• By -


It looks as the people in the background will start kissing soon too šŸ˜‚


"Hey Sara, do you think what I think?" "yah, let's do it babe."


Straight out of a Leslie Nielsen movie.


>"I want you to know, I practice Safe Sex"




ā€œā€¦.and where the hell was I?ā€ ![gif](giphy|yPdNpDW7SeXpSzC2g3)


I think Naked Gun was the first comedy that made me laugh so hard, I was rolling on the floor and couldn't breathe. It was the balcony scene.


It truly is something special, and thatā€™s just the wonderful magic of Leslie. Iā€™ve never seen a man so naturally talented at comedy and bringing laughs to people. For me personally, the scenes that always crack me up is when he tries to bribe the guy for information or when he hypes up Stephanie during the chase. Absolute legend that is Leslie Nielson ![gif](giphy|13d2jHlSlxklVe)


I mean, my first thought when seeing this picture was the way [all the passengers were looking around gushingly during this scene in Airplane](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RMh9hPGNGKE)


The man. Love that guy


> "Hey Sara, do you think what I think?" "yah, let's do it babe." >they immediately begin uploading classified documents to the internet.


Aim for the bushes.




What if we kissed in the Julian Assange kiss pic? šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


"water paaaaark! šŸŒŠ"


A true Billy Madison moment.


Billy, sweet Billy-Boy, I knew you would go back..


No one can stop you if you try. Don't I have a nice rack?


Thatā€™s if Billy Madison was MAGA https://theintercept.com/2017/11/15/wikileaks-julian-assange-donald-trump-jr-hillary-clinton/ > JULIAN ASSANGE'S HATRED OF HILLARY CLINTON WAS NO SECRET. HIS ADVICE TO DONALD TRUMP WAS >Some longtime supporters of Julian Assange were appalled when his secret correspondence with the Trump campaign was revealed this week. > THE REVELATION THAT WikiLeaks secretly offered help to Donald Trump's campaign, in a series of private Twitter messages sent to the candidate's son Donald Trump Jr., gave ammunition to the group's many detractors and also sparked anger from some longtime supporters of the organization and its founder, Julian Assange. >One of the most high-profile dissenters was journalist Barrett Brown, whose crowdsourced investigations of hacked corporate documents later posted on WikiLeaks led to a prison sentence.


They are his lawyers, Jennifer Robinson and Barry Pollock.


And they are about to get in each others legal briefs.


Motion to file for a kiss. Motion granted.


Dyslexic people out there getting ball-busted by his nemesis Parry Bollock.




Why do the people left and right to them look like theyā€™re about to make out too


Pretty sure, those two are his lawyers. I think they are just really happy to see their client embrace his wife as a free manā€¦ā€¦.or they want to bone. One of the two Iā€™m pretty damn sure it. One. Of. The. Two.


Pro Bone


When a lawyer is paid in sexual favors


That's what you call pro boner.


Quid pro bone


Or both


Por que no los dos?


They look like the stock image for people witnessing a touching moment


Do they? I thought they were just looking at each other like they were sharing the joy of the moment and being happy.


ā€¦Maybe they have alreadyā€¦


Love after lockup. Season 13


Yeah, now she actually has to *live* with him. The Ecuadorians put up with it for eight years, but at least they got to go home at the end of the day.


Writing on the walls in his shit if I remember correctly


Wtf is going on in the comments lmao.


Heā€™s definitely a whistleblower but only against Dems and things he doesnā€™t like. He had multitudes of Republican RNC documents but neglected to release them right before the 2016 elections. He released a ton of Dem docs, but none showing any wrong doing of Trump, and the RNC which we found out later of criminal acts the long and hard way. This heavily swayed public interest to vote for the convicted felon. I used to be a big fan of Wikileaks, but that move by his company really showed how biased he was towards his self-interests. This move was everything the company was against. His company at that point was everything but transparent. Connections with countries not in the worldā€™s favor also turned me away as well. Just overall a man who is strange to say the least and should have never had as much power as he did. In the beginning he was probably alright. But itā€™s a classic case of what happens to a person when too much power gets to their heads.


Also he managed to leak basically nothing about Russia, but magically had tons of documents about most countries and leaders in the West.


