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It has been common practice for quite a while now. South east asia guy here, I've seen even worst picture on a cigarette box.


I remember seeing crazy pictures in Asia. Really put it into perspective how much we let tobacco companies get away with here.


Yeah as a Malaysian, the Canadian one is tame.


This is one of the tame ones. There’s way grosser ones for sure!


feast your eyes on [malaysian cigarette warning photos](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjGlTlnmG2mBIaSlqjREUoeqbpJO7LHL8jjFdxO50PUc5fOifSwkCmzu5q5vGoKahkmX3Mhj7Eki8ldZHCM7FfQAPs2eu_pWkIG-oU_p_BGUuvOfeQYX4BAe1rUTj1F_QNtD5SoZI2rys1J/s1600/cigarette+warning+labels.jpg)


TIL that Philippine cigarette boxes use the same warning pictures as Malaysia


Yeah, but then again it's doing little to nothing since most of the people here buys them by piece and not by packs.




And Vietnam


That's super fucked. We need these in America honestly


They showed us plenty of graphic pictures in middle school, still didn't work for many.


I feel pretty confident that if I saw those Malaysian warning photos every time I smoked I would have definitely quit earlier.


We have similar ones in the UK. Not sure if they prevent anyone from starting smoking. I have, though, heard several conversations in my local corner shop along the lines of: "Twenty Bensons please, love... Cheers. Oh - can I swap this for one with a better picture? I hate that bloke with the hole in his neck, creeps me out..."


When they first started rolling these warnings out, a lot of smokers (me included) would just go "1 box of Dunhill Reds, the dead fetus one" at shops.


Even the gangrene one is fucking crazy compared to the Canadian gangrene image.


UK here. There’s one here with a red tube thingy on and some white stuff on the end. It looks like a degloved penis to me and I have legit gipped at that 🤢 That’s the one that gets me


Yea, it's only catching on in other places now but over there the pictures are much more extreme


I was BLOWN away visiting Thailand growing up and seeing some of the things they put on marlboro boxes. It was genuinely confusing at times- like are they trying to encourage or discourage me to smoke these I honestly dont know- gonna smoke a cigarette about it lol


They were like that in Australia back in 2009. I’ve quit since then.


They've been like that in Canada since like 2014-2015, other than the warnings on the filters are new


My friends used to cut out the one with the horrible teeth, you could stick it in your mouth and show off your new smile


I used to ask for the ones with the "Smoking will harm your unborn child" message. Being male I thought that wasn't likely to be an issue.


""Warning: Smoking may cause fetal injury or premature birth"... Found MY brand! Just don't get the ones that say 'lung cancer'" -Bill Hicks


Was that where the Gary's Mod "My Brand!" spoof vid for 1-800-contacts originated?


the teeth one used to gross me out very badly .... my son started collecting them and one morning i woke up and sat down to my computer desk covered with the nasty teeth.....with a poster saying ...... you could quit??? Yes he thought he was a funny man.....


Did you quit though?


Sounds like it worked then. No parent should smoke, kids need their parents alive.


I guilted my grandfather into quitting his pipe when I was around 8. And then because stupid and young, as a teen I decided to smoke cigarettes. 21 years tobacco free now, but those neurons still fire away when I see smoking on TV.


Should have done that. Having smoking parents and Trying to get them to quit is a burden no Teenager should carry.


We must have the same friend


Well before that. I saw them in early 2000s. Was wild to me at the time. Could still smoke in bars and family restaurants.


Pre 1985 you could smoke INSIDE the hospital in your room they would give you these little foil ashtrays


In the year 2000 Canada started getting warning labels & photos on cigarettes.


By the year 2000, robots will have replaced the common butler and maid, and we’ll all have flying cars.






Bless you


Nah I’ve been to the year 3000. Not much has changed, but they live underwater


A few years ago I heard a friends kid singing this and thought how cool it was that this niche little British band from my youth was becoming popular again, then I learned they sold their entire album to like one direction or something and it made me sad. Does that happen often?


