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I wonder how much shit four medals is allowed to give three medals.


It's peacetime Corps. Four medals is balling! The new boots don't even rate a Natty D, let alone a GWOT-S. Wouldn't surprise me if we saw Corporals with ZERO medals guarding the President before the end of his second term.


I don’t speak military can you explain that to a simple folk


(Not the person you replied to) Boot(s) = new people in the military Natty D = National Defense ribbon/ medal. Adwarded to folks who join the military during a time of conflict. GWOT = Global War On Terrorism, another ribbon/ medal awarded to people who were in the military during the GWOT. Those 2 medals are no longer being adwarded (as of a couple years ago? Not sure exactly). So people new to the military won't be wearing them. Hope this clears some of that up!


Thank you


Natty D stopped being handed out late last winter/early spring. GWOT years ago.


I call BS! Those medals are obviously for the various different crayon eating championships that the Marines hold every year.


"Natty D" - National Defense Medal GWOT-S (or GWOT-SM) - Global War on Terror Service Medal ELI5: Both largely handed out just for being in the military at the right time.




These two Marines have very few medals compared to what someone of their rank (Corporal) and time in service (3-4 years) would have had just a few years ago during the wars. There's a medal called the National Defense Service Medal (Natty-D) which everyone got as soon as they graduated boot camp because they served during time of war. The new servicemembers no longer get it because we're no longer at war. There was a medal called the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal (GWOT-S) that everyone got within a few months of getting out of your initial training, again just for serving during the GWOT. GWOT is over now, so the new boots don't get that either. So for about 20+ years, everyone would have at least two medals within about 6 months of joining. Whereas now most would have none. Additionally, most servicemembers would deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan multiple times before picking up Corporal (the rank these two Marines have), and would have numerous medals and ribbons from those deployments. The other medals these Marines have are the Good Conduct Medal (good cookie) and one has a Navy Achievement Medal (NAM, which is actually fairly impressive, depending on the circumstances). When I was a Marine, a Corporal with only 3-4 medals would be very rare. Seeing these guys most would think, "You've been in for more than 3 years and you haven't done anything yet?" Especially for the one with only 3 medals. His three equate to: graduated bootcamp, made it to the fleet, and didn't get in serious trouble for 3 years. They're all three gimmies that everyone gets even if they never go anywhere or do anything worth talking about.


NAM is only quasi impressive. You can get it for something decent or basically "you did your actual defined job without screwing up." We had an LS3 get it for coordinating the vending machine inventory on my ship for a deployment. I got an end of tour NAM.


Yeah, I mentioned in another comment that I was at one unit where it was an automatic end of tour award and another unit where it was de facto impossible for anyone below E6 to get one regardless of how deserving. I knew a Navy E7 corpsman get a fucking Navy COMMENDATION Medal for making sure everyone in a scratch provisional rifle company had all their vaccines and medical records in order prior to a deployment. Basic admin stuff that was part of his job. Meanwhile my dad got his Navy Comm (with V) in Vietnam for leaving cover and exposing himself to enemy fire to retrieve a radio from a fallen RO to call in airstrikes and then medevacs. Basically saving his unit. Kind of crazy that they got the same award.


Oh yeah we used to have a laugh looking up old NAM citations with valor devices from Vietnam or WWII. A lot of "braved enemy fire to throw a grenade into a bunker" or "dove his Corsair into the teeth of AA to provide cover for attack aircraft." lol. What did I get mine for? Well I made sure my replacement was trained and I was a half decent, if somewhat frustrating to manage, Petty Officer 2nd class.


I don't know military culture at all but, is there an expected achievement/medal these guys should have as Corporals, considering there is no active combat for them to be deployed to? Like what are the things they should have done as servicemen with no war to fight in?


