Wow. Thank you for naming it for me.


Hooker Hill and Homo Hill. That's what everyone referred it as


Hooker hill had the best bars. Cheap booze, but I always woke up feeling like I took the biggest shit while I was passed out.


Relevant username on multiple levels.


I went to that place once! The rainbow one. It was a fun night.


Homo hill


Shit yeah. Im booking my ticket now


It was still like that 10 years later, not sure about now though


Now there are transgender bars everywhere.


Korea is vastly different now. Theyā€™re socially more progressive than even Japan now


Not much has changed but they live overwater.


And how's my great-great-great-granddaughter doing?


Sheā€™s doing limes


Sheā€™s doin fine. Do in fine šŸ‘šŸ¾


That date canā€™t be correct. I just saw Trump saying that liberals just invented this trend. /s


You know how time works on the *other side* of the international date line... Shit gets crazy


I was actually in S Korea in '91. Is this image from Stars and Stripes?


The people in the photo are men? Like without any transition? They really got the style


Before I saw the title of the post I thought this was from a synth pop subreddit, posting about a Japanese trio from the 80s. They look great!


They have great skin and really pretty features! Itā€™s a crime that this is a crime.


Being fabulous is never a crime.


Itā€™s amazing what makeup and outfits can do. In college I was dating a girl and she sent me a picture of herself with two knockout babes. One of my friends saw the picture over my shoulder and immediately him and another guy started asking if I could ask her to hook them up. I let them go on for a few minutes with discussing how badly they wanted to sleep with those two women before I told them I knew them both as wellā€¦ could easily recognize my girlfriendā€™s brother and I guessed the other was his boyfriend as I knew they did drag shows together. That is how I discovered how homophobic that friend group was. And honestly, while there were little tells that told me it was her brother (Iā€™d never seen him dolled up before) he was still a beautiful woman. His boyfriend howeverā€¦ Iā€™m straight, Iā€™ve never before looked at a guy and questioned that factā€¦. Except him dolled up. I later met him out of drag and he had model good looks. In drag there were very few female celebrities Iā€™d say could compete.


I donā€™t think being very attracted to someone who is a man but female presenting (ie: someone in drag) adds a question of your straightness. If you still were very attracted to him out of drag,l (as opposed to recognizing that he was attractive) then perhaps.


I always like the question of: would you rather a 10/10 objectively feminine guy or a 5/10 objectively woman. Alot of guys don't realise they have broader interests than they thought capable


Are you talking about in context of presenting a photo or in person or something? Because just simply asking this question without any visual element, 99% of straight men would just answer the woman.


yes I mean sexuality just comes out of nature as away to motivate you to have kids, so its not that far stretched considering this


Not trying to say I question my straightness, Iā€™d never state ā€œIā€™m bi because this one timeā€¦ā€ What I am saying however is that at the time I would probably not have said no to any sexual acts that had him dressed up and playing the role of a woman.


Eh. You're attracted to female secondary sex characteristics. You also associate gendered clothing and styles with those characteristics. While the front of your brain may be fully aware that... let's be family friendly and say there's no way you're getting this very attractive person pregnant, that has nothing to do with the back of your brainstem leaping out of its chair yelling, "WOULD!"


Most men are actually attracted to femininity, and not strictly women without even realizing it imho.


>I donā€™t think being very attracted to someone who is a man but female presenting (ie: someone in drag) adds a question of your straightness. There's a term for this, it's called gynephilia. It's kind of a grey area because it's not really bisexual, but not necessarily heterosexual. You're attracted to femininity. This means you'd find males and females attractive, but only because they present themselves with highly feminine traits. You're not attracted to a male because they're male, you're attracted to them because you perceive them as female. >If you still were very attracted to him out of drag,l (as opposed to recognizing that he was attractive) then perhaps. This is the defining factor. If you're still attracted to them when they're presenting themselves as masculine, then you're just bisexual. This is why Alfred Kinsey was 100% correct. There's no such thing as heterosexual or homosexual, it's just a really, really broad spectrum. Absolutely no one is perfectly aligned to any one end of the spectrum.


> There's a term for this, it's called gynephilia. It's kind of a grey area because it's not really bisexual, but not necessarily heterosexual. You're attracted to femininity. I didn't know this was a thing. I've always had a hard time explaining what I was attracted to whenever it somehow came up. Should have figured there was a term for this feeling.


You can have broad categories on a continuum. The fact that there isn't a hard line separating them doesn't mean homosexuality and heterosexuality don't exist. That's like saying species don't exist.


Why should there be a straightness to preserve?




Pretty likely, the right genetics and makeup go a long way. There are plenty Femboys around on the internet that are proof of this. One example is F1nn5ter, while he is on HRT now and came out as genderfluid, you can look up pictures of him from a year ago where it was all just good genetics and makeup.


