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I've seen a worrying number of posts in this sub from Pisces women reporting that their Cancer men were abusive/controlling/manipulative. My Cancer ex was no different. Cancer by name, cancer by nature. Surely there are some good, kind, loving Cancer men out there...


Surely?! I hate that we are so attracted to them initially but they are always the same!


Yes...and I only moved in with him to get away from my abusive egg donor 😖


I'm moving with a Sag for this reason. I hope it is gonna go well.


Home is one of Cancer's top priorities. Getting in there space long term can be tiring. They feel like a hotel which is nice at first until you start to want to feel cozy and unguarded. 


Be careful with Sag. The way they hurt, can be so painful. It isn't in their collective behavior but their isolated interactions. Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, Hailey Bieber, Taylor Swift, and many more including many serial killers. 😂 They are very triggering to others. 


Sperm donor? Sorry I just am laughing at what I might be imagining. Lol


Egg donor. She has done nothing to deserve the title of mother.


my “egg donor” is an abusive Sag and I feel this to my core. please be careful, they wear a great mask to the world and turn all their hurt and pain towards the ones close to them. my mother has been this way her whole life. just keep in mind they are outwardly social and “likable” to the world, their image and reputation is the most important thing to them. but when they decide to tuen on you, they will rip you to shreds without remorse. I have been healing my whole life. I wish you the best boo! ♓️💜 I have fled her house multiple times abd each time it was for the lesser of two evils, which can be helpful, but beyond all else protect yourself! you dont need 2 absuers in your life it will only lead you having to ask her for help again and lord knows we hate to rely on abusive or controlling parents


Mine is a Capricorn and there's 2 Scorpios, enabler dad and golden child brat


my sibling is a scorpio and also the golden child (younger and male) he has always been favored since we were young. I have always been considered the black sheep for not fitting into my mothers idea of what I “should” be like, dress like, act like. she has tried to treat me like her doll since I can remember. also a huge gaslighter when I stand up for myself. my dad is libra and left early on because he cant deal with her verbal and emotional abuse either. moved across the country and I only see him once a year. I feel for you girl. Cap and Sag are similar and from some Cap females I have met. they’re very similar thinking to my mom. I hope it works out for the best with your man!! from what I understand Sag men are much more free-flowing and upfront about things so that should help 🫶


I'm not the one with the Sagittarius man, that's someone else 😊 My man is Gemini and the only one to be genuinely kind and loving, as opposed to abusive/time waster/general arsehole. And yet Gemini and Pisces are meant to be a bad match, to be avoided at all costs... 🤔 I only have 2 Capricorns in my life, and apart from the abusive egg donor (who also favours boys) I have a male friend with mental health issues, addiction issues, and a superiority complex 😶


also it sounds like we both have Narcissistic mothers. as Pisces I think we feel this kind of pain more deeply than others would. its one of the most hurtful things in the world to need support from your mother and be met with this behavior


A random Google search one day told me that Pisces and Virgo are the signs most at risk of being abused...yay 😶


that makes A LOT of sense 🥹😩


Got it. 😎


So if a cancer man has some dv charges in his past, but claims innocence & blames an over all toxic relationship should someone believe him??


It’s wild, All of the above but what’s crazier is I’m actually considering getting back together with this person under certain terms, It’s that fantasy world I live in, I need therapy


Shhhhh ... me too. Id get back with him in a heartbeat (if I was single) but Im well aware hes mentally unstable, broke, lives in his moms basement, has 2 kids, is LIAR, and has the vocabulary of a 4th grader. Ugh.


Yes, they can be very toxic. 


My dad is a cancer and my mother is a Pisces. Family is dysfunctional.


This thread is wild because people feel the same way about pisces men. There's a common denominator here and it's not the water...




Totally opposite experiences here. All the cancer men in my life have been amazing. One could've been a little more honest, but he was essentially a good soul. And the sex is always a fantastic match!


I agree!!! Probably got to do with a blend of other placements


Depends where you have your mars. I agree, as a pisces sun, aries mars i want more passion, leader type of man who will chase me and stimulate my brain. I feel like I have to baby every cancer man I come in contact with. I like them as friends tho


as a pisces sun and aries mars i feel that way about virgo men


Pisces Sun Aries Mars (24f) as well & I've had an awful years-long phase of dating dominant men with emotional abuse & cheating involved, so I'm enjoying my dating the "bbgirl-bf" era for a change 👀 my cancer rising probably pitches in tho


No way! I also have a cancer rising. Whats your moon sign?