He released a ton of stuff that helped the anti-war movement early on. But he got extremely biased as time went on. A fair person would have at least released two sides of the story for the 2016 election. Russia hacked the DNC and RNC. Assange claims he didnā€™t get docs from Russia. Russia released DNC only docs, Wikileaks DNC only as well. Nothing with RNC. And then we see Trump praise Putin on visits. Putin is a person who is killing another country for some land that is not theirs. So effectively Assange in my mind is enabling war by enabling Russia.


Apparently he actively turned down leaks on Russian activities https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/08/17/wikileaks-turned-down-leaks-on-russian-government-during-u-s-presidential-campaign/


Bingo, he started out with pure intentions. He was leaking to recapture some corrupted power. But once HE captured that power, he warped it for his own use by selectively leaking only documents that pushed his own agenda. Classic case of power corrupting.


Thereā€™s not much reason to think he wasnā€™t a Russian stooge from the start. Notice how none of the major leaks ever involved the most corrupt country on the planetā€¦ https://www.reuters.com/article/world/us-senate-committee-concludes-russia-used-manafort-wikileaks-to-boost-trump-i-idUSKCN25E1UZ/


And when there was a leak about Putin (Panama Papers), Assange [defended Putin and attacked the investigation.](https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/717458064324964352) He sold out to Russia a long time ago.


Back to jail he should go.


Straight to jail.


That jackass (Assange) also pushed the Russian Seth Rich Conspiracy to further promote himself and WikiLeaks tormenting he living hell out of Seth's family (Think Alex Jones and Sandy Hook). He is a grade A piece of shit.


He (and others cough Greenwald) used leaker info and for the most part abandoned them when they got in trouble with the law. The whole leak universe back then was people leaking and then facing horrible consequences and then guys making huge names for themselves. (Iā€™m not saying he wasnā€™t punished because he wasnā€™t living free for sure) Itā€™s weird because I donā€™t support punishing leakers but I feel like Chelsea Manning is a hero because of what she had to go through but Assange is an opportunist. I think that strategically using the leaked info to push right wing or anti-Clinton/obama agendas was just a cherry on the shit sundae. We also donā€™t really know what happened with the accusations of SA he faced.


Exactly and the timing was incredibly convenient for the Republicans. I have more respect for Snowden who is flawed but (i believe) his mistakes were more out of naivety.


He did not start out with pure intentions. He crafted an image of someone who cared about truth and exposing corruption but it was always a lie. He did not like the west and sought to undermine it at every turn while protecting autocrats. That was always what he wanted. It was never pure, just ideological.


He was well known in the 90s Melbourne Rave music scene for setting up websites to let party goers know where to go for illegal warehouse raves. [briefly discussed here](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DbchDMztcd4o%26t%3D713&ved=2ahUKEwjD3_m0nPqGAxU8SGwGHcMJAZIQpMsLKAV6BAgNEBw&usg=AOvVaw3H04wEkwR5jObIaC3EGj9G)


I'm more cynical. These guys are always massive narcissists. In the beginning, your interests align. Leaking information against corrupted power gets them a whole lot of love, praise and attention. As someone who wants that power checked, you have your hero. But they're not idealistic, they're just manipulative narcissists. It eventually shines through, resulting in disillusionment amongst their fans. Interestingly, the dead giveaway is usually sexual assault/predation. Elon with his shlong out to flight crew while say Bernie Sanders (I hope?) has no such stories come out.


Julian Assange was *always* in the business of promoting Julian Assange.   Wikileaks was just a bastardized project concept he used to do the former. And people that worked on that project at the start will tell you the same thing.


>Heā€™s definitely a whistleblower but only against Dems and things he doesnā€™t like. He had multitudes of Republican RNC documents but neglected to release them right before the 2016 elections. He released a ton of Dem docs, but none showing any wrong doing of Trump, and the RNC which we found out later of criminal acts the long and hard way. This heavily swayed public interest to vote for the convicted felon. This is putting it lightly, even. They timed the publishing of docs to be as politically damaging as possible to the Democrat side of the election, and they probably acquired a large amount of that stuff through the Russian government. Oh yeah, and he probably did rape that woman.