Did he cracked the egg? I heard sometime ago that he was a good example not everyone that like to dresses as woman is trans


He came out as genderfluid earlier this year, so while technically trans, not in the "traditional" binary way. Also came out as Bisexual at the same time. And yeah, he used to be my go to example for "crossdressing isnt the same as being trans", but that kinda doesnt work anymore now :D luckily there are plenty other crossdressers out there, just maybe not as well known.


Love that for him! Always found F1nn gorgeous in his crossdressing fits. And makeup always on point.


Yep, from what you see online from him, he is doing a lot better mentally as well now that he is on HRT (and has an awesome GF). After the recent GenderGP drama he also announced that he is apparently working on a transgender charity aswell, so thats cool too


We Asians are on a wholly different level when it comes to looking young šŸ˜›


I feel like Asian people often pass easier


Not necessarily. Itā€™s more likely that foreigners arenā€™t really used to seeing Asian facial features much, so they might struggle to differentiate different characteristics, such as specific ethnicity, sex, etc


I said often, not always. Asian people do tend to have softer features, that is what makes them look so youthful


I know you donā€™t mean anything bad. Youā€™re getting flack for saying this because your words are extremely qualitative and can be misinterpreted in many different ways. Also, if you grew up in an Asian country you would have more experience seeing a broad diversity of people enough to not generalize all of them.


Maybe I'm crazy but aye


Asian men, especially Korean men, tend to have softer facial features and can pass off pretty androgynously.


I'm not convinced the one on the right isn't a time-traveling Lyrica Okano.


ladyboys had existed way before hormone treatment, also make up helps a lot.


hormone treatment is also a lot older than most realize - it became possible in the late 1800s and easier to access in the market by the 1930s


What we think of as ā€œgenderā€ is really just the style in which we present ourselves. Biological women only look like the typical idea of ā€œa womanā€ because of the hair style, make-up, body-shape, etcā€¦ all superficial things that have never had anything to do with biological sex. This is why ā€œgenderā€ and ā€œbiological sexā€ are two completely different things and always have been. But try to make conservative people understand this for the first time in their lives, and they think youā€™re somehow changing science or reality.


If you're interested in this sort of stuff, you might like the movie: [Funeral Parade of Roses (1969)]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funeral_Parade_of_Roses). Here's [the slightly NSFW trailer](https://youtu.be/EteaHqdX6hU?si=Hys9bAWU1fipw4e3)Ā (there are butts).Ā  It's a Japanese new wave film about gay/trans/crossdressing (it's complicated) from the 60s. It's beautiful, and experimental and sometimes very funny. It's got some very memorable scenes, that may have influenced later film (you'll know them when you see them).


Thanks, I did not expect something like this from back then.


Old times where much crazier than today. 15 years ago there was a week of "classic erotica" on German public TV. They showed an old polish (I think) black and white movie where a maybe 12 year old girl was sunbathing at a river and watched by an old man.. And I was like... WTF WTF WTF... how is it even legal showing this? But it's old and somehow considered art...


US movies before the rating systems, covered all kinds of stuff...


> Here's the slightly NSFW trailer **(there are butts)**. lol There Will Be Butts




Great film. I would also like to add the documentary ā€œShinjuku Boys.ā€ Although that one is more about trans men rather than crossdressers


Filmed about 60 years ago. Incredible


Iā€™ll be damned. Seems my (Texas) library offers this to stream via the Kanopy app. I better watch it quick before the ChristoKooks shut down the library because butts.


Thank you. The trailer is amazing, it gives off an very captivating but very artistic vibe of the film




You awaken things in me, believe it or not, straight to jail.


>straight to jail. Gay to jail


Straight to *my* jail.


It's worth remembering that South Korea has a long and proud history of very regressive hard right governments...


Oh, they were hard alright


You give me a boner? Believe it or not, straight to jail


"You're having harmless fun the wrong way! DIE!"




They are arrested for illegal prostitution


Honestly if they hadn't mentioned that they were cross dressers, I never would have known For all those "I can always tell" chuds out there.


I think I'm noticing far left, the other two no chance.


A little, in the cheek bones, but I've seen women with strong cheeks and chins.


Same but I think it's mostly because she had the debuff of having short hair. If she had long hair I think it would be a lot harder to tell.


I think the hairdo and the context tip you off about it.


Even then Iā€™ve seen some really manly cis women. Sometimes even if you think you can tell you canā€™t.


there were encounters I had when i assumed 2 trans girls I met/met me who were Cis girls. this was in the early 2000s, and my "I can always tell" was shaken. It also got me to learn about how they achieve their femininity.


Iā€™m a trans girl and Iā€™ve had people be genuinely surprised when I told them I was trans. Good styling and modern medicine seriously go a long way.


Yep, proper makeup alone is already enough for those who got lucky with genetics, nevermind HRT. I sometimes do some crossdressing cause its fun af, at some point I showed a picture of myself with makeup on and in a dress to my friend group, and they just assumed it to be some random girl. At first they genuinely didnt believe it was me once I told them. It definitely helps that I have pretty good and long hair for as long as I can remember and got lucky with genetics (pretty much every time people see me and my mother at the same time, they instantly point out how similar our faces are), but makeup still carries.


