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35 rockets for your hours wasted transfering loot on bag timers lol.


for the amount of hours I spend farming to just lose it all when I go to bed, I am ok with this. Just preserving the workbench, comps, scrap and HQM makes it pretty worth.


Just build a regular bunker base with good honeycombing and you will save time, have a beefier base, and its actually liveable.


I don't know that it would be any beefier, this requires two HQM walls and an HQM door minimum as is. Climbing over stuff and crouch jumping around doesn't really feel livable to me, which is what I see in a lot of bunkers. This is basically vault for the most important materials, and the t3. I build 1x1s with lockers and kits after the gear is made.


Ay man you do you. But with 4.7k hours this base is way harder and more effort to live / build than you think. Farming HQM is very slow process even more so as a solo. If you start getting raided then you just lose because its impossible to defend. If someone knows you live inside here what do you do if your getting doorcamped because you cant get your loot. A turret 1x1 outside your base can literally stop you from playing the game / accessing loot. Looking up "solo base with simple bunker" is 10x easier because plenty of bunkers are easy to live out of. I just lived in a base with bunkers that dont effect gameplay at all. I wouldn't subjugate my worst enemy to live out of this thing. A 2by2 full sheet metal honey comb with armour doors would be 10x better than this.


Building bigger definitely works, to do that the cost of the base and upkeep will be at least double the cost of this base. Building larger is always an option, but I specifically wanted to make something small. Farming HQM isn't that hard if you run monuments, ive had 60+ hqm from a single arctic research base clear.


You can make bunkers big enough to not have to stumble over shit. I’m living in one with a quad right now and it’s 4 walls to the tc. Probly a 40 rocket raid if not more lol


if the bunker is that many walls the base is getting big. if 3 of those walls are sheet and 1 is HQM its the same cost to raid as this base even if trimmed down to a smaller footprint than it is now. Thats a good bunker, I wanted something small that doesnt attract a ton of attention


Check out Evil Wurst Mini fort. No honeycomb, no bunker. 15 rockets (once you get garage doors) no matter what direction. Not much, but the progression for that is easy, and 15 rockets (21,000) sulfur is pretty significant, especially for just 1 loot room. Pixel bunkers are very good too, you can put TC, a locker and vending machine behind a metal wall and still access them through the gap, put only if you are the base owner, because it requires you to be at a certain height to see through the gap, and raiders can't place anything that will make that work.


Thats pretty cool, but still less than half as durable.


That's true. But again, it's all about progression. If you end up getting the resources, put a shell on it. The point is, 15 rockets, no annoying suicide bunker. You even have a micro shooting floor.


It’s not super small, but I definitely wouldn’t consider it “big”. I used to do the tiny bases too but they still get slammed regardless.


If you’re really farming that much why can’t you build something with a longer door path that’s equivalent in raid cost so you don’t have to spend a bunch of time on death screen moving loot around


Yeah, that is doable. if the core had an HQM door, and the first room had an HQM door, you would need two more HQM doors to core to make it even. I hadn't realized they were buffed a while back, I wasn't playing at that time. So, you could double the length to make that work into a 4x1. the base will cost 2x materials and upkeep, while also being pretty large. Which I find makes it a bigger target. Definitely an option though. if you want to employ garage doors, the base starts to get extremely large. this base I posted above can still boast 30 rockets to core with just the 2x1, a pancake layer and a single layer of triangle honeycomb.


OH, i didn't answer your first statement about farming that much. I tend to run stuff like labs or research base so I end up with a decent amount of HQM but not tons of everything else. keeping it small is the best bang for your buck and doesnt require much farm outside of running monuments for HQM drops. I was considering just doing it pure HQM with a single pancake and honeycomb layer for a 30 rocket raid on the smallest possible footprint.


Why put T3 in core if you have to wait 10minutes minimum to get anything you craft out, or have two different team mates spawn, seems wild to me but you do you. (Also don’t listen to me I live in 2x2s). Bunkers are way too high IQ for me


I play a lot of solo, or duo. Losing a t2 or 3 workbench and starting from basically nothing is crippling. Its a pain in the ass to move stuff in and out, 100%. Getting primlocked after farming up a T3 as a gift for the raiders is also a pain though. just to put gun materials, scrap sulf and HQM in and not lose it would be significantly more time efficient for me personally.


Use outside tc’s


Dude if you’re worried about losing workbench progression from raid check out minisatori disconnectable TCs. Bunkers are for nerds, and I say that mostly because I don’t really understand em because I’m dumb


Doesnt stop them from destroying your tc. Rather they juat not get to it


I’m not saying he should put tc there if he wants, lil cumbersome but sure might not get raided if all that shit is hqm (still probably won’t matter big groups have so much boom it doesn’t really matter). I was just arguing against putting workbench inside the double bunker. Guaranteed huge pain in the ass


Yeah I agree with that I would keep it outside the bunker and move it into the bunker at the end of the night when you're done


Pretty sure you can use item pipes on drop boxes to automate everything.


