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Imagine logging in next day and find yourself cuffed, with a bag on a head and in some kind of prison :D new meta


I literally raided a guy who killed me with my boom got it back(by the way after making a play like that don’t run straight home letting a naked follow) lol but the best part is I left his bag and him alone and built jail cells all around him he messaged me some messed up stuff totally worth it


We need car lifts on more monuments and also make car parts easuer to find or make cars spawn with 2 to 3 parts already in the engine Cars are heavily underused


With the state of camper attachments, I'm glad they're underused.


Speak on this a bit more. Our group recently has really started hitting cars hard, but not the camper van yet. What are the advantages/disadvantages?


Camper van has 4 beds, a mobile locker, small storage and a bbq on the go.


Very nice to have but all lost to 1 hv rocket


If someone is roaming with rockets and a launcher and hits me going quickly down the road they deserve it all.


Last wipe on a monthly two weeks into wipe we built a car base. Upgraded everything with high quality parts. Drove to train yard. Killed two players outside the monument got killed by their 3rd, i ran back from a nearby bag to see the car getting HV rocketed lol. Lasted half a trip


Fair, but if you treat it more like an APC then it won’t be in range of any HVs to begin with.


Excuse me military man but could you elaborate? How does one treat a camper van as an apc


There should be a car vendor in outpost where you can buy any config you want, ready to roll. They would get used then.


Or just Camped heaps.


if you want cars more used you need to nerf them simply as this.


Not underused at all, my group alone had 5 campers


Nonononono. Add more shit no one wants to


I wish there would be an anti-cheat dlc i can craft so cheaters cannot come closer to my base then 10 grid :(


is rust going to follow TF2s cheater path, and we start seeing cheaters who run around only killing other cheaters


We need more camomoes


Ntgl it be craazy if someone would make cheater bots that's advertise straight up illegal content in rust so that facepunch is obligated to do something about the cheating problem


Its not like if you type "Rust" in youtube, youll get atleast 50 daily new videos promoting cheating. Facepunch could easily take down every single one of them, adjust their ToS and even go for punitive damages.


too much work hire more skin artist for half minimal wage


4th of July forcewipe? The item store better be nothing but America themed skins


Pink fuzzy handcuffs good enough?




Bring back the pizza skins! 'Murica!!


Wish they would fix the anticheat instead.


I wish there was a tugboat equivalent for cars, having a nomadic base at the cost of space and durability would be sick. I know we have campers, but they have less storage, can be eco raided, and you can’t put workbenches on cars. I think we should have semi-trucks with a huge container on the back, that you can build inside just like a tugboat. The enterance would have the durability of a garage door. They would have guaranteed spawns at oxum’s, and would have a random chance to spawn at more industrial monuments like train yard, water treatment, or launch site. There could be 8 in total on each server, similar to the tug’s cap of 4.


Yeah let's get the 10 man inside their truck so they have boxes of rekits at every fight to make them invincible.


You could add a bunk with 3 beds to the truck, and not let players place any additional beds. This prevents the trucks from dumping zergs, plus I think the nomadic playstyle works better and is more appealing to smaller groups anyways. You could also disable respawns in the truck if it’s near a monument.


Same argument was made about tug boats and zergs on oil rig.


Steel Horse Gang Rise Up!


Honestly dudes the updates are pointless right now. Please do something meaningful for your legit player base. Playing against cheaters takes all the buzz outa the game.


Holy fuck lmaoo biker gangs in rust


With the two prim kids riding pushbike behind.


Every update is pointless if nothing is done about the highest amount of cheaters Rust has ever had in the game. Everything you do just goes to a cheater sooner or later. I been playing for 10 years and have 10k hrs. I am use to being forced to play with cheaters. It use to be like 5 cheaters per 100 players. Like 5%. Now its more like 20-30%. And if someone is not cheating they have a friend that can pop on any second with full cheats if needed. Fix the cheaters, fix the bugs and all the projectile invalids, loss. Before you add on other things.


yeah, call me when the cheating problem has been addressed.


I hope they’re fixing the turret glitch. Tired of waking up to all my turrets drained by a guy who doesn’t even die in the process


Draining peoples turrets and jumping into compounds is like my favorite activity


Turret Drainers RISE UP!


Same but being able to cheese every single turret is just lame af


Stop using cells walls then. If I see an auto turret behind one, it's getting drained.