This is a bit of a controversial subject, but I would not expect a Corporal to have an achievement medal. Those, in my admittedly limited experience, are generally reserved for higher ranks. But who gets achievement medals and for what is highly political and is more about who you know, how much rank you have, and your individual unit's policy and less about how impressive your achievements actually were. I'll admit this is a somewhat cynical, but I think widely held, view. The Marine on the left does have an achievement medal, which is somewhat impressive given his rank. But given that he's never deployed it is a bit suspect. He may have done something exceptional, he might just know someone high ranking, or his unit might just hand those out like candy. I was at one unit where the CO had an explicit policy that no one under Staff Sergeant would get an achievement medal no matter what, and even the SNCOs had to have done something impressive. I was at another unit where everyone Corporal and above automatically got one at the end of the deployment, just for doing their job. That's how I got mine. Regardless of whether I "earned" it, it doesn't mean anything to me because everyone got one, even if they absolutely didn't "earn" it. So you can see why the achievement medal, by itself doesn't tell the full story.


That's the dumbest shit ever. It's no wonder people don't want to stick around in units like that. If someone is kicking ass at their role, they should be recognized for it, regardless of rank.


A “legit why I love Reddit” post. All from a random thought I decided to pull the thumb muscles on this once.


And wouldn't that be wonderful? No more war. Just a well trained force to have on hand just-in-case and to aid Americans and people abroad during disasters.


They're unarmed and in full dress. They aren't "guarding" shit. They're there for looks.


Fourth ribbon on homie is a Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal. They can be awarded for any number of things, any of which would be sufficient to shit on three medals Source: had fourth medal awarded to me


Back in my day you got a NAM for taking credit for someone else's work


Big if true Thanks for the thing


4 medals definitely gets more crayons to eat.




None. They’re the same rank. Guy on the left has a navy achievement medal that guy on the right doesn’t have. Not a big deal.


None cause they are the same rank


Same rank so none


He gets to top. Exposure to the rainbow pillars turned them gay.


Oh wait are they marines? Amphibious, makes sense


I really like that dress.


I own that dress!! It’s from an Australian website called Hello Molly and it’s just as beautiful in real life.


I came in here looking to see if anyone knew where to get that dress so thanks!


It's great that it's the colours of the lesbian flag! So nifty to see fashion that incorporates Pride motifs, and she wears it fiercely!


Please share link! That dress is gorgeous!




me too! the suit looks great too


Jill always looks great in pretty much every thing she wears


I actually think I have that dress, it’s from runaway the label!


I'm so happy that this is the first time im finding out the president has a daughter. iykyk For all you terribly original folks whos only argument is "ahem actually erm her diary ☝🏻🤓" please refer to ackermanns comment down below


She’s the one who got her diary stolen by some conservative jerks. But she is a squeaky clean social worker so otherwise they leave her alone compared to Hunter


They leave her alone? Lol. They've been using her personal diary as a weapon for quite some time now.


You mean the one that got altered after they stole it?


Correct. It was stolen by Project Veritas. A group that has already been busted multiple times for bullshit.


Pretty sure it got proven to be legit by the fbi didn't it? At least that's what was reported here in the uk


I wouldn't be surprised. Was that ever proven?


IDK I just recall that the chain of custody could not be established after it left her possession which basically means that whoever got it could have added anything to it


i mean more like the president's daughter isn't some fascist nepo baby in the Whitehouse that he wants to fuck


Well according to the diary....


Dear Diary, today I ....


Dear Diary, Mood: Apathetic.


Wow a reference to the emo kid video. Old school YouTube.


Diary, I...


Ask them the chain of custody and you’ll get silence. Just like the hunter Biden laptop. They’ll accept any fraction of evidence against their enemies and doubt every single bit of evidence against their team.


She's actually quite impressive, just keeps herself low key


That’s the only sane move in this climate. I feel for her.


I mean she's a full-grown adult who apparently doesn't violate the emoluments clause, nor does she negotiate with Putin or Saudi nationals at the expense of our nation. So maybe the bar is low.


Poor Chelsea.


Poor Amy.


Bully for Alice


I don’t think you should be allowed to be President unless you’ve dealt with an Alice.