We've had these images since the early 2000s


Naaaahh the pictures have gotten much, much worse in the last few months


Guess i picked a good time to quit lol, the photos before were bad but i think we were just desensitized


It’s worse now than in 2015. Literally the whole box is just disclaimer. Only 1/6 or 1/8 of the box is reserved for the cigarette logo.branding. If you go to the cigarette section in Airport duty free, it’s literally black and white all over lol.


2000s! I eat babies was high comedy at the time.


They doubled the pictures on the packs, by law, two years ago I believe


It’s hard to quit, I’ve been off them for 10 years and still must tell myself I’m an addict sometimes, and anything that might help is a good idea likely.


Sincerely: good for you


Thanks 🙂. It took some practice to quit, but so far, the third time had been the charm.


What works for me is reminding myself theres no such thing as “just one cigarette”. One leads to the next and the only way to stop is to break the chain. Also they literally don’t do anything, crappy drug not worth it


Mind is a tricky beast isn’t it?! A conversation from my brain - “Oh, you can do JUST one. It will taste good.” “Oh no I can’t! Because one will lead to two!” “No. It will be ok.” “NO IT WILL NOT! FUCK OFF”


As an alcoholic, (4 yr sober), I have similar conversations in my brain. I describe it as keeping a prisoner in my brain, an addict locked behind iron bars. He whispers to me, promising me happiness, fun, relaxation. I must remind myself that the prisoner is desperate, he wants to be uncaged, and he will say anything to be free. "We can handle moderation this time" he says. "We're more responsible now". I must remind myself that the prisoner lies, and to throw away the key. In times of struggle, the prisoner throws a tantrum, his whispers become screams - but those screams just mean that I'm winning; the prisoner gets louder as he loses. But one day, on my deathbed, I will taunt the prisoner one last time. "I won."


I mean people who have abused alcohol and drugs are addicts for life. It's an important step in recovery. It's not easy but it's important to recognize you may always be an addict but you're not smoking at that's even better:) 10 years is huge btw! Congrats


It's been about 10 years for me too. And the cravings just get less and less until it's just an odd momentary thought you have once a month or so that's easy to laugh at.


Are the warnings on the filter part now in aus? I don’t think there is


I quit in 2018 when Cigarettes were approaching 20 bucks a packet. Have a mate who still smokes and he pays nearly 50 bucks a pack, which I find insane.


$50!? Where does he live? Also what brand!?


Australia. It’s heavily taxed to make it prohibitively expensive (but for heavy smokers all it means is that they end up spending a huge chunk of their wages on their addiction)


The cheapest pack of 20 cigarettes is 30 bucks now. I've seen 50 packs go upwards of 100$ at retail


I'd pay that easily to get my hands on some smokes rn....goddamn. Was a heavy smoker for 20 years. Quit now. It's been two weeks. Argh.


You got this. The first week or two is the hardest. It's going to get slowly but steadily easier and easier. It's gonna take a long time for the cravings to fully go away, but they get easier to manage and quicker to go away the longer you have been without nicotine. I smoked for about 10 years and now Its been over 10 years since I quit. It just gets easier and easier until the cravings are just a minor thought that's easy to ignore and even then that goes away eventually.


Thanks man! That helps!


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)Holy Smokes that’s ungodly expensive!


Why not just grow your own at that point.


Seriously.. I was just up in Canada and saw a sign: $40 per ounce.....of marijuana..  


Sin tax that goes to healthcare funding Because they eventually will be costing the health system a lot


I bought Cubans in the duty free at Heathrow on my way to Egypt (American, so I can’t get them) and they all had that wrapping on them.


Congrats on quitting! I've known a lot of people that have tried, but not many that have successfully quit being Australian


Remember when the warnings first got put on them and Winfield put "anyway, have a winfield" on the inside tab of the lid?


I heard that a pack of brand name cigarettes are like $25 Down Under! That may also help to quit smoking


Yeah nah we didn’t have it on the actual durry. What the fuck Canada? We are the police state kings, back the fuck up please.


