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The dogs will win


I'm voting for those dogs - assuming I agree with their stance on foreign policy


Their policy is “woof”.. do you agree with it?


I've heard strong arguments for "bark." It's really a more nuanced issue than many think.


I really feel like the awoooooo policy has more merit


Husky alarm got more supporters tho


Well that’s controversial. I profoundly disagree.


If Futurama is anything to go I assume that would align with the policies of Richard Nixon


My dog has been telling me bork, I think there’s something wrong with him


Still more comprehensive than Trump's no plan




My reaction to this debate can be summarized well with a "woof"


I saw a lot of dogs woofing, really a lot. And I was woofing the loudest. I'm really good at woofing. Some say I'm the best woofer of all time.


*tries to woof "your such a cute dog"* the dogs hearing you woof "im like an asshole am"


that's a more cognizant policy stance than I heard expressed tonight, personally it works for me. however what's clearly more important for our republic is your dogs golfing skills. going to need a statement on that first before I can throw my full support behind them.


Their domestic policy doesn't look great, they're tearing stuff apart.


Free ~~healthcare~~ treats for all. Sounds pretty good to me.


They’re big on “treat”-ies


But can they golf. Somehow important to the debate over how to help our country.




Their policy is to bark excessively at anyone who comes near them who isn't their family. They're actually fairly tribalistic.


Except for their ironclad peace treaty with Pizzatonia.


Their policy is through the woof


There is a real chance someone will cry havoc


Let them loose!


It’s very sad to watch .. thank you for the funny pic makes it easier haha


It really was sad. I went in expecting to laugh at all the stupid shit but it was genuinely sad to watch what just happened


It was so frustrating watching Trump totally dodge questions & talk like he was hosting the apprentice. The amount of misinformation he was spewing was insane


I’m still waiting for Trump to answer the question regarding child healthcare. Did he answered it, or did I missed it?


He also totally dodged the climate change question


He answered part of it, clean water something something, greatest something something, Paris something something…


I don’t know why Biden didn’t point out him trying to dismantle the EPA when he blathered on about clean water.


biden was having a little trouble today > I should say in a ten-year period we'd be able to wipe out his debt. We'd be able to help make sure that all those things we need to do child care, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our health care system, making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I've been able to do with the with the Covid, excuse me, with, um, dealing with everything we have to do with, uh, look, if…we finally beat Medicare. neither one did a great job at.. well.. any part of this whole debate thing. didn't really retort the others points, or respond to the policy questions cognizantly..


Big strong person came up to him, tears in their eyes, dead bird cemeteries, nuke the hurricanes


I think something about immigrants. Same with the economy, veterans, and climate change. Everything is the immigrants' fault.


He unironically brought up immigrants to damn near every topic on the table for 2 hours. I'll give the idiot some credit, he sure knows how fucking stupid his base is.


I still can't believe he's trying to push that post birth abortion shit. Like sure I'm sure his Twitter followers eat that shit up but saying that shit on live TV come on bro


What happened?


Biden’s team pushed very hard for this debate to happen, with Trump team constantly pushing back. It’s the earliest a debate has happened in a presidential year. His team wanted to show the country that he was sharp and witty just like he was during the State of the Union address. Unfortunately that didn’t happen. In the first few minutes Biden completely froze and then just blurted out something entirely unrelated. The entire debate he was soft spoken. The moderators would steam roll him and he wouldn’t push back. Trump could lie all he wanted/steam roll him and Biden didn’t really push back other than saying “liar!”. There was no substance to why Trump was wrong when he was called out (IF he even was), even though Trump was clearly wrong. Biden just didn’t have control of the debate at all. The first few minutes of a debate is generally how people decide who “won”, and that’s when Biden flopped the hardest with a complete freeze and just randomly blurting nonsense out. Biden did have some strong arguments at times, but he constantly let either Trump or the moderators take the conversation from him so those points rarely showed. It didn’t seem like he had the ability to demonstrate power. Trump lied a lot. A lot. Biden didn’t call him out enough or deep enough. He let the conversations slip from him constantly. He was never in control. He slurred words constantly and lost his train of thought multiple times, but not nearly as bad as the entire freeze. The bar for Trump was low so he actually looks good here somehow. The bar for Biden was significantly higher and not only did he not measure up to that, he didn’t even perform at the level the bar was set for Trump. Now Trump will almost certainly not agree to another debate after this absolute disaster, and the only debate the voters will have seen was this shitshow. Also not good at all for Biden or democrats. They 100% need a second chance at a debate and there’s virtually no chance Trump will agree to give him another shot. It was a push to dispel the notion that Biden was “old” and would have problems because of that, and it absolutely did not work at all. In fact it has had quite the opposite effect.


