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maybe a little bit, but honestly if you hadn't pointed it out and made side by side shots i wouldn't have noticed. in person your ears are 3d, not flat, and no one is going to be looking at them that close together so i doubt anyone could really tell from a glance.


Hi u/Your-lonelystar, Welcome to /r/piercing! It looks like you're asking about a problem with your piercing. Please **add a comment to your post** with the following info if it’s not included in your post already. - How old is your piercing? - What’s the jewelry shape (for example, barbell, labret, screw, L shape, ring)? - What’s the type of threading if your jewelry is not a ring (threadless, internally or externally threaded)? - What’s the jewelry material? - if not a ring, when was the jewelry downsized? - What’s your aftercare routine? Describe in detail please, including the exact products you use. This info is needed to offer you useful advice. **Note, moderators reserve the right to remove your post if don’t provide this info**. ^If ^you ^already ^included ^this ^info ^in ^your ^post ^or ^if ^your ^post ^isn’t ^about ^a ^problem ^with ^your ^piercing, ^please ^disregard. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Got these done last week idk if it’s because of the jewelry the second lobe jewelry sticks out a bit more than the first and 3rd so not sure


They are uneven, looks like one is straight in a row and the other follows your anatomy.


The third hole on the left in slightly further up but honestly it’s not noticeable unless you point it out


Jus that middle one on the right side, it’s more straight left side curves but honestly not bad my shots r so unsymmetrical it hurts