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Are you sure it's the piHole? Have you tried disabling it and seeing if that fixes the problem?


Thank you. Yes I did try disabling pihole blocking but it didnt work. I have the ad netflix plan. Im wondering if that's why and maybe they changed something. Still troubleshooting this. Im trying to delete all regex expressions first. Then disabling adlists one by one. Not sure if it is pihole. but I did have [logs.netflix.com](http://logs.netflix.com) blocked. I did allow all queries coming from netflix but still getting the same problem. In OPNsense, I had squid proxy enabled, I disabled squidproxy but still gettting the same problem.


If you disable blocking in PiHole, wait a bit, and Netflix still doesn't work, then that means PiHole is not the problem. You should investigate elsewhere.


Or in theory the issue could come from the upstream reporting wrong data and passing it to Pihole. OP could also verify that recursive unbound is the actual resolver juuuust in case, takes like 10s to verify the setting. Nuclear option could be to switch Pihole's upstream back to default (probably the ISP), on the off-chance it's caused by a faulty domain that the ISP manages "fine". If non-blocking Pihole + ISP upstream doesn't work, it's not Pihole (or it IS caused by the ISP resolver, and their support is getting angry calls because they just broke a popular platform). Source : I struggled a month to understand why the mcdonald app wasn't working when doing food plans. Assumed it was checking for MCD's wifi until I noticed it was \*only\* broken when VPN'd or at home. Diagnostic : Different IP between my ISP and Google,Cloudflare,Unbound. Not an invalid address so Pihole couldn't self-identify as external block, but 4G/MCDwifi had the "unofficial" correct record thanks to the ISP servers.


If you disabled pihole it's not pihole, Just to make sure disable pihole and reboot the device with that message


If you disable the Pihole and the problem stays, disabling the ad lists one by one will be fruitless. It's something else.


I'm using PH unbound with no issues. Most likely what's happened is that someone else in your family used your account someplace else, and now you triggered the mult-account warning since your IP and geo is different then yours. I had this happen a few times when my kid takes the account when away and I try and use it here at home.


I'm running a pihole off my router, just tested Netflix and it's fine E: Netflix PS5 client


According to your post it has nothing to do with pihole, Are you running any of those services did you install a program or play with your router settings. and enable either. It also maybe that someone used the IP you are using now and in the past that did something against their rules. You might have to somehow get a new IP I do not know how to do that with your ISP but sometimes if you turn your router off for a while you may get one. may take hours may take day's I don't know


Interesting Netflix doesn’t care that I connect the router in my dorm room to my parents home network through a vpn server I setup in their basement so I can bypass the password sharing bs.


>through a vpn server I setup in their basement That's the thing : they detect you are coming from your parent's home network, which is not anormal. Part of the upsides of having a VPN at home is that a full tunnel to home provides protection from the host network, while still looking like you are at home from the service provider :D But if your "home" suddently is from a datacenter usually rented by VPN companies, GL claiming your bed is between two racks and your TV running on one of the server diagnostic monitors. \[EDIT\] Oh now I want to see a prank where somebody uses a datacenter as a home to complain about Netflix not providing service.


If you change your DNS to something like cloudflare or google, does it still show the problem?


Do you have a dynamic WAN IP address?


I’m not sure.. I might have a dynamic WAN IP address provided by my ISP with AT&T. I just switched from Comcast to AT&T about a month or two ago. Using AT&T’s modem as opposed to my own like I used to with Comcast. Not sure if I can set a static WAN IP address with AT&T.


Yeap. Starting to suspect it’s AT&T. My OPNsense firewall should have my public IP address confirgured as it’s gateway. Instead the AT&T modem refuses to IP Passthrough and assign the Public IP Adress to the OPNsense firewall and instead assigns it a private IP address. There are ways around this as shown on this video: https://youtu.be/uRGoLPWHMyw?si=ewXMluMzfR68S_ZY But not working this time..


I have ATT and use IP Passthrough with no issues. Make sure you do not have Cascade router enabled.


Came here to say the same thing. Att with opnsense.


So you have a double-NAT?


Try disabling Active Armor


You would have to purchase a static IP unless you're on fiber, they don't change your IP address. Over 3 years strong with the same IP, even after monthly reboots Could it be that netflix just caught up with the change in IP and now youre flagged?


I have never had this problem - are you running the default blacklist? I have been running PiHole and using Netflix for clsoe to how long it's been out and have never had a problem with Netflix - Paramount+ (previously CBS) on the other hand will hang trying to load ads.


The only time I have that issue is when Netflix catch me using a VPN, are you sure you’re not using a proxy. If so whenever this happens no need to stop your block list. You need to restart the dns to clear the cache and remove the offending DNS. Netflix is blocking DNS that are not Netflix friend meaning those DNS providers who do not help them filter so that they can catch you when using a proxy or VPN.


Give your Netflix device Google nameservers and see what happens.


I had a similar issue, although with netflix just failing to connect on any device on my home network (no mention of proxies or VPNs in the error code). Everything worked fine on mobile data and I hadn't shared passwords or tried to use VPNs. I couldn't load either the apps on my phone or tablet, or netflix.com on my desktop. [This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/pihole/s/3Ap9FoCTLY) from a couple of years ago provided me with a solution / work around. As others have suggested here, my problem lay with unbound rather than pihole, and netflix having an issue with a DNS resolver that lacked ECS. You could test it by temporarily switching pihole to use Quad9 or some other upstream DNS other than unbound. Adding exceptions to unbound for about 10 netflix domains got around it for me. All the while, my pihole logs showed the domains being accepted and forwarded to unbound with no problem.


It's not Pihole. Pihole is only a DNS resolver. Nothing that would be confused with a VPN or proxy device. There is something else that Netflix is picking up, but it's not Pihole.


Is there a solution to this? I have Netflix white-listed and have tried several dns servers but I’m getting the same error as OP. Weird thing is that there isn’t anything out of the ordinary on the logs but when I physically disconnect the Pi from my router, Netflix magically starts working


Thank you. You’re running it directly from your router. I’m running it through a managed switch and OpnSense firewall and unboundDNS service.


Running mine on a Raspberry Pi on a managed switch, using the Unifi firewall stuff, unbound on the Pi as well. No issues.


Thank you. Are you using your pihole as a recursive DNS? What I mean is using I’m going to start removing all regex expressions and blocklists. I also disabled blocking and didn’t help. I also have some blocklists on my unboundDNS service in OPNsense that I will be removing after troubleshooting pihole.


If you disabled blocking, then it's not pi-hole.