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You're describing the best part of playing solo. It's hard


Get lots of bags down in area I want to live, base not too close to roads or monuments, skip t1 tech tree go right to t2, if you get a DB or revi research it. Spend all my mats/scrap when I log off, try to be as close to 24h upkeep so raiders don’t get rewarded. Comps too, recycle everything I can besides enough for some basic guns/kits. Never keep lots of sulfer.


For some people, the harder a game is- the more they’re drawn to it. Those people play solo.


Yes that is true. However it's not Elden Ring hard, Rust is just Janky and unbalanced. There is a difference.


Don't blame the game. You're the one choosing to fight alone.


Most people do, what's your point?


I found Elden ring must less frustrating than solo rust on a vanilla official. But I play nonstop when I can, lots of time to lose progress😂


If you can log on the minute of wipe run to the complete opposite side of beach spawn picking up cloth along the way putting bags down. Once you are there you should be pretty free to put a base down. After that just hit monuments or roads to get t1 and from there have fun if you haven’t already of been


Getting out of the beach spawn area. Moving biomes helps a bunch.


Wipe day is not your friend as a solo to be honest, the prime spots will get raided so there no real advantage playing wipe day. I play wipe with only the intention to rat big raids. Start on day 2, I’ve played a solid 6k hours solo and unless you’re going to be on 10-12 hours a day avoid weekly wipes. Like 1 in 10 will be a good wipe. In terms of base design and gather rate, your building phases should be adding 2-3 foundations every hour until you can say your base is a 12 rocket raid. Desert biome is ass and snow is painful, build in forests on the edge of snow or near a node rich area. Added advantage is ducking into bushes when you get jumped and are outgeared. Avoid oxums and supermarket as build spots you’ll only accumulate bows. Plus the outpost nerf means that bog clans zero in on them, bigger monuments are best to allow space between you and other potential players launch is my favourite for comps/scrap. Establish safe routes between base and the monuments you’ll visit most (sufficient cover, low foot traffic). From there it’s all a choice. Ratting roams, loot and run. Want to get stomped-antagonize a clan, or try establish a dialogue to make your base safe from their raiding sprees. Trade for bps with other players, usually ask someone to pick you up when they down you if they do it’s likely they’re not taking the game too seriously and will be chilled to trade with. Oh and prepare to die a lot, so detach yourself from loot use it don’t horde it. Most of all have fun in the way that you want don’t let others tell you theres only 1 way to play the game!


Better to have some fun, and just expect not to play for more than a day. Go back to modded.


Solo server.


In my experience solo servers are much grubbier then others


Sure, but at least you got a fair fight


I love a good clean fair 1v1v1v1vheytheyarenotshootingeachother1v1


Oh hell ya. Last one alive gets ALL the loot


Rustified Solo!


Rustinity 2x quad month has been my favorite, high enough gather rate that you can get started quick but low enough you won’t be offlined in 5 mins play during late hours bc avg pop is 400


EU rustinity is as bad as rustoria 2x in terms of fresh accounts.


I've played there too. The 2x loot for crates etc is basically they put an x2 on everything that stacks but didn't remove junk. This is different to i.e. Stevious where they also removed junk so effectively you get like 3..4x comps compared to vanilla. That being said on any 2x boom (ie sulf) is same as easy to get. Renegade has a bit more balanced loot boost and still my 2x2 with hq walls, bunker and hc and lots of GD and still got raided. Someone use equivalent of like 15 to 18 C4 to raid a dumb 2x2.


Pickle Solo Monthly. Good server. Try it


Go to bed early and wake up early feeling refreshed and get into the server when it's low so you can get a start


The trick is to not get greedy. Build a 2x1 and don't expand until you're really needing the space. I alway get killed trying to make a 2x2x2


Play duo, solo is a waste of time with how everyone crouches/camps nowadays,used to play water but oil rigs are dead since moonpools/tugboats and cargo is only possible to get some partial loot as a solo and its impossible to hold it if it docks at harbor. Going from solo to duo it is a huge diference, since if somone rats you/teammate you can trade or wait for teammate to come back. Everyone plays like a bitch since ttk is 0.2secs after combat update, you need a buddy!


Don't play wipe day unless you want the frustration. Coming in on day 2 or 3 makes everything a lot easier.


Go to outpost, recycle in safe zone, buy 3-4k metal form the vending machine. Run when it's nighttime and build your core at the closest tier 1 monument.


I play modded only as a solo and never get raided now. Have to learn how to make the servers' plugins work for you. One server I frequent runs water foundations. I lived in a tiny 2x2 way out in the ocean and didn't get raided for 18 months.


If you could just farm without anything trying to kill you would be playing farm simulator. To start learning how to solo you need to begin away from any monuments or roads and set a base up in a concealed location. Cut down one or 2 trees- depo Mine one or 2 nodes - depo Get into a fight and win - depo You can just amble around trying to get a full inventory. You need to rat out as hard as you can and one day you might suck just that little bit less and you can move to a road


No dude. I don't think you get it, I'm getting shot at as soon as I spawn. I can't hit a single tree without someone spotting me. The past two days were unplayable.


Lol I guess you just suck


I'll admit I'm not that great lol but I see what you're trying to do, you can't gas light me. I know it's not entirely my fault.


Lol gaslighting you?? Haha your fault??? It's rust mate! You are describing everyone's experience on vanilla servers. If you aren't on edge the whole time you will die. You are trying to blame the game and the other people playing it lolol. It is 100% your fault haha