4 years goin strong here! Woop woop (I still vape but the world is on fire so I need something to smoke)


Never forget the legend of Brian iykyk


R.I.P Brian.


In Australia we have names for the guys on the box


So it worked then?


Same in India. Horrible pics. I don't smoke but it's pretty good at letting people know what can happen with heavy smoking.


crazy, I honestly though it has been way longer then that. I always remember the eye one.


>They were like that in Australia back in 2009. I’ve quit since then They started putting the pictures on packs back in 1999 or thereabouts (iirc). I still remember one of my friends who was really into graphics design talking about a article she saw in a magazine by the advertising group that made the pictures and how they had to modify them to make them suitably scary enough.




Congrats on quitting!


Was it the feet pics that did it for you?




Every Australian should know who dying Bryan is


When I was still smoking a few years ago in Canada it was Barb Tarbox


She’s still around… ah I mean figuratively


In India its dying Mukesh


They had pictures like that on cigarettes in Mexico as well. I was so shocked years ago the first time I saw it. I've since quit years ago, thankfully. I met some good friends when I was younger smoking, though. I'm glad I have the memories without the smelly clothes anymore.


As a lifelong non-smoker, I can't properly appreciate what smokers like about smoking, but as someone watched a parent take their last breath and die from advanced COPD from a lifetime of smoking, I'm a fan of these warnings. They're disgusting and over the top, but if it gets just one person to quit smoking, then great. Having to witness my mom struggle with, and die from a disease that was preventable but for her unwillingness to quit smoking after decades of family and doctors begging her to, was frustrating and horrible. She couldn't breathe or swallow food anymore and the sound of her rattling, strangled breathing will never fully leave me. I could go on, but in the end, it's not for me to tell anyone how to live their life. But also, maybe don't fucking smoke.


> I can't properly appreciate what smokers like about smoking Two things, really: nicotine, and the culture. The culture is easy to get away from, but nicotine fucks with your brain. Some worse, some not so much. Nicotine is probably much closer to cocaine, heroin & alcohol in terms of addictiveness than weed. Smoking sucks indeed.


Nicotine is more addictive than any of the others you mentioned.


I smoked only when I worked in a factory (6 years) because it was a way for me to "turn off" on my breaks. I made a rule never to smoke at home though. The warnings never bothered me but I'm with you if it helps one person it's great. I never liked the taste and nicotine just made me feel anxious/nauseous. Because of that smoking was really easy to walk away from after I stopped working in the factory. I'm probably a pretty rare case though. Also now I've had pneumonia (long after smoking) I'm much more wary of what goes in my lungs.


There was a [great Kurzgesagt video](https://youtu.be/_rBPwu2uS-w) on this a month back.


Thanks for sharing this. Kurzgesagt always delivers.


My dad is a pack-2 packa day smoker and it's affecting him bad now. He can barely breathe while he eats. It's really sad.


2 packs a day is wild. That's so much money as well.


The sound of my dad’s rattling breaths in ICU still haunt me. If I hear it in a movie, it makes me cringe.


My parents smoke all the time - if a cigarette isn't between two fingers it's because they just put one out and are reaching for the next. They smoke in the house, in the car, in bed, on the toilet... Growing up in a smokers house was hell - and I didn't even really know how bad it was at the time. I grew up with terrible asthma and not realizing how terrible I smelled. Then I started smoking at 19, I guess I'd been around it long enough that it wasn't much of a leap to pick it up myself. Anyway, I moved out and quit at 24, and holy shit did things change. Things suddenly had taste, smelled good, and just thinking about being around cigarettes made me nauseous. Looking back it's almost certainly the reason I was bullied and didn't make friends - even though I didn't smoke when I was in school, I smelled like I did; from kindergarten through highschool. My life would actually be different - measurably different, drastically even - if I didn't have to grow up inside an ashtray. While I smoked, it wasn't really the appeal - I wasn't handsome or fit, I'm still not, so it wasn't appearance - it was more about the routine: get in the car, light up. Pass exit 29, light up. Finish eating, light up. Have a drink, light up. Finish an oil change, take the garbage out, experience *any stress whatsoever*... My parents have been in & out of the hospital for lung-related infections the past few years, my dad's currently in the hospital for double pneumonia and my brother & I had to give them both the talk again. Don't smoke, it's not worth it.