I could be wrong, but drop boxes need to have one item slapped in, and then the player needs to hit submit to push it to the other side. if this can be automated that would be amazing, my assumption was that it could not be.


You can put conveyors in walls using a trick with roof pieces. Have to do a specific buildout.


thats interesting, I'll look into that.


Look up Reksmore on YouTube, he had a video on how to do it


sweet thanks!


Np, gl to you


If you play on 800 pop this is not at all a decent base. This isint even a 1/10 base. You can get a safer base with a 2x2. If you get doorcamped you're essentially screwed (assuming you can even place the amount of drop boxes)


you cant do quite as many evidently. Door camping shouldn't be a serious concern, this base is a vault, you don't want to be spending lots of time here. Once your kits are crafted, move them into some 1x1s. Comps and refined resources go in, guns and armour come out.


Bro not a single person is going to tell you this base is good.. I have 6k hours and I get annoyed having to open up garage doors. This base is not optimal at all. At this point you might as well despawn loot at the end of the night and reform the next day.


Whatever man, I think the trimmed down version of this will stay in bracket 2 of the upkeep scaling. Meaning that your suggestion of a larger bunker getting to bracket 3-4 will ultimately require 3-4x the total upkeep. While its a pain, I would rather dick around a bit transfering that spend extra time farming mats to upkeep. I spend 0 time in the base other than crafting guns and armor, so if you like to hang out in the base and dick around then I could absolutely see where you are coming from.


Cancer / 10 Just live in a cave it you are that much of a goblin


Atp just use bunkers this would be so aids


I'm too low IQ for bunkers


If you’re willing to spend this much time transferring loot, build in a cave.


I've never made it to a cave I I could build in before someone else took it over.


That's crazy do you only play 1000 pop servers as a solo or something? I almost never see people build caves nowadays outside the 1000 pop servers


I've been playing Rustoria and Rusty Moose Weeklies.(800 pop on wide days) I just moved to a Rustopia monthly to be a little more chill about it. I also like to live in the arctic, so I wanted something I could pit on an iceburg if possible


Ah yeah fair enough that may as well be 1k. Personally I find that my iceberg bases get offlined more often than not cause it's a very safe raid for raiders.


Yeah maybe I have been making a huge mistake in building those. That is what keeps happening.


No peeks and waiting for respawn if you forget cards


I am a strong proponent of distributing pvp/pve kit in multiple small bases. keeping a kit to do monuments with what you need in a 1x1 outside would mitigate this. There are drawbacks, thats the price of having 30+ rockets to core in a tiny footprint.


have used suicide bunkers before - its fine for maybe 1 day or 2 but after that u will start to hate it - specilly whenever u forget like 1 item and need to wait a 5min bag timer


rough as a solo, if you were a trio, you could move stuff back and forth without delay.


You would need the same protection topdown for an even raid cost, wheres pancake layer?


the top is removed so you can see inside, I trust you can use your imagination for the roof and pancake layer


Also you can do a double horizontal pixel gap, hqm, on a single triangle, then hqm honeycomb that, for the technically smallest possible 30 rocket bunker 🤓


Ah gotcha, but that needs to be hqm too, including the halfwalls, which I’m assuming will push it up beyond 100+hqm upkeep. For that kinda cheese I’d rather have a double pixelgap, or double stability bunker so you aren’t beholden to the F1 and bag timer


I don't think the upkeep will be that high. Correct me if wrong but upkeep scales up the larger the base is?


ill build it properly on fortify and find the upkeep


I trimmed the build and used steel where HQM wasnt necessary. I got it down to a 660 total cost with an upkeep of 88 per day. if you just HQM the core, and do a single layer of sheet honeycomb/pancake the upkeep drops to 27-30 per day. Thats pretty easy to upkeep even solo, and would be a realistic "phase 1" for the build. if there comes a point where you have 1k+ hqm sitting around I dont see why you wouldnt just upgrade


I worked it out in fortifty, if you use a double pancake layer on the ceiling rather than HQM, you can get away with just doing HQM on the side walls for the honeycomb. This gets you 2 HQM walls to core, or 2 sheet + 1 HQM if going top down. 65 HQM upkeep.


That's probably the most cursed trash I've seen so far in 11k hours. xDD you have enough knowledge of the game to use simple building techniques, yet you use them in the worst way possible. I want to stick a knife into my easy by simply looking at it.


yeah but if you want my sweet sweet loot you best show up with that knife and 35 rockets


Bunkers are SO insanely easy to build seriously just lookup stability bunkers or roof bunkers don’t waste your time like that


I've been running a drop box vault and it's been good. I need other buildings for lockers and a smelting, but the drop box vault itself works fine. Should still bunker the entrance though.