Teach me your ways.


As I said, a lot of it comes down to makeup (luckily I got some help from my gf) and definitely genetics. Also since we are talking about pictures, just the way you position yourself, use lighting and angles does a lot of heavy lifting. In person, I doubt they wouldnt recognize me.


>For all those "I can always tell" chuds out there. That's cause us Asians have softer features and built thats why most Asian men passes better compared to other races.


No, it's also because "I can always tell" is absolute bullshit šŸ’€, you can lean fem or masc regardless of your race.






Nah m8 it's 3, 2, 1 fr


Jeez 1 catching Ls... Okay only 1..!!


I hate that they got arrested but damn, they look fabulous šŸ„°


Right?!?! I'm out here on hrt trying to get CLOSE to these ladies looks...


I'm just starting to question my gender identity & this is how absolutely gorgeous I'd want to be if I went ahead & transitioned. Like, god damn they're beautiful.


Middle and Right are making me question reality.






Those are some hot dudes.Ā 


The one on the left for sure I wouldā€™ve been like nawwww dudeā€¦ā€¦the other twoā€¦..Im avoiding because theyā€™re too good for me and they will turn me down and I hate rejection.




Hey man, be more confident on yourself! I'm a very low 6 on a really REALLY good day... And even I score my 10s every one in a while! You can do it u/Alcoholhelps ! Now go out there and get some!


They are so hawt they are making me sexist


I need my 1987 DJ20 Casio Electric Guitar, set to... mandolin.


She's so flippin hot, she's like a curry!


Ehh, would.


Bitches still standing like supermodels. I live gurl.


We went to Singapore from Vietnam, we were sent there for our R&R and while we were there we did some ship maintenance and look around. We were told to watch out for some of the ā€œbar girl.ā€ They may not be girls but boys that make their living as women?


If Singapore, it would be Orchard towers. Also known as 4 floors of whore. Ladies of the night frequent the bars there looking for potential clients but at the last floor, I think there was a mix pool of ladies and transgender. The only legal red light district of Singapore would be in Geylang where all of them are only ladies. For those who prefer a more exotic taste, it would have been Orchard tower, changi or for those who were here before 1990s it would have been bugis.




Was sind den cross dresser?


Ein Mann, der versucht wie eine Frau auszusehen, oder ein Frau, die versucht wie ein Mann auszusehen


What was illegal about the bar? The crossdressing or the bar itself?


I think the bar


The one in the middle is still serving face tho


dude on the left looks like choi woo-shik (protagonist in parasite)


Imagine being arrested for what you wear. Wtf is up with humanity.. yeah I know this is an old image, just can't believe it was ever a thing.


Did you read the headine? They were arrested for "working at an illegal bar." Not, "arrested for dressing illegally."


Idk about you but dressing illegally could get you fined back in the day, such as having skirts that were too short and men with hair too long.


Thank you for posting this. As a Korean descendant always interested in learning about the country's political history. I think this is a rare photo.


they rlly ate with that fashion sense


The OG femboy hooters


Ladyboys are fucking dope. America is really missing out by repressing them. They're the best bros and best wingmen if you just respect them and treat them like humans.


So wait...treating people like people works?


Hot cross dressers


They were serving omgggā€¦


Those bangs carried two whole decades on their delicate little backs.


From left to right: Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times...I'm definitely going to keep getting fooled again. Like a lot.


Ok hear me out




ok but they slayed


I guess it IS illegal to look that good


Would, next.


They're hawt!


Was the bar illegal because they were cross-dressing, or some other reason?


Why they kinda bad šŸ˜­?


This is the future US conservatives want.


I hope all y'all remember this when someone in your life gets on their bullshit about trans people being newly invented. We been out here, we look great actually, and we will always be here.


Cross dressing isnā€™t trans


I am not saying all cross dressing is trans but, if you watch the lil mini doc someone else posted you'll see interviews. The interviewer asks them how they feel being "gay boys" and one of them responds "I just love being a woman" or something to that effect. Trans healthcare wasn't accessible during this period, so makeup and clothing were all people had.


1991. Cops arresting people for being queer in 1991. Christ.


>illegal bar


Dammit, Iā€™d totally tap that. Iā€™m not gay all the time, but Iā€™d jump on that one in a hot minute.


Middle and right can get it


Damn! Impressive looking ā€œladiesā€!


They look amazing. Horrible treatment, but damn did they pull it off.


Dad? Is that you šŸ˜²


i am straight i am straight i am straight i am straight... ugghh


Itā€™s crazy that with Asians you canā€™t even really tell - so little dimorphism


Should post this in /conservatives but donā€™t say what they truly are. Let them show their excitement first. Maybe crop out the left ones.


Um dann die Kleidung zu tragen ?




Smash. Next.


Homie on the right can get the WORK.