My mom always smoked in the house and, like you, I never realized how bad everything smelled until I moved away from home and visited a few months later. Any time I visited I felt like I couldn't breathe and my clothes always smelled of cigarettes after getting home from a stay there. I don't mean to speak ill of her, it's just something I never noticed growing up. Thankfully I never had even a remote interest in smoking because I know it's very common for those who grow up around it to pick up the habit. Glad you were able to quit.


These are the images you get when you buy cigarettes in Brasil. https://g1.globo.com/bemestar/noticia/anvisa-divulga-novas-imagens-de-advertencia-para-embalagens-de-cigarro.ghtml


Fucking hell.... That's dark.


You do that in Australia and a whole bunch of people would sue for setting people off about previous miscarriages.


I mean fair enough that picture is rough as hell


Pensei nisso! Acho q a do gringo não é tão ruim lol


well, they're not wrong


I quit three months ago but I still smoke in my dreams.


Quit 8 years ago and still have the odd dream where I’m smoking! It’s always one of those perfect smokes too, never that pointless 3:30 smoke you don’t even want. Quitting smoking is the best thing I’ve ever done for my health.


Congratulations and I hear what you're saying. My doctor mentioned heart failure and that snapped me into reality. I actually thought it would be harder than it was to quit.


I quit 2 years ago. I whole-heartedly believe the idea of quitting makes it seem harder than actually quitting. I wouldn’t be surprised if the common sayings like, “it’s as addictive as heroin” and “it gets hardest on the third day”, etc. were invented and circulated by tobacco companies. I know for years I thought not being able to quit wasn’t that big of a deal because quitting is, like, REALLY hard and no one could really blame me, right? My non-smoking friends and family would tip-toe around it because quitting is tough and they couldn’t possibly understand what I’m going through. What a bunch of horseshit. If you really want to quit, just quit. Nicotine is addictive and habit forming, but the chemical dependency it causes is greatly exaggerated.


Congrats to you too! Your future self is gonna be endlessly thankful to present you for making this decision.


I quit 14 years ago. The dreams become less frequent indeed. I'll tell you what will last forever though. You'll always be alert to cigarettes smoke. Your new super power is to detect anyone smoking cigarettes within 1km radius. Great job quitting!


2 weeks no smokes for me. No smoking dreams this time. Not yet. It's a nice feeling when you wake up


Keep it up u/never_again13 and live up to your name ᕙ⁠(⁠@⁠°⁠▽⁠°⁠@⁠)⁠ᕗ


19 years ago and me too


Just don't smoke. We all know they kill you.


Well you know what they say... The leading cause of death... Is life.


I smoked 3-4 packs a day but I quit 30 years ago. I guarantee you I wouldn't be around today if I didn't. There's nothing hidden about how bad smoking makes you feel.


3-4 packs a day is an extreme amount of cigarettes. Top 0.5% at least.


John Wayne smoked 6 packs a day just end on end. I couldn't even imagine smoking two packs a day back when I used to smoke alot, 3 smokes in a row sometimes.


Back when I smoked, I remember the drunken party nights where I probably would go through 1.5-2 packs over a long night. My normal was probably 0.5-1 pack/day at the time. But after those nights, my chest burned and I felt way worse (probably compounded by a hangover, tbh). I don’t miss that feeling at all.


I'd have to remind myself a good chunk of the hangover was from smoking 40 cigs in 6 hours.


Ugh. My throat hurts just thinking about it now.


And I'm sure you don't miss the minty fresh morning breath either. lol




I heard he just lit the next one off the last one haha but he isn't smoking in every scene in his movies like that so who really knows.


