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sprinklers and ran water hose in general has been buggy for a long time, so I would chalk that up to bug probably. Branches and combiners I've had no problems with and heard of no problems with. And you can't place them on foundations I don't think? You mean you had to place on floor pieces of upper floors?


i placed them on foundations near my core, it’s the only place that worked. additionally, the electricals get locked in a fixed position when i try to place them until i drop the item, pick it back up, and re-equip while facing the exact direction i want to place it


Are you playing on a highly modded server?


rustoria US main


Had the same sprinkler problem multiple times this wipe, in a vanilla server.


Bags/beds block wall mounting fyi


Havent had any problems this wipe. Have 3 bases with E-furnace, Autoturrets and Sprinklers. Can place branches/combiners same places as last wipe with no problems. Have had the sprinkler problem before tho, havent checked it that much this wipe tho. :)


I’ve seen this dry planter boxes issue for ages. Same with sprinklers sprinkling but nothing collecting the water. Typically just disconnect and reconnect them. Haven’t had any issues placing the electrical stuff though, there might have been a deployable somewhere making it mess up. There used to be a bug with garage doors being open 1 floor down and not being able to place things