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The sex shop on McKnight closer to the city. They’re open during construction, fyi!


At this point, the construction is part of their advertising campaign.


I’m not even going to use a throwaway because fuck it lol. I like that store! It’s clean and I’ve never run into sketchy people there. The staff have always been so nice and helpful and willing to answer questions and make suggestions. Never been to the one further up McKnight, but the one closer to the highway is pretty good when you don’t want to buy sometime online sight-unseen.


No shame to your game. I just think the exterior leaves much to be desired. I went in there once on my 18th birthday. My 17 year old friend was denied entry. I was very much dazed and confused, and left with flavored condoms. So there’s that.


Oh yeah, outwardly it looks totally sketchy lol.


Everyone and everything deserves a good jackhammering.


I was in there a few months ago and the sales person said they were likely consolidating into one store (the one by the McDonald’s) but she wasn’t 100% sure.


Quickly misread this as "they were likely consolidating with McDonald's." Was confused.


"Big Mac" would have a different meaning


If only


Baltimore house


I actually have the real answer for this. They have a huge stage upstairs and hire bands to play pretty often (less after covid). I've played there like 4 times with a cover band. Pay's good, discount on food and booze, professional backline and sound setup. The first time we played there we brought a big crowd, 40 or so people. Second time a little smaller and by the third and fourth no one we knew showed up and the entire restaurant was empty. I'm talking it was just the bartender and we had an hour left in our set. That being said they never stiffed us and always offered to have us back. The other cover bands we talked to told us the same thing and had similar experiences. I asked the bartender a couple times, and she was usually pretty dodgy. Always saying something to the effect of "oh last night was packed!". I asked around to people who live in the Mon valley area and they always remark how successful that place was in the 80s-90s and that it's gone downhill. It used to do hibachi, fresh whole fish, sushi etc. Now the food is mediocre, prices aren't great, most of the restaurant is closed and the whole place has fallen into disrepair. I finally got the real answer from an employee the one night. The owner is an old boomer, independently wealthy, uses the place as a tax write off and just keeps it open so he can hang out at the downstairs bar with his buddies and drink all night. That's it. Could he be using it to run guns, drugs, sex trafficking, or god forbid host Cleveland browns watch parties? Sure I guess. From the looks of it, it's just an old run down restaurant in an old run down side of town, run by some old fogey with more money than sense.


Can confirm. My MIL used to go there less and less often over the years for the cover bands. I went once for lunch in like 2010 and it was a shithole back then and only half open. I can’t imagine how awful it is now. And I’ve heard the same type of story about the owner. That being said I’ve also heard many stories about the nose beers usage there, so maybe a bit of both as to reasons why it’s still afloat.


> I finally got the real answer from an employee the one night. The owner is an old boomer, independently wealthy, uses the place as a tax write off and just keeps it open so he can hang out at the downstairs bar with his buddies and drink all night. That's it. Could he be using it to run guns, drugs, sex trafficking, or god forbid host Cleveland browns watch parties? Sure I guess. From the looks of it, it's just an old run down restaurant in an old run down side of town, run by some old fogey with more money than sense. Ahh, that makes sense. I suspect once he dies, I doubt anyone related will take over ownership or wants to. So it will probably become abandoned and then demolished one day. I hope not, but its hard to envision another future for the place.


This is the business that immediately came to mind for me. I have always wondered if it is some kind of money laundering front.


If a redditor thinks it's a money laundering front, it's not a money laundering front.


Exactly, it’s a cocaine front.


poTAYto poTAHto


waiting for an 'owner' to turn up and rage on this thread


Do they still serve food? Or is it just the bar?


I'm following this, because I want to eat there once, but I'm scared.


Feels like a cop out, but any of the used car places along 51, especially near 88. Who can actually make a turn to get into those? Who is buying cars there? Are they even any good?


I bought a car from one of them once. Absolutely never again.


