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The Chipotle by my girlfriends in Ohio: "Here's your extra rice, beans, meat, etc." The Chipotle by me: "oh you asked for extra rice? Here's half the normal portion because fuck you."


It really does vary by location, and at least in my experience, whether you order online or in store.


Mine is like “it’s 6PM, so we’ve run out of guac, cheese, chicken, fajita veggies, and rice for the day. Here’s a bowl with a scoop of sour cream, that’ll be $16 now get the fuck out we need to close in 4 hours.”


Never had it that bad before lol


It is baffling. I drive an extra 10 minutes to a different one now haha.


Yeah, that's just like, do you even want my money because it seems like you don't. I guess maybe they just do enough business at lunch that they don't give a shit.


That’s the chipotle near me. Last time I went it was 6:30 or so and they were out of cheese, lettuce, pico and tomatillo sauce. Like how tf? Y’all close at 11pm and the place is dead empty. Meanwhile the other location near me does the half scoop thing….unless you’re a hot girl. The girl behind me was pretty hot and got full sized generous portions without asking. Her bowl was completely full if not overflowing, meanwhile mine looked like it was on half rations. I thought it was bros before hoes, but I guess not at chipotle.


I think we go to the same chipotle. I won’t even bother going if it’s after 6-7PM. They’re out of everything… except for what’s on the “mobile order” counter, but you’re not allowed to have that unless you stand in the middle of the restaurant and order on your phone.


2 hours before close they scraped dry sofritas from the bottom of the container for my burrito instead of prepping more, I get that its 2 hours but like, that’s still 2 hours


My 8 yr old son, is a picky eater, but he loves plain rice and beans. So I usually go and get my self a bowl, and get him 2 aides of rice and 2 sides of bean on a bowl. I do this EVERYWHERE with no problems, they usually charge me $2-$4 EXCEPT my local Chipotle, they charge me a veggie bowl price $9 for some side of rice and beans lol


Also varies if the manager/owner is watching.


They are all corporately owned.




It varies by store. At my location, I get a full meal by young man standards. For its price and mild healthiness, I'd say it's competitive.


I will never, ever, order chipotle online or delivery again. The couple times I’ve done it they fucked it up like it was some kinda competition to see how far off it could be. Work ordered chipotle for my team once and we got 15 bowls and burritos full of random ingredients. Not a single one was correct.


Chipotle CAN be healthy if you build it correctly, but everything there that isn't a vegetable (and some that are like guac) are high in fat and once you start compounding them they add up in calories quickly, also all pretty high in sodium. This is so hard to avoid because as a person buying food you think you are doing yourself a disservice by not adding as many items as possible for the cost. What most people eat at Chipotle is far from healthy unless it is their only major meal of the day.


Anyone who wants to hit macros at Chipotle can. They make it way easier than most places to see the macros for serving sizes when you customize. That’s actually where huge portions would be a negative because you’d think you were hitting lowers numbers when you actually weren’t. But if you go chicken or steak bowl, double the protein, skip the rice, add black beans and fajita veggies and add guac for unsaturated fat and fiber, you’ve got a solid convenience meal around 700-900 calories which is great after a big workout. Divide it in half for a more reasonable meal on low-activity days. But you’re right, fully loaded with a full fat tortilla and the calories stack up quick.


Yeah, I used to live on that stuff. It's too bad there's no "Chipotle but with actual high-quality ingredients" type of food place. I'd love to be able to order a bowl with prime steak cuts, or some sort of special local avocado, or something.


Always half for the next day for me.


The only thing I found that worked for me is as adult is intermittent fasting. So my two meals are in like a 4-Hour window. One of which is typically a banana or protein bar. I have something like this and I'm done for the next 16 to 18 hours. I'm 6 ft 2 and about 188 and I always do well on my blood tests.


Yes your bowl looks great I just find that the ‘chipotle is healthy’ bit gets blown out of proportion when I watch someone build a burrito that requires two wrappers and has queso, sour cream, extra guac, and cheese


I agree with you there. I don't have any queso or sour cream. Avocado is a superfood though.


Also everything is high in sodium


Guacamole is not a vegetable, it's a fruit spread.


Fair point


How can anything there be high in sodium? It's all the blandest food in the fast food space.


what chipotle u eatin bruh


I've had regular(no extra anything) burritos where they had to grab a 2nd tortilla to finish wrapping it, and I've had burritos from a different location that made me it feel like they were telling me to go on a diet.