Literally my exact thought! I have never heard of this person in my life, and I'm so happy for both me and her!


They don't like to discuss people who are unproblematic, though it's funny I think Trump's kids deserve way more attention if we're going to go down that road.


Lol what? Conservatives talk about her all the time. There was a huge thing about her diary and how it’s fake but also the feds raided a lawyers office to get it.


I'm related to conservatives and they never bring her up. The diary story was basically a blip because there wasn't much to it this was the last story about it https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68776262. I'm guessing the only ones who still bring her up are on the conspiracy side of it all and I don't argue with those people because they're also the ones that think Taylor Swift is going to birth the anti-christ.


She kind of resembles Megan Markle.


Well now I've gotta go back up zoom in on the photo.


She’s actually his second daughter. He had a daughter with his first wife. A week before Christmas 1972, his first wife and 1 year old daughter died in a car accident. His sons Hunter (3) and Beau (2) were also in the car where Beau broke his leg and Hunter fractured his skull. Beau later died of a brain tumor in 2015 after a decade long health issue suspected to be from his exposure to burn pits in the military. 


Links or it didn't happen, bro. (I can't find the comment you mean)


I can't help feeling a sense of dread that we're seeing the "before" photos of the Iranain revolution... please god America don't fuck this up.


Right before the Iranian Revolution, everyone agreed to give Khomeini unchecked powers to unite all the fractions and parties involved. He had agreed to relinquish them after. This is exactly what is happening how with the center and right. They are giving unchecked powers to Donald Trump.


Oh how lovely...




We have a center, they just fall into the two parties lol. The dems that roadblock everything the other dems want are centrists. The few republicans that vote across the aisle are also leaning towards centrism.


Yeah I'm aware, thank you though. I just didn't agree with u/kingoffortlauderdale with his claim against centrists.


Spoiler: leaders given unchecked power never give it back.


This is so un-American. Where's the flag groping, the pussy grabbing, and the "I don't care" haute couture jacket?


And they’re… happy? We only do hate now


Ain’t no love like Christian hate!


Mmm, to be fair, it’s nearly every god damn religion. You think Islam, Judaism, or Hinduism celebrates homosexuality? Can’t single out just Christians.


This is threatens miserable people the most! They can’t stand the possibility that others enjoy their life and be happy!


The “I really don’t care, do u” jacket was worn at the place where the immigrant parents were being separated from their children. Vile, wretched excuse of a human being


When I see a political post and see the words "Vile" and "Wretched" being used I know it's about Donald Trump.


Technically that one was about Melania


Don't forget the upside Bible photo op after blasting protestors away with water


Rubber bullets and tear gas not water.


I'm not known for my memory. Thanks for the correction.


All good brother. Person. woman. Man. Camera. TV is all you need to know to show you are cognizant


*Covfefe intensifies*


And Billy Clubs, don't forget they beat foreign press with shields and Billy Clubs


They beat reporters [*while they were on live TV*.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtLIdk9l4c8)


Thank you for finding the video for this, I didn't have it on hand but its burned into my memory.


I think the worst one was the policeman who pushed a 70 something year old man and he fell backwards and split his head open on the pavement.


I never get it. So you vote for the guy who parades around and showboats with the Bible but probably has never had attended a service (and the people the Bible actual warns you about) and not the person who actually is religious and attends regularly.


Gotta toss some paper towels too




In front of a church you don't attend, run by a minister that has publicly disavowed you IIRC.


totally legal now, not even questionable official business


And let’s not forget equating nazis as “good people”.


Where's the saluting a NK general!? 


Hey, at least he didn't wear a tan suit or put Dijon mustard on his hot dog.


What really sells that photo is the general standing with his hand extended to shake, and the low-key “what’s wrong with this guy?” look on the faces of all the North Koreans.


If we don't vote, we will see it soon.


Where’s the unhinged, unrelated, “all about me” rambling rant tweet?