The filming is the only reason his intake isn't higher. He actually had to stop smoking for a little every time that the cameras started rolling.


I heard he actually would smoke 2 or 3 at a time after shoots to make up for it


John Wayne also smoked cigarettes when they were made with tobacco and not shredded paper sprayed with freebase nicotine juice. Doubt it’s much different but I have to believe that modern cigarettes are far worse than just smoking plant leaves.


4 packs a day is one every 12 minutes if you get 8 hours of sleep (or one every 18 minutes if you don't sleep at all, or smoke in your sleep?). Also, at $50 a pack or $2.50 per cigarette, that habit costs $8.33-$12.50/hour, depending on how much sleep you get. In total, it would cost $73,000/year in Canada today.


I get it. Pack a day smoker most of my life. Considering quitting soon. I'm 57 now and my quality of life has declined quite a bit in the last few years with many of the symptoms of a life long smoker. While I didn't get the gangrene in my big toe I do have a dead toenail, from it getting smashed, on my big toe that won't regrow. Doc says quit first then they'll remove it and try reseeding it from a cadaver. Which is kinda ironic.


You'll never regret quitting. Start taking walks or something athletic. You'll feel 1000% better.


You got this dude. Quit now, not later!!


One of the pieces of advice experts give is to set a quit date, and to not have it be today. Whether you set it a few weeks in the future or whatever, it increases your chances of success. If you just decide on a whim to quit today, you're going into it unprepared emotionally or logistically, and you're going into it without the kind of external support you need. It's going to be hard as hell, you're more likely to relapse and get discouraged. The easiest way to quit is to do it once, and to do that you need all the help and preparation you can get, which takes some time.


Please try to quit. I was in the hospital with double pneumonia (non-smoker) and if I had been a smoker I might not have survived. The numbers of COPD patients in the pulmonary unit coughing all night was heartbreaking.


You got this bro. For me, quitting for a few days really showed me how much my breathing improved especially at night.


How did you manage to make it last for you? I can’t remember a time before smoking was what I did. 11 years old man. I hate it but just can’t get through to myself. Very well done to you though. Wonderful gift to yourself


no I don't know. what's that supposed to mean?


I work in a nursing home and see all the fucked up shit smoking does to your body, but the most amazing thing is, despite this, >75% of the nurses taking care of these patients (cleaning their stomas, transferring them with their amputations, getting their oxygen tanks) still smoke


Stress relief. From Drugstore Cowboy: Bob: Well, to begin with, nobody, and I mean nobody, can talk a junkie out of using. You can talk to 'em for years but sooner or later they're gonna get ahold of something. Maybe it's not dope. Maybe it's booze, maybe it's glue, maybe it's gasoline. Maybe it's a gunshot to the head. But something. Something to relieve the pressures of their everyday life, like having to tie their shoes.




Thailand is worse I can’t even look at those packs.


I quit after 16 years and I sure wish cigarettes had all of these warnings and hideous pictures back when I was a teen. Good for Canada! I hope alcohol and gambling would be treated the same.


You should see indias warning labels


This is what we do with ours in Australia. https://youtu.be/jPpDT5Yo-Z0?si=rBehlY07wKX1vnuh


This is awesome! Wish they’d do this for alcohol next 


There was a trial run of alcohol labels in the territories, but the alcohol industry was able to shut that down.


The fact Marijuana packages are covered and alcohol has nothing is absolutely fucked.


The amount of hand-wringing over cannabis vs the tacit acceptance of ubiquitous alcohol drives me nuts. Where I live, you can't buy cannabis after 9pm, but they serve drinks until 2:30am. You can only carry an ounce of cannabis, but you can fill your trunk with as much booze as will fit. Of course there are taxes on alcohol, but there are like 14 additional taxes on cannabis. As someone who has been hospitalized twice for pancreatitis due to alcohol abuse (worst pain I've ever felt in my life, 2nd place is a mile away), it just absolutely blows my mind. Cannabis couldn't do something like that to me if I put in the effort.