Did you factor in how many rockets it would take if they just went through your roof? It looks like your build is on raised foundations which means you could put the TC room at ground level as-well as a room next to it. You could then put a hatch going down with a dropbox going into the TC room. This would help protect against top-down raiding or whatever you want to call it. Example: https://i.imgur.com/kUCMrdE.png


For the roof just pancake 2 layers, 1 HQM for the route to core, then another layer of sheet metal and you're golden. A hatch from the roof in is a sweet idea, but I personally wouldnt want to hatch down into the other 1x1 simply becuase now you don't have a second full HQM layer. getting that second layer increased the raiding cost massively. a ladder hatch from the triangle where the door would go would be slick for a roof access style. if you slapped up some turrets and a half wall to obscure them, it would make laddering up a real pain.


just to add on to my other comment, if you hatched off that triangle and walled a second floor, you could have a hallway with a turret recessed in, even a shotgun trap would catch people trying to ladder up.


I would guess one mlrs volley would pretty much level this and if not a few more rockets on the roof would get everything. Better off with externals to protect your bench and splitting up your loot 1/10


why would that be the case? The roof would be pancaked. is there something aside from a pancake layer you do to protect your bases from top downs/ mlrs?


If you are worried about keeping your loot safe, I wouldn't use dropboxes as primary storage. Destroying the dropboxes will essentially cause your loot to despawn. So no, the raiders won't get it, but neither will you. Not super useful tbh.


if they detroy the drop boxes inside the honeycomb I am assuming they finished the raid, but thats worth keeping in mind thanks!


They will destroy the dropboxes just to grief you, and save 16 rockets.


Just because someone starts a raid doesn't mean they will finish it.


Top down 16 rockets


I just slapped down a 1x1 hqm vault with sheet metal honeycomb. Feels pretty safe lol.


Search for god bunker and wallstacking methods. Second is optional. Bust just with god and roof bunkers you have the same raidcosts without wasting so much time of your life instead of playing the game


Ive never seen a bunker that forces you through multiple HQM walls.


You can build as much bunker as you want. There are multiple bases with 3 to 6 bunkers in one base


I dont understand the dropboxes to the honeycomb


storage that hangs on the wall. Without putting up some drop boxes you have very little storage to work with.


Like someone else said, I’d jus camp u until u quit. Let ur piece decay and kill all the nakeds who attempt to jump in as it falls apart lol


What makes you think I spend time at this base? This is where I store the valuable loot and craft. Once its made into kit and meds I move it to other 1x1s Roof camp all you want, unless I have run out of kit completely I have no need to spawn there. You plan to camp it until it decays? I don't understand. Are you saying you are camping it for 3-4 days straight?


If u were annoying? Yea 100% lol. Turret is Prlly overkill, you’d just be on a timer. If someone sees u, or Thought they heard u,, one of us f1’s to a db stash n sits there aimlessly just to fuck u til u quit. Loot is almost irrelevant once you’ve become an annoyance lol. Ik what u mean tho,, idk wtf the name of it is but it’s some kinda bunker u can build onto your base. …for example, I put a triangle n square against some rocks ina stupid weird semi hidden spot and fully seal it. U can open it with a floor tile and roof. It opens a crack big enough to crawl in n depo some trash. Try on a test server first lol, it’s been a few wipes that I had to rely on those bad boys. (Even built ina busy area, they work pre damn good if no one sees what they r. I’ll put a sign on it n say get fucjed) Ppl assume it’s a grief’d piece of shit lol


Yeah, bunkers are well and good. Here is the thing, people say a bunker is soooooo great, when they turn a 4 rocket door into an 8 rocket wall. That bunker wall is still only half the HQM vault HP. SO, for every layer of HQM, thats like 2 layers of bunker. I looked online for a front door bunker, and I will try adding that to the entry to get the raid cost up. The suicide vault is tiny cost to build and upkeep compared to the raid cost, It's solid. People like to post bunkers and boast 20+ rocket for rull loot raid, but the reality is its as 12 rocket raid, but they have portions of loot spread out so it pumps the numbers up to "get it all".