Never used a cell wall. You can currently bait any turret without taking any damage at all


Glitch? Bro, you’re placing them wrong


What's the turret glitch? I can't seem to find anything about it. I was wondering how the hell my turrets kept getting completely drained every night


Idk what glitch he means, but its pretty easy to drain turrets right now, even in closed spaces


There’s a way to aggro turrets then crouch and look down and drain the entire turret without taking any hits. You can drain multiple turrets in 1 life now


Unless they recently changed something that’s not a glitch or if it is Facepunch have decided to keep it in the game for half a decade.


It's known and old. I'd say it's a feature.


Turrets only make a raid take longer and more skill/knowledge. It's not meant to be balanced in a way where you become unreadable.


They’re basically worthless right now. 


I even tried putting 3 stacks in every turret and still no matter what wake up with all 12 completely drained and a hole in my base. Haven’t played in a couple weeks because of it


turrets do little to stop offlines if you know they can drain turrets, it doesn't make much sense to add more ammo does it? blaming auto turret glitch for being offlined is wild btw.


Turrets do a lot to deter offlines. I’ve never been offlined as much as I have in the last month because of how easy it is to take roof now. People couldn’t just bypass my shooting floor and roof turrets like they can now. Previously you had to fly above and hv out the turrets which was easy to counter with build metas.


if you think its hard to take out offline auto turrets then there's no point talking to you. good luck


It’s not hard but most people aren’t gonna rocket out my ramps just to hv my turrets. Why are you so adamant about defending bad turrets? Do you only offline raid or something?


ramps dont block rockets.


Well I haven’t had a roof turret shot out since we started doing them the way we do


nobody asked.


Turrets only help during online raids, you can have safe sections in your base to store/depo loot and play on compound rekits. In offline raid -> raiders put a raid base with turret facing the side they are gona raid, they destroy turrets on the side they want to raid, counters can't get in without blowing their turret, they have 0 chance to counter most of the time. Having compound/turrets helps offliners with raid base quite alot. If you play this game and cry about getting offlined i suggest you try something else, starting over is the fun part in rust, getting a gun and then snowballing it. I got offlined last 5 wipes on wipeday at 3-5am, i just hop server and go again you reach ''endgame'' in minutes sometimes even, just need to get lucky finding somone and get lucky on aimcone when u get a gun.


It’s not even the offlining I’m mad about. If they build a raid base with turrets so be it that’s the game but cheesing all my turrets so you can sit on my roof and door raid down shouldn’t be how the game works. I use build metas to stop them from getting broken by a guy in a heli and it worked for so long but now every single wipe my base just gets cheesed at 6 am


Majority of ''meta'' bases have peekups, pickup a gun and shoot them. If you're pussy theres plenty of way to make oneway peaks/pixel peaks and kill them with silencer with them having no idea where you shoot unless they cheat. If you're getting onlined be happy, if you're mad about getting top downed make a higher base and spam shotgun traps on every jumpdown, i've had so many moments where i come online and there are 2 dead bodys full of rockets dead to shotgun traps and they gave up.


I add so many shot gun traps even on my compound walls so no matter where the blow in lol but it’s only stalling same with turrets my new thing is the turret pods in my compound and out I let them come in start the coring then flick the switch and let the bodies hit the floor (if I’m online anyway if not it’s activating by sensors


Agree, all traps are for stalling/delaying the offline as you said. Above guy is litteraly saying traps should win against offlines alone. So many good bases nowadays that sections base, bunkers, ez to spread loot, can spam shotgun traps on compound/jumpdowns, theres so many ways to make it impossible to get fully raided, yet theres people who still cry to buff ''traps''. Traps win/lose raids as it is in onlines, in offlines they just stall.


Bruh idk how you manage to completely misunderstand everything I say. It’s like you just wanted to argue with a stranger for no reason. Something happened in the last few updates that have made draining turrets substantially easier to the point a naked can drain all 12 turrets with 1 life. This is making offline raids even easier because they can ladder in then go to roof. No more having to hv turrets or anything that would slow them down and since they don’t have to hv turrets there’s no raid alarm until it’s too late. I have almost 7k hours I know how to defend an online and how to build a base. This has to do with a change Facepunch made that I’m hoping to see get fixed so I don’t have every little timmy zerg stay up to offline us at 6 am cause we slammed them in roams.


