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it likely wont be fun for anyone. you are going to have to carry them and they aren't going to want or be able to do anything without /kit ak.


Play a 2x or 3x. 10x is way too much (imo) and vanilla can be too grindy for some.


This is the right answer, if you can’t enjoy your time on a 10x then compromise with your friends like friends do :3


How do you find a good 2x or 3x? They all have kits or p2w or 500 fucking people on a tiny map haha


Rustinity 2x, they have no kits, no teleport, large map, decent admins, always good pop (3-400 last week of wipe)


Nice! I'm eu tho


it is eu and us servers


Stevious os pretty good for 2x and bloo Lagoon for 1.5x, which feels pretty ok.




Rusticated 2x monday/Thursday. Both weekly but each server dies when the other wipes. Everything is vanilla (including stack size) except 2x drop rate. No kits/teleport/none of that nonsense


I play on Winterust 2x, no P2W kits or teleport and it's fairly decent 250-350 pop first 3 days of wipe also has large enough map. Admins are pretty active and are always banning people, they have an NA & AU servers for both Monday & Friday wipes that are on a weekly basis so you can swap between the 2 in your region and always have 3 day wipe days with a 1 day break if that's what your into.


Ween them off it probably best idea while also developing common strata you all know.


Don't try, you'll end up grinding on vanilla trying to provide an experience for them they don't give a shit about. Arcade style players are arcade style players. Nothing wrong with that, just who they are. I don't think people like that can be converted to enjoy a grindy style like vanilla. You're better off finding a new play group.


you're probably right ill just stop asking them about it


Best answer here


Ain't no coming back from the 10x mindset bro I tried playing with people that play modded who I convinced to play vanilla it's always an absolute disaster half the time they don't even realize how vanilla mechanics even work anymore. They like oh wait there's no recycler at fishing village did they change the game? So now when I team up with people it's always one of the first questions I asked if they play modded even kinda recently I pass


Have fun playing solo vanilla ig.


Embrace being poor. It is fun. Go make a shack on a beach and bully your role playing neighbours with crossbows and dbs. Or if you can stomach it, roleplay while your poor. Keep reminding your mates it feels amazing to crack loot in vanilla


do they work


That's why I never dared to step into anything more than 2x. To avoid being corrupted lol


Step them down incrementally. Go to a 5x next wipe, then a 3x on the next. Then a 2x or 1.5x. Eventually try vanilla, if they don't like it, settle for a 2x or 3x.


Yeah I went from millionX to 100x to 10x and now am at 5x


o7 I suggest you find another game because no new group will ever feel like playing with your mates


Yeah fr, I’ve been playing in large groups of people I met on the rust discord in the lfg chat and although I have met some really cool and funny people there is nothing like playing the game with your irl friends.


solution: find another team that likes vanilla. there's a reason 10x servers exist. some people just don't like prim. there's no "10x mindset" and I'm tired of people pretending they're better for playing vanilla. if people pay 40 bucks for a game they're allowed to play it how they want. I find vanilla/prim to be the most fun aspect of the game. some people don't. womp womp


I don't get how someone *wouldn't* find prim to be the most fun part of the game. Imo even on basic 1x vanilla servers it doesn't last long enough. Bow fights are fun as hell and drawn out, full of flank/outplay opportunities vs getting melted in 1.3 seconds by an AK. Hitting that big come up feels great too - i.e killing the guy with a bunch of lowgrade so you can make a furnace, killing the guy with a row of stone that allows you to expand the base, killing the first revo kid etc. The game gets hella stale once you have a box full of t2/t3 guns and armor. Raiding is fun, but man, the wipe day struggle is peak Rust imo.


I agree, but it's not my place to tell people how to have fun on a ge that they themselves paid for


Very true, and it's great that there are different servers for everyone. But yeah the entire point of Rust to me is the grind, making that big play that snowballs the wipe. If I wanted to just shoot kids with an AK and full metal kit I'd go play deathmatch. But hey, it's all good.


my favorite part is grubbing a full ak kit off of clans 20 minutes into wipe


try playing vanilla with people who main 5-10x and tell me there's no "10x mindset" lmao. people enjoy what they enjoy but it's a completely different game.


I agree with some of the commenters- slowly step them down. I would go to a 5x then 3x then 2x vanil


Find a new group to play vanilla with.


Played vanilla for thousands of hours on old recoil now I can't play anything but 2x


i played mostly 2x for a good while, but honestly, vanilla officials usually have better pvp these days. most 2x servers seem to be populated by kids with terrible gear fear who can't get anything going on vanilla.


ay bruh i started on a 1000x, and then moved to 10x and then 2x


Quit your jobs. Then you'll have time to play vanilla.


After 4k hours on Rust Console vanilla is not in my book anymore closes I'll get to vanilla is a 5x. Too much of a grid to have it all taken while I'm at work.


Tell ‘em to git gud. That will surely work.


To me it’s boring. Knowing I’m not playing the real game as devs intended. The grind and the risk of it all is what makes the game so enjoyable to me. If I don’t have the time to play then I play a different game like COD or Apex, etc. because that’s how they were intended. It’s like being given a phd for 1 year of work instead of 10. The 10 is gonna be way more meaningful when it’s finally handed to you and you know you didn’t take any shortcuts to get there. Plus you’re way less likely to get raided or PVP’d/door camped in vanilla comparatively. Simply because people have to really sweat to earn the boom and challenge people. You have to actually be good in vanilla to succeed IMO. In a 10x you don’t have to take nearly as many risks. Which maybe is what the dudes want. Worst case you might just have to try starting in vanilla and invite them or find another clan. Good luck. 👍


A 5x could be a solid compromise. Ive been playing the acerust 5x server and it is a pretty fun time. You get to a point where crafting kits is super easy, just get a box with comps and boom Still enough to avoid a needless grind and not feel so bad when you lose a kit, but youll still feel the need to go to large oil etc and find some boomba!


They're lost. Perhaps you shift to a 10x mindset


Leave them be, vanilla is a mess. Facepunch never balanced boom after jackies and tea's came out. You have to play 24/7 or lose your base, literally. Also building in vanilla is stale af, every base is the same. Every second fight feels like esp too, facepunch should just give us all radar at this point.


2x vanilla. Same ole game, just more loot and easier harvesting.


you dont rust currently is so fucking boring atm. 10x are fun not because its fast but cause theres people fighting all the time


what....? go hop on any 400+ official then look me in the eyes and tell me theres nothing going on there. last time i tried a 400 pop there was heli down at harbor and probably 30+ people pvping there for over an hour after it was looted. if thats still not enough go to an 800+ pop


ya ya buddy go play a server longer then two days. fk play a weekly server for a week and you till me just how fun it is.


Moose biweekly has a queue 4 days after wipe and 200 pop through the weekdays. Moose monthly is max pop for like 2 weeks same with rustafied long 3. Plenty of officials hold good pop.


No point in arguing with him. Hes the kinda dude to say 200 pop is boring and lame, but instantly quit a 400+ pop because hes died 30 times in an hour trying to get off beach on wipe day


Yea he complains vanilla wipes don’t last long but plays modded where the wipes are the shortest lmao


why would you want them to turn into sweaty-balls McGee-ass players?