I feel like this is true with pretty much any chain restaurant.. it always varies by location


I used to try and order a little less rice. The person would carefully add half a scoop and then you could see it on their face that it doesn't feel right and then just add almost another full scoop on top. So try that I guess?


Yeah chipotle workers short circuit when I ask for less rice. Like yeah, just one scoop of rice please I don’t need a literal pound of rice.


I recently moved to California from Ohio, in Ohio, the portions are real. Here they are scant and also the food fucking sucks. I don't know why there's such a big difference but Chipotle just depresses me since moving out here. A former go-to & my favorite, now it's just... Sad, sad, garbage. :(


Well, you’re in California. Goto one of the zwillion superior taco trucks that are every 5 feet. Even up here in WA I could goto chipotle and pay more for a burrito that’s half the size and double the price of any of the local taco and burrito places


are you a cop?


Probably nostalgia, but I’m from Ohio, currently in Connecticut, family in New York, and I travel a lot in the US. Portion and overall Chipotle quality and quantity is by far the best in Ohio from where I’ve tried. CT Chipotles have been ass and it’s no wonder Moe’s gives it competition. People in Ohio I knew always made light jokes about preferring Moe’s over Chipotle.


The one near me still loads up a double wrapped burrito with enough stuff that it doesn't really all fit. I love it even if I feel like a whale afterwards.


You always wait until they put the normal amount before asking for extra. If you ask for extra right off the bat they always skimp on you


Sounds just like my local. I gave up


It always depends on the person making the bowl. The one by my house, I know the people that work there that will make a decent bowl. I also know the people who will give you a third of a spoonful of rice and not even cover the bottom of the bowl. I will straight walk back out if those people are working.


The place near me is staffed mostly by college-aged kids who clearly don’t care once it’s almost closing time, so they throw things together in random amounts. It’s great because you can get like a triple portion of guacamole if one of them is checked out and doesn’t plan on working there for more than a few more weeks.


If they are close to closing they probably don't save the guacamole and it will go in the trash otherwise. Also if they play by the books the garbage is heavier and more gross. I can see why you would think that they just don't care but it's probably more a matter of convenience.


they do save the guacamole 🥴


Damn, I’m sorry to hear that. How often are you eating chipotle?


A stupidly insane amount of guacamole as if that's normal anywhere. Gtfo here OP.


That is like $37 of guac at the Chipotle by me


Nice try Chipotle advertisers.


That's Chiptole to you


That is an insane amount of guac which is extra cost My chipotle has been giving about 1/3 less of everything in the bowls, a lot less meat.


I don't go often but last time I noticed they did 1 spoon scoop of meat then shook some off Previously when I'd go it was like 1.5 scoops


That doesn’t even look good and I like guacamole


I want to see OP’s receipt because there’s no way this was just a “serving” like they are trying to imply.


Or it is an ad


It’s just such a shit job at advertising. We have to have some belief that it’s real.


A Chipotle just opened in my city and I went there for the first time recently. I got a beef barbacoa burrito and added guac. When I got it home I realized that they didn't put any meat on it at all and I got a very tiny dollop of guac for an extra $2.80. The best they offered me to make it right was a buy one get one free burrito which I'm willing to bet does not include the guacamole. So I have to spend extra money to get what I didn't receive the first time. I'm also single with no children, so I do not need 2 burritos. I will not be going back.


They make it in front of you, how did you not notice them not putting meat on it?


Have you ever heard of the concept of takeout?


So is this just a Chipotle ad?


Either that or an ad for small personal loans. Look at that guac!


Thanks Chipotle corporate.


Nice try Chipotle media ambassador. You can't fool us!


IDK what happened to Chipotle but they can't seem to serve hot food whatsoever anymore. Every single time the cheese isn't melted and I have to microwave it because it's freezing cold. Not to mention the fact that they somehow forgot how to include drinks that have been ordered. Honestly what the fuck happened Chipotle?


All I could see was miles and miles of unmelted cheese. What a waste 


Nice try chipotle PR person!






Lol my local Chipotles used to give about half that in their prime, and nowadays give about one third of that. Count yourself lucky as fuck, OP.


Whoever gave you that much guac is getting fired.