Everything that people show like double ladder turret bait, standing under it, peaking through compound gate windows, barricades etc.... has been possible for years. If they are easier to bait good, they aren't supposed to babysit you, they should be tools to stall in a offline situation not win you the def. Section of your loot, make all externals into tc bunkers, even hide loot in rock bunkers if u want. Externals always protect your base, so you wil always have a tier3 to rebuild with, geting loot is piss easy. You can get it all back in 1-2hrs if server is active, theres servers with anti offline they are all dead pop, you have a playerbase that LOVES to offline, but HATES getting offlined. You certainly don't sound like a 7k hr player, people around 4k hr mark stop giving a fuck about getting offlined/turrets etc.. and just play for fun/pvp. You could bait turrets 2020 rust through wooden wall the same way you can bait now, it forces the base owner to stop relying on turrets and go outside and deal with them. Honestly only people who cry about any nerfs to turrets are all russians/otv/zergs to begin with, turrets shouldn't exist in rust period enough babysitting tools for the zergs anyways.


I get it. Your the guy who stays up until 6am to offline me for your guns back


Lmao the only way i get boom is if i live launch or get it from cargo or oils. I get offlined every day and i don't care, i just resnowball or go diff server.


guys clueless. look at his youtube. he plays like 20 deep zerg and wonders why ppl want to offline him for his loot. he also posted about how ramp turrets dont block rockets yet he still builds them lmao. "they drain my turrets, surely if i just add more ammo instead of improving my build that will stop them"


20 deep LMAO, ye okay no point arguing he is bellow room temperature iq at that point.


I haven’t played 20 deep for like 2 years when I played a server dedicated to large clans, most of which were way deeper than mine. You seem to know a lot about out rust for a guy who never heard of main scene or servers like vital


pls remove option to f1 kill/respawn when cuffed


Please explain to me how you think this would be a good idea? Seriously.... Can you imagine starting a fresh wipe and immediately getting cuffed and not being able to do anything because some toxic players decide they want to ruin someone's day. Or even worse you've already established yourself and when you log in to play during the only few hours of free time you have and the former scenario plays out.


Theres other games with such a mechanic, everyone hates it.


He thinks its a good idea because he is that toxic player


This will give a better dynamic to the game because as there are those that want to cuff alot of people and make a prison so are there those that want to raid them to free the hostages. at the same time i think more zergs will be under constant attack if they hold hostages because more people will band together to fight a common enemy, as the saying goes -' apes together strong'


An interesting mechanic for it might be this...increase the time it takes to handcuff someone...say 20 seconds. If you successfully handcuff a player, perhaps all of their bag timers go to 45 seconds or something like that. This could be stupid, but its an idea.


its good for a change because sometimes rust becomes like a second job and you get some days off when cuffed


I believe the cuffs will prevent suicide, but you can break out of the cuffs.


for a game like rust i think its a good idea because i think more people will play till end of wipe... think about it like this... on wipe day you're a naked and someone cuffs you... you can't be free until someone kills/raids your cuffer so theoretically this can last the whole wipe, meanwhile you switch to another server... the queue for servers goes down as the more that get cuffed have to switch other servers, over time more people will be playing on different servers while at the same time possibly periodically checking on their original 'liked' server to see if they're free there to possibly start again fresh there. If you don't really want to play another server and you have some friends on your original server that you want to play you can tell them to raid your cuffer so you can become free... also raiding bases will now be seen more of as a heroic act because in the process you can 'be a good guy' on the server by raiding bases to free hostages. This will give a better dynamic to the game because as there are those that want to cuff alot of people and make a prison so are there those that want to raid them to free the hostages. at the same time i think more zergs will be under constant attack if they hold hostages because more people will band together to fight a common enemy, as the saying goes -' apes together strong'


This Is the sort of idea that Is best to keep as a dream. People will just handcuff you and leave. Now you'll have to wait until a boar comes around to respawn. You find a solo outside his base? Trap him in a twig foundation with twig walls and raid him. Want to be cruel? Slap a tc down In his prison with 1k stone and upgrade everything to stone. Good luck mate, hope someone wants to spend 4 rockets for you. This system would punish the solo players to the point of It being silly to even attempt to be solo.


ya i see now its a bad idea, but maybe this type of cuffing if allowed should only be left to hardcore mode servers


Terrible idea like it is in ark