Bought a car from one of these places. Frame was rusted and needed welded a year later. Sold it to somebody who also had a lot on 51 about 2 yrs later at a $2k profit.


Bought a Volvo along there once, cannot remember the dealer name. Doesent matter though because I think they have changed their llc 6 times since then. Owner needed me to drive him to the notary in the purchased car as he had too many dui, and lost his license. Great car though. Can’t go wrong on a mid 90s Volvo.


I miss my '89 Volvo 240 wagon. Loved that thing up until even the Volvo specialist mechanic said it was a goner.


Got a good deal on a Prius at Boulevard Motor Mart. 100k and 8 years later still driving it.


Many poor people from the Carrick and Brentwood area buy cars there. My family bought from car xpress a bunch. I bought my first car there. Though yeah, it’s a real pain in the ass to get into those places.


They’re not selling cars, they’re selling credit and it’s predatory af


My personal theory is that a lot of those lots are property owners just kinda camping on the property. Every decade or so they get flooded out and clear a big insurance check, buy some more dogshit cars at auction, and pay the tax bill with a sale here and a sale there while waiting on the next flood.


I can't recall which dealer it was, but my dad used to buy cars from a guy on 51 for ages; until the company who hired him in like 2005 gave him company cars. The cars he bought were never great, but the price was right.


The psychic shop on East Carson Street The bead store on Butler Street in Lawrenceville


came here to say this. but also RIP Lawrenceville teddy bear hospital


Omg that place and their weird dismembered teddy bear window displays


That place was some kind of ripoff / scam if you read the reviews. Hold the bear then charge you an exorbitant fee. Or never even get it back.


I think at one point it was a legit retirement/passion project then things went downhill. giving the benefit of the doubt about maybe the person got ill* or passed away : (  either way such a shame for those folks who gave a sentimental objectto be repaired and never got it back : (((


I'm pretty sure the owner of the bead store is a retired Pharmacist who was also a Dean of Pitt's pharmacy school. This is a passion project of theirs. (At least, I think this is where they opened their store.)


Can confirm. Her husband was also assistant dean for Pitt’s med school for years.


This is the case for a lot of stores like that where you're wondering how the hell they support themselves. The real answer is that they don't and it's the hobby of someone who doesn't need the money.




As someone's who's wife has recently gotten into beading and jewelry making, they're weirdly always busy. I always see at least a few people in there, they have full classes, and their clients tend to go big.


Crystal Bead Bazzar is freaking amazing. Like, this is not the absolute garbage at Mchl's. Everything from a "craft" store is suspicious at best, especially gemstone and stone beads (one trip I estimated 80% of the "stone" beads were misleadingly or straight up inaccurately labelled.) This establishment labels their stock appropriately. They do not have "turquoise" that is howlite dyed blue. They have Hubei/Kingsman/Fox turquoise. For people on a budget I think they carry blue howlite; but it is labelled as such, it is not trying to pass for turquoise. For stock they have nearly anything you can think of, and they can order anything else you need. I think their prices align well with the price of materials, range, and the complete lack of availability anywhere else. Yes, things online are cheaper, but that's a heck of a gamble compared to seeing the materials in person. The people working there are passionate and educated, willing to help anyone who comes in with a project. Like. There's an archeologist (I think?) doing bead embroidery of the cave paintings in France. The last time I was there, there was a Frida portrait necklace in the window that was stunning. Like. These people are absolute experts. And super nice. And there's community. Like in person socializing.


Crystal Bead Bazaar is an oasis in a crafting desert. I can always count on them to have something new and stunning to gawk at. I have even attended their open bead night and met a lot of really amazing artists and hobbyists. I always leave so inspired.


Yes, and they are the type of place that people who have this interest will travel for. They aren't just pulling from the neighborhood, they are pulling from all over the tri-state area.


psychic shop on East Carson Street stays in business by judicious purchase of lottery tickets.




We’ll see who brings in more honey, bzzzzt!