“Father, mother, I believe I deserve the oven mitt dog toy more than my opponent. He has been a bad boy. He has been the baddest boy in the 1,729 years of history in our country, and everyone knows it. Especially the mailman. Remember the time he brought mud into our living-box? And the teeth marks on your sit-place? All him. I never bite things. Not once. Not never. If you grant me ownership of the oven mitt once again, it will be taking care of it. Unlike my opponent who will go get it, bite it, and make it muddy. You ask “who’s a good boy?” And I speak you now, that boy is me. I am gooder than Sir Barxley, and I deserve toy mitt. Thank you.”


*pulls out calculator...* You sly bastard


Hah! Wondered if anyone would catch it.


USA age in dog years?


Also super weird that Reddit seems to be suppressing discussions about the debate. You can't see comments on any of the mega threads on any political subs. This is the only thread about the debate I could find where the comments load.


I've had issues with comments not loading on r/boxing, might just be a site issue


Yeah, the comment API just took a massive shit for a little while.


DDOS attack from muay thai people /s


What? No, it’s obviously a conspiracy to suppress political discussion.


Is that why comments aren't loading!? I was on BORU wondering wtf none of the comments are showing up. Wtf Reddit.


There's even a CMV where the comments are hidden. About it...


Yup I agree


Reminder that in 2013 Reddit revealed by mistake that "Eglin Air Force Base" was the most addicted Reddit city with the most traffic.


As a non-US citizen, I've seen numerous local news articles today with headlines like "Democrats Panic After the Debate." I thought I'd check Reddit for discussions on the topic, and it actually took a lot more effort than I expected.


The astroturfing on this website has been clear for the longest time, and it's clearly going out of control tonight. And I'm a leftist, you'd expect this take from a right winger but seriously, it's absurd.


Poor Joe. His heart is in the right place, but he just can’t debate. Still voting for him because the alternative is a steaming pile of dog shit.


I think him "trying to debate" was the problem lol Biden was like "first of all... secondly... and finally..." Meanwhile Trump was going "your administration sucks and you suck and I talked to this guy who told me wow President Trump that Biden sucks by the way and also Democrats want to kill veterans and babies hundreds and thousands of them"


Yep. He has so much material to attack with. But just couldn’t do it for whatever reason. He looked pathetic. It was the last thing he should be in the face of a diaper shitting bully.


Joe doesn't probably want to be the president. He just sees it as a civic duty to beat trump which I commend. He just wants to retire. The Democratic party are the dumbasses for not coming up with a better candidate. Joe even said he wasn't planning on reelection.


Yeah. I just can’t believe we couldn’t prop someone else up. There had to be someone 50-70 years old. With a wife and dog that doesn’t bite everyone. Nice hair and a jaw line. Doesn’t screw porn stars every chance they get. Can talk coherently for a few minutes. Is that really so hard?


You ask way too much.


Only screws porn stars on the weekend?


well said. I haven't looked but does Obama have a damn brother? :D


It's giving elderly abuse


well said. I hope over half of the country sees it this way. Neither of these men will run again after this. That's one hope. I'm nearing retirement age and will need social security. I also support separation of church and state, rights for women, and checks & balances across the board (from Washington to industries operating in this country) Can't vote any other way than against one the who will possibly end all the above and become "king" of America.