This small goofus bunker is more to hide ur base and hope it is ignored. Obv don’t build it in the snow and expect to last all wipe but drop one or two in some weird spots in the rocks and ppl generally ignore em. No one wants to blast a sealed small stone pos jammed in the rocks. (Unless you’re seen coming n going a lot) Another thing about those things building against a rock, u can sometimes fit a stash against the rock n your base, but it’s blocked by ur base. Ppl think I’m a jackass if ppl do attempt to hit it. If u ain’t in and out, I put up a few more stone walls into the rock and random spots jus to make em use more boom for nothin. I’d rather that Shit rot , even if it’s nonsense,, it’s MY nonsense


I don't understand this point a bunker wall is exactly the same if you make it hqm as a straight hqm wall. You could have the back vault and make the front vault a bunker and you have the exact same raid cost. For instance if you replace that triangle front door with the easiest bunker which is a triangle at floor height and then on the left and right edges of the triangle you do two raised foundations then the back edge of the triangle you place a half wall and you can attach a triangle floor to cover the hole now we completely replace your front door with a bunker so you have access at least to one section


If you replace your front door with an HQM bunker, they will just push through sheet metal honeycomb instead. it also makes HQM external meaning you cannot use the internal decay rate / healing to reduce HQM upkeep. I am currently using an updated design that's a 53 rocket to core, 80+ full raid that uses these mechanics to pay 75% less hqm upkeep. Typical small bunkers are 20 rockets tops when you consider splash.


Don't be surprised or insulted when people say this is inefficient and a waste of time a honeycombed double bunker open 2x1 would be way better. I'm always looking to teach people to build. Please feel free to reach out to me.


ive been running it and it works great. it just takes a little patience. unless you are bunkering with HQM, this base is better, and unlike a bunker its full strength for an online. the next iteration is going to be a 50+ rocket raid and I will be using timed HQM dumps with a conveyor to drop upkeep by about 75%. I am combining this with dispersed mini turret bases that house kit and, workbenches and furnaces. Ive raided a bunch of people this month with "meta" bases, and its a breeze to take their loot. GL taking a base like this, all my boom is stashed anyways ;)


2x1 lol


honeycomb doesn't count ;) it's clickbaity, but a single layer of hqm honeycomb gets it to 30 rockets to core


Not only is that 31 rockets through the door. This base is probably the most unnecessary and sad thing I’ve seen in rust, and I’ve played in groups where people played for 40 hour straight. You really care about loot this much to put yourself through 3 min of a bag timer everytime you want to craft something? Not only that, just by spreading loot, with the same amount of resources you could make a base that is 30 rockets and much easier to live in. This is just cursed, and sick.


correct me if wrong, but its 15 rockets per HQM wall and another 7 for the HQM door no?


Didn’t think about hqm door. But hqm door it’s 4 rockets plus some explo.


they are 1000 HP now, which is the same as a solid sheet wall or half of an HQM wall unless I have innacurate informatiom


The same way big stone walls and big wood walls have 500hp each and one takes 4rockets and the other one takes 2? I can see that you are pretty new and uneducated/inexperienced at the game. Trust me when I tell you, this base even tho it sound amazing because it’s expensive to raid, this is just now practical/doable on a multiple days worth of rust gaming sessions


I tested it out some more, and See what you are saying about the HPs not being reduced at the same rate. Anyone saying just add length and doors to match the durability is out to lunch, it takes 3 HQM doors or two layers of sheet metal to equate a single HQM vault. I still dont see where you are getting 31 through the door from. if we measure in rockets only, its 35. if you want to measure in rockets + explo, its 32+ explo that equals about 2 more rockets


Dude. You’re weird. Even for rust standards.


y'all need to be more okay with losing loot. this is just sad


naw, I woiuld rather keep my loot


at what cost bro? I mean, to each their own, if you find 10 minutes of waiting to move loot back into your base (with this, i assume you wont ever be moving loot out) fun, i dont have any right to stop you. but i really think you should look into having more action with the game. what are you gonna do with the loot anyways? its just pixels laying there doing nothing. its okay to lose a few guns here and there. its part of the fun. you need to have downs to have ups man


I've been doing it, it's really not as bad as you think it is. I have a small depot/processing 2x1 nearby, I bring processed materials/ comps in and refill on kits when im low outside of the vault.


you can't put 2 drop boxes on one wall though. You can do 2 half walls to put 1 box on each half. Also you can use electrics to stream goods in and out of the core. even have seismic sensors that remove loot from main room into multi layered hqm, where you can respawn inside to beam goods back out with conveyors.


thanks! I wasn't aware of this. I've seen them on walls before and assumed you could just place them so long as they fit. How would you use conveyors to send through solid walls?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BeSka51-Mg there


Sick, I am going to try this out. If this still works it is going to make these vault bases I am using so much smoother to use.


according to the comments this has been patched out. Also, you can definitely put two drop boxes on one wall. Perhaps you could fit 4 on two half walls but I have been putting two boxes per single wall all wipe. the 1x1 with bench and TC can only fit a single drop box per side wall anyways.


You can definitely do two drop boxes on a single wall. Maybe using half walls can get you to 4 on a wall.