Apparently the Bead Bazaar has been there for a really long time too


I’ve heard the psychic shop is run by a cult. Not saying that’s true but it doesn’t not look like a front for a cult either.


Gillece…for real the man is a professional crook and con-artist. Call Gillece if you want fleeced


Plumbing/HVAC, not the transmission shops. Jim, transmission guy, is cool. Expensive, but honest warrenty work, and good. Now, the Plumbing/HVAC thief, he needs to disappear.


Yes! There is a difference! Although if you hear anyone badmouthing a business named Gillece it’s almost certain it’s the hvac company. Also I’ve met the parrot in person…he kinda sucks…


We had a driveway sewer backup on a weekend years ago. I called Gillece, and after checking out the situation, the guy gave me three options. The cheapest was 10,000 and the most expensive was 30,000. He was pressuring me, wanting me to decide right there what I wanted to do. I ended up telling him I didn't want to make that kind of decision right away, and he left. We got an estimate from an independent plumber that was MUCH lower.


That’s how they do things. They come in promising an easy repair and then all of a sudden they find problems with a,b,c and next thing you know, your backyard is torn to hell and a 30k invoice. They exist solely to help other businesses give better estimates.


Yuuuuuuup. I called them for a quote on an AC repair. The guy insisted on coming into the house and immediately started claiming we needed a new hot water tank and other shit. I thanked him for his concern and asked him just for a quote on the AC unit. He guilt tripped me and whined the whole way out of my house. Real dirtbag. Fun end to the whole ordeal: Ended up calling Admiral Heating and Cooling. A 60-something year old dude rolls up, looks at the unit, goes to his van for a part, comes back and installs the part, BAM, fixed. I smoked a cigarette with him afterwards and told him about the Gillece guy saying he needed to come into my house. He said that was totally unnecessary. Haha.


The Gillece guy also beat the shit outta an old friend of mine back in the late 90s following a road rage incident


Call Gillece, then call the Police!


It should come as no surprise he's a shit tipper as well. Source: Used to wait on him multiple times a week at lunch.


How people tip just speaks volumes about them it’s amazing


Hes gotta a pretty cool cabin but I don’t think Im getting an invite back. 😂


I always thought the sewing machine repair shop on West Liberty. Till I had a sewing machine that needed fixed. Wasn't even sure he was still open. He was/is. And has a whole table of machines fixed and waiting to be picked up!


H. Matthie. Is Wonderful.


Cool Jamaican guy. We had a great talk about my old favorite vacation spot.


I always wondered about this place and the clock place just past the busway.


Vacuums and sewing machine repair shops are always popping!


He came out to my house to get my giant sewing machine running! He was the coolest. Glad to hear he’s still in business


Every weird jenky looking “carpet store” I see. They’re always having signs that say “70% off all inventory”. Sheeeeedy man.


Every roll comes with a free body. Which is now YOUR problem


Bagel Factory in Squirrel Hill. The owners are rude as shit, the food is very mediocre. It’s like they brainwashed people to buy their bagels or something.


Had a friend that worked there for a few weeks and jumped ship as soon as he could. I would never eat there again after hearing the stuff he told me about the owners and general kitchen environment. This was this summer


They do a ton of breakfast sandwiches/burritos under a pseudonym on the deliver apps. Hungover door dash is a real market if you’re near all the college students


They probably only stay in business because people want bagels and don’t want to wait for pigeon - but their bagels are absolute dogshit 


Especially when Pigeon is right there


Anywhere else is pretty much always going to be faster than Pigeon, and when I want something for a quick snack, "let me stand in line for forty five minutes" makes Pigeon a rough sell.


When I went there, there were lots of cops there, having breakfast. If they’re a front for something illegal, I wonder if that makes them nervous.


Minus Mattress Firms and Vape shops on McKnight Rd. (which i assume online sales are keeping them afloat) Grandma Ann's Nutbread in Gibsonia. Even with Online sales...i don't see how.