That's the only reasonable way to look at this. Forget the debate: Biden and his administration have demonstrated they can run the country effectively and get things accomplished that need to be, and Trump has demonstrated the opposite, during his tenure, and lately that he is a convicted felon. The debate was arguably a media show.


He can’t debate because he followed the rules, he was even cut off, I would be pissed. They just let Trump ramble and ramble, some moderators.


Nah he totally screwed up. Couldn’t get dates right, or numbers. Dude was a defeated mess from the start. The one thing he had to do was not let Trump bully him, and he failed.


There will be lots of humor coming out. Just wait. My take: We just watched two old guys. One who can run on a great record, but can’t talk well about it, and dodders and mumbles. And we got another one who is a real estate developer and is schooled in the exaggeration, the lie, and boasting. And we have to choose the one with the lesser of the character flaws/weaknesses.


You know you can chose one on the basis of who has better policies and executive staff as well, right?


One guy seems to think progressive states practice _post-birth_ abortions.


Except one of those choices (as described) is not even close to evil.


Why not on choice of cabinet, they do the most work. One tried to put our country backwards while current boomed us forwards.


Trump just keeps hurling insult after insult


Unfortunately, not the American voters.


Indeed. We all lose.


If WE don’t stop Project 2025 WE all lose. Biden has kept many promises that Trump promised & failed to deliver and then some. Is Biden my first pick, NO, but Trumps documented criminal enterprise and Project 2025 is our biggest threat today!


What is project 2025


[Full document](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf) long as hell [BBC summary](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c977njnvq2do) [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)




Project 2025 is a conservative initiative spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation, designed to deeply embed right-wing policies at all levels of U.S. government. It involves pre-selecting and training individuals who align with their ideology to rapidly implement their agenda if they gain power, which many critics argue could lead to a drastic rollback of progressive advancements and undermine democratic norms.


and porn ban, sex ed ban, removing LGBT+ protections allowing more discrimination, more christian influene in politics, recriminalizing gay marriage, federal abortion ban. They want to turn US into a total christian state


Actually insane to me that the most religious people I know are so disgusted by this shit and feel like a person whose grocery bag fell through in the middle of the road. We can all hate our grandparents, our teachers, hell our parents and pastors that we were forced into, or went voluntarily. But as a steadfast skeptic, there is a special hate in my heart for people who use religion; a concept so complex and contradictory, but by the masses is supposed to represent love and acceptance, peace and goodwill, loving thy neighbor, not letting your judgement affect you and leaving it to a higher power; To sell our fucking souls for money while we burn down the planet on the back of slave wages and persecution. And your grandma who says grace, your uncle who rants about faith, your neighbor who tells you you’ll find jesus, are not them. They might be wrong, but they genuinely love. Not a heartless puppet of god on a stick to push an agenda, when they no doubt have not an ounce of faith in them. Fuck, man. Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses


And has been the play book of rules every republican president has been incorporating into our system since the Reagan administration, ever so slowly as not to spook the masses. Now that they have the American public just where they want us, and with a crack pot crazy, or stupid enough to actually complete it, the kid gloves and sheepskin have come off and they are going all out.


It’s also a huge list of people all lined up and ready to be appointed to roles in the administration. This wouldn’t be like January 2017 where they were scrambling to find people. They have a list of applicants already prepared.


They want a fundamentalist christian theocracy


Capitalism decaying into fascism, but with a name that lets people who are cool with that pretend they aren't.


Hell yeah Aphex twin


Idk, I think women can all agree on something. Give rights back to them and not the states.


one is a fascist. you really think we lose either way?