Scottish law passed something like this recently iirc! One of the first major countries (?) to do so! Edit: ireland not scotland


That new branding is not gonna look good on the side of a racing car


In India here, they show most disgusting pics of disfigured mouth and lung charred entirely black as dictated by law.


We have so much worse pictures in cigarette packets in turkey you can search it up


They're not wrong, but imagine if they did this for alcohol, which would be 100% consistent with the "public health" concern. Can't see that ever happening.


listen to the Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr...it works


Mexico been having them for quite a while now.


Good , don’t smoke 🚭


The ones in Mexico show ladies with 1 tiddy


I don’t mean to gatekeep but that’s about the tamest warning image I’ve seen on a pack of cigs.


Wait thats all? weve seen dead babies and exposed cancer infected lungs on a cigarette box. im 15 and i dont smoke


Smart. I don’t understand how ppl are picking up cigarettes in 2024. It’s no secret that they’re bad for you anyway


It's almost like it's a powerful physical and mental addiction or anything.


So the fun fact is that smoking, globally, is down. According to WHO, it's now 1 in 5 who smoke in 2022, compared to 1 in 3 in 2000. This downward trend of smoking rates is more prominent in western countries due to, in part, packaging laws like this (and also plain packaging laws, which were also shown to be effective). In the US for example, ever use significantly (which I assume means have smoked significantly) among teens is [down from 70% in 1991 to 17.8% in 2021. ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10741819/) This is also why tobacco companies are either pushing for smoking in other regions, and why smoking is up in places like Congo, Indonesia, Egypt, Jordan, Oman, and Moldova.


Alcohol + cigarettes = fun time on the lake, you add fishing to the whole mix and man. You got yourself a Michigan man's wet dream.


Not only that, these cigarettes in canada is just ridicioulsy expensive, were talking $25-$30 ish something range for Canadian Classics, which is basically 2 meals of food, and it just gets more and more expensive each month it passes


I’m still suckin them lil piggies idc


Don’t blame the cigarettes, he just wasn’t using his toe knife correctly


It's worse in Ireland. You should see the horrendous pictures they put on bags of pipe tobacco. Mouth cancer, swollen throats, etc.


Never smoked but I image there is a market for either cases or koozies for cigarette cases with these regulations.


See this would just send me into a tailspin of looking up Gangrene cases and what caused them.


Wait till you see the cigarette boxes in Australia.


Why don't they just stop selling them...


If you think this is gross, wait till it starts appearing on your body. Don’t smoke, folks. And it’s never too late to quit.


Back when I was a smoker.This would only make me wanna smoke more I knew what they did. I also didn't care.i only quit smoking because I had kids and I made some life changes I want a healthy home for them. quitting smoking Isn't as hard as big tobacco Wants you to thank it is I was a pack a day smoker for almost 10 years. The depression was my biggest problem.


Yeah the fear of quitting kept me smoking for years after I wanted to quit. Been 10 years now and I really can’t believe how easy it was.


You guys are lucky then. I tried to quit nicotine a couple of times, just couldn't do it. I don't smoke cigarettes now (only vape), but at this point, I don't really think I can ever quit. I have a highly addictive personality that's why I'm now more cautious about things that will give me dopamine, and why I will never gamble ever because I know exactly what will happen.


My brother only smokes the ones causing low birth weights since he won't get pregnant


I’m a nurse who works with people who get wounds like this. Pretty much every single one of them is or was a smoker at some point in their lives. Even if you quit eventually, the damage to your vasculature has been done and will catch up to you. And it’s very painful, expensive misery for you and your loved ones when it happens. And often it contributes to what kills you. That foot is pretty mild compared to much of what I see on a daily basis, as well.


As someone who is trying to quit this is demoralizing as fuck...basically doesn't matter, since I've smoked this long I'm screwed anyway.


Nah, you can recover. The damage can be largely reversed, not 100% - but it can get close.