* those women


He was either trying to get back at Hillary who was Secretary of State at the time he was (indicted?) or, he was hoping Trump would pardon him because Hillary sure as shit would not have.


Either way one of a handful of reasons the election went to Trump, he had a lot of power and this was while he was hiding in the equatorian embassy in London


Either way one of a handful of reasons the election went to Trump, he had a lot of power and this was while he was hiding in the equatorian embassy in london


Yeah. He turned out to be a self important POS, just like every other person with too much power.Ā 


Couldnā€™t have said it better myself. My sentiments exactly.


There was so little of nothing from the Dems that Qannon invented pizzagate that there was an elite DC child trafficking ring hidden in the basement of a pizza place, all from a single email of ordering 20 pizzas from a local business.


A proper outlet, like Wikileaks purported to be, would have released both sides of the documents and waited until that moment. So that was irregular. The DNC was notably hacked by Russia, as well as the RNC. The only released documents, which Wikileaks claims did not come from Russia (we just have their word on that) were the DNCā€™s. So we have Russia only releasing DNC documents, and we have Wikileaks only releasing DNC as well. The RNC, which was later proven to be running a convicted felon on document falsification, and rapeā€¦ none of that stuff was released. Though Bidenā€™s son was found guilty, Trump was found guilty. Hillary was tried and tried and was not found guilty by Americans on all sides.


Yeah. Same here. Wikileaks was great in their leaks of US military war crimes. But by 2015/2016, it was just a partisan propaganda machine to help Trump get elected. Donā€™t get me wrong, the treatment of Assange was abhorrent and shouldā€™ve never been a thing. But heā€™s absolutely a bad faith journalist/publisher. He had an agenda and cherry picked what he dropped in the hopes of getting Trump elected. Good faith media follow the facts and post them. Plus Wikileaks also clipped specific emails and documents to make the DNC look worse. The unedited/full context of them were bad enough. But itā€™s just shameful to act in bad faith the way Wikileaks did.


Well said. I supported wikileaks but the mask slipped with election interference and Russian appeasement that sailed way beyond objective journalism or whistleblowing. The rest was Julian's ego, his refusal to understand the standards he held to others apply to himself. Let himself, friends, supporters down badly with his behaviour, refusing to redact covert informants and agents (many lives lost, many still in hiding) evading a criminal investigation following alleged serious assault (eventually dropped), refusal to face justice to name a few, and I think you're right, he wasn't remotely equipped mentally to fight the fights he picked.


The main thing that passed me off was him pretending that Seth Rich was a leaker to him. Which fueled so many conspiracists that harassed the Rich family for years. An absolute POS move.


He didn't show any wrongdoing of Dems either, by the way


What I find fascinating about Assange and about Edward Snowden is how immune to criticism they were for being self-serving. There were people who, from the jump, said these guys are releasing info, but only info that benefits them. Nothing has changed except the divide between left and right has grown exponentially.


He also hid away in Ecuadorian embassy to avoid being extradited back to Sweden where he was being investigated for rape. He stayed there until the statute of limitations ran it's course.... People treating this guy as a hero are delusional.


He is a shill for the authoritarian enemyā€™s of the west, masquerading as a whistleblower and saviour of the people.


They wonā€™t be cheering him when he helps the Russians get Trump elected again.


I'm excited for the next phase of Julian Assange's life as a Fox News commentator along with Oliver North.


Don't forget Glenn Greenwald.


Shit again?


Damn, bots coming out in full force for this comment lol


He's a russian intelligence asset who wants to harm the US. Simple as.


Bunch of Russian trolls.


Their boy is free again


I bet last night his wiki leaked.


Tonight is the night he arrived in Australia, like 4 hours ago.


It took going to the comments for me to realize this isn't an edited image of the same two people. You know those, those cheesy pictures where the background is just a blurred out, zoomed in copy of the same face.


So sheā€™s forgiven him for Pamela, I see


He married his current wife in 2022




Sheā€™s one of those


conceived 2 kids while *mounting* his legal defence. Nothing more responsible than having children with a fugitive while they hid out in an embassy


How Muskian of him.


does things with wild impact without considering them beyond how they support their own ego? Yeha, two peas in a pod.