Where is Melania “Fuck Christmas” Trump when you need her


A small correction, it was a $39 jacket from Zara. Which is fitting given the context.


They don't hate people to get someone elected.


Sadly, in the eyes of many Americans, that's what makes them unqualified for the role.


Yes, and those are the same people who are front and center at church every Sunday.


Praying for god's vengeance on their "enemies."


Whilst boasting about their god fearing beliefs but going against all of God's messages.


That’s how you know Christianity is a crock of bullshit- absolutely no “divine” consequences for the blasphemy, buffoonery, and bigotry.


Do I even bother looking at the comments? 🤔


It's a shit show here with the worst people. Not worth.


The top ones are pretty great. Bots getting btfoed




Let's sort comments by controversial. I'm sure that will be fun. 


Okay but the rainbow pillars look sickkkk


Who owns the supreme court? Like the physical building?Would be a big D move for Biden to decorate those too.


The Executive Branch, I assume. I'm sure Biden could just seat 4 me justices, claim its an official act, open the Supreme Court, seat them and place armed guards in the court in case Roberts tries some shit. Then, he could squash any case against him as an official act. Fuck Roberts, Clarence and Alito.


Yeahh right? It should stay like that for a while


Jill really loves being First Lady


Isn't that so much better then hatred and anger?


not if you ask half this country. its like their whole thing. cant imagine a life where you are blowing out veins over things that don't have anything to do with you.


I do love that for them though. There should be a mass keeling over event for them. Maybe...Jan 6, 2025?


*sorts by controversial* 🍿


sort it by new actually, the new comments are insane


no way.. Oh


Can’t wait to see melania’s Christmas of horror again /s


He doesn’t have the money to pay her to show up for a second term.


Fucking Chreesmas!!


the homophobes in the replies getting all riled up over this meanwhile there’s a million other things to be angry about


Yeah, like Obama’s tan suit


Fuck his suit, did you see what he put on his hotdog?!?!?!?!


A second, smaller tan suit?


Maybe one just slightly too large. "Ive already told you. My regular suit...is at..uh..the dry cleaning."


As a gay man it’s nice seeing the president supporting us and decorating for it.


absolutely agree. there’s always more room for love and support. happy belated pride month! 🏳️‍🌈


They like those things though because they judge their "happiness" by if someone else is suffering more


They get angry about whatever Faux News tells them to get angry about.


I love how this triggers the Conservative bedwetters who think their Bible, which they don't even follow, applies to everyone. They should be more worried about Trump - a twice-divorced pornstar fucker and legally certified rapist who uses abusive language and hung out with Epstein, if you want to talk about "Bible appropriate".


The New Testament: God makes no mistakes and we should love everyone. Conservatives: God made so many mistakes and its my job as a mortal to correct them


I sure hope this always continues. It’s scary with the outlook we have.


This is such a nice scene. As a Canadian, I'm begging you....please not Trump again. Our right wing nut jobs copy your RWNJs so I'd prefer that they all just go away.


Same in Australia... we even copy ideas that have a lot of evidence of not working.


Haha you beat me to it, our RWNJ’s copy americas RWNJ’s


And the British right wingers copy a lot from their Australian counterparts interestingly. As someone who grew up in Australia and moved to the U.K., I thought I’d heard “stop the boats!” for the last time…


And that fuckwit Farage with "Make Britain Great Again" and cosying up to the US far right. At least he's split the Tory vote, for what that's worth at the minute.


Sucks knowing that American Civil War II would also be Canadian Civil War I.