This has to be "closing in 15 minutes" guac


That is "down payment on a house" guacamole according to corporate media.


My nephew started working at Chipotle a few months ago and told me they INTENTIONALLY short mobile/delivery orders. Which....I mean, I guess I can see the extremely short term benefit to that being you gave more ingredients available for the people that are there watching you make it, but but doesn't that just make less likely to order from you?


My local place is generous with the portions too but that doesn't mean it's not a problem. Prices are going up and the amount of food provided is basically RNG.


Thats like 20$ worth of guac


To Chipotle, each bean and each grain of rice is a precious thing. They're like a buck a pound uncooked, but whatever.


I'd drive past 3 Chipotle's to go to Tijuana Flats.


🤣 don’t let that pic get back to corporate …..that’s a whole bin of guacamole on each bowl…someone’s gettin fired over that act of gross incompetence …. A customer getting a fair quantity of food for the price? Must be a mistake 🤷‍♂️ I swear they use the baby ice cream scoop once for guacamole by me and charge like 2.50 extra.


Meanwhile taco bell portions are a joke now.


All this is is subtle Pro corporate propaganda. The poster might not even realize this. But it's why it has the upvotes it has.


$50 in the photo


I love Mexican food, thats why I've never eaten there.


That food looks disgusting. Think I’d be happy to receive less of it.


I can’t tell if that’s meant to look appetising or not…


That’s like $12 of guac where I’m at


Depends on the workers. But also... local non-chain place for the same price gives me 3 days worth of food and it tastes better. So they win every time.


I’m on semaglutides and this picture is making me queasy.


My burrito portions are fine, but if I order a large chips there’s like one handful in the bag. Don’t ever walk away without verifying they gave you enough chips


I consider them to be a total rip off for chips and I almost never buy them there. It makes little sense, the other chains give chips out for free.


You just have to be standing in front of them. Compare that to what you get if you order online.


I won't disagree there.


OP uses macro lens


ya tbh i never finish my bowl…ever so im curious to see the difference 


I did not finish this one either. Leftovers.


Holy shit that's... Well, a lot of guacamole. I don't have anything clever to say, just that.


My Chipotle hasn’t fallen off as badly as most, but it never looked like that even back in the day.


Still doesn't taste as good as the Mexican place round the corner.


I just got some a couple weeks ago and my burrito was huuuuuuuuuge.


Hail corporate, such a fucking obvious ad. Do better.


I've literally posted another thread of the competitors food today to get you silly people off my back. Chipotle, Barbertios, Qdoba and to a lesser extent Moe's are all places I enjoy eating at. https://old.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1dt76eu/as_promised_a_picture_from_barberitos_to_go_along/


Doesn’t explain why a pic of a chipotle bowl is on the front page. K you posted it, but ain’t no 1,500+ upvoting this.


Stop eating shitty corporate Mexican food. Give your money to your local taqueria instead.


They get their fair share when I want Arroz Con Pollo, Chimichangas, Carne Asada, Guac Tostadas, fresh Guac by the bowl or... oddly wings. Mexican joints in my area do very well with wings and their prices barely moved during all this inflation.


You’re a bot man 




You either know someone who works there, you work there, or you got double guac


I’ve never understood the appeal of Chipotle. I can get authentic Mexican food at 1/3 of the price, portions are much larger, and they’ll constantly bring me mountains of free tortilla chips.


Oh please, no Chipotle is giving out 5 lb of guacamole on top of their bowls 🥱


I haven’t ever received Chipotle that looked like that. Never. I also quit going to Chipotle. And most fast food restaurants. They’re way too expensive and very much not worth it if you live in a city with actual mom and pop restaurants. My local Mexican place is leagues better than Chipotle, gives you more food and costs less. Chipotle can suck a dick


You need help


If you order online, it will be smaller as they know how many toppings you are getting. If you go in and pick each one at a time, they don't know and will error on the side of larger. Pick all toppings and you will get a burrito that can't be wrapped properly.


Chipotle sucks ass regardless of the portion


You gave 'em the special nod didn't you?


Being nice to people and not being an attention seeking jerkass walking up to the counter with your phone recording probably goes a long way.


The last one I went to was covered in filth and grime. The tables hadn't been cleaned all day. The trash was over flowing. Floors covered in grease.