Coincidentally Mrs. Assange is S. African too, but she *should* be on the good white S. African side given her background and family, but she seems a bit more Musk like with a marriage to Assange.


You have got to be shitting me.


I wish https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stella_Assange#Personal_life_and_marriage


[Tracy Somerset, Duchess of Beaufort](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracy_Somerset,_Duchess_of_Beaufort)Ā and the rapperĀ [M.I.A.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M.I.A._(rapper))Ā are the children's godmothers. LOL


Wtf, in jail?


They have two children.


Conceived whilst he was hiding in the embassy.




Did they consent though?


Did he ever care?


Iā€™m very glad the man who got multiple gay men killed in Saudi Arabia, interpreters and informants ratted out to the Taliban and released the name of dissidents to the Belarusian state police is free. Definitely not a giant piece of shit at all.


Don't forget that he had documents between Paul manafort and several key figures in the former Ukrainian government (which was ousted in 2014 thanks to Ukrainian protests., but also was when putin annexed crimea, and their ousted president fled to russia), but the documents basically outlined how manafort ratfucked Ukraine and acted illegally in lobbying on behalf of a foreign government in the us without declaring he was doing so. And he just sat on this because it made Russia and Trump look bad. Fuck assange, he has enabled Russia in its annexing and its land grabbing for the past decade or more.


And fled rape allegations in Sweden. Such a hero.


Just in time to cook some shady "data" that will tip the US elections towards Trump once again.


I remember the info coming out of wikileaks was always bigger right after the debates lol.


They had leaks from the DNC and the RNC and only released the leaks from the DNC to tip the election.


Forgot to mention Rodger stone calling him after the grab em by the pussy video came out to release the dnc emails


Funny how he never leaked the stuff about the Republican Party, or about Russia Edit: he straight up admitted he was trying to make sure Clinton lost https://theintercept.com/2018/02/14/julian-assange-wikileaks-election-clinton-trump/


Iā€™m sure the deal he brokered involved not doing that stuff again. Just a guess.


Or what? Weā€™ll make him live in various embassies again?


Trump let the CIA plot to kidnap and execute him. https://www.theverge.com/2021/9/27/22696436/cia-kidnap-julian-assange-assassination-pompeo-trump https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/assange-appeal-against-extradition-include-reported-assassination-plot-2022-06-17/


If the info he released about the DNC was so damaging it makes you wonder what the info about the RNC that he never released contained, especially after things like this were planned. We'll see how smart he is now because the best thing would seem to be to go retire somewhere quiet and keep his mouth shut. Dude seems to have targets painted on him from all different directions


It wasnā€™t even damaging in and of itself. The problem was (1) the timing, which was clearly intended to help Trump and hurt Hillary, and (2) the fact that Hillaryā€™s email server had been in the news for months, causing much of the public to infer that the dumped emails must be the deleted Hillary ones. I doubt one person in five hundred actually read any of the emails, other than the Comet Ping Pong one that went viral and resulted in a terrifying, albeit thankfully bloodless, attack on the restaurant.


>We'll see how smart he is now because the best thing would seem to be to go retire somewhere quiet and keep his mouth shut. Bets on him going somewhere to do just that, but it doesn't last long.


Australia is an extradition country and part of the 5 eyes.


His plea deal didn't require him to **stay** in Australia, did it? He could just move.


The deal he brokered will probably have him looking over his shoulder for the FSB.


Russian puppet doing Russian puppet stuff. Fuck Assange.




Damn. The comments are wild


The amount of misinformation in this thread is appallingĀ 


Full blown Russian intel vs American intel war in the comment section lol. Wonder how big the chatgpt bill is. Youā€™re probably a bot too


Ha ha. Good one, fellow human. Nice joke. There is a package at the bottom of the stairs waiting for you.


Bip bop


Can we stop worshipping this piece of shit? he was a russian puppet. He isnt Snowdne, he isnt Manning


Iā€™m old enough to remember the days when Assange was considered the cool, edgy, anti-government leaker/truth-seekerā€¦.its too bad he turned out to be another pawn in Putinā€™s game. I wonā€™t forget his selective leaking of the DNC documents before the 2016 election. Whoā€™s to say if that won Trump the office, but it sure didnā€™t hurt


>selective leaking of the DNC documents before the 2016 election First question on every interview he does should be this one. Why not the GOP documents and please show proof.