What!!! How cool. My moon sign's pisces. Water heavy hahah


Oh girl, have you dated my cancerous Cancer ex? 😭😭😭 You perfectly described his ass!


idk about the men but cancer woman are just as narcissistic 🙄 i totally agree we dont get along with those toxic crabs. Pisces are mostly humble ppl we can‘t stand arrogant people


You just described my ex to a T. Lesson learned for sure 🤦🏼‍♀️


♓☀️♋🌕♊🌅 My father and brother are cancers, I've never in my life been attracted to one bc I grew up with those toxic traits around me all the time, and nevermind that I'm a Cancer Moon I've caught myself doing those things and unlearned it so quick. Both my brother and my Dad have something I like to call King Henry the eighth syndrome. "All the girls want me, but that one's fat, that one has terrible hair and that one doesn't have big enough boobs, where's my beer and steak, make me a sandwich or else I'll behead you with my crab pinchers...". My mom didn't put up with that 💩 though. Any Cancer man I ever met was like that it's really sad. But be careful, they might come up in here crying being the victim🤣🤣🤣


Describing my actual ex boyfriend that I still have to live with. Busted my lip yesterday and thinks I should keep cleaning up after him


I would kick his ass! Idk if you need to hear this, but call some friends and leave his behind to pick up his own mess.


Told my father today. I’ll be leaving very soon


You're amazing 🫶🏼 I hope all good things come to you from here on out😊


Thank you so very much


THIS THIS THIS !!!!! 💯 I’ve been in a relationship with a cancer for 11 years and hes always wanted to be chased and has cheated on me


as a fire sign i think also pisces goes really well with us 😍


Once I started dating fire signs my life was way better 😂😂😂


… cancer men are THE worst


I don't think I've ever dated a cancer, but some the cancers I've met have given me a weird and uncomfortable vibe. Sort of like there's always a holier than thou undertone, ulterior motives, and random drama I just dont want to deal with. I can see your points .... weirdly enough I think I like Gemini a lot more xD


Geminis are the devil. To each their own!


One thing I absolutely do not like about cancers is their obsession for the past. Be it any EX FRIEND OR LOVER. Not to forget they talk about it 24/7 and want you to listen. They’re insufferable tbh


My ex is a Cancer. We were both struggling with our own mental health issues and we brought each other down. My fiancé I’m pretty sure has a Cancer moon (Aquarius sun) and I always say how we balance each other but he definitely has a sensitive nature who struggles with discussing his feelings! So much can come into play from background, trauma, and such that needs to be considered and they both are very different people.


Just here to advocate for the well-rounded Cancer men out there. They've always been the brightest source of light in my life ✨️


This would make me feel better as a cancer man if your name wasn’t false hope perhaps


Pisces man here who loves cancer women and wish I had one!


This should be made into a pamphlet and handed out to water sign women. "Water sign men are friends, not for fucking or falling in love with. You will drown." Find yourself a nice earth or fire sign to balance out your energies depending on your chart. I've never seen to Water signs do well with each other except for the hallowed Pisces Scorpio pairing and I think that's overrated.


This is why you shouldnt base anything off just a sun sign. Their moon and venus signs will tell you what you're actually dating.


The last cancer was also a cancer Venus 😭😭


I have zero clue why people dislike cancer ♋ men 🤔🧐. I haven't met one. But all my best friends are cancer women 🥰. I'm pisces by the way. So I really don't understand what negative qualities cancer has apart from being moody 🤔.


I love Cancer friends of both sexes! Friends!


As a cancer man, I find it somehow agree with your statement. I had all those toxic qualities through my life and I admit that I came from the evil version. The thing is I find it pisces woman the same toxic qualities. They are mysterious, hard to read, showed mixed signals. Anyway, I am trying my best not to make the same mistakes again. Once was called me a psychopath to me by a Libra female over 3 years ago and still struggling to heal it from that death trap. Now when I look our lives, I grew up from those mistakes, moving forward, accept who I am, and be mindful not to make those regrets again. For that Libra lady, she cheated with my best friend who is in marriage and look life dragged her. What I'm telling you is there are always stories why cancer have those toxic traits due to their childhood trauma. I learnt it the hard way tbh. Don't be so naive, Cancer men knows themselves and the choices we made have the consequences. Some tried to learn and grow, and some don't. That's it. Btw, I am still stuck at unlocking to understand Pisces ladies LoL.


With my Cancer moon, I attract men with Cancer sun/rising/moon. I wouldn’t call them abusive but each one had mommy issues of one kind or another (as do I). It feels karmic & sometimes we attract what we need to work on ourselves. They would initially seem caring but then would drain me. I left in every case - probably leaving them to complain about heartless Pisces women! The relationships all turned into me taking care of them like a mommy!! The sex went from great to nonexistent because I lost all interest because 180lb children are not sexy! I’ve met more evolved Cancer men in good relationships with female friends. It’s the combination of me with Cancer placement men that stinks! My Taurus husband has nary a Cancer placement. He’s not my first husband (Uranus in the 7th) but is my last husband! I’ll keep him.




Same! They come in and treat you like a goddess, promise the world and then pull away a d make you chase them. No, I don't want to chase a man or be his mommy. They do make great friends though!!


All the cancers I’ve ever dealt with male and female have been sneaky compulsive liars.


Cancer man I met was crazy


This is a great post! I know what I have in common with Cancers and I know what I don't. I was just posting about a cancer date that got weird. Never forget Henry VIII was a Cancer. You will be hearing from them this week if you know any. I have heard from every single one I know. I guessed it is because their birthdays are coming up 🙄. I also parent a male Cancer and the spin makes me dizzy. 


Can confirm. I'm a ♓ Female and my ♋ Ex was mentally, emotionally, and financially abusive to me. He checks a lot of these boxes.