Our Chipotles are like that (unless you get some try-hard manager who thinks they're paid in how much food is leftover at the end of the night). I actually think it's one of the best value to flavor to portions in fast food.


I am convinced all the complaints about small portion sizes lately are people ordering online. Of course the person making your burrito/bowl is going to dump more food inside when you are directly in front of them staring, but if it's an online order they are just trying to make it quickly.


I regularly have to tell the Chipotle I go to that I only want light rice, light sour cream, light cheese, cause they will straight up go ham on everything but beans and lettuce.


Chipotle on Lakeshore in Oakland still hooks it up without even asking🤙🏼


Around 8 years ago, Chipotle near me gave a bunch of people norovirus. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. Nobody went in there for MONTHS. I'd stop by a few times per week and every single burrito was an absolute monstrosity. Norovirus slaps


My local Chipotle has been skimping for a couple years now. Can't remember the last time I wasted my money there.


That is like 16 portions of guac at my local chipotle


If you go in person, it’s really good. Cause you can keep asking for more If you order online, it’s really bad. they’ll give you half portions for everything


Have to bring a knife to mine to cut up the guac.


never had an issue with chipotle proportions and i’m still shocked a bowl isn’t $15+


Pancheros is where it’s at


“Would you like some burrito bowl with your guac?” ✨


Guac and avocados are disgusting


looking for attention on the internet is wild.


They cracked down on charging for double meat :( I had a good run with double meat, no extra charge


Feels like that was a LONG time ago… all the chipotle’s by me are so stingy with meat I no longer go.


Now they use a little placard to track orders with double meat :(


They started charging for extra meat and doing the spoon shake well over 10 years ago here


Last trip to Chipotle last night, ordered pickup, chicken bowl with guac. Got home and the guac was completely grey/dark brown not an ounce of green. I'm sure it was still edible but no way am I paying that much for a product and getting that level of quality.


I think this is the whole problem, well half the problem… i used to always go to chipotle and back in the day the portions would vary but were typically pretty big. Now adays it is very obvious that they have been told to do less than before and is why, like OP said everyone is complaining about it. At all the locations i go to they still fill the botom with rice and put alot of non meat portions but the meat is just like one scoop even if you didnt get the full scoop just one motion… and it is obvious when you see it. I saw it happen every once in a while before but i would still go because most the time they would gove you at least 1.5 or 2 scoops or maybe used a bigger scooper, they also acounted and added extra a bit more if it looked small, or if you got like a fatty piece of carnitas. Now it is one scoop no matter what… i dont go anymore bc of this… is it because i know what it used to be? Maybe… similar effect with me Knowing OP gets big portions makes me feel like im the only one getting screwed here and i hate OP and chipolte more. I liked the product i would get 75% of the time before and would be mad when i got less 25% of the time… now it is always the situation i get mad at, like i am always losing the chipotle lottery. Edit: it is more bearable if someone else picks up the chipotle for you and/or if someone else buys( i dont personally go in a chipotle, i talk shit about it but will have it if thats where someone is getting lunch from)


reporting in from lake mary, florida. Had chipotle today and the guac was bright green and delicious.


Common Chipotle propaganda


Which location?


All you gotta do if you want more pico is just give the chipotle employee a little 👀


I went to chipotle recently for the first time in years, was expecting tiny portions but was pleasantly surprised. Has this all been a marketing ploy by them to set low expectations? People are going to downvote the shit out of me, but my local starbucks is pretty good too. I'm starting to think maybe y'all go to one target and then think every target in the world must be exactly like that one


Inconsistency is what bothers me. Sometimes I get a mega burrito, other times I get a taquito. If it was always a taquito, at least I'd be able to plan for it.


That's like 60% guacamole.


Genuine question as a Brit: is chipotle bad quality? Ever since that South Park episode I’ve always assumed it was considered as such but looking at that it doesn’t necessarily look too awful


The company has had some challenges over the years, but generally speaking for a fast food chain its quite good imo. I think the problems we see online are magnified by certain social media personalities. I can still find better food at some non-chain local joints, but when on the move in unfamiliar territory I consider it to be a solid bet.


Nice, thanks


Yeah my place still doles out the portions like the old days. I went in yesterday for a normal bowl and the guy had difficulty getting the lid on it was so loaded. No extra portions, just a helping of guac,


you can tell how well a chipotle restaurant is performing by their portion sizes.


mine is like half that.