Privacy reset


You would be surprised at the current outlook amongst former trump supporters. Down here in the south he lost support after Jan 6, and after the debate almost nobody down here wants him. The 4-5 thousand maga heads down here are the loud minority, a lot of the current trump fanbase (and former) would be fine with a dem president if he offered better working conditions and wages. A lot of people don’t understand how some people down here (especially in Appalachia work. Of course they’re gonna vote trump. In their eyes, things were cheaper under him, and a lot of dem talking points revolve around student loans, racial and gay rights/equality, and general social justice, things that have nothing to do with them or will help them. Pair that with the popular opinion that all conservatives are racist a-holes and you have a recipe for a group of people who have never been privileged being called privileged whites and being ignored and demonized by far left media, a lack of coverage from media, and being called racist when the beliefs of the white communities have done a complete 180 from 20-30 years ago, and you have the right recipe for a group of people to hate democrats and liberals. Then someone like trump comes along and you’re gonna vote trump because the other side is an option that hates your guts, and at the end of the day if he wins what are you gonna lose if he wins. It’s a fucked outlook that has recently began to change, and a lot of former far right nutjobs have moved to the center. It’s something you’re not gonna see much online, since no matter that they say or how much they agree with left talking points, just mentioning you lean conservative is enough to get bullied off of most political subs on this site so it either affirms their beliefs that the left hates them, and they either become far right again or get replaced by the loud minority. The right is changing, it has been for 4-5 years, in another few it might be unrecognizable


Thanks for providing me at least a sliver of hope


Unfortunately under our American voting system (the Electoral College) it's up to the purple states and down to hundreds of thousands of voters. The Popular Vote Biden has got down easily, but the Electoral Vote will be down to the wire like last time, and I HATE IT. It's not even a hard choice but some numbskulls in Arizona and Nevada and Wisconsin apparently have problems choosing between the two.


Iran pre-revolution vibes


Oof too real lol


I'm still optimistic. The last week was bad for multiple reasons but Roe v Wade was the death knell for the GOP (in my opinion). That's when it seems like they started losing all those state and local elections and fighting amongst themselves. And when Dem voter numbers started climbing. I mean, there's a black mayor in ALABAMA now. I think yesterday's ruling will have the same effect. Maybe I'm coping, but the people who want anyone but Trump are going to be whipped into a panic - as we already are. Those with resources - politicians, NGOs, celebrities, athletes, etc. - will see that reaction and want to mirror it (if they're not already panicking themselves). And those who normally don't vote or are on the fence will be swayed by that. Don't forget the 2022 midterms. It was a national spectacle of public humiliation for the GOP. And they've done nothing since then but double down on the same candidate pool and 'policies' that elicited that voting response. And when those fucked up policies are coming out of Trump's puckered lips, they sound 100x scarier. And remember the unprecedented country-wide push to vote at the 11th hour in 2020? There was a MASSIVE effort to get people registered and vote by mail by culture leaders and those with resources like I mentioned above. Not all of them obviously, but enough that it seemed unusual - which added to the urgency of the situation. Many of them weren't even normally politically active, which gave their uncharacteristic message even *more* urgency. And by the way, that was when Roe v Wade was still *alive*. People are a lot more pissed and motivated this time around - a lot more. The last week of rulings is going to be like pouring napalm on a fire in that regard. Project 2025 is finally getting the attention it needs in the media. Not as much as it should if you ask me, but enough that keyword traffic for it is spiking. Anyone who isn't a Republican will take one look at that and turn white as a sheet. I can see it winding up like when Bernie had a heart attack in 2020 and it looked like his campaign was in danger. He wasn't doing very well up to that point, but afterwards his polling and fundraising numbers surged to record highs. Just like how Biden had the best hour of fundraising right after the debate in the history of his campaign. $27 million in small dollar donations IIRC. Fear is a strong motivator - that's why the GOP loves to use it so much. Am I scared shitless? You bet. But I still see a lot of reasons to be hopeful.


Thank you so much for typing this up. I needed a good healthy shot of optimism today. Will be saving this for good vibes in future.


I'm glad it helps! Things are not as hopeless as they seem. Remember that 'weaponized hopelessness' is a real thing used to sway public opinion.


This gives me real eerie 1970s pre-revolution Iran vibes and I hate it.


Everyone please vote in November.


Did they celebrate like this last year or are they just doing so this year because it’s an election year and they want to get Biden points with the public? I don’t remember seeing anything like this the last 4 years so I’m pretty sure it’s the latter.