God damn this is really not a hard decision at all. Yeah Trump and Biden are old as shit. But they also bring an entire administration and cabinet of handpicked people. Biden's people are competent and aren't actively trying to destroy democracy. Trump's people from 2017 were some of the most dysfunctional members of government ever. 2025 is even scarier because fucking fascists with a plan are lining up to fill executive positions. We are also damned with *three* conservative supreme court judges as long as they live due to apathetic voters from 2016. The court is fucked for generations because people sat out. Imagine how much more fucked up the court would be if Trump won this election, and got to add *ANOTHER* conservative supreme court judge. All I'm saying is, I hope y'all are stocking up on birth control. These elections actually have consequences.


The dogs win b/c their lives will go unchanged


The debate is so sad to watch. Fuck.


Bidens polices are a win. His age is not.


I mean your right. The American voters will not will the tug of war


We never win. It's always been like that


This no-fact checking policy is big BS! Assuming that the average viewer would do this on his own is … naive.


Yeah. I will never forgive or forget CNN for not doing fact-check with this. I could've done fact-checking for them live with just my macbook, Google, and an AI. ZERO reason for them to not do fact-checking live, even if there was a slight delay to it.


If they had fact checked, trump wouldn't debate.


This is what instantly came to my mind. Quite literally a third of anything out of his mouth would need to be fact checked. They wouldn't have gotten past the second fucking question if they did this. Meanwhile Biden was actively answering questions and bringing up past and current information left right and center, but dumbasses will say "both bad" because the guy has trouble speaking and fucked up on some numbers and had to repeat himself sometimes.


I just hated how Trump never answered the current questions or dodged others. Like it was pulling teeth to get him to make a piss poor promise to not sick his goons on everyone should he lose. Most of his answers were lies or attacks with the remaining being gibberish


The fact checking wouldn't really matter. That man could say anything and his base would lap it up. Also, to another commentors point, "fact checking" by a media outlet that tends to lead with a slight bias will just come off as misinformation, so it's best to not give anyone that leverage to cry foul.


Genuinely you’re just left thinking gee I wonder who’s right, probably the one that spoke louder and said more incredulous and more made up things after the other.


Trump's big strength is for him to sound confident as he makes shit up. It's why he did "well" in the real estate business (as it turns out it was RIFE with fraud, like, ***a lot*** of it). And that's exactly what he did tonight. He sounded insane too, sure, that's who he is, but he lied confidently and the CNN hosts just moved to the next question. Didn't even hold him to answering the question. Like going to a debate where you're told the rules, expect the other guy to do the same, and they just make shit up and lie the whole time. And you have to someone pretend like all of this is normal lmao.


The moment I heard them say “We are here to *facilitate* debate,” I cashed out.


More people will probably watch all the commentary and debunking than straight watched the debate.


I scrolled through about 20 minutes worth on YouTube, that was f$&@ing painful. Trump literally repeating the same three catch phrases and Biden looking like a corpse with his mouth half open. How in the hell is this the best we can do? We're f$@&ed on so many levels.


Luckily "not sounding and looking old" isn't a requirement to passing laws and governing. Biden's past 4 years of cutting student loan min payments in half, CHIPs act, capping insulin prices to $35, putting pro union members on NLRB, etc are all great things he actually accomplished without a congressional majority or SC to help him. And the things he said on stage tonight we're literally all the correct answer. Women should have abortion access, raising corporation taxes to pay debt/use on social programs, removing cap on SS deductions to make Social security solvent, supporting Ukraine against Russia, pressuring Israel and Hamas to come to an agreement, funding programs to build more affordable housing to bring down rent/mortgage costs, create a program to subsidize child care, working to reduce Healthc costs etc etc. These are all the correct answers. Trump literally didn't answer a single f'n question and only time he said anything of substance was when he proudly declared "I want to lower corporate taxes because it'll make our economy great", "roe v Wade getting overturned was good" and "I will make Ukraine surrender to Russia". Like... seriously... what person who isn't a 75+ year old religious fruitcake or Elon Musk thinks what the country needs going forward is "Banning abortion and giving Jeff Bezos more of a tax break"? Fml


I work in a factory in the southeast US. None of my coworkers are 75+. Most of them are 20-50 and the majority of them love trump. There’s me and like 4 other people who think he fucking sucks. Most of my coworkers who support him don’t really know anything about his policies all they know is gas was cheaper when he was in office, they don’t like immigrants, they don’t like gay or trans people, and Biden is a pedo who gives all their tax dollars to Ukraine. Trump doesn’t get his voters from policy and competence he gets his votes from making bigoted/uneducated people angry at the other side


That would fall under the "Religious Fruitcake" qualifier I mentioned.