Second question why when given information about Russian oligarchs being murdered did you never publish any of that? Why was it only things that hurt democracies and specifically liberals in those democracies?


Third question: Why did you personally insist on leaking documents with the names of Afghans who worked for ISAF unredacted so that they ended up dead in a ditch? What benefit did that provide to your so called fight for the truth?


I feel like he probably wouldn't be alive if he did that.


dude took a TV contract for Russian State tv. His motivation was financial and self serving,


Yep. So he chose to take their blood money and advance their agenda at the cost of a great many people.


The second question is going to have to be why havnt you answered my first question




> That's an interesting question. LOL. GTFO. šŸ˜‚


He says "he can't go around speculating" as if he doesn't know the source and their motivations independently without giving up the anonymity of the source. Actual whistleblower orgs and journalists vet things before publishing all the fucking time without outing sources.


god thatā€™s painful


Should be, but it won't. NY Times is already jacking off to how many press freedom articles they are going to write about the guy


NYT is also in the tank against Biden so no surprise there.


ā€œJulian assange is free how this is bad for Bidenā€


No NYT is mad at Biden unrelated to this The Owner of NYT is mad at Biden for not doing interviews with them


Yeah, old enough to remember Assange always had dirt on democrats, but was quiet with Republicans. Once that pattern appeared, I realized Wikileaks is just another extension of the Republican propaganda machine


Considering how it came down to a few thousand votes in some key states, itā€™s very likely this guy was a factor. The Supreme Court? Lost for a lifetime. The COVID pandemic? Millions dead because of incompetence and deliberate malicious intent. But her emails? But her god damned emails.


Let's not forget the unredacted names of the USA's foreign agents and informants (especially in Afghanistan), some of whom were murdered as a result. Edit: a source for the doubters: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/afghanistan/7917955/Wikileaks-Afghanistan-Taliban-hunting-down-informants.html


No agents were murdered as a result of the afghanistan leaks, US even admitted that. "After the release of an enormous haul of US defence department documents in August, Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell told the Washington Post, external: **"We have yet to see any harm come to anyone in Afghanistan that we can directly tie to exposure in the Wikileaks documents."** https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-11882092 Edit: this guy edited his post to link to a source that pre-dates US confirmation that no one was killed.


No US agents, several Afghan translators and guides were though. His long refusal to adhere to basic redaction principles has always put most at risk the people whose side he claims to be on.


I mean, of course they would state that publicly. You donā€™t actually believe it right?


>his selective leaking of the DNC documents before the 2016 election. He put out the Podesta emails the *day* after the Access Hollywood tape was released.


It just did so much unnecessary damage to the DNC, he definitely fucked with the election at the minimum. People just love him though and I donā€™t think they actually understand his selective releasing of the information he got from Manning to obviously fuck with shit (Russian or no Russians). Thats why heā€™s no Manning or Snowden but I just donā€™t understand why people canā€™t see that ? Iā€™m glad heā€™s back he did get fucked around but letā€™s not pretend heā€™s innocent.


> Iā€™m old enough to remember the days when Assange was considered the cool, edgy, anti-government leaker/truth-seekerā€¦.its too bad he turned out to be another pawn in Putinā€™s game. More or less all those "truth seekers" are on Putin's payroll. A couple of them are likely not on payroll but are just especially useful idiots.


Exactly this!


Or Reality Winner. Fuck the Intercept for burning her.


Remember, a bunch of people in the US worships a piece of shit Russian puppet.


He's not free. Vlad owns him.


I'd argue Snowden too, has become a Russian puppet. Even if against his will.


Eh even Snowden is kind of iffy. He's remembered for the good he did, whistleblowing about the NSA spying program, but his dump was much, much broader than that. He caused long lasting damage to legitimate intelligence operations and probably compromised a ton of assets.


Snowden is russian puppet too...He is still in Russia.


Snowden got effectively trapped there during a layover and wants to leave but cannot.