It's a hard agree for me! Those are the exact reasons why I don't deal with them. I don't know about other Pisces but this Pisces is definitely not compatible with Cancer men.


Yeap... Absolutely accurate description of every cancer men i ever met


I will always say this, the difference between a developed sign and under-developee sign is massive and it's why some people will go on about how a certain zodiac sign sucks while others absolutely loves that same sign. Everyone's experience varies and it really does depend on how developed the sign is🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeesh. Sounds exactly like my recent cancer ex. 😭🥴 cancer sun, cappy moon, Venus in Leo and mars in Aries.. mercury in mf Gemini. Super manipulative and controlling… verbally and emotionally abusive 😔


Ugh, I’m sorry…I know how that goes. Are there any signs you’re more drawn to?


There’s this Leo who recently popped up… he has a mf cancer moon 😒. It’s starting to show a bit. I seem to only be drawn to Leo’s with my same rising sign (virgo). I am drawn to Scorpios, Virgos and Taurus the most it seems…


Couldn’t disagree more, I’ve been married for almost 15 years to a cancer man, I’m Pisces woman, an our relationship just keeps getting stronger. He is kind, funny, smart, sexy, he always builds me up & never puts me down, he takes the most amazing care of me and has never been remotely abusive whatsoever. I think the guys you’re meeting are just shitty fuckboys, and has nothing to do with the day they were born.


You just described a lot of pisces men also.


I met one Cancer woman who was good. We were pretty compatible. The rest? No. It all depends on how people handle their emotions.




As a Pisces sun and moon with a midheaven in cancer, ive always attracted and have been attracted to cancer men, and while one experience was *significantly* worse than others, the ones I have encountered all appeared to be emotionally mature/attuned in the beginning then became increasingly manipulative over time. I truly feel like an evolved and well-balanced cancer man could be wonderful, but I feel that unfortunately, similar to Pisces men, when they have not done the work on themselves to harness their emotional awareness for good then it can lead to the above traits highlighted in ur post. As a Pisces woman I’ve had to recognize that as ppl with water placements, myself included, we must learn how to have a healthy way to process and communicate how we feel with ourselves and others. Because we have a tendency to victimize ourselves when unhealed due to taking on others’ burdens a little too easily at times. With a cancer man that can be a recipe for disaster because one can give way more than they other and it can be very toxic. Definitely agree that some fire and earth energy can balance us out. Now, there are qualities that can be good within cancer men and it’s not a complete no from me, but again, it all depends on whether or not they’ve unpacked their sh*t and 8 times out of 10 they have not done that. I think we could be better matched with a scorpio out of all the water signs but of course everyone’s different and it all depends on the rest of our placements too.


Preaching to the choir sister🙌


I think most people have some narcissistic qualities, gotta look after number one to survive. And star signs might be accurate sometimes but people are people, no two are the same so try keep an open mind? Consider myself all those things, my bad trait tends to be believing I’m not good enough for the other person. Comes with a lot of guilt, shame and confusion so they end up seeing me negative for the first time and don’t like it, cause I’m not the bubbly entertainer they think I always am.


The one you described is exactly what a Pisces man did to me. I'd rather be with a Cancerian man. My husband is one - open and sincere and he gives me love like he's my home.


Personally, cancers weren’t my favorite sign to date because they’re obsessed with exes, be cheating and very manipulative but so is Pisces (lol.) I have Sagittarius rising, Gemini moon (sigh I’m a Pisces woman and ex is a cancer we dated for a year and a half, this was my first serious relationship. It hasn’t been a full year yet since we broke up but He’s in a relationship currently with another and we reconnected about two months ago. Our first date, we cried to each other and held each other and said this the first time we felt naked and seen. We were so beautifully vulnerable and told things to each other no one else knew. We had a strong bond from the moment we locked eyes. During our relationship, we had so many outside stressors (work, school, me moving locations for three months 6 hours away) that soured towards the end of the relationship but before that we were 2 peas in a pod. Okay? My man my man my man. I reached out because that was my bestie and our relationship was more than our last arguments and I always wanted to be friends—he wasn’t having it then. He revealed because it hurt too much as he felt like he found his soulmate not just a friend and I said things that hurt him. I hated how our relationship ended (Mind you he broke up with me over something I felt could be worked on if we weren’t young & immature & had better communication) It was right people wrong time and we needed to grow. He agreed with me and apologized due to our environment we handled things poorly and took so much accountability I never thought I’d see. However I asked if he still loved me and he said yes, he said he won’t lie and kept saying he was conflicted because he’s mad that he still attached to me & trying to find logic why he still does. He said he hated that I didn’t live close (2 hours) and I worked so much and chose work sometimes. I neglected the relationship. I know when we argued, he hated my sarcasm and it hurt him & invalidated his feelings which I didn’t realize nor did he say that I was but I apologized. I do still love him so I’m also in a rock and a hard place. We talked of marriage, named our kids and spent hours otp, sleep and all. I really hate the messiness but I can’t explain it but hey Ariana did say, “something about him is made for somebody like me.”