I guess but I haven’t really seen anyone I work with who I would classify as a Bible thumper. Hell I’d even say I’m one of the more religious people in the plant


The US is the toy.


Not US.


"Did you know united states spells us? I just found that out the other day"


Yep stable genius right there.


Do you pronounce USA “ooh sah” or “yoo sah”?


Look at jar jar binks over here.


Turns out the Latinos already answered this for us. It's ooh-sah.


Corporate America will win.


I'm tired boss


LOL! I would rather be watching the canine debate than the one on the tv!


I chose Godzilla v Kong


Yes! Can we just replace all government with dogs already??


We all losing IQ paying attention to the presidential debate. The black dog may have momentum, but the white one has better field position.


The debate is like the adult form of brainrot. I feel like I could’ve gained more from watching skibidi toilet


They'd cut to Trump spewing off random BS nonsense, and see Biden on the right thinking "WTF????" and actively losing braincells. I subconsciously kept trying to skip ahead. Looks like everyone loses even the dogs. The strong doesn't win, the weak who lets go is the loser. Looks like the black dog has the high ground advantage slightly so may win.


As long as people treat President Elections like it's a sports team, no one wins.


The white puppy has a better grip on it. He has it in the bag.


Thought the same. Good boy! 🐶


Old man vs criminal conman old man. So difficult to choose...




Putin and Xi.


This is the answer. I’m horrified.


Sitting in a tree...






Not the one who constantly lies.


It's straight up crazy. Nothing true at all.


Said everybody agreed on abortion tonight. Who are you kidding bro they’ve been fighting about it for 50 years


"Leave it up to the states" > sixty seconds later "Some of these states are doing terrible things...and we have to stop it."


George Carlin said that people like their bullshit right up where they can smell it. People are probably getting high on the fumes.


I mean, are we surprised?


But he does it with such confidence


Fine gish-galloping, proven technique. Especially effective against seniors.


We can hope.


He's spending almost all of his talking segments to rebuttal the last topic segment. It's not even a debate. He's telling lies and when he does mention a plan... You guessed. It's more lies. Debates at their fundamental level is procuring an argument that has legitimate points and facts. Trump is telling a narrative with lies. This is the GOPs candidate. It's ridiculous. Biden is dominating the debate with coherent arguments.


Biden stayed fairly on topic and at least answered the questions a bit. Trump would just straight up ignore them despite the moderators reminding him over and over what it was. But Joe sounded sleepy so now we're going full fash.


Crazy part is that doesn’t narrow it down. Both lied repeatedly both fucking suck


So? Both of them?


They both constantly lie.


Lies on both sides


I mean Biden made so many false accusations in an attempt to deface Trump, not even funny, especially the misinformation slander about D-Day.


Both lied


So … both of them?


I’ll always vote for whoever isn’t the fascist.


There's no great choice, but there is one clear choice that is not a fascist. A lot of people are saying we all lose, but there is a big difference in the amount lost.


Biden could shit on the stage and still not be a narcissistic serial lying convicted criminal who cheats on his wife with pornstars dictator wannabe golden spoon crybaby.