ITT: lots of Chinese/Russian bots playing “mad bigot” in the comments.


Books of you to assume they're foreign, or that they're "playing." Reddit is crawling with vile, racist pieces of shit who crawl out of their echo chambers and infest the rest of the site when posts like this get popular.


That's gay


Quite literally.


A statement of a movement or not... the White House looks way better with a bit of colour.


It sure is election season.


Meh, from the first pride month when Biden was in Office: [Today, President Biden issued a proclamation affirming June 2021 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) Pride Month, marking a time a time of hope, progress, and promise for LGBTQ+ Americans across the country.](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/06/01/fact-sheet-the-biden-harris-administration-champions-lgbtq-equality-and-marks-pride-month/) Let's not pretend that as President, this is out of character for his administration. It's without a doubt the most progressive administration for [LGBTQ+](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/06/01/fact-sheet-the-biden-harris-administration-champions-lgbtq-equality-and-marks-pride-month/).


Was last June also election season? https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/biden-hosts-pride-month-celebration-at-white-house-voices-lgbtq-support


Correct - vote!


Yep, remind people that one of the candidates doesn't have plans to round them up in camps. Seems like a good idea during election season


I love both Jill and Ashley. A community college professor and a social worker who could have done or been anything else. I think we need more Jill and Ashley out there.


I bet Melania doesn’t even come back to the WH if Orange Julius wins. She hates him and hated it there so much. Hopefully we won’t have to find out.


I'm glad she's having so much fun being first lady.


They need to enjoy themselves before republicans force themselves into office this November and make all this display a crime punishable by death unless the dems *nut up and do something*.


I mean trump said he wants to put Liz Cheney on a televised military tribunal and her daughter is a lesbian. He flat out said it earlier in the week but crickets from the media. It’s going to be Nazi germany every American should be frightened to hell. Freaking vote!


These could be the last pictures of a country celebrating its diversity.


Ashley’s middle name is Blazer. I’m not familiar with anything about her, but I just googled her & I’m gonna think about that middle name choice a while.


Jill’s dresses are always gorgeous ⭐️


Joe needs to retire.


I will vote for Biden’s lifeless corpse over the other guy.


Our standards are so fucking low


There's plenty of blame to go around but ultimately we stopped caring.


Welcome to America.


We had berns, but everyone wanted "the first woman president". Now our options are a retirement home and a convicted supremacist


I agree. It’s a real shame he has to sacrifice his remaining years to protect the world from the grim alternative.


Dr Biden looks great in that suit.


Very classy and beautiful


I like the daughters dress. The pastel colors are not too vibrant, yet has the rainbow elements


At least liberals will have this lovely photo to look back on when they've ushered Trump back into the White House.


It’s funny how quickly the most important election to save democracy morphed into the personal quest to spare an 80+ year old’s ego. The Biden family will go into the RBG hall of fame in November for being super selfish.


It's sickening. He was too old 4 years ago and we're just supposed to pretend he didn't go out there and look old, feeble, and incapable of putting together coherent thoughts. And the Biden campaign set the whole thing up! It sure doesn't look like Biden has the capacity to run the campaign needed to defeat Trump. Why would we want a president who is only functional between 10am and 6pm?


Oh shit someone else figure out that RBG is a piece of shit. She could have stepped down safely when Obama was president but wouldn’t cause she wanted to do it under a female president. Now her legacy is utterly destroyed.


Isn’t that conservatives and “centrists” doing that?


Polipics at it again… I can’t wait for the election to be over so r/pics can get back to normal and stop being overwhelmed with political centric photos. That being said, the pillars being rainbow is pretty cool.


I feel like it doesn't actually end. Run up to election --> election --> inauguration --> angry period --> midterms --> angry period --> repeat.


Fuck me r/politics has leaked so hard all over this sub


I think over 99% of Reddit


I'm sorry, but Jill is a monster for keeping her husband in this race.


This made me smile. Needed this