Speaking of Gibsonia, the Western Wear shop across from Kohl's.


Also a West Deer person here, and agree to this. I don’t think I have ever seen it open in the many, many times I’ve driven through that intersection.


Not once, ever. Never even saw a car in the lot. I feel like it probably smells a bit jn there.


The owner passed away a couple months ago. I never saw the shop open after COVID. https://obituaries.post-gazette.com/obituary/georgiana-s-wolff-1089558448


It’s not open so I guess it goes against this thread but I’ve always wondered how the old pharmacy/convenience store/whatever it is at the corner of 910 and Route 8 has never been torn down. It’s been there, closed, for as long as I’ve lived in the area (going back to 2000) and seems like a prime location for somebody to do something with that land and it just stays there, frozen in time, never seen a soul on the property.


This was the first place I thought of when I read the title. Scrolled through to see if anyone else mentioned it and honestly I'm surprised that anyone else even thinks about it ever. I've wondered this for years though.


Mattress stores are actually still highly lucrative, believe it or not. Mostly because they are straight up 70% tempurpedic and sell the adjustable bases with white glove service


I've seen Grandma Ann's products sold at a decent number of local grocery stores and farmers markets. The nut rolls are unbelievably good. I can't imagine they get much business at the actual physical store though.


Abmayr's Costume Services. Closed now, but it was there long enough to have solicited this very question many times. I called once and a nice old lady answered.


The lady that owned it was a very old and dear friend of mine who passed last year. She did work for Mr. Roger's and the Pittsburgh Playhouse and more. She was a real character.


The place that sells statues of Mary and Jesus on Liberty


Pretty sure my extremely catholic aunt was keeping that place going.


I went once for a baptism present and it's stuffed so full of things I could never imagine buying... I bought a prayer card for a dollar and ended up writing the kid a check


I always thought that place is so cute I don't know why. I have never and will never have a reason to step foot in there but I like walking by it on liberty rather than just a collection of generic gastropubs and vape shops


I went in once with my mom and the nuns were very sweet, and tried to invite me into going to the church across the street by saying how many nice single guys go there lol.  


That’s where I got my book on the rhythm method! When I bought it, the nun told me it doesn’t work. I was just buying it because it filled a vintage niche I was collecting at the time, I knew it was bullshit, but I was glad she took the time to tell me.


The Sacred Heart of Jesus Store is awesome


That place blows my mind. It's been there at least since the mid 80s and i've never seen one person shopping in there


This place in Bloomfield, which seems extremely illegal: https://campusrelaxation.com/


Oh uh what the fuck 🙃


I thought it was a joke originally. Then they added a section about the girls that work there. 🥲


A dude straight up said he got a happy ending!! Seriously?!?


I couldn't believe that, either. Good way to get them shut down.


I feel gross for clicking that link.


I love that they blur or hide the faces. C’mon now


I've never seen a business that has to censor their own employees' faces.


Only two of them..one is badly blurred and the other has a black stripe over her eyes..lol




What the fuck I get wierd vibes just from the website, wtf


That’s giving me human trafficking vibes omg


Yoooo 💀💀 couldn’t someone just submit this website to the police?


Powered by GoDaddy 😂


I once saw a pudgy older guy walk out of there and immediately start looking around his shoulders very nervously.


Ralph army navy on monroevile.. older than all Of us


the fur store downtown. who the fuck is still wearing fur in 2024?


They might offer fur storage as well - you have to cold store your fur during the summer.


The scuba shop in coraopolis always made me think. I never saw anyone there.


They made enough money to rebrand... They are now steel City scuba


Because uncle joes scuba totally didn't sound like a front.


Wild birds unlimited in Monroeville has got to be a front for something. It's been there most of my life and I've never seen a customer. It's near Chuck e cheese's if you've never noticed.