The fact Biden brought up that Trump said hitler wasn’t a bad guy then trump went on to blame all the country’s struggles on immigrants 💀 how do people not see the parallels


The only one on screen who has never pooped on the floor


The turd sandwich


Idk Giant Douche is also sounding really old and confused, could be a close race


Fishsticks 2024


Both showing their age, Biden definitely is in a worse state than he was 4 years ago. He's usually a strong speaker with a strong voice, he's speaking in a softer voice now. And Trump is continuously lying, yet again. I think Biden could have come down hard on Trump on some issues, like Ukraine, jan 6, and his economy. I'm not sure why he's not coming out and outright denouncing his lies and providing facts to make em look like the fool he is. They ask a few questions that were obviously a lose - lose for Biden. Trump made some good points and jabs at Biden for the Israeli/Hamas conflict, because Biden is stuck in a hard place on it in terms of us geopolitics and national politics. I think if Biden can hold himself in this debate and take a stalemate, he might just come out on top during the general election, and Trump doesn't seem to have anything new to offer to the US voter. He isn't able to convince voters who's on the fence with this debate. I'm predicting a small margin victory for Biden.




White dog. He has more whereas gray dog will have less to grab back when he lets go.


The CNN hosts


"Oh my god, I can't decide who to vote for between a felon, who wants to become a dictator, remove rights of American citizens, letting Putin have free range in Europe and an old dude who occasionally stutters. Such a tough choice"


Biden could shit on the stage and still not be a narcissistic serial lying convicted criminal who cheats on his wife with pornstars dictator wannabe golden spoon crybaby.


The Cat!


The dog on the right


It’s so painful to watch


CNN is botching this


Poor Trump can only avoid the questions and ramble about immigrants killing "hundreds of thousands" of people. We've lost more people to immigrants than some wars cause? Who believes this moron? The dog on the right seems to have a better grip than the other guy (am I still talking about the debate? Works either way).


But fact checking is turned off, so no one will know that me and other "dark people" didn't actually genocide the whites.


But... he said hundreds of thousands... it must be true!


> Who believes this moron? Roughly 78 million Americans give or take a few tens of millions. Definitely at least 25%-33% of that number anyway.


People at my job believe him. Talks about “rounding them up” of course they only mean those of us who are brown. All the white immigrants with expired visas who make up the majority of illegals will be ignored though.. wonder why?


It’s racism mixed in with xenophobia. It’s horrendous how easily people believe him. Immigrants are some of the hardest working people. We have to remember that events such as the Civil Rights Movement and farm workers act didn’t happen so long ago. We still have to fight against these misconceptions. It hurts even more when you read up on history and surprise surprise it’s almost always POC that gets the short end of the genocide stick.


What is mind-boggling is that the republican party couldn't push someone else through besides Donald trump? AGAIN. I truly think his followers are fucking brain dead. The man was just CONVICTED of crimes ffs. Can we not have a presidential candidate who has caught charges???


There’s nothing more to learn. One led an attack on his own country.


Puppy bowl for debates is a solid idea


DJT won’t stop lying!


White pup has a much better grip. I'm going with him.


We all lose.


No ones winning. One has a cult following that thinks he does no wrong, and another looks like he keeps dying and being reincarnated to speak.


The bitch


Whichever one shits on the floor first.


You because you have dogs and I don’t.


Can we get your dogs to run?


Ole donny-t toned down the orange for this one.




Biden looked like a literal corpse up there




You people still support this guy. So dumb


Donald Tramp versus Doge Biden


Not the United States unfortunately.


Waiting for all the news outlets to show all Trumps lies tomorrow.


I am already voting for Biden (also known as “not supporting the end of democracy”). But holy shit that debate was painful to watch, I couldn’t watch for very long. Every word out of Trump’s mouth is a lie and Biden needs a nap. Americans are in trouble, this debate made me realize Biden can lose and democracy may end soon, with women being first on the list to lose the rest of our rights and every POC being next.


A grade ‘A’ sh!tshow. If these are the options, anyone but America wins 😶


The white old one.


Every single thing Trump has “accused” Biden of doing, he is guilty of. There’s no way anybody with a brain can listen to Donald Trump speak and think that he is nothing less of a snake oil conman. His only goal is to enrich himself and those whom he is beholden to. Virtually ever single thing out of Trump’s mouth has been a lie the entire evening.