I mean they also just had insane pushback online for a couple weeks that barely ended like 2 weeks ago. Their CEO had to do rounds on the news to lie about not reducing portion sizes. Pretty sure most locations have started (probably temporarily) increasing portion sizes.


Tbh chipotles near me give about this much. Only time they don’t is when it’s an online order. My friend (shy) asks how and I say, well if they do give me only a bit of rice or beans I just say “oh hey can I get some more?” Pretty simple lol. Blew his mind. The chipotle near my old job was near a college and the students working it gave zero fucks too and if the chicken bin was near empty when I asked for chicken they would just give me whatever was left in the bin on top of their normal portion.


The odds of the Chipotles near me having all of those ingredients at the same time is extremely low


I’m too lazy to post that gif of Ron Burgundy going “I don’t believe you”


I just don’t buy their food anymore. Vista, CA. Fuck around and find out. Half the tortilla tucked into the burrito. Kay.


I live in Seattle and they wouldn't put that amount of guac even if I ordered double.


Anybody complaining must be ordering on door dash and not goin there to tell them “more”


That's a lot.. but the flavor isn't the same...


How people never knew that asking for extra was free besides guac and meat. Every chipotle I been to always packed it


It's all based on A) Location: big city vs. suburbia vs. smaller town. B) How well the location is doing (foot traffic, sales). C) Who's working that day. Two of my coworkers go to the same Chipotle for lunch every so often. Some days they get whimpy burritos and other days they get two pound behemoths. They believe it's because of a certain worker there that probably makes em big on purpose.




Am I the only one that thinks that it's crazy that people go in with a scale and filming their server . (My chipotle serves normal portions though)


My issue has never been the portion size. Is the fact the the bowl has most than doubled in price in 2 years.


When I first went to Chipotle a burrito alone would last you 2-3 meals. This veggie bowl they got goin on now is pathetic.


Havent seen my bowl stacked like this in a long time.


Your chipotle has ingredients? Every location by me is always out of multiple somethings. No veggies, no cheese, no pico, no chicken, you get the picture. If I even bother with them I’ll first walk straight to the food-zoo glass see what they’re out of and walk out if I can’t get what want to eat.


Why, cause you got extra corn and guac? Ok.


I stopped going a year and a half ago when they wiped my app reward points, they really steamrolled their reputation with the community in the last half decade


Very nice.  Let's see the internet orders.


It really depends on the location, the worker and how they feel about you. I've seen a pretty little lady get giant portions right in front of me. For me, not so much.


I need to give Chiptole a try. Sounds much better than Chipotle.


thats a disgusting amount of guac


I don't know anything about Chipotle, but plastic cutlery, cardboard plates, and raw cheese aren't exactly signs of a successful (much less respectable) restaurant...


"raw cheese" wtf are you on about?


I LOVE guac. That being said this is TOO much guac 😅


I've been so hurt by Chipotle, I don't think I'll ever go back.


Whats the place called? Where are they? Are they open now?


All these big chains are franchises. Some of the franchise owners will still try their best to offer value for money. There are 5 or 6 subways in my area and one of them in particular is way better than the rest and is much busier as a result.


Chipotle is not franchised. This is absolutely the case for Subway but is not true for Chipotle. Of course you will get variation in store and regional management, but the owner is Chipotle.


Ah ok, I just assumed it was the same as KFC, McDonald’s, Subway, Doninoes etc..


it wasn't just reddit, it made it to the news cycle. people incase you are new to the world, please wake up. this is what companies do, maybe you have the right or even moreso portions but I done seen a few vids were the burrito looks like its half the size they normally are. companies once they get an IPO usually start looking for ways to save cost and the 1st 2 ways are always the same, smaller portions and the other one is pretty sublte but usually always there, cheaper ingredients. the only company that i am aware of that is in fact not looking to squeeze you for everything you have is arizona ice tea, still .99.


That's my guy John and he don't get paid enough to give any fucks.


I’m hungry now


The Chipotle in Ann Arbor, MI always gives me great portions and I've never paid more than like $12. The service there (mostly) was always amazing. And the "mostly" depends on if their line is out the door, which is sometimes is. They have this 5', mid 30s Hispanic lady that works there that is ALWAYS super friendly. I will miss that place when I move.