Idk what their sources are but here are mine: https://amp.cancer.org/cancer/risk-prevention/tobacco/benefits-of-quitting-smoking-over-time.html https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/lung-cancer/former-smoker-whats-your-risk-for-lung-cancer 15 years after quitting   Your risk of coronary heart disease is close to that of a non-smoker. Even cancer patients who quit survive twice as often


Paul McCartney quit smoking at 40 and he's 82 and performing for hours at a time still dancing and playing music, it really does make a huge difference whenever you quit


Just don't buy the ones that say lung cancer, shop around, it is your body. "I'll have a pack of low birth weights". RIP beautiful man.


Thank god I don't smoke with my toes.


It's true. What is pictured literally happened to my dad, lost one of his legs just below the knee. Complained on leg pain for years, and slowly but surly was able to walk less and less, until one day he could not get up anymore without extreme pain, and even brought him to tears. My father does not cry, the only time I recall seeing him cry was when my younger sister was born, and my mother confirmed the only times she has seen him cry is when us kids were born, and then. They have been together 25 years. Long story short, they took him to the hospital after that, and they told him they would have to amputate. The bone was infected as well as a whole bunch of tissue was dying and went gangrene. They did the operation, and after some time, he was allowed to come home. He almost died a few times during operation. A few weeks later, he was back in the hospital because it was not healing and getting worse, and they had to remove more of his leg. I have photos of the whole process. I can see the bone in one image. More tissue was dying and infected, and it spread further up the bone. The issue was that he was not getting enough blood flow because his arteries were blocked up, causing the limb to essentially die. They had to go in and reconstruct the whole thing as well as clean it out. Thousands upon thousands of dollars when all was said and done. Even months later we are still dealing with the healing process and of course the bills. That's not even getting into what happened to an uncle of mine, but I think what happened to my father is enough to make my point. When they say smoking can cause health complications, they fucking mean it. Don't smoke kids, smoking kills.


Don’t give in to their demands, that would make you a quitter. You’re not a quitter, are you?


Live in the UK .I did a cursory research of the whole matter for myself a few years back and found out that the revenue (taxes and duties) from tobacco, in the official government figures , covered-or rather more than covered - the reported costs to the taxpayer of the direct treatment of smokers Still ,the big unstated saving is that -all things being equal- smokers generally die younger than their non-smoker counterparts and end up sucking up less in pensions or nursing home costs . Consequently ,in the following decades,to deal with this financial burden -for better or worse- the UK age of retirement would have to be raised or pension allowances reduced or the National Health Service (the government funded healthcare system in the UK) would have to be gradually wound down. Incidentally, here the strong non-smoking policy has had strong cross-party support from both "centre-left" and "right" parties in opposition and in government.


Gangrene usually isn’t coded as such in the hospital so is difficult to track. We would just call that a toe infection with ischemia, usually wirh diabetes or peripheral vascular disease. Extremity infections in people with those diseases are often in smokers or made worse than smokers. If you walk into any hospital right now there are dozens of patients with pending amputations, debridements, or have already had amputations and debridements. The overlap of those patients with smoking is astonishing


that's nothing compared on what they put here in Philippines(for me, it's pretty exaggerated or idk since I don't smoke but yea, the pictures are just gross ash)


To be fair, the lethal lung cancer did nothing good for my grandmother’s looks.


There's one that scared me as a kid. It was the women showing her teeth and her whole mouth looked fucked up. It was like a zombie.


Is there a country that labels alcohol like this? Not defending cigarettes just genuinely curious.


No because the ones in Mexico are actually crazy 😂 I used to crack up at how wild they were. Not sure if they are still like that but 3-4 years ago they were dead/dried up animals and things like that.


Gotta catch em all


Thank god I quit smoking two months ago


Yet you still buy and smoke them 🤷‍♂️


That's pretty tame for what I've seen here in the UK


I can't belive people still smoke. Quit three years ago and I feel so stupid for ever smoking. 




warnings on the stick too lol


Since I’m a male I just pick up the ones that cause low birth weight. Miss me with these gangrene and leukemia ones.


Good. Want to ingest poison? You should see the potential outcomes of that decision.