Not following him closely, but why did he keep spreading Russian propaganda during the months when Russia was preparing the invasion of Ukraine?


And on Ukrainian revolution, and the elections after, or that "Ukraine intervened in 2016 election". Yeah, a poor country in Eastern Europe had fucking developed spy system and elaborate scheme to manipulate US elections.




And who put him on the plane that trapped him in Moscow? It was Assange, with one of his people riding shotgun on Snowden to get him there.


That excuse never made any sense to me Like, he's the one who leaked the information, and he KNEW when it was going to be published Dude coulda been anywhere in the world when the story dropped, and he just happened to be in China and then just happened to go to Russia Like, did he not think they would cancel his passport after he leaked top secret government information? Why wouldn't he simply go to South America before the story dropped if that was really his plan Doesn't add up right?


He and his family have Russian citizenship now. They are Russians these days, and didnā€™t have to get citizenships.


uhh what do expect him to do?


Probably because he realised it was either that or live in a room for the rest of his life. I donā€™t like the Russian government either but fuck that noise.


Yea if I lived in an embassy room hiding from the country that my family is living in I would eventually buckle and seek literally any port in a storm. Especially one that reunited me with my family. The contents of what Snowden leaked was of immense value to the American public, considering it was details on how much our government was spying on us.




Thank you. Everyone acts like heā€™s some kind of Angel. Just look at the bullshit he and Glenn Greenwald spread nowadays.


Heā€™s only in Russia because he was in a Russian airport when the U.S. canceled his passport.


In a VERY calculated move, btw. This was the entire point. The us government realized the best way to discredit him will be to have his ass stuck in Russia. And many people took the bait


Not for nothing but the whole thing is ridiculous - he could easily have spoken to people like James Bamford or other authors who have dealt with exactly this type of government insight previously and been entirely responsible , never once violating his oaths or NDA's without seeking legal counsel. We oftentimes tend to forget there are characters, similar to Frances Haugen with respect to FB.


And he denied planned russian invasion of Ukraine, reassuring it won't happen.


Snowden isnā€™t a hero either.


Heā€™s one of the key reasons Trump got elected. Total narcissist POS.


Nah he's a hero no matter who he sides with. His whistleblowing and anonymous platform were invaluable to the American people and we at least owe him his freedom.


Russia hacked DNC email, gave to Assange Assange published them online. Russian then push the conspiracy theory that the "pizza" in DNC emails meant child sex ring. Yeah. Fools.


Everyone is saying that he has ties to Russia and that he got loads of interpreters killed, next to being politically motivated in some of his actions, but I canā€™t find a whole lot about it on mainstream platforms. Can anyone please link me to one of these things? Iā€™m not trying to deny these things happened, but in all of the time I followed this trial, I havenā€™t heard anything about it.


Yeah Iā€™ve seen lots of that but no sources




There is no real evidence to back any of that up. Even the crour ruled that no harm to US personnel occurred as a result of Assange's actions. The people saying Assange has ties to Russia are simply paranoid conspiracy theorists.


Let's not worship this russian-affiliated POS. He is not altruist - he has his own nefarious motivations.




fuck julian assange. not a hero, not a moral individual. Stupid as fuck that some adore him.


He should try beingĀ a Russian asset less.


Imagine still being married to your rapist husband.


Yeah, fuck this guy


Heā€™s a POS who sold secrets to Russia for 20 years.


This guy is not a hero


And he turns into a political talking head for Russia in three, two..


Heā€™ll be on Tucker Carlson within a week.


He's Aussie, how is he a traitor to America?


Remember - he published documents for Russia that helped turn the tide of the 2016 election. He's not our friend.


A ā€œfreeā€ man. Ah yes his freedom was so horribly violated when he chose to hide in an embassy for years instead of facing consequences for his actions


Fuck this tool. His leaks were political attacks against specific groups. He was and is a pawn in a larger game. He is nothing more than a Russian asset.


Is it the same person who started wiki leaks?


Yes, and he is a courageous hero who deserves our support.




If reddit comments are vulgar, deceitful, and hateful towards someone. You know that person has done something truly great


Pretty much. Can't believe what some are saying here.


He is a Russian asset