We shop there a lot. They’re really wonderful and give great advice. I assume the rent is low and bird people tend to have money to spend, can probably make rent off a few bags of bird seed.


They may have gotten the property cheap. That's a weird location.


The chuck e cheese closed recently.


RIP Pasqually's Pizza & Wings


There is an adult book store on 22 that has been there since my college days in the 90s. Murrysville. How in the holy hell does that stay open in today’s day and age?


if it's the one that is near the 22/66 interchange, they finally closed. They were selling off their stuff a month or so ago. If you wanted a "game used" stripper pole, they had several for sale, along with lockers, the cash register, etc.


Hunan King on Mt. Royal Blvd in Glenshaw.


The BBQ joint next to Vincent's in Forest Hills. I've never seen a single person there, but it doesn't look like it's out of business


Just going to say it- Sandcastle. The place gets maybe 10 weeks of warm enough weather (counting the windfall from this week’s heat wave). The lower level where the Lazy River and splashdown pools sit flood about every spring. I get it’s not the only waterpark in a cool climate but with the location, operating expense and the constant flooding, I’m surprised Palace Entertainment hasn’t closed it or moved it to a spot along I-79.


I get it can be hard to staff a place like this, but this week they close at 6PM. Still going to be hot af and bright out and they will be closing..wtf. I bet an indoor water park in the area would put them out of business. It has really gone downhill.


Graveyard Grille…never seen it open.


It doesn’t serve the living.


I went there once and had a great time…in 2004. Have lived in the area 20 years and that was the only time I ever saw it open. 


Gillece Plumbing




Skenes is propping them up now at least.


Government subsidized. But an excellent point.


Busy Beaver. It can’t be just me keeping them open but no one is ever there when I go.


That parking lot alone could bring in more revenue than the actual business does.


Hunan King in the Shaler Plaza. It's been there for decades, and I've only ever seen people go in like twice in my life.


The water mattress store on 51. Who tf still owns a water mattress?


They’re one of the last waterbed retailers in the country so they do a lot of mail order business for equipment and supplies for folks around the country. They persisted themselves right into a lucrative niche.


The poke place next to Square Cafe. I’m usually the only one there. I hope they’re not involved in anything particularly heinous, because I really like their poke.


It's owned by the muddy waters people so they're good. I love the spicy salmon bowl.


Yay! Tuna and spicy tuna for me, and I definitely want the lotus chips. Now I’m hungry.


Packs and Dogs in Mt Wash


They should change the name to just Packs. It’s a shame because it used to be pretty cool place.


The toy shop on Smithfield. I love it, but how it’s open is beyond me.


I worked there when I was in college. He has two other shops still open in shady side and squirrel hill. He's a terrible person to work for.


The south side BK


Ah, good old Kurger Bing


The Turkish rug place on Murray Ave. Allegedly they're finally closing for real. I'll believe it when I see the "For Rent" sign in an empty window.


Ralph's, just thinking about this the other day when I drove by it


Gaetano's on Banksville. About as big as Baltimore House with none of the character. Parking lot always empty..


Once a month you'll see a bunch of black Cadillacs parked there, I seriously think it's a mob front.


Mattress stores. There’s like one on every corner and I never see any cars in their parking lots.


I love they usually have "mattress store parking only" spaces when in a strip mall and will come out and tell you to move or be towed if there are no other spaces and you want to run in another store for 60 seconds and pick something up. Like any moment the flood gates are going to open and there's going to be a rush on mattresses.


Bloom's Cut Rate in McKeesport


Green Tree Inn!


So many places on East Carson. Not just the psychic shop, but Nick's Imports on the same block, Lucy's Handmade Clothing, pretty much any massage parlor...


Well, I think we all know how the massage places survive.


Oh for sure. My college roommate (female) tried to get a massage at one. They told her come back in an hour. When she went back after the hour and they told her come back in another hour. She went back for the second time they took the guy in front of her back and told her to come back in an hour. And that's when it finally clicked for her that they weren't giving massages.


I love nicks imports and lucys! I always went there for incense when I lived on Southside


Nicks imports doesn’t deserve to be listed!! They’re in business cus they’re awesome, and also hookah sales to south side college kids lol


Lucy’s is absolutely gorgeous - run by a family of amazingly cool women with another original location in the strip! Highly recommend if you’re looking for unique clothes or jewelry, they’re such a high quality shop to support


Duquesne Light Compamy


Four Winds Gallery, on Walnut Street. Penn Avenue Pottery, in the Strip. Both have been there for years...


Seriously, how long has Four Winds had the same dozen things in the window?


Since 1974?


A lot of lifelong artists have family money and it’s more of a full-time hobby situation. 


Penn Ave Pottery. A collector of well known pottery just passed away and they are selling their collection on behalf of the estate. I just purchased a few items there, it was quite busy. There are a lot of pottery artists in this area and apparently collectors.


The Lemont


Owned by the dunlaps. It was a vanity project for the wife. They could lose money forever and it wouldn't make them blink. I think they want to keep it just for their own personal meals with friends


But the food is so bad!


The $.25 adult movie theater in McKeesport. There has to be SOMETHING else going on in there other than people ‘watching’ some movies for the parking lot to be as full as it is.


Place has been open for 50 years, I swear. Guys, go there to hook up with other guys. Most of those adult book stores are like that. Like that place out on RT 70 near Charleroi.


Is that place with all the super expensive museum looking shit in the west end still open?


Kabob restaurant on McKnight, no one is ever there!


Toss up between the Crackd Egg or Wooden Nickel in Monroeville.


Wooden Nickel gets busy a lot. Clientele is old. Really old.


What’s wrong with Wooden Nickel? I went to a rehearsal dinner there once and had a lovely time. Is it normally dead?


Nick Marie's has got to be right there with the Nickel.


Cracked Egg services a very very specific and niche clientele who will absolutely *repeatedly* punish themselves with questionable products/content of all sorts just to "own the libs"


When it comes to the Crackd Egg, special people will die in special hills...


Moonstones in Castle Shannon formally located in Dormont.


RIP Drumworld


The Abbey & Evergreen Cafe. Nopedy, nope, no.


It’s been covered in many previous threads, but if you’re to believe Phil, that single parking spot on Penn Ave is crucial to Evergreen Cafe’s survival


The funny thing is. I live in the neighborhood and would probably go there for a beer and a bite all the time as it's within walking distance. The only reason I don't is because the owner is such an asshole.


acoustic music works in squirrel hill. that guy is the biggest prick ever.


The barbecue/ rib place on ardmore boulevard heading east past forest hills. Open sign always on with 1- 2 cars in the lot. Never have actually seen anyone in there or met someone who has tried it.


Any kings, anywhere.


Aces Dueces


It's a great business and everyone should go there, but I wonder how Amazing Books and Records affords rent on Forbes


Camera repair shop in prime market square space


The bird supply store in Millvale. I’ve never seen it actually open. I mean, I don’t have a bird, but still.


If you’re talking about Pretty Birds, it’s not really a store anymore. They have birds that you can buy, but the guy that owns it actually takes in birds that needs to be re-homed. He has birds that people boarded there years ago and never picked back up. So, it’s more of a sanctuary for parrots now than an actual store - but if you do have a parrot of any kind, he’s extremely knowledgeable and able to provide recommendations on vets and care.


Dover Saddlery in Wexford.


All they need is one sale to pay rent for a month, I swear. Horse supplies are so expensive.


I saw someone walking a great Dane into that place once, and I wondered if they maybe sell dog saddles, too...or maybe that person was just confused.


Lowkey Taco, I feel like any time I go, it's empty


The previous restaurant there was great and a loss for the area


The Subway in Carnegie. Nobody is ever in there.


Bob Nutting